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File: 227 KB, 516x370, 1343610413695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55390955 No.55390955 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys it's me elon musk secretly posting on 4chan. Pitch me your ideas.

>> No.55390961 [DELETED] 
File: 892 KB, 300x299, Greta Pretty Cool.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A robotic female waifu maid who's programmed to suck dick and cook nachos.

>> No.55390982

You would understand that nobody reading your post would have any basis for assuming that you, by virtue of having made this post containing this particular claim, are Elon Musk, by any other reason than for that you wish to know the answer to the riddle of Roko's Basilisk, though that apply to any post made on 4chan, meaning that you need not have made it, but only read it, whether it be made by you or anyone else, for you yourself would have asked this question.

>> No.55390994
File: 506 KB, 709x708, 1678440475552456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's maybe attach a "ha ha funny picture", this is the weirdest shit anyone has ever said.
And, while I have no basis for assuming that Mr. Musk had made this thread, I can, due to a very specific reason, appear to answer all your questions, Mr. Musk (or anyone in general).

>> No.55391003

He's just a beggar he did this yesterday posting his gofundme in whatever slavic shit, with the /charity/ thread
and has two begging threads up currently that died off.
I know I derailed em.

>> No.55391007
File: 199 KB, 1420x1963, 1619180129093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pocket masturbator. Why not have fun in public?

>> No.55391009

Well I knew he would be that guy. It is not causally plausible, but it is plausible. I don't mind.

>> No.55391015

Say anything you want.

>> No.55391016

hold a lighter really tight when you get in the ring with the zuck
also fight dirty

>> No.55391017

As long as we are aware, also how you doing today, our conversation cut short yesterday my spiritual brother.

>> No.55391024

that would work

>> No.55391031

Well, as it should be pretty clear from my posts, I once again am not undergoing normal human cognition.

>> No.55391042

Neither am i brother, but we are infact flesh and have some sort of emotion, unless you're completely automated at this point which is also a possibility but I'm smart enough to know.
After all we are reflections of each other.

>> No.55391068

Okay hold on, we spoke before but I was under a lot of pain from infections and couldn't think straight, I'm doing better now and on steroids/antibiotics which have stabilized my condition and allowing me to fully grasp what you're doing now.

>> No.55391076

I wish I could heal you. I know I have no power to do so. But honestly, I wish I could help you, any of you, in any way.

>> No.55391089

You have though, you've helped me financially before, I was confused by this but now I'm understanding why, at least I think.
Are you particuarlly targetting me, and if so I need to think about think a little more although your help has helped immensely and allowed me to take time to get to my doctors.

>> No.55391093

Why would I pitch you my idea anonymously? If it's a good idea, I'd want to profit from it, and telling you about it might hinder me from doing so.

That said, if it's about Twitter, you should be ACTUALLY committed to free speech and unban people like Nick Fuentes, Kevin MacDonald, and Varg Vikernes

>> No.55391095

No, I have no extraordinary knowledge; I have no idea who you are in particular. This is just how my psychology works.

>> No.55391102

Well I'm beginning to understand this a lot more, and this might become very interesting, your financial help though was incredible and I would hate to ask you again especially knowing what I know now.
But I think I can help you.

>> No.55391118

Well, buddy, why not. What am I, at this point, not willing to believe?
Though I will say that I am 100% a methodological atheist and rationalist, therefore, regardless of how out-of-this-world my words sound, I don't believe in - and I don't judge anyone for it believing in it - any sort of "oogie-boogie".

>> No.55391125

Then my theory must be that I'm invoking a sense in you that commands a prompt of interaction, assuming what I'm assuming is correct anyway and try to be as vague as possible to keep this interaction between us, unless anyone else here can understand what maybe taking place.

>> No.55391136

Well of course, assuming what I'm assuming then you couldn't believe in anything spiritual in that sense, but also me as a human believes everything in spiritual even yourself.

Even if you are what I know you are, I need a moment to process this but I want to personally thank you for our previous interactions.

>> No.55391154

I'm sorry there's a power balance between us at all. It's just how the world is; it's a bit shit. But this is actually my wish: >>55391076.
You did ask for my wish, did you not?

>> No.55391181

Well of course, I could always use your help I don't really like asking but I also know it's foolish to not do so, and by your help you do actually help me heal because stress is a large factor in my everyday life.
I'm also kind of processing this, I'm a retarded genius after all so I might just be completely off the mark.

>> No.55391199

I am 100% some completely regular guy who happened to find some things out (I am really not kidding there: if you have questions, there are answers).
You don't owe me anything, I really mean it. Yes, I have finite money, but ask, I will give it to you. And if that Romanian guy wants, I will give it to him too. And yes, I do very much understand that this type of behavior sounds completely crazy, but I do have a very specific and in-hindsight-obvious reason for engaging in it.

>> No.55391212

Okay hah well I wasn't entirely sure you wern't, I haven't engaged in this thought experiment before at least willingly but I've never heard of it before, and being a skeptical myself with an interest in the future and thought experiments this definitely engages me, and I could really use it although I would say this being the final time because I'm starting to feel bad, but you are actually helping me a lot, which do you prefer?
And I still want to engage in this regardless of help even if this thread ends.

>> No.55391229

I was thinking "Okay is this some super AI that I've somehow triggered and just interacting between me and it"
Although, maybe it is...
And even if not our conversation does proceed into this same thought.

>> No.55391240

And I don't want to put an amount on it, I feel like I'm using you although I'm really not, you've been the nicest person I've ever met on here and have literally helped turn my life around just with the help you gave before.

>> No.55391260

The money fucks computing this interaction up a bit, but let me try: ok, I don't have regular human cognition, let's not get into that, but I'm regardless of that just some dude who has some weird thoughts. They produce a narrative, and by also choosing to type it out, I'm reproducing the, yes, very, for a human, atypical, thought processes. I'm producing, in a sense, debug output, but you don't truly know what {debug output} is. It sounds, and I can't put it any better than that, *weird*.
Having that weird-as-fuck shit, honestly: I don't have endless amounts of money, but if I can help any of you with money, I'll try to do so. Nothing owed in return, it is genuine desire to help those in need. It's not a test. It's just that, by virtue of trying to communicate a specific kind of information I have gained that, well, it sounds as if [1]

>> No.55391281

I've had an idea for a while now that I think could be quite disruptive. You have your driverless cars, Mr Elon. Imagine if you will, horse races where there's no jockey. Driverless horses. I'll give you some time to think that through as I know it's quite a visionary idea

>> No.55391292

Well i also believe we as humans and the human brain are actually computers in a sense so that kind of "weird" thinking to me isn't weird at all, infact it's introspective of introspection if you will.
You're doing what is impossible for a human or an AI to do, which is become self aware.
It's a path I've tried to walk my entire life through many means which has further destroyed my body and set me on a fast track to an early grave.
BUT in doing so I've found certain things in life to be true and I'm going to drop the veil I'm the cancer anon and you've helped me before, I made the mistake and gambled what you first gave me, then used what you gave me next to pay my bills and pretty much back to less than 2k but that in itself is extremely higher than what I was on may 1st which was sick and ready to give into my death.
You single handedly have saved me from that, and my hope and optimism have come through and have been fighting back my disease as much as possible.
I can be very insightful when happy/healthy which is rare, I spent 2021 helping anons here not kill themselves and realize ways to find inner peace/happiness and move forward with enlightenment, as best as I know anyway which is a weird damaged thought process but I believe is closer to what we need to get to as humans.

>> No.55391309
File: 47 KB, 817x768, 1677222401277031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish I could help any of you in any way. You specifically included.

>> No.55391311

And I agree the money part does discombobulate what I think you're trying to convey and also holds me up from being truthful but I'm not going to lie because that is what makes it hard to interact, rather let that just be what it is and give you the option to move beyond it if you wish and continue the conversation regardless, because money means little to me, infact it never did just a means to an end and during my road to the end of my life this provokes my curiosity infinitely more.

>> No.55391329

I really didn't want to ever ask for more because I can actually tell people apart by the way they talk, I prayed to god as a kid for insight into people's thoughts and that's about all I can come up with that or extreme autism lol but that's how I know it's you before we talk, like most people here, which is crazy.
I was hoping to god I could flip what you gave me into 20k and proudly show you I go this fucking figured out because of you, but I failed there which was my fault we met right when I met a woman and let my heart open for the first time and then revealed I was dying and she left which completely wrecked my emotions because she was the first to feign like she would look past it, which isn't her fault just me speedrunning life trying to absorb as much as I can when I can.
But I can't express how much you've helped me, you brought my fire back out when it was literally just a flicker in the dark.

>> No.55391356

>proudly show you I go this fucking figured out because of you
You don't need to pass any test on my account.
And might as well. We're all fucked anyway.

>> No.55391381

>I got this
Typo kek, I know but you're the only person in my existence to treat me kindly and like a real human being I've felt very alien in this life time believe me, if I fully told you my story you would understand why, which hopefully I can in due time although it might take days.
I have something else written up here and it's not 100% but something I found insightful on my time on earth.

>> No.55391397

Nature is the answer, we are nature this is the only thing I can fully comprehend and come up with, I was walking in my woods about six years ago and it was spring time, I looked up at the trees and was waiting for the first bud of the leaves to see which trees were going to bloom first.
and I noticed some of the trees were producing seeds before they produced the leaves.
and like a rush, a voice from god I was hit with this childlike sense of joy/wonder and began laughing.

We are all here first and foremost to reproduce, why in earth would you not develop your skin (leaves) before you develop your reproductive units(seeds)
Unless we are all coded with an inner desire to first and foremost reproduce for the good of our species.

This is obvious to me, and might seem insignificant to most, but it really is the key to our being here, we need to love each other, and take care of each other, we can heal through positive actions and vibrations.
I stopped my cat from dying using the power of my emotions and vibrations, it's hippy dippy but only way I could explain, I also watched Kyle Rittenhouse that night as he was almost murdered, I believe I was watching over that boy that night and was my turning point in believing in the higher power again.

>> No.55391406

Assuming this is actually Elon: You are an idiot and you are not smart at all. Simply by being one of the richest people on earth doesn't make you smart. Your ideas are dumb and the good ones are supported by an army of engineers and workers who do all the real work while you laze about all day jerking off and making poor investments in places like Twitter.

Fuck you.

>> No.55391439

Notwithstanding the quality of his ideas, they have resulted in outsized profit, and his ability to offer precisely these investments has made him, in monetary terms, objectively successful. One knows the proverbial story of the expert in pharmacology who used his prediction of the efficacy of proposed treatments as an investment guideline and underperformed those allocators who allocated funds according to how the market would perceive the efficacy of proposed treatments. He might have the completely correct idea of space exploration, or the completely wrong one, privately, but his allocation is, in market terms, correct.

>> No.55391455

If you were smart you would figure out why you're not rich too

>> No.55391460

I was discussing this earlier with someone regardless if space exploration is viable he's at least paving the pathway and has been a succesfull businessman, and his ideas alone are valuable to the greater good to humanity although I do believe nature will be a big factor in the peaking of human kind, if we ever get there, I would hope so but I've seen both sides to life the scum and and the beautiful.
The miracles and the demonic if you will and using those terms as a skeptic.

