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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5536889 No.5536889 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.5536975

this is a blue board faggot and country flags dont make a difference there are proxys and thinking that flags would be useful shows that they would just mislead you

>> No.5536999

naked girls are fine ban faggot discord links and referral links/codes

sign up with my kucoin referral and get mad dividends: 1RMev

>> No.5537058

Flags would turn this place to shit
/pol/ was much better before flags

Also, girls are fine

>> No.5537142


>> No.5537156

How about tag/flag that identifies bigots.

>> No.5537285


>> No.5537404

We don’t want flags

>> No.5537438

t. pajeet

>> No.5537441


No, we don't want this. Don't fucking ruin the board.

>> No.5537476

haha first poo in the toilet then u won't have to worry about flag trolls

>> No.5537484
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>only people who dont want flags are ranjeet and prajesh posting from a new delhi sweatshop

>> No.5537540

>ban naked girl posters
>OP is massive faggot

>> No.5537584


>inb4 infestation mutation into /pol/ achieved

>> No.5537612

Fuck you. They distract me from making money.

>> No.5537614

yes no flags plz. we wouldn't want the shill factory workers exposed

>> No.5537664
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>not admiring naked women
>while admiring/talking gainz with your bros

>> No.5537677

>naked girls
>get erect
>testosterone goes up
> be more alpha take more risks
>make more money

>> No.5537700
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>> No.5537719

>the exception is the rule
You're a fucking moron and this board needs flags.

>> No.5537752

There isn't a human on this planet that isn't a bigot. You probably don't even know what the word means.

>> No.5537799



>> No.5537808

I'm German. I know /biz/ is full of /pol/fags who will just shit on me just because of my flag. Get the fuck out of this place if you're too stupid to know which coins are obvious pajeet shitcoins.

>> No.5537869

The porn posters are annoying, but posts like these are just another level of annoying entirely. Saged and go away.

>> No.5537949

just buy Fapcoin

>> No.5538032

No one gives a shit about u nazis. Pajeets spam the board with scam coins 24/7

>> No.5538035

the post

>> No.5538126

We aren't worried about Achmed, we're worried about Pranav. Germans are fine. Shouldn't you be getting ready for your dawn prayer though, Achmed?

>> No.5538147

>I'm German
Oh, hello Ahmed. Nice of you to be friends with pajeet, rajeev, mahesh, and prateek :)

>> No.5538149

There is a difference between being one privately, being socially cordial and being one openly, being socially hostile. The former leads to cooperation whereas the latter leads to walls going up.

>> No.5538223

3 - Ban multiple thread posters trying to generate fomo through spam

>> No.5538248

But you are an open bigot.

Example: Are you openly against pedophilia? If so, you're a bigot.

Are you openly against Socialism? Capitalism? Communism? If you are openly against any of them, you are a bigot.

Go read the fucking definition. It doesn't only apply to what your feelings dictate, faggot.

>> No.5538310

theres already too much distraction on this shit board, adding flags would just be cancer.

Like im a Canadian poster, the amount idiots that would reply leaf and derail the conversation in every other thread would give anybody an aneurysm

>> No.5538376

..And this is what 80% of the board will look like with flags. /int/ 2.0.

>> No.5538412

Go back to /Pol/ NOW

>> No.5538414

Flags would help identify which countries are shilling their shitcoin. I unironically advocate flags for this board

>> No.5538630

By definition, you exemplify all that is socially understood to be a bigot. You vilify everyone that you don't or can't (probably because your father beat you into a form of social retardation) understand. I don't identify as a bigot, although I do have internal biases that I struggle with yet I project an outward acceptance because that keeps society running smoothly. You seem to identify as a bigot though, with pride. We both know I was not going for the merriam webster definition of bigot, just the social definition--one who hates another for simply being a certain way.

>> No.5538691
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>implying /pol/ was ever good

>> No.5538727


thanks for proving exactly why we need flags.

>> No.5538761


>muh /biz/

fuck off faggot

>> No.5538810

You're in the wrong place. You have to go back.

>> No.5538854

It's not about having a safe haven it's about making some fucking money. Nice digits btw.

>> No.5538892

Also, none of that makes you any better or me any worse. It just makes you a fucking sensitive little bitch and me an asshole. End of the day, you're the one ignoring reality.

>> No.5538912
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Are you gay or something?

>> No.5538925

You lost your argument to a well reasoned anon and now you are ranting. When philosophy breaks down your shambling arguments you resort to name calling. But the worst is that you can't even admit that it happened. You are a fucking coward.

>> No.5538981
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1.Ban Indian IPs
2.Enforce SFW rules.

>> No.5539090

I name called? Where? And well reasoned? He showed no reason or class and was first to name call. You seem confused.

Typical response. Censor anyone with a differing opinion.

>> No.5539098

I can't even imagine getting BTFO so hard by logic but having my head so far up my ass I couldn't even feel a breeze. How do you even breathe?

>> No.5539122

And bring back airdrop threads. I made 2k on FENX

>> No.5539135


This whole site went to shit after it was flooded by right-wingers,/pol/ et al.

>> No.5539150

>getting BTFO so hard by logic
>getting told that racism is equal to being anti-socialism, morally speaking


>> No.5539205

You completely ignored the definition of bigotry and made up your own. As if enough people are stupid, then reality shifts to their stupid perception of it. Jesus Christ, you've got a condition.

>> No.5539247

No one comes to this board for logic. They come to take advantage of others. Fascism that masks itself as Capitalism.

>> No.5539494

I'm not even that person, idiot

>> No.5539810

ban the faggot discord posts. "discord." keyword should be eliminated, you piece of shit mods, get it done.

>> No.5540696

>t. pradeep

>> No.5541257

Looked up pajeet on google and it say indians are no humans, no that is wrong. Indians are more human that britishers and europeans. Russians good though. Also plz no flags on /biz/ too many anti-indians.

>> No.5541291

Ban the fucking discord spam too. It's 100% against the rules but they do nothing when I report.

>> No.5541296

Biz is porbaly inhabites by mostly inbred europeaners who are jealous of us indians

>> No.5541348

Agree, India is a power that scares everyone. We indians dont need to shill coins for anyone because we have better standards.in 5 years times europeaners will shill their coin

>> No.5541397

why are there so many disgusting faggots requesting more information about posters?
go to fucking reddit. 4chan is anonymous.

>> No.5541410

You can just downwote pajeets

>> No.5541500
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Kek wills it

>> No.5541506

Fuck you dog, stop calling us pajeet you inbred dog goatfucker

>> No.5541606

>naked girls
>get erect
>testosterone goes up
>fap session
>miss out on moon mission

>> No.5542111

Exactly this.