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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 1092x306, ETH DONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55343023 No.55343023 [Reply] [Original]

>Lets raise the required staking amount from 32 to 2048
>No no no its not centralized
>its so our vc frens that will likely lose all can make money from you goys

>> No.55343054

>"raise maximum allowed per validator from 32 to 2048"
>gay retard illiterati interprets that as "required minimum"

cope and sneed and post your alt against eth chart

>> No.55343062

Oh, since 2 hours I am an anti crypto and going to support law enforcement with 10 years experience and 8 Million from crypto to fuck the industry

>> No.55343113
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Hmm I wonder why they are doing it. I suppose jpm needs more money.

>> No.55343126

Refer to this : https://crocswap.medium.com/discrimination-of-toxic-flow-in-uniswap-v3-part-4-c09656ec016e

Always has been, same with bitcoin lighting since mainnet is not usable at all

>> No.55343134

>ETH declared security
>price goes to single digits
>7 years investment down the drain
>Hop to scam more idiots with validators and mev bots
>keeping the clown gang out of the game
>While interpol does its job

>> No.55343146
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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.55343286

the only people in eth are desperados who missed bitcoin

>> No.55343287

maybe they can faster the process, so the queue time wont be months, just weeks...

>> No.55343300

Tell me where this is from so I can laugh about eth baggies.

>> No.55343306

found it on tradingview, source is apparently cointelegraph

>> No.55343313


>> No.55343321

don't care. im still DCAing in ETH like a madman. when the next bullrun comes I'll finally be free

>> No.55343337
File: 1.61 MB, 1108x676, bye bye china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure to leave a laughing smiley
also, looks like the insect connection is getting fucked because Kwon is singing

>> No.55343342

Wow, more stupid, literally made up fud. They're raising the MAXIMUM, not minimum. Holy fuck the anti-crypto shills are digging deep for FUD these days.

>> No.55343357

better to have 1 entity with a big node than a lot of smaller ones. the 32 limit gives a false sense of decentralization

>> No.55343389

Not just fud faggot, what do you think 10 years of insider knowledge from somebody that just tried to ignore the bullshit and finally had it with the insects can do to chinas-western private sectors game as a whole, not just the tiny niche that is crypto

>> No.55343432

What in the absolute fuck are you trying to say?
>Lets raise the required staking amount from 32 to 2048
This is a FALSE statement. They are raising the maximum to 2048, you can still stake with 32.

>> No.55343434

I wonder how they will work around that.

>> No.55343459

On this website, I just play with prey inserting fake narratives and feedback into the machine
Outside this website, I provided information that is the economic equivalent of a nuke on china. I still don't like the United States, but I despise china more, and I hate the transnational private sector oligarchy

>> No.55343611
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>> No.55343627
File: 753 KB, 1242x1221, 14BED58A-FEAB-4AB9-A43F-1FA1B3E33F8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average fudder is this mentally disabled
>doesn't understand what minimum and maximums are
10 years experience sticking dildos in your ass doesn't count

>> No.55343632

Man metheads are fuding their own coins so much since the validator unstaking fud failed and 100k eth started to be removed from the market to stake every day.

They truly want to make it go under the radar until the us elections.

>> No.55343637

Do you faggots still think I am a woman/tranny

>> No.55343653

Well you have the brains of one, so ya

>> No.55343664

You really don't have any creativity. Or the ability to understand, that somebody that operates practically in the open and knows about the entire game of psychological profiling can play around with prey

>> No.55343745

>dunning kruger

>> No.55343765
File: 91 KB, 500x497, 206712461_0660a94d2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check your internal archives, if you have access, and try to make sense of that shit

>> No.55343773


>> No.55343797
File: 471 KB, 800x445, fp0621-gs-prophet4-800x445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries

>> No.55343803

yeah, filtering through all the proxies and IPs and pinning them together without reasonable doubt should make that a not so easy job, even if done by a machine learning and indexing tool

>> No.55343808

Too many words. I just know you're stupid. Also dumb. A little hint of retarded too.