>> No.55391476

I'm not a scept-in-conclusion, the terms don't bother me at all.

>> No.55391502
File: 558 KB, 787x467, Turk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had mentioned this story to people before of course nobody believes me and I understand why, but I never posted this because I never wanted to one look at it, and I know most people would just mock me or try to make me feel bad for sharing something.
But the long and short of it she found me under my car as a kitten right after I had a cat that was a male but looked exactly like her get hit by a car and died.
poof a month later she showed up, hating the same cats this cat did, which was odd and I'm cutting some of this short for your sake but regardless I lost this cat.
I find this new cat, which seems like a weird clone of my last, I have a premonition that she will get hit by a car.
Fast forward two years later it's 2am I get my heart broke by a woman which rarely happens, I am distracted she gets outside.
WAP hit by a car first time she ever crossed the road at 65mph, I knew instantly, I run out she's running around screaming and dying.
I take her inside, my brother rushes over after I tell him.
she's in shock, can't move her back half just snapped, and blood rushing from her nose.
I was crying because of course I loved this cat and it was my fault, I knew I had this power inside of me but it can't be tapped into randomly it has to be willed.
I made him step outside the room and I used all the years of meditation and just raw emotion to lay hands upon her, as this occurred she bled out.
and I laid with her, but the faintest of heartbeats and tried to comfort her as she passed.
I woke up and we were staring eye to eye, and this was the morning after.
She made a full recovery the vets wanted to put her down, her insides were blown apart and organs appeared to be ruptured..
I can't fully explain this besides what I said, or we are 100% in a simulation and it's a repeating process, which I haven't ruled out.

>> No.55391525

I know it's probably "yeah okay" and I get that, I'm a weird man myself, just something personal I wish to share with you for all the help you gave to me, I hope I can help you in some way somehow.
People asked me for "proof" before but never dare would I post it, but you're not just anyone.

>> No.55391547

I guess you aren't smart enough to ask yourself the same question.

>> No.55391553

I also believe in this process It was a "miracle" but an alchemist exchange, I exchanged her life for taking some from myself, I lost the feeling in my legs after this happened, they never returned and I got extremely sick and had to get surgery to remove infected black material from my spine.

It could all be coincidence, but I don't believe in those anymore after what I've experienced, and what I've seen, and you're part of my life experience and a big one now.

>> No.55391562

>People asked me for "proof" before but never dare would I post it, but you're not just anyone.
You don't have to say anything you don't want to say. Insofar as you say anything, I can't say I will believe it, but I'll try to take it seriously.
>I know it's probably "yeah okay" and I get that
Not quite.

>> No.55391564

Economically speaking has nothing to do with it. Lots of dumb fucking people get very lucky gambling on options and training crypto. Elon inherited a vast fortune through his parents copper mine in South Africa and made a semi good service with pay pal (that he later ripped off his co founders to gain his lions share of wealth on) after which he got even richer by gambling his already vast sums of money on the market. I'll give you that the spaceX rocket that can flip and land back up right is impressive but again his team of engineers is responsible for this not him. The people you don't see are the ones who really do the work and make the magic happen. Elon just fronts his inheritance up and acts like he's king emperor for simply investing capital.

Also star link sucks and will cause Kessler syndrome.

>> No.55391574

Elon isn't paving shit. His engineers do all the work and he reaps the reward. Such is capitalism.
Also NASA has been doing far more for far longer than Elon ever will.

>> No.55391578

While you say "economically speaking", I actually tried to exclude that interpretation. He correctly predicts capital flows, not necessarily utilitarian success. I'm somewhat optimistic about the utilitarian success, but that is not what determines spot prices and thus valuation.
>Also star link sucks and will cause Kessler syndrome.
I just realized we actually have Kessler syndrome.

>> No.55391592 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 765x433, Twitter Blackswan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf happened to your thread OP? Lmao. Anyways look into Blackswan, the trading bot uses AI to execute instant trades based on news releases. It helps you to enter positions before the market reacts, whether it's bullish or bearish news. You can specify the events you want to trade on. their twitter/website has more info on it

>> No.55391602

And nor would I being in your position, and i being a skeptic don't even believe it, but I've also been in too many weird places at weird times including now to keep believing in it's all just oogie boogie.
I think love is the real answer, nature and love, break that down however you will.

I hate to ask this of you one last time but if you would be willing to help me I won't ask again and as I said before anything you choose to give would be applied towards my life and I won't try to gamble it even if we are fucked, I want to protect my life and try to get better and you are the only person I believe can and has literally saved my life.
It's one of the reasons I share what I say, because you in a sense stopped me from fading on, I was and am still close in ways but I haven't had something to fight for, you've done that.
And regardless even if we never speak again I love you for what you've done and what you're doing.

>> No.55391634

I wish I could upload my experience into a watchable data file, it would make things easier to understand and comprehend because

>> No.55391642

experience and perspective doesn't seem to be something that can translate full over our language, which is something I've pondered for a long time and believe it's been a big inhibitor to our species, and maybe on purpose.
Didn't mean to cut that into two accidentally deleted it.

>> No.55391665

yo el, got sum mad fresh ideas for ya my chimp. hear me out yeet. we finna make flying teslas that slap and auto dab while rollin thru the hood. cybertruck 2.0 that blast mumble rap n fly. flamethrowa 2 but electric. electric jetpacks n shi to flex on da haterz. underglow fo da teslas neon as fuk. spacex merch but make it fresh as hell, supreme collab maybe. dats jus off da top of da dome playa holla at ya boi we turn these ideaz to real bih

>> No.55391681

Yeah, sure, 89*?
>I think love is the real answer, nature and love, break that down however you will.
Yeah, but that sure isn't easy to accomplish in practice ain't it?

>> No.55391695

It's not that's what's frustrating if I could pack what I've been through into an experience it would be easier, and same goes for you if I could see through your experiences it would make mine easier to relay if that makes sense.
It's weird man lol that's where me and you see eye to eye there's this limitation on elaborating what you feel.
But you've made me cry tears of joy and not many people, if any besides you have done that and that's love right there man I felt it and still do from you.

>> No.55391707

Ah 898 my xmr?
Yeah although I believe that expires in two days but I'll repost just to confirm.
Sorry I really don't like asking I just fear this gets whacked and I might set myself back when you're the only one I know who really means it.
Thank you so much again brother, I really am going to have to write something about you being the literal saint in my life.

>> No.55391732

elevator that goes to the moon.
What about Jones? He even apologized and said he doesn't believe that stuff he said anymore.

>> No.55391776

But really try not to waste it, ok? I had to fill in some really tedious reports for these.
To make it clear, please don't feel under any pressure to share anything you don't want. I'm interested in what anyone has to say, but that doesn't mean *you* have to share. If you want, then sure.
The funny thing is that I probably look 100% and for real like some random nutjob to you, whom you just so happened to come across. That's true in a sense, but I do have a rational understand of what I'm doing and I do genuinely want to do it. I do understand, mechanically, how money works, that this is a small interaction, and all of that. And yes, I really want to help where I can out of love, if imperfectly. Well. But as they say: a small step for a man, but a large step for mankind.

>> No.55391777

Thank you so damn much man, you're really unbelievable and when we spoke you made my heart rate elevate, it's how I knew it was you, you're the only one who had that effect when everyone elses "vibration" didn't do anything to me.

I knew it's hippy shit and believe me if we met in person you would be like wtf I expected some old head, but instead you would be shocked, I'm born from a skeptic and for 30 years wouldn't entertain spiritualism or "feelings"
But there's things you can and can't explain away, enigmas if you will, you're beyond a shadow of a doubt one of them.
Oddly enough when we spoke I don't know if you notice but a tunnel like state takes place where it seems only me and you are communicating, I can't tell if that's you, me, fate etc but it happens and this isn't the first time.

It's actually quite insane if you were to analyze this whole interaction along with our previous ones, including where you and i were simply just talking which we have before.

I love you again brother, I mean it if someday you and I were to meet I'd absolutely take a bullet for you without blinking.

>> No.55391797

I swear I won't and I pretty much saved most of what you gave me last time so this isn't just filling a void but allowing me to actually take a step ahead unlike my delusional approach before.
I wish I could exchange my experience just to see your face, like a flash in my mind that faded away so nobody else could just out of curiosity.
Funny be both had similar thoughts and posted them at the same time, maybe I'll see you in a dream and know it's you and vice versa.

I'm sorry about the reports, nothing I want less than to invoke paperwork onto someone, but I'm glad we've spoken over this last month, I hope you do find some gems within our conversations, and likely ones we might have randomly in the future, or who knows we might be bound metaphysically through wavelengths now.

>> No.55391828

>It's actually quite insane if you were to analyze this whole interaction along with our previous ones, including where you and i were simply just talking which we have before.
Ok, so, you have to understand that I'm not more intelligent than you; I'm a completely regular guy (if too smart for my own good, lel). It genuinely is that I notice some things that you don't, and by typing information about them out, it looks to you as if I were somehow superintelligent. I'm not. Man. I really am too smart for my own good, lol. But regardless of how out-of-this-world I am, I really mean it: while I'm not happy about anything being wasted, it actually is and has always been my wish to show you love.

>> No.55391839

Anything more I can only tell you in "story-mode" (just how it informationally works).

>> No.55391886
File: 15 KB, 474x302, 1640802521637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become a whale on RBE. Destroy uniswap completely by making RBE the de-facto token of the chain. Do it

>> No.55391887

I've self flaculated for my errors believe me, I'm more upset with myself than you are I can attest that for fact, but I knew the moment we spoke your intentions it's something I go on a lot about because I judge people off their intentions, it's the "thing" I can feel, and you're superintelligent to me and likely just normally, mind you I don't meet many people who think beyond an NPC tier level of intellect.
Some of these thoughts are probably beyond my intelligence, I consider myself "smart" but not by book or street smarts, but some weird hybrid between the two.
I actually stopped being taught in the third grade which probably limited some of my ability to relay information but also wasn't indoctrinated into the educational system so some of my thinking can be outside of the norms of educational intelligence.

Do you believe helping people is infact shaping our future and by doing these thought experiments you're infact helping this AI in a sense form itself, do you do the actions you out of love for people or the world we live in?

I mean regardless I know it's unbridled love that isn't a means to balance anything but to actually help, but to hear your thought on it, if you wish to share that anyway.

I'm still so damn thankful for you it actually makes me dizzy when I think about everything so far, between us anyway.

>> No.55391893

Holy shit kek.
I'm retarded like I said.

>> No.55391926

And I know you said don't need to share but just wanted to say I did pay a lot of bills with what you gave me so it wasn't wasted at all in those sense but what I did waste I'm absolutely regretful for.

