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55368468 No.55368468 [Reply] [Original]

Check the catalog. You're still early, judging by the seething disbelief.

>> No.55368474

Mistaking (((seething))) with realization that crapto is pure scamming. If you want to be a scammer. Have fun. I don't want to have anything to do with it anymore

>> No.55368481

maybe get off a fucking crypto board then retard

>> No.55368484
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>> No.55368543

t. stoch tranny

>> No.55368568

kys rn, tranny faggot

>> No.55368602
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>> No.55368608

hes been going thread to thread spamming about "scamming" absolutely seething lmao

>> No.55368618

Higher high next Monday

>> No.55368619

I'm tired of this early meme. Bitcoin will probably only 2x or 3x from previous ATH. With that risk, better invest in stock or something else.

>> No.55368671


>> No.55368681

It is what it is. The oldest pog. Nothing more nothing less

>> No.55368687
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youve stopped using the word bloody, but we can still smell you poomers

>> No.55368719

go back

>> No.55368725

I can't wait to buy pawgs with my shitcoins

>> No.55368802

What is this "risk" you see in bitcoin that isn't 10x worse with stock or something else?
Bitcoin is the schelling point. It's already the proven schelling point for people early to exit the fiat. And also for people already outside of fiat as they exit "crypto" shitcoin scams back into Bitcoin, because there is no second best
Soon we will see that Bitcoin is the obvious schelling point for round after round of people seeking exit from the current system, as more and more lose trust in the house of cards of stock and everything else

>> No.55368813

When stocks sell off, crypto sells of by a factor of 100 harder. Have you forgotten the previous equity sell offs with crypto following it at foot with harder sell offs.

>> No.55368844

>bitcoin increase of almost 6k$ in less than a week
>we still earlies dear
>judge by euphoria in catalog time for purchase of the bitcoin coin sers

>> No.55368878

>Indians are making Bitcoin go up

>> No.55368923

I agree. As I said, they exit "crypto" into Bitcoin, because Bitcoin is already the schelling point from there.
When stocks sell off, as long as a small fraction of the losers notice Bitcoin continuing to outperform, the schelling point forms. Every selloff sees more and more exit into Bitcoin because it's obvious number go up tech.

>> No.55369105

>hes been going thread to thread spamming about "scamming" absolutely seething lmao

Yeah what is that about? Demoralization campaign or just a solo tard who got hosed? Both are equally possible sadly

>> No.55369116

in a way yes.
>Whales pump bitcoin
>Whales pay hoards to streetshitting pajeets to flood social media platforms and attack any dissent of bullish narrative
>pajeets get paid in pea ration
>weak retail anons fomo in

>> No.55369117

it sounds like some retarded loser so i'll say solo tard who got hosed

>> No.55369119

>muh lines

>> No.55370527
File: 88 KB, 1624x850, gold-btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like clockwork...

>> No.55370545

not buying your bitshit bags pajeet

>> No.55372492

I will not buy your bag, Anon. Pajeet are actively engaged in the DUA/NXERA liquidity mining campaign which is a chance for degen like me to earn incentives.

>> No.55372513

>jew trying to act white