>> No.55343811
File: 1.15 MB, 1242x1233, 1672993762713433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopped using tradingview since learning about tokenmetrics, x10 better I'm every aspect

Someone who gets it, that's the gwei

>> No.55343825

>buy meth Gweilo
you should focus again on fentanyl

>> No.55344091

He probably needs something stronger, like your mom

>> No.55344107

very creative, as expected by a chink slave. Really who is programming you idiots?

>> No.55344136

This just proved how retarded you're
Have fun getting rekt with your paid AI app

>> No.55344536

Don't care, Ethereum is a gay bankerchain

>> No.55344619

ETH is going nowhere. We warn you about it.

>> No.55344745

It's literally free but yeah have fun staying poor while I keep rolling in those three figure PNL on a daily

>> No.55345030

ETH is going to 10k rather

>> No.55345047

>t. thousands of NPCs

>> No.55345049

>gweilo please by unemployed chinese youth bags
>please gweilo village starving
its funny how chinks tried to make pajeets the bad goys. Really uncreative insects. so easy to trick. No wonder the british managed to easily fuck china

>> No.55345066

Vitalik might be gay, never seen him with a bitch even with all that money

Now why so pained anon?
Did you get liquidated on a trade?

>> No.55345092

LOL, Ethereum fanboys are getting ahead of themselves again! Talking about growth potential and dominance? Please! Ethereum may have its little dApps and upgrades, but it's nothing compared to the king, Bitcoin. While Ethereum tries to be everything for everyone, it lacks the simplicity, security, and rock-solid foundation of Bitcoin. Ethereum's network effects? They're nothing compared to the global adoption of Bitcoin. Don't be fooled by the hype, Bitcoin is the true leader in the cryptocurrency world, and Ethereum will always be in its shadow.

>> No.55345095
File: 74 KB, 1296x782, 1687204763229301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I know what failed chink commie scam crypto is. Trades are closed in profits and I never got scammed. Too much experience identifying chinks larping as pajeets

>> No.55345115

nigger don't fool yourself, their is no crypto adoption. We just run a campaign to bait insects before closing the faucet and letting those disgusting yellow piss humans starve

>> No.55345265

>with several users pointing out that such a significant change in staked ETH would lead to fewer validators and thus make the network more centralized
Except it wouldn't, since all those validators were owned by the same entities beforehand anyway. This has no effect on centralization.

>> No.55345276
File: 483 KB, 566x799, pal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't worry gweilo
>it was centralized beforehand
>please keep using the scam

>> No.55345384

Can someone explain how staking internet tokens makes them valuable? It seems to me that if you want to stake something to secure value on a blockchain then you should be staking something of actual value.

It's like if I gave you 1000 anon tokens in exchange for letting me borrow your car. How does the fact that I staked these worthless tokens give them value?

>> No.55345409

not at all. The thing with pos crapto is that if enough fools dump their liquidity in this shit chain chasing chink ponzis that larp as indians, you can get an advantage over other scammers sandwiching and meving fools. But with no liquidity and no demand, this shit is worthless and staking that bullcrap is a negative value proposition because you cant dump it when you want and have to wait for your crap to unstake

>> No.55345565

oh wow i tough op was a methead fuding his own coin, worse he is lying.

it's the maximum balance not the minimum to increase descentralization forcing big institutions to run multiple nodes.

>> No.55345576

no. It clearly states minimum

>> No.55345598



>> No.55345673

it says "have to." I can read.

>> No.55345924

Not just in ETH anon. I'm also diversifying into DOT and COSMOS, while accumulating KREST for airdrops.

>> No.55345934

These are just scared 30iq maxis,probably... Or you are right.

>> No.55345947
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>> No.55345965

You know how many nigger maxicuck with 30iq said that it wont reach the 1420 prev top again? Thousands at least.