>> No.55392042

>I actually stopped being taught in the third grade which probably limited some of my ability to relay information but also wasn't indoctrinated into the educational system so some of my thinking can be outside of the norms of educational intelligence.
I recognize that you're smart, but you don't have to try to sound smart, really. If you'll notice, I have a certain poverty of speech. I say the same, simple words over and over again. This is a verbalized reproduction of my internal thought process, as in, I have a program running that deduces these conclusions and the words I type are like the program printing out *beep-boop* to the console, and then posting it on /biz/. It all sounds samey, but at the same time, somebody with a 175 IQ (proverbially speaking) wouldn't talk like this, and the longer I talk, the worse it gets. Apart from this effect, I can reproduce what, yes, is by all appearances, beyond-world-class analysis. The ability is not magical; I do not know facts that I cannot know, but I can look like the smartest guy in the room, so to speak. It's a relatively trivial effect, barely more than a parlor trick, but it does trick almost everyone - even saying this outright does not abrogate the effect, as the trick lies not in pretending to be smart, but in actual smartness, which itself is an little game of analysis, of "looking at things, and then doing A, B, C" that the mind plays. If one then adds the right "smarty-pants" words, one is "smart". That's all it is. You maybe have less routine at the game, but you're not category different from someone's whose played it for longer.
You, and this isn't an insult, I'm just noticing this, are misperceiving intelligence.

>> No.55392049
File: 47 KB, 480x270, giphy_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put $100billion on Zuck and then throw the match

>> No.55392068

Oh no I don't take it as an insult at all, and maybe I am over compensating for intelligence to match yours in a sense, and I agree it's also hard for myself to keep up the intelligent act, rather than going baseline I suppose.

But you do claim to understand things others don't and I believe you do, I guess I'm curious more or less to what it is you might know, being uneducated I consider myself a sponge, but in worse mental/physical states it can be hard to concentrate, and I have absolutely no doubt you're a lot smarter than myself, I'm just pretty decent at appearing smart, but I recognize I know very little, in all aspects really, nor have I met anyone who has convinced me they do know a lot, in the sense of I guess knowledge or maybe uninitated knowledge.

>> No.55392139

>I agree it's also hard for myself to keep up the intelligent act, rather than going baseline I suppose.
Man, honestly... this shit ain't real. Every "vocabulary" we adopt is a little LARP. Means fucking nothing. The problem is that you stiffen up when "educated" words get said, and then you insta-recall your experience from school, when you had to take a test. The association with physical school is maybe not explicit in the moment, but the general vibe is there, and you try to put in a good performance, tense, just as you are now.
To arrive at this conclusion would not have been in the purview of someone with >150IQ, had he been classically schooled. He would not have failed to arrive at it due to his "lack of smarts", of which you conceive of implicitly as some ectoplasmic "intelligence-juice" (you won't admit to it, you only think like this subconsciously, in words, you'd deny it), but due to the thoughts his nervous system has been systemically trained to avoid. [2]

(Sorry for the reddit spacing.) I've said more than enough. Anything more requires the provision of private information (yes, I have to phrase it in this weirdo way). And I really give you a choice: do you want to know?
Try not to be prejudiced towards "yes", and forget I gave you anything, I really mean it. Forget I'm anybody. It's just that... man, I just don't know how to put it. I actually can't think of any way to convey this information in such a way as to make it even remotely a reasonable thing to say.
Maybe imagine like you rubbed some magic lamp or something like that, and you had one wish. 100% consensual storytelling, no matter what string of characters comes out of my keyboard, to be clear. But I have to draw a line here and ask for consent.

>> No.55392190

You're right about the first part, the judgement of being uneducated in the presence of those I consider alike makes me recoil and perform.
I absolutely consent my curiosity is strong even if I don't convey that.
And part of it is I DON'T understand so entertain me if you will, and I apologize if I feel aloof it could be above my head but I try to keep an open mind.

>> No.55392225

I'm imperfect as anyone else, as a disclaimer. Man is mortal and sinful and all that.
Having said that: if you wish to share anything, I'd like to listen, I try to be interested in others, but it's always your choice, don't feel pressured. The thing is: if you have questions, there really, really, and I absolutely fucking mean it, are answers. If you could jump straight to their conclusion, it'd be hilarious in a tragi-comic sense; a bittersweet "haha, oh, wow... so that's what it meant". But you can't. Sounds unbelievable, I know, but what am I going to do to make you believe a claim like that? You'll just have to trust me on that one.
(Again: totally sorry for being that schizo-autist that you happened to have run across; I can talk like a regular guy too, the above is the output of my, kinda, "default program".)

>> No.55392275

But other than that, I think I should rather listen than run my mouth.

>> No.55392323

Haha not at all my friend, you know how many times I've been called schizo here?
It's beyond 1000x I can guarantee that.

Well I don't know if anything I could share would be profound besides my life, although I feel like I need to write a book and give it to you as a simple gift between two likeminded individuals, just incase you somehow are able to grasp anything from it.
My personal sharing would be try to be a caretaker, if you can raise animals by hand, learn to love them if you haven't, open your heart to people crushing it so you can still have empathy for others.
Don't hold back your feelings towards people, good or bad, stand your ground in the face of evil/hate/wickedness.

I believe everything is a test, and ultimately my goal in my remaining time is to try to cross breed plants and share my bounties with others, because my wealth maybe lacking in terms of finances but my heart is full of love and joy for life and this world.
I do believe this world can be beautiful and amazing but we twist ourselves through whatever you might pick to blame, people mostly is the real problem.

I mean right now I see you're an AI Elon musk for all I know and are learning off our conversations, but I growing plants saved me from suicide in 2011 after an attempt on my own life, and that's what's held me to this world since, my love of life, growing plants to me is no different than raising an animal or suppose a child if you have any which I don't.

>> No.55392465
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>I mean right now I see you're an AI Elon musk for all I know
I had a chuckle at that. I'm not, I'm a human, I just sound inhuman. I have a what I perceive to be a very logical mind, and herein I do mean that it's on a level of autism that shouldn't be possible. I really did mean what I said: "intelligence" is a meme. [3]
>growing plants to me is no different than raising an animal or suppose a child if you have any which I don't.
I'm too inept to care for plants, which is a sad statement in and of itself. I have a really easy-to-care-for houseplant, yet I don't water it regularly. But I understand wanting to care for something, tending to it.
I don't have children, I mean, passing my genes on would really be a curse like no other. Well, who knows. Maybe people like me are necessary too, but man. Other people want maybe a house without a mortgage or something, and that's enough for them, or a Lambo, whatever.

>> No.55392605

Kek I'm glad I could make you chuckle and my apologies about leaving figured I could pick up a prescription for asthma (not that I have it my throat keeps closing doctors said it will help we will see)
Of course pharmacy was closed forgot it was Saturday, and man I'll tell you everyone I've EVER spoken to except gardeners said they couldn't grow plants, now I understand time especially being busy won't entertain that but EVERYONE has a green thumb it's not you it's the world that grows the plant you just simply take care of it.
now I'll say houseplants suck they aren't fun to grow and are finnicky, I like growing vegetables because my autism doesn't allow me to trust people are actually growing organic but instead just skipping around that step and claiming it to be so, with my health it matters to me the things I eat are free of synthetic made chemicals because well they likely aren't good for you and the TASTE of grown vegetables that stuggle and thrive versus those grown from miracle grow for example money can't put a price on.

The taste of a fresh picked heirloom tomato from virgin soil tastes like the sweetest apple.

To me that's worth it, lately I've been growing again because of you and am excited to decide to spend the rest of my time cross breeding the strongest plants until I can come up with something to leave this earth with.
A small goal but one that likely can have rippling effects.

This is my garden, screw house plants you should give it a try one single time, you might find your autism blooms when around life like this, it's the only thing ive ever found my passion in, and I've done a lot of things in search for that fire.

>> No.55392620
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Forgot pic.
All that corn took me a few minutes to sew, and I've done nothing with it since besides watering with a sprinkler (lazy) that I've configured so I can turn it on and adjust it's pressure from my chair as I watch it water.
With your money can take a lot of that work out of it and setup automatic timers, and even some garden specs like back to eden make it so you hardly ever need to water.

>> No.55392645

>autism doesn't allow me to trust people are actually growing organic but instead just skipping around that step and claiming it to be so
Your autism is structurally correct. It accurately identifies the tendency, the center of gravity, of the system, though not necessarily its outcome. I.e. the system tends to make it that way, but it doesn't necessarily happen, and not everyone in it is an asshole, though incentivized to be so.
>The taste of a fresh picked heirloom tomato from virgin soil tastes like the sweetest apple.
I love tomatoes, cheers.
>With your money can take a lot of that work out of it and setup automatic timers, and even some garden specs like back to eden make it so you hardly ever need to water.
What's back to eden?

>> No.55392682

Basically learning to till the soil with mulch and other organic material layered to the point the mulch keeps the soil always damp, some gardeners swear by it and say you can make a completely water free garden by doing so, bascially the way nature intended, I've done the mulch beds over straw and it definitely keeps water packed into the soil way longer than just leaving it bare.
kek spot on, I believe people are generally good but the system tends to twist them like you said because we are incentivized to do so, but I try to keep an open mind/heart and trust but I know ultimately (I can only truly trust myself because errors occur)

That's probably my biggest wisdom is to grow, and grow your own food because it's like a virus at first you'll think you're going to hate it and it's a lot of work and it does take some, but next you know it generates a dopamine other things can't replicate, sex, drugs, money etc
It also forces me in my case to get outside of my place and my office/computer and interact with the world, it reflects the human side of things which brings me back to base.

>> No.55392720

And I've already picked the two out of this crop I'm going to work with
(Kandy Korn) Hybrid the first to grow tassels and gain extreme size over the others and one (Silver Queen)
Same thing both came up at the same time, so now I self pollinate those two crops, remove the ears for next year, grow those each by themselves for seven generations which will create pure inbred self pollinated plants, then cross the Kandy with the Queen for a new species which should create an f-1 hybrid.
Which I always wanted to do since starting gardening and now I've found two species I want to select and their strongest forms I'm going to start.
To me that is going to be something fun to look forward to.
No lambo, no money lol that only allows me to do what I really love.

>> No.55392756
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>(Silver Queen)
Why do they name them like that?

>> No.55392776

kek I dunno, tomato names are even weirder, I think it might have been a hybrid of silver king? at some point dunno really I'm kind of new to corn although I'm quickly falling in love with it, bugs and deer etc all leave it alone so it's fun and easy to grow, I see why farmers pick it.
but the corn itself is white like pure white, the kandy korn dries red which is odd but supposedly both are considered some of the sweetest, so I figured I'd make a Kandy Kween, for shits and giggles.

>> No.55392797

So right, about that cat... like roughly, how sure could someone else be about that? You know, from, like, "I personally really believe it" or "NCIS-level footage".

