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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5537302 No.5537302 [Reply] [Original]

Now that it's obvious LINK was just a powerful memecoin some questions remain. Does anyone know the anwers?

>how did Sergey coerce Ari Juels a serious and respected academic to coauthor a peer-reveiwed paper with him?
>how did Sergey get chosen to do a PoC with SWIFT and be in their orbit since 2015 and stay in it to the present day, culminating in SIBOS and an ongoing undisclosed relationship?
>how did Sergey get on the same stage as Vitalik at Devcon2?
>how did Sergey land the default oracle role for ZeppelinOS with no working product?
>how did Sergey establish a partnership with Microsoft Bletchley Cryptlets/Azure?

He's a philosophy major who can't code. Where exactly did all these "ins" come from? The guy jumped ship from NXT to Eth and somewhere along the way established relationships with some of the most important people in crypto. What's going on here? Is he some kind of deep cover psyop? None of it makes sense, he just pops up in all these random places.

>> No.5537364

its all a conspiracy, it goes way back when Bush was president.

Look into it

>> No.5537510


True in that it appeared sergey acquired smartcontract.com in 2008. But there's nothing else out there from before

>> No.5537518

These are very good questions OP, but I'm afraid it's all an elaborate game of smoke and mirrors designed to cover the real reason behind this scam.

>> No.5537721
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Don't you fucking stinky linkies fucking get it? You're not gonna make it with your fucking erc20 shit token. You need to invest in other opportunities. Seriously just market sell all your chainlinks, ASAP. Sergey is already backpacking throughout Southeast Asia as we fucking speak telling people he's retired. It's over. Sergey's salty surprise is gonna be the exit scam announcement. Datadash was right, SWIFT cancelled the partnership because Sergey's a fucking russian scammer. It's a pity too, the project had so much promise but that's because it was never real in the first place. Steve isn't even a real fucking person. Rory said he's never actually heard Steve's voice in the Slack. The building their website says they're at is a run down hole in the wall indonesian restaurant. The house of cards is falling and Sergey knows people are starting to smell his exit scam. That's why he's vanished from all social media and forms of communication. He's in hiding backpacking asia filling his money belly until this all blows over.

It's fucking ogre guys just fucking sell those heavy ass bags.

>> No.5537747
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He's a descendant of the Annunaki extraterrestrial alien race. We are his loyal followers and will reap the fruits of our labors when the time comes. I am happy to have made it with all of you on /biz/. We will transcend into the next dimension when all is said and done.

>> No.5537784

He is Satoshi Nakamoto. Not even larping

>> No.5537816

If we are talking Chainlink conspiracy theories, there was the Star Trek DS9 episode 'Past tense' where the cast travels back to the year 2023. There they find a world where there is a mass unemployment crisis, caused by a data network that automates most transactions. They meet the creator of the data network; actually a nice guy. Lives in San Francisco, and has an affinity for taking in women guests for non exploitive reasons.

>> No.5537871
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I don't like my job anyways...

>> No.5537872

Is that the one where Sisko and Bashir are larping as hobos for the first episode and revolutionaries in the 2nd

>> No.5537893

This is possibru,



>> No.5537911

That's the one.

>> No.5537955

Sergey is captain Spock.

>> No.5538166
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Can you imagine what it must feel like being a complete no-linker? The only arguments are that the project may fail or LINK may not be adopted. Noone denies that if Chainlink is adopted we will see $500+/LINK. This isn't some bullshit Bitcoin knockoff or "The Chinese ______". Bitcoin can always be forked again, updated, lightning network and so on, but you think LITECOIN is a better hold than LINK? Are you kidding me? Anyone in their right mind would agree that it is more likely for Chainlink to be widely adopted than for Litecoin to overthrow Bitcoin. For less than $1,000 you can get 2,000 (!!!) LINK right now! That is a cool ONE MILLION DOLLARS once the main net is live (2018) and we see widespread adoption (2020). The only reason these unfortunate souls - the nolinkers - aren't accumulating is because they don't have the patience to read into anything that isn't directly marketed to them like the latest super hero movie. There is no excuse for link to be absent from your portfolio. Perhaps one day you'll look back on my post and be grateful I led you down the path of light. Maybe you'll look back, full of regret for buying into the FUD, right before you pull the trigger.

>> No.5538176

>How did Sergey get called "Aleksey" once at a NY meetup?

>> No.5538806

New fud: Sergey Nazarov is a soviet sleeper brainwashed into programming malicious code that can undermine and spy on the financial system .

>> No.5538997

it's like a psychosis

>> No.5539157

Ever see the Crazies?

We are the LINKers

>> No.5539224


It's almost as if all of those people have interacted directly with sergey and have been exposed to chainlinkin ways we haven't.

In other words, they know something with confidence that we do not.

>> No.5539263

im gonna sit here laughing with my 1000 raiblocks which are more likely to become 500$ per coin than your shitty erc20 shittoken

>> No.5539296

any one want to sell 250k link to me with 45-48 cent. fucking entire sell order is less than 100k link. any one?

>> No.5539438


>> No.5539530

It's actually disgusting watching everyone disregard Chainlink and chase empty pumps instead. This is the most innovative piece of technology that financial and insurance sectors have all been waiting for and it will actually revolutionize the world and strengthen every industry it touches.

Look at Vitalik, Roger, Justin, and Charlie constantly focusing on publicity stunts, shilling, and talking about the pricing of their coins. Sergey is actually the most reliable leader in the cryptosphere focusing only on his technology and development, no bullshitting with publicity stunts. Only honest answers to honest questions when he gets the chance.

I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills watching all of this play out. Etherscan shows that soon 95% of all available circulating LINK will be consolidated into less than 15,000 wallets and that continues to shrink as more people try to chase pumps, they're being shaken into stronger hands. As soon as Sergey's saved up LINK is finally handed over to institutions we'll see the price jump by increments of dollars and it'll be way too for most people by then. This is so fucking ridiculous and scary in showing how stupid most of /biz/ actually is.

>> No.5540007

You mean weeping cries?

>> No.5540171

>feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills
that's what it fucking looks like

>> No.5540179
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It was his destiny. They saw something in him.

>> No.5540261

you lads make it will be the greatest comeback ever

>> No.5540354

Enjoy your (((coin))) that is massively centralised and corrupted. (((They))) are shilling it for a reason. Unlike btc they bought into this one early and it has (((owners))) too.

>> No.5540363

best comment I've read all day

>> No.5540378

High functioning programmers who shun all but IT are perhaps amazed at the depth of the things philosophy can offer. They feel affinity for the depth which they only sometimes can experience in their day to day jobs.

Sergiey speaking of such things makes him an attractive conservationist for the very-high IQ IT autist.

>> No.5540408

Copy pasta

>> No.5540981
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about LINK, you little nolinker? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in FUD rebuttal, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret pump and dumps on Ripple, and I have over 300% confirmed gains. I am trained in day trading crypto and I’m the top bagholder in the entire LINK Marine forces. You are nothing to LINK but just another weak hand. I will shake your coins the fuck out with dumps the likes of which has never been seen before on this exchange, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to Rory over slack? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of ChainLink nodes across the main-net and your wallet address is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, LARPer. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your stack. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can buy anywhere, anytime, and I can drop you over hundred satoshi, and that’s just with my trading bots. Not only am I extensively trained in selling the top, but I have access to the entire arsenal of smart contracts and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the blockchain, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” FUD was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking bags. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re FOMO'd into the ATH, you goddamn idiot. I will shit dips all over you and you will sell in it. You’re fucking JUSTED, kiddo.

>> No.5541283
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kekd irl