>> No.55345992

Yeah, it could bring transparency, but they can still run multiple smaller nodes, its just like the lookintobitcoin >1 btc adresses, 10k addy or more still can belong to 1 person.

>> No.55346003

This user is a paid glow or a bot.
Liberal fascist™

>> No.55346018

how new are you on the job chang?
3angy small wiener posts in a row trying to do damage control

>> No.55346030

This is why ETH is a shitcoin.

Centralized premined bullshit.

>> No.55347817

ETH was useless after the merge

>> No.55348261

Listen man you're not making sense. I'm not trying to be mean but I think you should checkm into a mental hospital. It's like a hotel. Just for a while to chill

>> No.55348306

Psychopathy and other antisocial behavior can't be treated and you are too low IQ to understand what is happening or to see the big picture

>> No.55348507
File: 39 KB, 640x477, 34993838454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know.

>> No.55348776

>devs discuss
post links to the actual discussion, retard

>> No.55349037

>I can read.
But the article authors can't. The title is incorrect.

>> No.55349765 [DELETED] 

Centralized assets are a big no for me anon. I'd rather go for the likes of Ocean, Sylo and Flux where no one has a monopoly on the tokenomics.

>> No.55349793

What's the make it stack ? It could look good with my Rio and Mni stash for massive gains.

>> No.55349979
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raising the maximum effectively raises the minimum. if i have 32 eth (achievable for a poorfag) then i sit alongside richfags as an equal and have the same share of transactions distributed to me as any other miner with the maximum stake.

if they raise this to 2k, of which i have no hope of achieving but richfags do, now i either have to suck it up and accept a considerably lower share of transations or shut off my validator. either way, those with the ability to risk the maximum stake get preferential treatment and the common folk get fucked all the while centralising the network.

so yes, they did raise the minimum, just indirectly.

>> No.55349996
File: 92 KB, 656x655, 3A8D0EFD-2443-400F-AF88-DCAFDC42D677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people spending hard earned cash on a parasitic pedophile?
What the fuck is wrong with any of you?

>> No.55350011

Hang this pedophile in a lamp post.
He so skinny it would take days.
Nobody cares.

>> No.55350032

It makes no difference if a whale has 10 validators of 32 ETH each or one validator with 320 ETH. The effective balance is the same, and so is the ratio to your 32 ETH.

>> No.55350050

It makes a difference. If you are unable to see why you need to lurk more. Eth is now done for good. It was already done with the merge, but if they go with this proposal eth is practically worthless. And there is in no universe a way to salvage the failures that developed eth, while selling unregistered securities

>> No.55350070
File: 362 KB, 1080x2340, 168632386756040177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhuh so why not remove the maximum limit then?

>> No.55350107

What price are you planning to let go? I think 8k I will let my stack go to hell before I get stuck waiting for 10k like I got fucked waiting for 5k lol

>> No.55350113

I thought Effereumz isn't centralized, how can one entity change the rules

>> No.55350179

Your reading comprehension is shit, you are functionally illiterate.

>> No.55350264

and you're a faggot that can't answer a simple question but here we are

>> No.55350277

dont fucking wait for a price
everyone waits for that golden price in their head. just average out it will keep you sane.

>> No.55350305
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I love being a Bitcoin maxi. Win after win after win. It's almost cheating.

>> No.55350335

I have been holding coins since 2017. Tbh it all lost any sense a long time ago

>> No.55350344

>It makes a difference.
It does not. 32 * 10 = 320. The effective balance is the same.
>If you are unable to see why you need to lurk more.
This is not an argument and I've been almost daily on /biz/ since 2017. Anyway does /biz/ teach you how Ethereum works under the hood or does it teach you what's the hottest shitcoin?
>why not remove the maximum limit then?
MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE has to have some value or you'd have to rework a lot more stuff. 2048 is a nice and clean multiple of 32 that's big enough (any bigger wouldn't really have any more benefit IMO). The discussion is ongoing https://ethresear.ch/t/increase-the-max-effective-balance-a-modest-proposal/15801/3

>> No.55350346

>Buying ETH in 2023 with the current infinitly better projects out there.
Unless you have a gas fees fetish, my god this board iis lost.