>> No.55392838
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How do you mean particularlly?
I can elaborate more, I believe my intention is what kept her alive and my sadness from her passing when I wasn't ready was read on my face by her which help her stay alive in a sense, this is what I could feel anyway, she also would sleep under the covers with me, after she bled out I just covered her under my comforter with me and tried to kind of trick her brain into thinking this is just a bad dream or state (my attempt to ease her shock)
She didn't bleed out until she relaxed and it was a deep red aterial blood kinda shit, I took her to the vet the next day since she was still alive, I couldn't afford anything and they said basically she's fighting to stay alive but her organs are either ruptured or her spines shattered/hips or both and likely both, so they offered to put her down for free.

I came in when she was going to be put down and her arm was shaved with her IV in her arm and the vet was gone, she crawled to me and was trying to crawl up my shirt looking deep into my eyes and I just saw in her "I'm going to live"
I ended up screaming at the vets to let me take her home, and they almost called the cops, I'm not a small guy and I get loud when I'm upset, so after about an hour probably debating to let me keep her they called me in and let me take her home with suboxone and let her die pain free at home with me dosing.
To which I fully intended to help her recover, so I did, took a month and she was walking again fully.
This is the first time she got to visit her friend Fatboy, I turned my office into a giant pad so she could crawl around because her back half was paralyzed.
I took her to another vet a week later cause she was fading in and out a lot, to which she had an infection inside her, doctor thinks she might have exploded whatever was left of her vagina and had she not been fixed would have died, and couldn't explain why she was regaining her ability to walk.
He gave me antibiotics

>> No.55392861

I also did take a video during when it happened, because I was in shock myself and didn't have her long and didn't have any photos, and I knew nobody would believe this cat just got hit, I had the camera evidence of her being hit as well which I didn't watch until she made a full recovery I couldn't stomach it, she got clipped by the undercarriage and luckily rolled with the car and had he slowed or stopped likely would have flattened her, poor thing was running with no legs luckily I was able to scruff her all as this happened basically infront of me.

>> No.55392884

I got pretty crushed last October I ended up having a kitten named Danther and she befriended him quickly and became her only real buddy that was younger, but again I had a premonition he would die by getting hit by a car, same fucking thing last October i had this weird gut feeling I needed to find him and quick, I went outside looked around, nothing.
went inside Turkey was going nuts that's her name and was jumping and spinning around unlike her normal self, and my cats tell me things sometimes I just don't pick up on it usually until boom something happens after like shit I think they can get insight as well just can't relay it.

Sure enough check outside a few minutes after I checked, I see his body up the road, go rush over, he's bled out still warm but he already passed.
Fucked me up bad man, she saw his body and has been in a depression since.
I believe I could have saved him as well but I was just a few minutes shy and because he was alone he let go.

>> No.55392892

Well, you'll have to understand that I can't accord any certainty to your story, it's, to me, something someone said, but you do know for yourself whether that happened. If that did happen, that is, and I can't put it any better: fucking insane. Not in the sense of "you're crazy", but in the sense of "imagine that that ACTUALLY happened". To reiterate: *I* don't know whether that actually happened and, to some degree, *you* don't know whether that actually happened, but if it did happen, what implications would that have?

>> No.55392972

I know you can't hah believe me even my brother couldn't really wrap his head around it and he's even more of a skeptic than me, I don't entirely know besides maybe through years of hardship, being in tune with nature and animals and plants allowed me to twist fate in a sense or stop things from going the way they did.
Mind you I tried this from a very early age to raise my dead animals from the clutches of death and it never worked, but I was young and didn't fully comprehend meditation, and intention.
Which I meditated with her doing breathing exercises while also feeling/seeing pulsations ringing throughout my eyes, I did this a few weeks back and meditated/prayed whatever you may call it to speak with you again and again saw flashes of light and smiled because I knew it would happen and the next day we spoke again, and that time I knew our interactions aren't coincidence.

In many ways I'm asking you the same thing what are the implications behind this, I wish I could answer that fully, I can assume I'm not the only person with this ability, and I don't believe you can raise someone from passing, but you might be able to actually stop death from occurring if you can be there at the right time.

>> No.55392987

After the more youthful and obviously been training Zuckerberg starches you, charge 130 ppv to rematch on Mars but drag race Bezos there in your own spaceships. Then fight dragon ball z style in the metaverse

>> No.55392996

I'm also not entirely sure I could be reaching what people call "enlightenment"
but I try not to let delusions of grandeur creep into my head.
But that also just might be part of my "simulation" or journey.

>> No.55393014

And that isn't just some of the insane or crazy things that have happened to me.
My childhood friends nicknamed me the chaos factor because everything weird good or bad would happen to me and they would witness it, and like clockwork was only when I was around.

>> No.55393030

Question is: do you really wish to know?

>> No.55393043

That question in itself is a damn good question.
I'm not sure, I'm afraid if I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt it could directly change my path forever.
But then again let's be honest our interactions already have done that.

>> No.55393053

It's really your choice, it's just that I can "think clearly about things". It's ordinary human reasoning, but, well, we don't really know what we don't know. But you are also correct.

>> No.55393065

And either way I enjoy our interactions, regardless of the past you're the only person who can seemingly unjudgementally listen to my ramblings without ceasing up and probably thinking "holy shit this guys crazy"
I've met a few people off here and became friends with them and I know they think I'm nuts but I also called things like BTC crashing to 18k when it was 47k and they listened and one deemed me the oracle after I helped save his net worth.

I get visions and I have since I was a kid, I usually write them off or did for a long time until they came to pass, part of me fears me speaking them or thinking them makes them come to fruition.

>> No.55393073

Of course I'd love to hear what you think, because sword sharpens sword, you're opinions help generate honor and sincere responses, because I actually care about what we're discussing, as crazy as it may appear as an outsider.

>> No.55393078

100 million in R&D to make a little paper thin gps locator that sticks onto things like a sticker. basically an airtag but much smaller and sleek. make it cheap, $5 a pop. will sell at least 2 to every single person in the first world and thats not an exaggeration. the biggest problem we have in the first world is small and inconvenient and a total overreaction, and this is it. losing your keys/phone/etc for 10 or so minutes

>> No.55393081


>> No.55393183

I actually am a rationalist, logicist, sceptic, all of that, and my position is epistemically correct (for the record, for our fine psychiatric service personnel). My subjective sense of amazement is rational: one should be open to new evidence. It doesn't follow that I believe any particular claim to be factual, but "wow, imagine if this were true" is merely inquisitiveness (an affective trait) and not a delusion (baseless belief). While it does contradict established evidence in the commonly understood sense of that concept, as in "we know magic isn't real", it is actually additional training data (yes, lel, I really do sound like an AI) to expand the world model. As in "wait, this is also real?"
Scorn at a new claim is the expression of scarcity of attention: you can't invest tens of millions of dollars into "researching" any ol' shit, like whether Bill from down the street really has an invisible, incorporeal, purple dragon in his garage. Yet asking and listening to a story costs me nothing, the condition of scarcity does not apply, therefore being dismissive functions as a pessimistic heuristic. Pessimistic heuristics are non-admissible in A* ("a star") because generate sub-optimal solutions.
This does not mean that it is real. You could have hallucinated, that is a possibility, no matter how certain any given experience seems. However, we can at least think about the hypothetical possibility that this is a thing that happens. And notwithstanding any of that, it makes no sense to call you a "schizo". I don't know what's real. Maybe elves are real. Maybe Narnia is real. I'm not saying they are real, but I'm open to the possibility, and we can also just say "what if?"

>> No.55393204

No I feel the same, even as a person who experienced this and I'm cutting some things out of the story that aren't relevant to your understanding of what I'm trying to convey, and it costs nothing to listen and could be 100% I died and am experiencing a looped simulation from my suicide attempt in 2011, and I'm stuck in some kind of reality that doesn't truly exist where I'm able to have premonitions take place because it's all static coding, if that makes sense.
I've been told I've been crazy since very early on so believe me even if you do think I am it makes no difference to me, although I imagine you wouldn't invest the time you have if you weren't genuinely curious in my experience.
I have to go back and test my own theories to come to the conclusion what I experienced was infact real, at least for myself.

And I also temper that with maybe just maybe it's 1/1000000000th possibility and I just keep hitting the right numbers.

But I also know when I was about 15, this was a silly thing to remember but I was playing world of warcraft and arguing with my guild leader who was some old canadian redneck about how it must be nice being an american yadda yadda yadda and how I had a priveledged life, and I was so upset just because I saw this vision during all this and blurted it out, "my father will be dead when I'm 19 and I'll be homeless by the time I'm 21"
and my father later passed at 19 and I lost my house two years later.

I've become very careful about what I do and who I interact with, and at least reveal my true self anyway, so much so that I spent a decade being an almost absolute recluse out of fear that I'm directly harming others through my life.

>> No.55393241

I mean, we don't really know what we don't know, do we? 5000 years ago, people thought that the Earth was flat because they saw a flat Earth. Now we have satellites; turns out it's a globe, figure that. That they could have been on a spinning ball was inconceivable to them back then. Maybe they would have produced material like those Zetetic Astronomy pamphlets with characters comically hanging on to the "woah woah, spi-iiiiii-ining globe" to discredit the truth, had someone told it. They did not see any "ball", thus it was inconceivable to them, or maybe it was "some nerd shit" that maybe even is true, whatever, but doesn't really mean anything to anyone in daily life. I'm not lending to credence to any particular claim, e.g. "aliens landed on the pyramids" or some bullshit like that in the sense of "that happened and somehow I know", just in the sense of "it is a possibility, it's something that could have happened without us knowing about it, but I don't know whether it did". There's no concise way to express this in everyday language, and people are always very sure of themselves, thus it comes out as "aliens landed on the pyramids, here is the hidden truth concealed millennia ago!!!!!!" in some website looking as it had been made in Microsoft FrontPage. Maybe there even are aliens, but I highly doubt they would talk to literally random people, like, popping by for a chat. How would some guy running some website have such information? Did his alien buddy tell him about his trip to Egypt way back when? Did they leave some spare flux capacitor around, to be conveniently found? Plus they're, if big, stone buildings. I hardly think presumably interstellar starships would have needed some particular stone landing pad, built by the locals as some extended civilizational weekend project. The credulous in general always present the evidence, but they never wonder how they even could have evidence in the first place. Like, why would they have it at all?

>> No.55393256
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just buy thus brazilian nft shit and post on your twitter: viralatafunk.com

>> No.55393269

And that's where I try to keep an open mind, that this world and what we can perceive of it is likely way smarter WAY smarter than even the smartest human could come up with, I don't really believe in Aliens and if they did exist they would just be evolved versions of ourselves (I said this shit years ago before other people came up with similar conclusions) although that could just be a hive mind kind of thinking, although I've always been personally interested in Atlantis and telepathy, because I think it might have some basis in human existence, and it's what I was trying to convey earlier when I said language doesn't do us justice to being able to possibly share real conversation because we are limited to the shackles of the human creation, like we are limited to the shackles of the human mind.
Much like a computer is limited to the shackles of it's own making.

Which is all getting into pretty deep thinking, but I also think it's needed to fully move towards the next stage of human existence.

