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55374946 No.55374946 [Reply] [Original]

>Western Europe
>Median salary is like 3 100EUR
>... 2 000EUR post tax

>> No.55374958

as always, you deserve what you tolerate

>> No.55374970


>> No.55374989
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Oh no! It's almost like you have substations which are unguarded with nothing but chain fences everywhere which would collapse the entire nation if they got damaged. It's totally hopeless bros!

>> No.55375019
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the shitskin welfare refugees won't pay for themselves
work harder, goy

>> No.55375108

german average is 2500, median 1800 post taxes

>> No.55375176
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The real gigachad move is to invest 1k on RBE and wait for the x20 to finally get out of the wageslave

>> No.55375286

I love France but I think I will work in America, it is just in my best interest. Should I stop lying to myself and embrace US imperialism since it conquered me?

>> No.55375307


>3600 gross
>2100 net before annual taxation

I left that hell for a 15% tax paradise working remotely, subcontracted in another country.

>> No.55375377

Do it. It's beyond repair. The world you once knew does simply not exist anymore. Bail the fuck out and let them rot with it.

>> No.55375395
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No, everyone is racist, there is no healthcare and people get shot everyday. Dont come, stay where you are

>> No.55375474

Yes but everything is way cheaper. It costs an insane amount of money to not eat goyslop in the US, and rent is like $1300 minimum for anywhere not in the ghetto or a depressing small town in the middle of nowhere full of junkies. Also you have a foreskin and hot women that you don’t need to be a rich 10/10 Instagram famous gigachad to fuck consistently. Burgerland 50% of women are fat pigs and the rest think they are literal godesses and are covered in shit tattoos. Being a burger is only good for people like me who work remote and can move abroad to geomaxx. But no amount of money and geomaxxing will give me my foreskin back.

>> No.55375519

In order to do that you will have to do something you would rather drag your dick through broken glass than do Pierre: speak English.

>> No.55375609

>Yes but everything is way cheaper.
why do ameriburgers insist on claiming this when they have no actual experience otherwise
making $120k/y as 22 years old software developer and paying $4k per month in food+rent+healthcare beats making €60k/y for same career/exp and paying €2k per month in food+rent+healthcare

>inb4 amerimutt "mathematician" says uhhh it's the same relatively
no, because only absolutes matter. the guy with $120k/y has more optionality when it comes to fucking off to another country while keeping his well-paid job in a remote position
not to mention extra purchases within the us. hardware that costs $1000 in the us frequently runs €1500 in europe. everything starts costlier with vat then ends up even costlier because economies of scale are not there
oh, you like venmo? fuck you, this doesn't work here
oh, you like cashback on credit cards? fuck you, this doesn't exist here
oh, you like to drive? fuck you, gas costs 3x to 4x as much
oh, you like to drive (2)? fuck you, roads are cramped and parking is an ordeal in most big cities
oh, you want space in your apartment? fuck you, you'll take your 200 square feet for €1000 and thank us for it

there are fine things in europe. women being much hotter is unironically true. less jewish dominion re: foreskin and in general culture is also true. but it's absolutely batshit retarded to pretend life is easier in europe. *survival* is easier in europe. if you're above room temp IQ, america is much better because your earning power becomes exponential relative to yuropoors

>> No.55375670

European workers rights (that us europeans brag about) are detrimental to economic output, it's just another incentive for companies to set up shop in the US or Asia
the european market is ununified because europe is ununified
>but muh EU buerocrats and muh single market/currency
these are facades that hide the real issue, the labor market, the fiscal system and to a bug degree the retail market as well are pretty much divided among national lines, these wouldn't be a problem if it didn't involve a currency union, something that has never, ever worked throughout history, the most integrated western economies (US-Canada, Australia-New Zealand and Germany-Poland) all use seperate currencies.

Until the EU stops trying to pretend to other countries and to market participants that it isn't one thing like the US or China these problems will presist, the good thing is that this "project" will likely end soon and prosperity will return to europe and its people's and nations

>> No.55375679

interesting read for those interested in more:

>> No.55375692

Somebodies got to pay for all those social services you guys love to brag about.

>> No.55375704

It's also very important to note that those in countries like France and Germany benefit a lot from the status quo while those in the eastern and (especially) the southern perifery are actively damaged as their youth leaves and their countries die

AND this whole thing was created by the americans to benefit american geopolitics

>> No.55375705

Visiting a hospital is also completly free and an ambulance ride is also free.

>> No.55375730

are you 80 years old or female?
how frequentely do you go to the hospital that having free ambulances becomes a thing worth fucking your entire new generations' future?

>> No.55375737

>have a baby
>that will be $30000 plus tip please

>> No.55375750

private health insurance is dirt cheap in europe (t. european btw), unless you're poor in which case I don't care
even if healthcare is """free""" in europe it's dog shit

>> No.55375757

I'm Belgian i pay 250€ every year, everything is free, except for speciality dental procedures.

>> No.55375764

He literally just posted in English.

>> No.55375781


>> No.55375831

>western europe
>3100 euro
I dont know where you live but in Belgium thats what technicians or administrative clerks without a HS degree make. Software dev should be at least 5k.

>> No.55375891
File: 402 KB, 654x570, Screenshot 2023-04-22 100551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true. i try it. you need MRI sure we have a slot in 6M.....USA: you need MRI ? come tomorrow at lunch....if you have a real job your insurance pay for it....if not you re NGMI. TLDR EU is good for poor people

>> No.55375892

Also if you freelance a non-bullshit job you can easily make 140-150k here

>> No.55375924

Very few fresh out of college people start out making $120k fresh out of college like these faggots larp about, even women who get hired in tech just for having pussies don’t usually even start out making that much. In the US rent and (toxic) food are much more expensive and you need to have a car and car insurance on top of that and of course medical insurance. It’s also tied to your job, which means if Mr. Shekelberg fires you you lose your health insurance and can’t get meds you need if you have expensive medication for the autoimmune diseases you will get from eating our poison food. You also start out getting out of college with an average of like $30k in debt conservatively. The only thing that is cheaper is gas (you need a car lol) and stuff like electronics. All of that aside though the women situation in the US is so bad no amount of money is worth it, and as I said you still have your foreskin faggot. Count your blessings unironically.

>> No.55375925

What makes you actually think you'd be rich in the US though. People at random companies in random sectors in the US don't get paid six figures for 9-5 bullshit jobs either. All these people makimg 200k with impeccable insurance from their employer are Ivy League graduates or Imdiam H1Bs that work for scraps. Who the fuck are you? Probably some schmuck who is denied entry.

>> No.55375960

There are nice cities in France. There are no nice cities in America. You will also never get cheap good bread ever again. Okay if you accept these things you'll be fine in America and actually make money.

>> No.55376019

can they get normal flour over there or is that shit also goyslopped up? like i think whole grain spelt flour is especially easy and forgiving, i have the whole thing down to less than 4 minutes of actual work to make a loaf. costs almost nothing and takes less time than going to a shitty bakery run by teenagers where prices go up 5% and size goes down 5% every fucking week. but i guess burgers can only buy regular wheat flour at walmart and that's it?

>> No.55376936

You can get almost any quality ingredient here, it just costs a bit more sometimes. I shop almost exclusively at a good local Italian market and whole foods. The average American just doesn't know/care and our low tier stuff is awful

>> No.55378370

Its the median retard

>> No.55378681
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pastanigger here, i make 400k working for sandniggers (remotely)

>> No.55378709

How do you land a remote job like that? I've been searching for remote jobs for ages and the best I've found was one for Meta.