>> No.55350404

No, this board is run by meth heads. New liberal fascistic meth heads imagine themselves as antifascists while being lead by the nose by a bunch of unironic fascists

>> No.55350463

Literally every Ethereum proponent has left this place long time ago. It's now an ETH-hating circle jerk between alt-L1 shill jeets and Bitcoin maxis. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.55350611

No. They are still around in moderation position trying to sell meth shitcoin and keeping meth the predominant evm scam

>> No.55350670

what are you going to get next bull? a 2x? at least ETH can grow even if its shit behind the curtain. Most people are in crypto to make money not for the principal of the tech.

>> No.55350711

I hate to be the guy who tells a schizo to take his meds, but seriously, how are these mods promoting ETH? Obviously they aren't censoring any competitors like the daily paid avalanche threads that infest this board. No wait. Maybe it's a deep scheme where Ethereum people spam overly forced and obvious jeet shilling of their competitors. Maybe, just maybe, your delusions are right. Don't take the meds, they are designed to keep you in the matrix. Wake up, you're in a dream.

>> No.55350744

>BTC maxis hyping their 2-3x gains
>ETH haters hyping their random projects that are likely to fail
ETH is too safe/obvious for anyone not attached to their little scam projects or their principled Satoshi worship.

>> No.55350868

>it doesn't make a difference
isn't it more centralized?
isn't the purpose of 32 so you have lots of different validators in different parts of the world?

>> No.55350966

>what are you going to get next bull? a 2x?
if we're talking appreciation from ATH, just shy of a 1.5x for btc, probably won't even break $100k.
but how much you think you can pocket the difference investing on eth?
eth is a far riskier investment.

>> No.55351031

ETH is going to die and Vitalik is going to dump on you just beforehand. Imagine when Infura gets told to shutdown operations in the US. Get booted out of the largest liquidity market in the world.
Bitcoin is the end game. The sooner you get that through your head the better.

>> No.55351042

The minimum staking amount is not changing, only the maximum. Currently the minimum is the same as maximum, 32 ETH. Instead of running multiple 32 ETH validators someone with lots of ETH can just run a single bigger one, and someone with over 32 ETH could stake his "leftover" ETH that's not enough for another full 32 ETH validator. Even at this moment a single validator node (hardware) can run hundreds of validators (software) so there's no changes needed in the real world.

>> No.55351081

>Imagine when Infura gets told to shutdown operations in the US.
Okay, I'm imagining. Everyone who's using Infura will swap to another RPC provider. Viola, (nonexistent) problem solved.

>> No.55351105

I already understand all that.
and reiterating all that doesn't answer the question.
you increase the max, objectively there would be less validators in total, and therefore consensus is more centralized, is it not?

>> No.55351413

>objectively there would be less validators in total, and therefore consensus is more centralized
If someone is staking 320 ETH he has 10 validators but is still a single entity with a single validator node. There would be no difference if he ran a single validator of 320 ETH vs. ten 32 ETH validators. 1 * 320 = 10 * 32. It's like asking a kid if he wants 50 two cent coins or a single 1 dollar coin. Yeah there's more coins in the first option but the amount is the same. There would be less validators in total because currently we count every 32 ETH validator as one, after the update there would be validators of different sizes. Instead of 5000 one cent coins we would have different denomination coins that all amount to $50 (but less coins because we can have bigger coins than 1 cent). No change in centralization of consensus, just easier to run a single big validator instead of multiple small ones, like it's easier to carry a single big coin than multiple 1 cent coins. I really went far with this.