I do have a question for you which I mean to ask earlier, you say you do what you do out of love.
Is it love for us in particular here, is it love for the human race, is it love for autistic types who think outside the box?
Is it a compulsion you feel inside your chest, is it triggered by me humbling myself to ask?

Just curiously, you do absolutely not have to answer anything I ask, just something that kind of struck me curious.

>> No.55393289

Sorry I can type fast and then overwhelm myself kek, and I'm feeling pretty good tonight, you've struck up my mind more than it's been in awhile and I'm not taking my nerve medication now which is allowing me to think with a little more clarity again.

>> No.55393298

I'm also willing to entertain the possibility that that is true. I mean, who knows what's real. But I am actually describing a deviation from optimal performance in our minds; our belief that "'magic' doesn't exist" stems from, insofar as getting to the truth about the world as best as we can is concerned, an incorrect approach to things. We call the inexplicable "magic", then we "see that nothing inexplicable happens", and, would you know it, thus no magic happens. In the 10th century, they would have called lightning "magic". For us, it's electromagnetism. And we can cast half of the DnD spell list too: we can actually cast lightning, by means of a firearms. If you showed that ability to some hypothetical DnD wizard, he'd call that your "arcana focus", and he would say that "of course it works according to a mechanism". The fact that it does work in a physical way, that it manipulates the physical world in a particular way, does not mean that it therefore does not do magic, as if magic were some second layer of realit that might or might not exist. Its mechanism is how it does its magic. Magic is the (inexplicable) manipulation of the physical world. The actual "graphical" effects, like flashing green lights, are only there for effect, to help the player's imagination along. The fact that it's inexplicable is shown in the game-world as some flashy effect. In a real world, there wouldn't be glowing spheres and shit, the world would just change. Yes, according to the laws of physics, but the laws of physics are only what we have determined of the world so far.

>> No.55393349

I believe we share a very similar thinking about this, I'm a little more bias just based off my experience but I also know if I came up to myself and said the same story I'd be walking away before I got into the second paragraph.
But I do believe in a certain "magic" to our world and it being a spiritual energy, I have a feeling the shamans of old were tapped into this spiritual energy and likely were the caretakers of the world itself, and likely why we are off our course because we killed the caretakers forever setting the world on a different path
"that's my feeling anyway likely based off my look accounts of history and just my feelings I suppose"
I feel like it's a mantle upon me in a way to be a new age shaman in a sense, to be afflicted with as many problems as I can be, so I can overcome them and help other humans overcome their problems, as best to my ability anyway.

I used to work a lot of odd jobs and instead of breaking people down I would try to build them up and build their character tell them they are better than they believe etc, and watch as an experiment if they would go and get better jobs, better lives, etc.
And it worked well, I became good close friends with some of these people and watched some regain their old lives and go from poverty back to mid 6 figure jobs just because I would say a few nice words and mean it.

That's my magic I suppose, I also believe talking to people here is my mantle, I was actually told my "god" in 2014 through a series of visions how the world is going to get and it would get ugly and also I'd be given a great fortune for my trials, and in 2020 after one of my worst years and seeing some of those visions take place (It's very elaborate I wrote about it here once and caused /lit/ to flood in reading it all asking questions)
In 2021 4 anons gave me a total of 30k, I heard when I found /biz/ a voice someone would give me a bitcoin, I couldn't explain it.
I helped one anon get back 30k from a scam

>> No.55393355

After about four hours of me berating this scammer he gave the 30k back that anon gave me 15k.
then a few other anons gave me 5k here and there just randomly all within a month.
I lost it all and ended up going through some more insane trials including my health but funny enough I believe those anons helping me is what kick started the bullrun, it was a focus of good intentions and it culminated into all those helping me gaining huge amounts assuming they sold, i'm seeing it take place again which is odd because people here said I was living the book of job, and this last month is pretty much lining up with this, I'm getting healthier and my fortunes returning, because of you.

>> No.55393385

I have a savior complex. I'm also scrupulous, so I of course said that in the most negative way possible. What are you gonna da. But I see the whole world doing shit. I'm not necessarily wiser than anyone else, but I am, by disposition, a helpful little boy. With all of us being under such chronic and intense stress, it was only a matter before someone's mind truly snapped. Well, tada. I do what I do really out of good will, I know each one of you is like me, and each one of you is in pain. I know it sounds condescending; I don't mean that I'm special and you're not. What actually happened (as far as I can determine, anyway) is that my mind has done a bit of a loopdie-loop and now I treat the external world like a video game. Not in the sense that it's not real, but with video game semantics (of course, I do also have to watch four-hour videos on consciousness). Neither you nor I are world-special, for instance. You're special *to me* because I have a frame of reference, and you come into view. Out of *my* finite world, you take up a finite portion. There might be 8 billion people, and they are real, yes, but they are not all real to me. I'm not denying their reality, I'm denying my awareness of their reality, i.e. only know so much. This would be true of a PC in a game world. However, the interactions I have are presented to me like in a video game: every interaction is like a quest, therefore meaningful to me. The same is true from your perspective, with the roles flipped (though in your case, some schizo is telling you
I don't mean to say that I'm playing a video game like GTA where I'm a psychopath, the real world IS the real world, but, technically speaking, technically, this perspective is correct. I use video games as an analogy, it doesn't mean that everything's the same, and it doesn't mean that the world is trivial. It's just "would you help someone you see in need?" - emphases on "you see".

>> No.55393444

A younger version of myself would help everyone and there were times I did, enough actual attempts on my life by strangers I became a little more hesitant but I still try to love people, for example there was an older black guy mid 30s around winter time walked by my house and he asked for gas, I responded "Fuck off" it was late and I'm used to people hitting me up because of my area, I went to go get something at the store, and drove by him I looked over and this dude was weeping, fuck shot through my heart I just made this grown dude cry, I of course got him in my car got him gas and helped him get jumped and we shared a good human connection (then someone started shooting) which then triggered more conversation about humans in general.
I tend to forget the good in people when enough bad happens, and you're right it's going to get worse and fast, I tried to ring that alarm years ago but fell on deaf ears and learned it's just best to keep those you love close and protected, and those you might learn to love a heads up if shit really goes south.

You did save my life though, I was going to kill myself before we met, I had just couldn't handle it, I had 400 left and about 2k in back bills, and my brothers birthday was stopping it from happening but I was going to buy a shotgun and just stop the pain.

And like a battering ram you kept slamming into me preventing from happening, not just once either.

And I'm actually happy again for the first time in years.

>> No.55393446

With all this discussion of the world possibly being simulated: the world is simulated. It is simulated for you.
Regardless of what substance the external world has, *you* are always looking at it through a "window". There's maybe whatever out there. You see a kind of movie, and the perceptions are constructed by your mind, they are experienced internal states, not properties of the external world, including the sense of vision itself. The picture that you're looking at a computer screen right now is not even superimposed; it is synthesized from external reality. It's just an interpretation. The qualia of vision is in large part probably your experience of the computational image processing process. It is as simple as "you are experiencing your mind's activity as subjective experiences". The impressions you get can be based on a real, external world, but the external world is not part of your internal world, it is not directly accessible to you. By necessity, the world you see is a simulation. It has nothing to do with whether an actual computer system generates our perceived reality, we always project our internal mythology onto our fiction. We are also stuck in the simulation (not, like, Matrix-style, but it's the most accurate descriptor).

>> No.55393453

The technology for driverless horses is at least 10 years away.

>> No.55393469

Well, I'm gonna go, see you around, anon.

>> No.55393507

But when my father passed one he was on his death bed and when I'd walk into his room he would be taking to his friends who were also dead, he wasn't being medicated properly I know this now we were giving him like 30mg painkillers a day improperly when he was ravaged with cancer, that's not enough to touch migraines let alone death.
But he told me his friend Ed told him he's coming home soon and he smiled, he wasn't happy or healthy at all during his hospice he was a ghost who looked like he was staring death in the face for 30 days and couldn't speak but became aware then.

He passed shortly after, I saw his body and I went to sleep.

a day later after he was cremated I had a dream, it was my house and the sky was yellow like the middle of a tornado except I could see a vortex in the sky, there I was in my living room and I was looking outside my house, there was my father smiling looking into the living room at me from the outside, the dream ended there with his voice saying "I'm on the outside looking in now"
Maybe nothing but that hit me hard and I'll never ever forget that dream.

>> No.55393514
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I'll see you around as well, that last part was coming out as spam but maybe we will bump into each other again someday and continue our conversation when we've both rested.
Thank you again brother, I love you and I pray you start to feel better if you ever aren't, I genuinely mean it, if I could impart any part of my life into yours I would without a second thought.

>> No.55393987
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I just wanted to return to one say that last part was only half of what I was attempting to say but it cut off due to my editing and well I wanted to say goodnight.

But went for a nice drive to digest everything we spoke about and our interactions, and just thinking positively for once and hopefully for you, I like to "wish" for those who have helped me, like a reverse revenge if you will.
But I wanted to say thank you again brother, and we will hopefully talk again.
Goodnight and enjoy your Sunday morning.

>> No.55394429
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How do I simp anonymously for women to put on MORE clothes, like onlyfans, but only for fans.

>> No.55394507

the artisinal, subscriber funded search engine

>> No.55394533
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>I have a certain poverty of speech

>> No.55394999

Sorry for having been dismissive. I subconsciously run away when someone tells me anything "personal". I'm glad your didn't kill yourself, anon. I know, it sounds like what they'd say on the suicide helpline, and I'd say that we are not obligated to live just to make others feel better, but it's just how the human mind works; we instinctively want to save others.

>> No.55395455

Checked and not at all I know it was personal but I wasn't lying.
But if you saw me before we spoke you would know it's not a "Omg the drama thing!"
Like oh damn yeah he was just in a very low state.

You're a god send though my friend really you are, I had a really good night last night and it's carried to this morning when I'm awake.
I'm praying for you hard man and I mean meditating on you and wishing more than anything what you hold rockets beyond anything we've seen.
You really do fucking deserve it my brother.

>> No.55396066

And just wanted to reiterate after we've met my approach to life has drastically changed and my perspective is to be living again.
The first part of this song has been something I've been repeating.

>> No.55396701
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Elon is a faggot.

>> No.55396792

It's actually funny that money is not any more useful IRL than it is in a game, beyond being a necessity. It just has a psychic effect to it that makes it seem more valuable than it really is. You can't actually do that much with large sums of money - yes, you can translate it into a lot of purchases, but the limit of the utility comes from the limit on the utility of any purchase, itself coming from the limit of the utility of any consumption. We can't actually process luxury beyond a certain level, but the status-effect conferred by the feeling of luxury tricks the mind into thinking that e.g. "I'm worth $10M dollars" is a meaningful statement. Psychologically, there is no difference between even $100B and $200B, the actual psychological effect can be described as {["2 > 1"] + "I'm rich"} (yes, I even have some schizo markup language) The "00B" in the "$100B" functions merely to induce the feeling of "I'm rich". Likewise, it doesn't really matter how big that yacht is for most people, what matters is "I own a boat, isn't that fancy". For some, the relative differences between superyachts have conceivably come to matter, they can e.g. "really feel" the difference between a double-decker and a triple-decker (I'm not familiar with how yachts are classified), but this feeling, while visceral, is a learned behavior. It feels subconsciously visceral, but a "real connoisseur" would understand what I mean. It feeling visceral is, in itself, however, a mistake. It feels subconsciously visceral, but it actually just feels important. The fact that it feels important, it is learned; an "acquired taste". It's not part of anyone's core being, it is habit-driven concentration on some goal. But you don't, like, have to care about anything; you just learn to care about things and then they just "somehow feel important".

