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55346207 No.55346207 [Reply] [Original]

when amerilards become to poor to buy chink copies, africans are poor anyway and europeans are in a recession

>> No.55346244
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It depends on what the Chink's masters the jews choose to do.

>> No.55346265

The entire transnational jew game for 20 years has been scamming liquidity from the west, enslaving changs, reselling copies to the west. That scam is over. There is no other scam the jew can play

>> No.55346283

This is a bit out of date, China's youth unemployment rate is over 20% now. It's actually worse than Spain's was at the height of the Eurozone crisis.

>> No.55346292
File: 48 KB, 1110x537, starve chinaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55346311

Uh, i am scared, these niggaz usually fixing these with war.....

>> No.55346315

I am really thinking about switching 100% into wheat futures; helping to raise food prices to starve chang faster

>> No.55346330

they could have, 4 months ago, but for some inexplicable reason Gang didn't dump US bonds to cripple the US from being able to react while they run into the commercial bank failures coupled with debt ceiling circus

>> No.55346786
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China isn't going to recover and they're gonna to fucking destroy Taiwan in a rage fit once they accepted that China will never be numba wun so everyone else has to suffer too

>China's youth unemployment rate is over 20% now. It's actually worse than Spain's was at the height of the Eurozone crisis.

>> No.55346812

you think it is going to become better? China just started its first real bear market in half a century

>> No.55347488

I doubt theres a lack of work in china, my theory is the youth got spoiled by westerners, they now think theyre too good to work at steel factories, rice farms and coal mines

>> No.55347545

Global demand for consumer goods isn't rising. China has become too middle class to be the sweatshop, loses market share in manufacturing and yes, there are also the usual emerging first world issues. But overall china is fucked because its internal market is not even slightly able to compensate for its export market to sustain the growth that jews that pumped it where it is expect. Short china, long wheat and soi

>> No.55347776

Yeah, this is essentialy what I meant, you worded it better

>> No.55347894

All china FUD is projection.

>> No.55347992

>China isn't going to recover and they're gonna to fucking destroy Taiwan in a rage fit
I really don't see this happening. It would piss off mainlanders, islanders, and other countries. For what? The pressure valve has to be released in another way.

>> No.55347998

Taiwan will be integrated by peaceful means, that's my expectation. Probably through heightened economic dependence.

>> No.55348334

>noooooo everyone should be open about the holocaust
Outside of 4ch nobody approves the holocaust dummy
That's why they send chinese outside anon and they can retire old men if needed

>> No.55348351

You would be amazed how many people, depending on how one goes on about it approve of it, once they know the dialogue partner approves of it. Especially among Germanics and Arabs, the former have been annoyed with spam, the latter just hate jews

>> No.55348373

Jews are really not very clever
Thinking that annoying people for 80 years with their unbelievable sob story and wanting money for it is not going to produce the opposite effect really is a testament to the stupidity and greed of that retarded race of incest kikes