>> No.55351438

This thread created so much butthurt that I am more than confident with keeping my short on eth open

>> No.55351601

Its a proposition

>> No.55351613
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>> No.55351638

That's how it is when you hold based assets anon. I keep on accumulating and I'm looking forward to buying more with my Brillion testnet rewards when it comes.

>> No.55351645

>No change in centralization of consensus,
>just easier to run a single big validator instead of multiple small ones,
those two statements are contradictory.
>like it's easier to carry a single big coin than multiple 1 cent coins.
that's the point.
I choose what node I stake to.
I have 320 eth.
currently I'm forced to split that as 10 different validators.
which means potentially my validators are spread across 10 different nodes. they might not actually do that, but we're encouraging splitting/diversifying the voting power.
vs I increase the max to 320, I just stake it all at once on 1 node, because we've removed the pain point that helps encourage decentralization.
but please tell me if I'm missing something.

>> No.55351993

Okay so are you talking about client diversity or validator centralization? I've explained why it makes no difference to validator centralization in my very understandable coin analogy so here's why it makes no difference to client diversity: when you run a validator with more than 32 ETH you don't need a separate new node for every validator and you can run tens of millions USD worth of validators on a single node, single hardware, single client implementation. There's no difference now vs. after the (potential) update if you want to run a new node for every 32 ETH validator. You should read stuff beyond /biz/, you will learn absolutely zero technical stuff here.

>> No.55352867

>There's no difference now vs. after the (potential) update if you want to run a new node for every 32 ETH validator.
I understand you CAN have the same behavior as now, after the update.
but it's encouraging centralization of validators.
so, imagine I want to stake 320 eth.
old way, if I really want to stake them all on node A, I'd stake 32 eth 10 times in a row.
but most people would say oh, I have options and I get different staking rewards depending on that node's performance, ok so, I'll stake some here, I'll stake some there, and I end up with 160 eth on node A, 96 on node B, and the remaining 64 on node C.
vs the proposed update is, I just stake all 320 eth on node A, because it's convenient, and it seems to have the most people staking, so I think it's the safest.
and you're telling me this is not more centralized then before.
the update is encouraging consolidation of validators to fewer nodes, of course that's going to be more centralized, it will be more consolidated.
the coin analogy is retarded because USD isn't used for consensus as staked eth is.

>> No.55352874

The more the methead seeth the more the short is save. CS failures and communication degrees, from voice chat. lol

>> No.55353333

>centralization of validators
You're talking about centralization of client implementations on an individual staker's level, not validator (ETH stake, voting power) centralization. This has no effect on the network level, only an individual staker's level. Network level "client implementation decentralization", also known in the industry as client diversity, is a discussion of its own, but it's not validator centralization and you're mixing the two.
>but most people would say oh, I have options
Most people only want to buy one set of hardware and want to learn one set of EL+CL combo. They have the same options before and after the update.
>I get different staking rewards depending on that node's performance
A validator node generates same profit no matter what implementation it is, it's just RNG. Actually, in a case of a massive bug the minority clients are safer from big slashings, so you have an incentive to "centralize" there to increase "decentralization" (client diversity) on the overall network.
>I just stake all 320 eth on node A
This is how it is currently and this is how it would be after the update. Staking services/techies etc. will keep using multiple clients, nothing changes.
>the update is encouraging consolidation of validators to fewer nodes
I disagree. There's no new incentives to add or remove nodes from the network after the update. It's exactly the same as it's now.
>analogy is retarded because USD isn't used
Do you know what an analogy is? My point was 10 * 32 = 1* 320 even if 10 > 1.
Your arguments are getting all over the place and I feel like you're doing everything to keep it going. You're mixing the terms of validator centralization and client diversity (and earlier validator key pair and validator node) and even on client diversity you're talking about an individual staker and not the overall network. It's fine if an individual staker isn't running all clients, it's fine to centralize on one EL+CL combo.