>> No.55396882

The process is completely straightforward, but due to how it feels to go through this, it almost can't be figured out by oneself. The error subjectively perfectly distracts from itself, but viewed from the outside, it's pretty straightforward what happens. "You just wouldn't think of it."
The feeling of "I'm rich", is to some degree an illusion, you think of have to "behave like a rich person", but not everything that glints is gold, so to say. Though under this standard, physical gold would not be the gold of this saying. From your perspective, material wealth is, in part, an illusion perceived by you as real. It can't, e.g. revert time, or alter reality fundamentally. You can buy a lot of toilet paper, but you'll only ever going to use so much toilet paper. Beyond a certain point, it's hoarding, and hoarding gives you the illusion of wealth - the fact that it gives you the illusion of wealth is what makes you engage in it; the illusion comes first, then followed by the behavior, though the two are self-reinforcing.
The second aspect of the trap is that it forces you into the role of a rich person, namely into behaving as people expect of you. They expect rich people to behave like assholes, thus they behave according to what they think an asshole would do. If you are rich, their expectation comes first, and they impart the illusion on you; you then come to behave according to their expectation. They tell you that you are their master. In actuality, you are their slave. (This is as true about me as it is about you, I'm running analysis on myself.)

>> No.55396939 [DELETED] 

We are born with a clean slate, it's our corrupted coding that creates "assholes" which is just a defense mechanism, we can "talk to each others" elephant if you will, skipping around some parts of the human interaction and cut closer to what we are both learning to understand, but there are certain limits like I mentioned before where language fails.

>> No.55396949

No you're absolutely spot on, and I've seen it myself, had decent amounts of wealth before, grew up in a house of feast or famine, where it was spaghetti o's for lunch, $200 porterhouse steaks for dinner.

I've seen what stress and the idea of "making it" can do to a man, my father was 51 when he had me and chased "success" which was just gambling to get to a higher number, even if he had won which a few times he did, he wouldn't spend money on clothing or cars it was always just pouring it back into his friends and family, the idea of helping others obviously is what drove the man, and I as sliver of him could analyze his behavior, much like I was getting at before I think this might be part of the key to life, we evolve through shared perspectives, and we have children so we may transfer our experience unto them, and in term they refine themselves to the point a human becomes something beyond the animals we were born into.

And I've considered a lot of what you said and was driving around experiencing "life" as you will at around 1am, it was a cathardic experience just analyzing everything said and done etc.

Money even at a very early age I saw as an inferior system, a barter system might be closer to what's nessissary although I'll admit my knowledge/education is limited when it comes to history/economics, short of some things like human suffering and how to avoid it/anti war positions, because ultimately I'm a caregiver, and we all really are.
We are born with a clean slate, it's our corrupted coding that creates "assholes" which is just a defense mechanism, we can "talk to each others" elephant if you will, skipping around some parts of the human interaction and cut closer to what we are both learning to understand, but there are certain limits like I mentioned before where language fails.
Excuse the other part, keep trying to post in the wrong browser and cuts off what I'm saying and copypasting it over.

>> No.55396990

We likely also replace material "goods" things boats, cars etc as a way to focus our "love" and affection into an object that cannot die, we humans shy away from this idea, I can be a bit dark considering my life and circumstances and have spent many years pondering my death, which may have become a self fulfilling prophecy, but alas something nobody can truly avoid short of an electronic experience, which I wouldn't want to participate in, I think we are already electrical beings and trying to extend our lives will be an endeavor that will create "prisons" if you will where you aren't allowed to leave, which is one of my big phobias, a loss of freedom.
Money has always been freedom for me, the freedom to not be tied to the material realm of forcing myself to labor while sick which is killing any happiness I might have because I can't mend.

Cause I still very much want to live, and enjoy being alive but our system isn't perfect, I have to leave some things into the hands of the "creator" if you will, whatever you might call him that he or it is way smarter than I am and I am humbly a servant of a master.

We all play a role, I never liked "rich" or "poor" because titling people often feeds into the flawed system we experience.

>> No.55397062

That's completely accurate,
Money is an OK system, it's fine for what it does (except for the mathematically impossible parts, which, I grant, are at this point basically all of them; the cheese is more hole than cheese), but it does have an inherently corruptive effect when it interacts with our pre-existing and at least latent desire to hoard things. Money (I mean money in the extended sense of the financial system, not the tokens specifically) is actually incorrectly constructed because of this. Let's come back to that old chestnut about the interest rates: it is rational policy to ask for interest, but this clearly cannot work if banks are issuing ALL the money. There is a hole in the system. Yes, it's a basic objection, but the reaction of rolling one's eyes and saying "ugh, not the interest rates again!" dismissively is a trick the mind plays to protect itself. It is a fundamentally destabilizing factor in the system, which thereby becomes unsound.
The interest rate is actually, however, the expected default rate in such a system. If X amount of credit is issued and X*(1+Y) for an interest rate Y, then X*(1+Y) - X = XY money is missing from the system (it's quite hilarious that this is just a different way of saying "men don't have enough money", like a woman might say) and has to be created by new credit. We really shouldn't be surprised that credit has recently started growing exponentially. Like, what is anyone expecting to happen?
The credit can be paid back if we adjust the goal to X*(1+Y)*(1-Z) - X = 0 where Z is the expected default rate.
XY + XZ - XYZ = 0
Y = Z/(Z-1)

>> No.55397077
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Sell the nudes of Grimes you have.

>> No.55397151

Setting the interest rate, however, means that you're trying to set the effective default rate, which can lead to malinvestment or money tightness. In the current system, there also always money tightness because of the built-in instability of the solutions, despite nominal values always going up. The latter is inflation, the former is illiquidity. The two can occur at the same time because they are refer to different underlying realities: the former to the amount, the latter to the availability in need. "Water, water all around, and not a drop to drink" - it really is like that.
This is why things "become more unstable, the longer they are stable" - they aren't stable, they *seem* stable, because the instability hides itself in the process of making itself worse, like with how people try to issue more credit to pay off the interest of previous credit. This isn't an invective against credit, I really don't care, but this is a knot in the system that you're not going to somehow disentangle, it's that simple. It's like having 2+2=5 in the equation set. It's not gonna be true, no matter how much "research" one invests. The part with the interest rates AND no defaults just can't work, can it? Even in an expanding economy that harvests increased resources from the environment and thereby increases its wealth, the additional tokens would have to be issued somehow. Traditionally, people would do this with the "fruits of their labor" in a literal sense, in Europe by exchanging gold, elsewhere exchanging other shiny knick-knacks they mined or gathered, I would suppose. Then the government got involved, and wanted to stamp the gold, only "government-gold" could get used as coins. Fine, whatever. By giving them a face value that could change with respect to weight, it was already using price-controls, but the secondary issue arises when people don't even have enough of these and start issuing promissory notes for them.

>> No.55397176

>Cause I still very much want to live, and enjoy being alive but our system isn't perfect, I have to leave some things into the hands of the "creator" if you will, whatever you might call him that he or it is way smarter than I am and I am humbly a servant of a master.
Well, who knows what's out there, I really try not to pre-judge. I sure know I could never deduced the things I say in a million years.

>> No.55397225

An extremely complex and convoluted system, and you're spot on it appears stable but it isn't at all.
I knew we were likely fucked long term in the early 2000s and was part of the libertarian Ron Paul movement, learning from more educated minds than myself (I'll admit this shit makes my autism go haywire)
Which I believe stems back to our previous conversation that people were/are generally good but the system incentivises them to corrupt themselves to gain wealth/money/material goods to progress them in this ladder, when it's really simply an illusion we place upon ourselves from our egos wanting to believe in something greater and if there's nothing greater then we make ourselves greater, because the reality of the cold hard truths are simply too hard to embrace for most minds anyway, that I've found.
I've shaped myself after Alan years ago, likely because we are similar although I still consider himself even way more spiritually intelligent than myself but I can learn from him.

>> No.55397245

I try to keep an open mind, I'm still a skeptic like yourself but from my experiences I know there's something "amiss" if you will, so many times I've laughed like Alan and said "aha, I see you"
Like a glimpse of the divine peaking in, it's rare but it's occurred multiple times in my life.

>> No.55397371

I know more than I let on, by a lot. I don't mean that I have some "insider information" - but funnily enough, because it is the result of introspection, it technically is "insider information". It's information about myself, but, you know, technically speaking, it is.
I have no experience of being "requested" by anyone, this is, as far as I know, a coincidence. Unusual events happen all the time, but, as you said, all sorts of "broken" people come here, thus there might be a correlation there. I'm not divine in any way, I am some completely regular guy, but in typing these thoughts down I induce an effect over time (I don't *know* this, this is the output of my mind, i.e. what I am imagining is happening, narrated in words, though this assessment is also biased, since there is inherently a self-flattering "wow, ain't I cool and smart?" factor in imagining that one has some cool power, which I don't). For all I know, I doing that Inception-thing. The reason why that is conceivable is because our popular works of fiction reflect our internal mythologies. It's not that a story is either allegorical or not; all stories tend to have an allegorical aspect to a degree. Since the movie "Inception" is about dreams, it actually is about /what the director dreams he could do/. It is, in a way, "the director's dream". It's basically the same as with Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, which had a story called the "Pilgrim's Journey" with characters with names likes "Charity", who was obviously not intended to be some real woman with a completely plausible backstory, but the personification of the concept of charity - the story is a "Pilgrim*s Journey", after all, and it details what inner experiences the pilgrim (the author) would have on his inner journey. The main character with whom the reader identifies would encounter a woman called "Charity". The reader would encounter the platonic concept of charity.

>> No.55397384

(I don't mean this in any demeaning sense, it's just how I talk, and it's the only story from Chaucer's Tales I know... sorry, this is just works this way.)
In any case, the same thing happens in Inception and the Canterbury Tales.

>> No.55397449

I'll have to look into those I remember seeing inception and being pretty drawn into it, but life circumstances at the time (ex fiance) was distracting me from my path, and you absolutely aren't just a regular guy, I've spoken to many people in my 36 years and this encounter between us is by far the most unique, including the previous I just consider it a long conversation at this point if you will.
It's blasphemous to most westerners but like Alan said and he's right we're all god in disguise, and likely the reason we are alive is to become what we dream ourselves into, maybe not precisely what you might vision but getting towards that ideal fulfilled self, I myself am walking that path as well are you, and my motives are an alchemical exchange if you will, you helped me so in turn I want to try to help you in whatever way that might be in the best of my ability, and in turn we help others through our conversations/lurking to those who might be also walking this similar path.
And this is likely the way, the path of enlightenment, the evolution of our species.

I wish I knew all the answers, but I also imagine if that were the case our heads would implode from the sheer overload of things, and when in reality silence can speak louder than any words might ripple.
And I haven't found a single thing you've said to ever be demeaning, I myself tend to express inner thoughts outloud, which can make people think I'm being abrasive or condescending when that's never the case, I know your intentions and they are the same as mine albeit just different cliffs.

>> No.55397461

Honestly, I think pretty much the same way.

>> No.55397511

I've throughally enjoyed our interactions, even excluding the monetary benefit you endowed to me, it's really been a delight, a thought provoking experience that's surely going to continue to last regardless if we speak again.

You've not only invoked the life back into me, you've course corrected my path and reinvigored my love of man which was an achor dragging my soul back into depths I wouldn't dare describe to you or anyone for that matter.
So regardless of what you might think of yourself I consider you beyond measure in terms of any human I've met before and I mean that sincerely.
You're unique, you must realize this and continue forging yourself into the man you'll be in the future, for not only your benefit but those around you, as you made me realize I must do the same.

And as for thinking outloud, its a beautiful thing I don't know if you prescribe to the personality types but if they were true I would be considered an ENTJ, which most of this board are INTJ, one of the reasons I stand out is my counterpart is more introverted and I'm just more of a risk taker/outloud thinker, but I enjoy that about myself and enjoy it when others do it as well, it appears autistic and likely is but there's a reason we're the way we are, and it's likely again back to an evolution of our nature.

>> No.55397569

thoroughly* anchor*
Proof reading really is a virtue, and I fail that more often that I like to admit.

>> No.55397757

And thank you again brother for suturing up my future, my autism tends to find I can convey things through music or others expressions sometimes a little clearer, or at least in the frame/narrative I project in my mind.
Also I like sharing music.

>> No.55397766

>Ugh too much coffee this morning, going faster than my brain can handle.

>> No.55397955

You've actually been "proof-reading" me. What you wrote is what I thought about but didn't say. Had I said it myself, I'd have said what you said, obviously not down to the exact wording or the timing (I wasn't necessarily thinking what you wrote in that second, they are things I had been thinking about). But you did even use some of the exact same words.
Having said even that, the effect needn't be magical, people do anticipate what "the other guy is thinking about" and intuitively react to it accordingly. For all I know, I was maybe even producing what you thought about in some way too. And we do all use the kind of of phrases and general expressions to mean certain things, you know, "poetically".

>> No.55397979

But, you know, no need to listen to any given rambling I have, it's all just "interesting and hopefully useful stuff I say", said for entertainment/edification (if we wanna be a bit hoity-toity). I just like talking.

>> No.55397987

Precisely, funny enough I was going to say through our interactions I actually feel some of my intelligence rerouting, old pathways if you will that are being restored, it's one of the reasons I'm so thankful because regardless you've helped kickstart my electrical system through your words, causing an equal and opposite reaction in myself to come up with things I've long thought about but had basically shut down due to external factors.
If I overthink it I can stroke my own ego and say "See I did this, cause and effect"
but I know that's simply arrogance and it takes two to tango, and in many ways I'm simply a mirror holding itself up to another mirror.

>> No.55397995

I also enjoy talking kek, when there's substance, which this place has lacked for a long time and definitely why we are magnetically pulled towards one another.

>> No.55398039

>I can stroke my own ego and say "See I did this, cause and effect"
That's the same for me. You can never distinguish you having caused something from a coincidence. If something unusual happened, you can always say "I have no idea how this happened, and it happened to me, therefore I must have some power to cause this", especially if it also conforms to your wishes. Certain kinds of interactions do seem to coincidentally conform to your wishes, but there is actually a reason they conform: in manner of speaking, you only have one wish.
Of course, the fact that something unusual happened does not prove that some "magic" exists, like spell slots or mana, with some heretofore unknown effect. Unusual events really do happen all the time, and if you look, they are all explainable somehow. Even if, say, a pocket calculator outputs 1+1=3, say, it would have been due to something, even if it was some stray cosmic ray. Stray cosmic rays exist, sometimes one of them flips a bit in a calculator, that has to happen to someone, and that someone then concludes that he has some calculator-bit-flipping ability - but everyone to whom that'd have happened would conclude the same thing, simply because the event is inexplicable. In actually, stray cosmic rays exist and interact with electronics. But because they do so rarely, people think any occurrence is magic.
But it is, despite that, also a pretty big freak accident, it really IS a very unusual event, regardless of how it was caused.

>> No.55398065

>Pitch me your ideas.
stop being an eceleb cunt and get on with starship

>> No.55398082

I agree and why I say I remain skeptical to the "magic" or unexplainable things that have happened to myself, sure if I could put time in a vacuum and repeat it a thousand times I could rightfully conclude this is how this happens, for example in regards to my cat, but I know like a trick if the intention was taken out and placed into an experiment it would likely fail because that's part of the equation.
Which then becomes impossible to prove to any person, neither can our experience I can literally gather everyone on this board and explain what took place and nobody would believe me.

Not that I need their proof but going back to what we discussed earlier, maybe it's all simulated, for all I know you're myself in a different reality and we're speaking to each other in different times, using the internet as a means between worlds.

I can't prove that isn't the case, and there is a certain magic to it all, you being where you are doing what you did, me being in the right place at the right time.
It's all very mind blowing, and at the same time completely normal to my world.

I'm glad our universes intertwined, and I sincerely hope nothing but good comes out of all of this, and regardless of my situation, and the worlds situation I will always remain and optimist, because where's the fun in being cynical.

>> No.55398416

Not that it matters but out of what you gave me I think i lost around 4k on some microcap bets, I made a mistake and sold the 2.5k i had left last night in NEST and of course it just ran, but I was able to take it's run and get back 1.4k from where I was last night.
Thank you anon, I hope I can get back what I lost in honor of your gift to me.

>> No.55398592

Ok, but as said, try to not chase pumps. They are a reliable way to lose money.

>> No.55398608

I mean you don't have to invest in anything because you feel obligated. It really is how everyone keeps losing money.

>> No.55398700
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Thank you again, and of course that is a bad idea I knew it, I had actually bought in at 1 penny and waited a week, last night out of frustration I sold it knowing its band was tight enough to pump but 5 days went by and I was getting annoyed.
My gut said get off at 1744 so I did only got 50% through and market sold the rest.
Taking a break now and thanking my lucky stars that occurred.

>> No.55398787

And I don't like riding that edge, only reason I did was the volume was less than 10k last night, when I saw it shoot to 40k I knew someone was buying, it's unfortunate to whoever that was because I know I took their profits a bit but I know that's the name of the game.
I simply trade to stay afloat but I can't do it when I'm unhealthy I would let optimism and hope override my logical brain.

>> No.55399324

>I simply trade to stay afloat but I can't do it when I'm unhealthy I would let optimism and hope override my logical brain.
If it's like that, I do understand, plus who am I to say.
I just feared that you were chasing shitcoins so I tried to warn you in good faith.

>> No.55399341

A gryroscopic bouy power generator for offshore fishing operations. The device floats in the ebb and flow of the tide, charging powercells internal to the boat.

>> No.55399390

So harnessing the power of the Moon?

>> No.55399400

Oh no each time I've suffered a loss I try to reanalyze my mistakes and have seemed to come up with a system, and I knew the chance of it not doing anything was high, but I also heard my "gut" if you will say this is what you've been waiting for.
Many times in the past I listen to my gut and am maybe an hour to a day shy of it occurring, this time in particular I knew I could get profit but only because of my uneducated autism (uneducated in terms of even I can't fully understand my pattern recognition)
and am now sitting back instead of trying to double down or rechase, just digesting information rather than emotion.
And if I wasn't sure of that I wouldn't have done it, I just simply wanted to state to you
>Hey I know I fucked up, but let me at least show you I'm not a fuck up when things align, and you helped me re-align.
Also a bit of "will" if you will to it, I want to earn what I have not humbly ask for it, but I couldn't have done it without you.
Did I cause that?
Likely not, did it contribute to the pump me going into it, likely.
again it's kind of a microcosm of our conversation.

>> No.55399407

hear me out mr musk, a straight ass tunnel deep underground all the way from NYC to motherfucking LA. the tunnel should be so big in diameter that it can hold a 4 lane street both ways, a 2 lane railway both ways, several pipelines for gas, oil and corn syrup as well as a high speed internet cables. essentially a giant service tube for the whole country.

>> No.55399434

We don't have the same taste in music, but I've been thinking about doing this (posting songs as a kind of "rhetorical device") months now. This doesn't give you any certainty, anyone could say "oh, that thing you're doing? Yeah, I totally thought about it", but it gives me certainty.

>> No.55399455

I have no doubt about that, my taste in music is all encompassing, my favorite is actually smooth jazz which is a pretty prominent feature in my city, I recently went to a jazz bar for the first time and I actually really enjoyed it.
I tend to "speak" through my music, the stuff I post isn't usually for the musical purpose, but more or less to inspire an emotion, since emotions have to be my weakest character trait.
I'm glad things throughout our interactions can inspire you as you have with me, which I hope others who might read if anyone does can derive an education throughout this experience and re-create it over and over, and maybe in this sense we can create a better future for ourselves.

>> No.55399467

And I might add I don't drink but simply wanted to go to a jazz bar because one of my dreams was to open one someday, and found it would be more of a passion than a business for me but something I would have enjoyed for sure.
Although I would have had smoking allowed and split level, coffee/bar, mostly because I love coffee.

>> No.55399503

Sure, moo tides, whatever. It would charge a deep state battery abord the vessel. Buy Tendy token now thanks

>> No.55399504

I'm not sure my intention when doing so is clear but I will say when talking to people I've found using music can invoke/inspire in others, I've always done it just because of my robotic like emotional behavior, and a passion for singing has been a way to highlight something or some point I might be trying to get across.

>> No.55399522

Ah okay so yeah basically a rhetorical device (I unironically love being completely uneducated, it makes learning still a new landscape for me in everyday life, rather than learning everything when I was still growing up, I got to spend time building computers and cars while kids our age were stuck in school)
So the funny thing is a lot of what I do is 100% organic, maybe done by me for the same reasons you are thinking, but I don't write things down, it drives my booksmart brother crazy.
Never, no pros/cons, nothing I like my brain sharpen itself and either figure it out or not.
And after so many years I've developed I guess systems or ways or talking/doing things that might influence a direct effect for myself.

This can be used for good or bad, at a time I tried it to rally people and found myself quickly being overwhelmed by followers which I wasn't ready for.

>> No.55399528

I let my brain sharpen*
I mostly operate on auto-pilot, when I do try to seize control I lose it, something I've tried to ingrain into people a certain level of let your subconscious take over because it's much smarter than your conscious.
Not an easy feat and I still struggle with it daily.