>> No.55353453
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>it seems to have the most people staking, so I think it's the safest
If you use a majority client you will suffer bigger slashings in case goes down because of a bug. There's this incentive to use minority clients, but sure I get the bias that many people want to use the most popular client. This is no different before or after the update.
Checking myself. Want to talk about how centralized my wife's affection is? Centralization is bad, maybe I should go to reddit to incentivize decentralization. This has as much to do with Ethereum centralization as this anon's argument.

>> No.55354058

>I disagree. There's no new incentives to add or remove nodes from the network after the update. It's exactly the same as it's now.
you try to condescend and make this so complicated because you don't like the answer.
staking will consolidate on fewer nodes.
the network will be objectively more centralized.

>> No.55354218

Tell me what changes with this new update that would reduce node count? There is no new incentives to either side and I've dissected all your arguments. Your first argument was about validator count dropping and leading to centralization, which was proven wrong with the elementary coin analogy, then your argument was for a single staker's validator diversification which obviously is not node centralization. I'm not making it complicated, I'm probably just wasting my time arguing someone too ignorant and stubborn.

>> No.55354234

>single staker's validator diversification
Or more accurately single staker's client implementation diversification.

>> No.55354692

>I'm not making it complicated
you are as I only made one argument, which again for reference, is staking will consolidate to fewer nodes.
and the reason for that is the update is making that consolidation an unintentional decision, again, e.g. I have 320 eth, currently if I want to stake all that on 1 node, I need to do it 10 times, whereas after the update, I stake 320 on 1 singular node because it's convenient.
I mean for fucks sake, I don't know why I'm even arguing with you, the eth foundation says it'd make the network more centralized. e.g.
>"Michael Neuder, an Ethereum Foundation researcher and key proponent of the proposed change, made the case for this increase, during the most recent Ethereum core developer consensus meeting held on Friday. He said while THE CURRENT VALIDATOR CAP [OF 32] PROMOTES DECENTRALIZATION, it inadvertently leads to an inflation of the validator set size."

>> No.55354964

>if I want to stake all that on 1 node, I need to do it 10 times, whereas after the update, I stake 320 on 1 singular node because it's convenient.
The convenience difference of staking on one node with 10 validators vs. one node and 1 validator in negligible. There is convenience difference on staking on two or more nodes vs. one but this exists today and is not going to change if the effective limit is raised. There. Is. No. Fucking. Difference.
Vishal from The Block obviously didn't do his job right because nowhere in the CL call did Neuder say what is quoted in the article. He only said it's a trade-off between UX and spec change complexity. Neuder's proposal is from 59:40 to 1:21:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybgQuRcz9sg

>> No.55355008

>you are as I only made one argument
Your first argument was "objectively there would be less validators in total, and therefore consensus is more centralized" the second one was "which means potentially my validators are spread across 10 different nodes". Note that "validator" is not the same as "node". One node can have many validators, as you now know.

>> No.55355077

Eth is fucked.

>> No.55355148
File: 732 KB, 720x728, goldbucket.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much FUD in this thread and it's sad to see. I don't know where to start.

>> No.55355360

from mikeneuder proposal
>Why we shouldn’t increase it
>considerations around committees – Given validators have differing stake, partitioning them into committees may result in some validators having much larger impact over the committee than others. Additionally, by reducing the validator set size, we decrease the safety margin of random sampling. For sync committees, this is not an issue because sampling the participants is done with replacement and proportional to effective balance. Once a sync committee is selected each validator receives one vote. For attesting committees, some validators will have much more voting power by having a larger effective balance. Additionally, with less validators, there is a higher probability that an attacker could own the majority of the weight of an attesting committee. However, with a sufficiently large sample, we argue that the safety margins are not being reduced enough to warrent concern. For example, if the validator set is reduced by 4x, we need 55% honest validators to achieve safety (honest majority) of a single slot with probability

>> No.55355559

You would have made a lot by staking anon. Crypto has a lot of earning streams and AI gems like Fet and Peaq which gives users ownership of machines has caught my attention.