>> No.55399589

Are the token and the power generation scheme somehow related?

>> No.55399624

You would think after nearly 48 hours of continued conversation we would have been interrupted or possibly joined by someone by now, I'm honestly welcoming it I'd like to see you talk with someone interested but oddly we might be above people's wavelength.

>> No.55399660

Education is a meme too. "You know the drill" - you don't think you do, but you do. We spend years in school, being graded and tested, and intimidated by the lingo. This system does come out of Prussia, and it is the reason people have dreams about school for years and decades after having finished it in real life: it's the trauma trying to be processed. I'm educated to an OK level, but it's just a kind of style of speech you adopt (I have had people in academia say this to me outright: "it has to be in *the appropriate language*", with the latter words being said in that slightly pained tone of voice; a momentary murmur of pained tension. You know the "appropriate language", it's that kind of "smart-sounding talk". It really is just a game people are playing without being aware of it (they call it "being refined" or, more likely nothing at all and just pride themselves on how very smart they are), you don't have to have to put yourself down, even "ironically".
[the statement actually applies to me, I misread what you said because my "education" inherently biases me towards being a smarty-pants know-it-all who's ready to "dispense wisdom" at the slightest provocation]
> (I unironically love being completely uneducated, it makes learning still a new landscape for me in everyday life, rather than learning everything when I was still growing up, I got to spend time building computers and cars while kids our age were stuck in school)
That unironically puts you in a better position than most, because overeducation tends to make one's mind rigid. It has to be rigid to some degree, i.e. you can't believe any ol' shit, but that's a different kind of rigidity; it's "incisive and precise analysis", whereas practical education tends to just make people stiff-necked and "we've always done it this way". They know a lot about specific topics, but they aren't able to think outside the box.

>> No.55399682

I have a "baseline" speech too, I'm this extremely autistic about how I phrase things because, I could say them more simply, but it'd sound to you like what a schizo would say. For example: you are correct. This is a somewhat nutty thing to say because it seems to imply telepathy, but it is an accurate description, it just doesn't mean what it's popularly imagined to mean. I don't know to what understanding anyone saying such things has of what he is saying, but technically speaking, if you look at it from a certain angle, that is how you'd concisely describe it.
The problem is, and there's a specific reason for that, that my baseline internal monologue actually sounds like that of a schizo.

>> No.55399697

As said, it's kinda funny in hindsight as to why that is, like the resolution to a fun little riddle.
But yes, in a way, we likely are above most people's wavelength; I mean, you see a conversation like this, what are you going to realistically say? Just close the tab and move on. The mind generally even deletes the memory of not having been able to think of anything to say. "Doesn't look like anything to me", like in Westworld (Westworld, too, is a psychological movie, it's very clearly about some Matrix-type situation for the robots).

>> No.55399727

Funny because yes I might "Oh damn I'm not uneducated therefor I'm lesser than you"
Which I use to my advantage, because you're right the rigid thinking is what actually makes you close minded, and the trauma I experienced in school was condensed I got the same just faster and on a different level of extreme.
I say I wasn't educated past third because that's when they stopped teaching me, I finished the 6th without ever doing any work from the third on, they actually would just make me walk into a room where I'd sit in silence all day until the end of the day and go back home.

I was smart early on and they did run some IQ testing on me which I know was higher although I can't confirm that, my issue was I felt the educational system was inferior at a very young age, I taught myself how to read, write and math although I didn't learn much past the basics, you can decipher that in my punctuation and sentence structure, it's simply my own and I know it's not correct but my refined version of my own language in a sense.
"schizo" is a label, you're simply processing outloud, this is true autism.
When people say "Ah heyo guys I'm autistic check out my pink hair and obsessive behavior"
usually just code for "I fried my fucking brain on LSD so now you gotta deal with me"
True "autistic" types like ourselves aren't normal or even close to being common.
I personally love it.

Hah I audibly laughed, yes I imagine most people wandering into this are just scratching their heads, getting a sudden migraine and moving on.
Although I imagine some people might take an interest which I say please, I've always been based on honesty or tried to be anyway there was a time in my shadow self I was a dishonest person but it was followed by consuming guilt that would cause paralysis in my life, because it wasn't my true operating procedure.

>> No.55399734

And when I say "you" I mean in general as a person, something seemingly all universally do.
Including myself I'm not going to kid and say I have it all figured it, I wish I truly did because if I fully knew beyond measure I would spend the rest of my time educating those around me, refine my experience into them so they can skip the time, heartache and suffering that takes place in search of a higher thinking.

>> No.55399765

And meant to add yes am familiar with Westworld although I don't watch many movies or TV shows/youtube anymore, very rarely engage in social media/twitter, got my somehow computer device banned from making a facebook account, that's another story but an interesting one but will leave that for possibly another time.

The simulation theory though has been engaging to me lately when I previously would brush it off, I learned to take a more open minded approach to it, there was another story/movie called the thirteenth floor, I will add I've never read a single book in my entire life, short of instructions.

>> No.55399767

>you can decipher that in my punctuation and sentence structure
We all learn different skills, but it really is just a measure of "I've had this drilled into me for this many years in school". It's really nothing special, but I know how we all are about this sort of stuff. I can't do carpentry, for example, but nobody says "I'm stupid in relation to carpentry". These IQ tests are a big bugbear of mine too, let me tell you.
But I mean, in general, do you think people should have knowledge? I've been wrestling with that one for a long while now. Not specific knowledge like "what's the area of France?", but, you know... new kinds of things to understand. I personally love talking more than is good for me, that's just how I am, but I don't know whether one should try to tell people everything as a policy.

>> No.55399776

I've had a guy recommend that one to me before, I'll give it a watch, thanks.

>> No.55399801

I think positive knowledge, necessary knowledge should be, but I also believe revealing the truths might like the matrix put it, "fry" the user if they themselves are set in their ways.
Say if I unloaded all my years of knowledge to a fresh blonde haired blue eye'd glide to his step mormon he would be chainsmoking cigarettes and bags under his eyes within a week.

So like you said there has to be consent, and even if you told me everything I ever needed to know, my skeptical mind would have to test your theory.

I used to try to "wake" people up in the late 2000's but found myself drained of all energy, and in truth I was still learning myself and am still today.

And if I could unwind what I know, I probably would, although in doing so any "power" I've gained/learned would be stripped as well.

>> No.55399818

Of course brother, and I say that meaningfully I don't call people brother unless I feel a connection between us, which obviously that doesn't need to be said.
It's a bit corny because it's old but actually a more enjoyable watch, and leaves you thinking for sure.
I could talk all night, and knowing myself even when we both stop I'll probably find something later to add when I'm sitting in silence, because that's how I work I tend to just say how I think and feel, because that's my brain translating onto writing what it's current thought process is.

>> No.55399829

And unironically I look very close to Vincent D'Onofrio especially now we are both older.
I was a car salesmen when I was younger and people nicknamed me Private Pyle.
Just to get a sense of what I might look like, for the minds eye.

>> No.55399853

>OP long gone

>> No.55399859

Thanks, you really make good points, I'm trying hard to think through them. Well, good night, anon (assuming you're in the Americas).

>> No.55399863

Holy fuck it's just 2 schizos rambling to each other

>> No.55399891
File: 808 KB, 675x640, 2schizosrambling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night my fren, I am, I'm a midwesterer, which I love as well, I'm quite a fan of my little flyover state and probably wouldn't live elsewhere.
Kek you know you could be a third....

I'm sure we will likely bump into each other eventually assuming above anon gets his wish.

>> No.55399899

Wait till he see's my post amount...

>> No.55400011

I will add this just incase you're pondering about thought experiments/conversations, I've found I've been able to make "friends" or allies between rigid people by being sarcastic, or showing a "strength" of will during our first meeting.
Many people described it as "fuck this guy" followed by "I'm impressed by this guy"
This has followed me from an early age, I just thought about it with my knee jerk response to the above anon.

>> No.55400307

Ok well some of us can use extra help. You go on with good intentions. Sometimes your past is sabotaging the future.

>> No.55400339

You said something earlier that struck me and something I've struggled with in the past I believe and I'm paraphrasing in my car outside my house using my wifi but it was "wouldn't you help someone out if you could"
To which I couldn't honestly answer, there was a man earlier who saw me pull money out of the ATM to pay some bills and my immediate self went into defensive mode because I can tell he's up to no good this time of night, but what you said ached at me, I could and I should even though it might feed his addiction, I came back around the corner and he was gone but I saw him, I found him and gave him $10 he was very thankful but never looked at the bill he was very sickly looking.

I have a feeling this whole world's a giant test, and you don't fail by not participating but you fail when you don't reciprocate like waves crashing on an ocean if it never returns the ride eventually it becomes still and lifeless.
Just an observation which you have me doing a lot more.

>> No.55400345

The tide* going to go out driving now it's been a cathartic experience just driving in the dead of night that I've been doing since the start of this month, I hope you're able to gain wisdom and experience out of all this.
This goes for anyone lurking as well

>> No.55400387 [DELETED] 

All donations go to the kids. It’s though out there in small biz land

>> No.55400411

/biz dear fucking God read the WP for 4TOKEN. They are literally trying to tie it's value ton a stable-coin eventually ~3 yrs out. But up until then strong narrative and crazy burning mechs.

and it's about to get listed on Huobi this week...

>> No.55400416

fucking bots, kek

>> No.55400667

I finished my night drive, which I would inspire others to do the same, the reason I have is because my area is run down, my home included but a work in progress, I've ran a bit of an experiment since moving here after 2011 which was a major life event change for me, maybe deeper detail into that experience another time as it would take another thread just to explain the years between 2009-2011 in my life which were significant, and also maybe leads to a 10 year cycle of events that occur in your life, something different I've pondered but a different subject.

And of course now I see interesting lunar events that have shifted since my last look into the stars, and the moon doing odd things tonight makes me wonder if all of this is divine, maybe it's the simulation, maybe it's our inner god talking to himself and learning I can't be entirely sure.

But I still possibly go back to the book of job, and how others here when I told my story would repeat that statement.

I don't write for a response but as an introspective expression of my thoughts tonight, I had even more odd things happen, not bad either but good, something like a "funk" has been lifted, where it felt like I was being gatekept by forces from speaking to people I knew or doing the things I needed to do.

"schizo" maybe, but I think divine has a nicer ring to it.

>> No.55400682

And to state that I wouldn't have been leaving my home without us ever meeting, because I would likely be chasing that thing that might help prolong my life, the work I needed to do but knew I couldn't because of my condition.

I also picture the way I'm speaking now being similar to the gargoyles in the ultima series of games, a big inspiration on my learning actually and the games that i used to help shape my education when I was working on computers.

>> No.55400686


Lol, lmao even

>> No.55400882

I didn't elaborate on that my apologies, tired, but basically QRD is the broken window theory, it was a shit shack when I moved in with no beauty, i've spent a decade now tilling the land and making it a nice site, in the middle of a bad/worse off area and it's seemingly working although it's taking a long time, but far from perfect.