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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55341734 No.55341734 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to Zestimate posting?

>> No.55341748


Honey the housing market just doing just fine.

>> No.55341767

it already has collapsed by 20%+ in my area

>> No.55341776

no one cares about chudville, USA

>> No.55341781

they realised nothing will happen to housing

>> No.55341783
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>> No.55341796
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I live in a blue county of a blue state though

>> No.55341798

Literally mods unranged OP and all his samefaggot IP's and immediately /biz/ is filled with shit threads again.
Thanks a fucking lot, best to just leave /biz/ now it was quiet for a moment.

>> No.55341802


Its just a minor correction anon then its going up again.

>> No.55341804

Housing absolutely got rekt here, down 3% from ath

>> No.55341808

Aside from San Francisco and Austin, there's still bidding wars for the hopelessly limited available inventory on the market, because nobody wants to sell and lose their 3% interest rate.

>> No.55341814


Thats not even a dump just a minor correction.

>> No.55341817


>> No.55341822
File: 26 KB, 555x244, zestimate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My house continues to climb in value. Though generally real-estate values re localized

>> No.55341838
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>What happened to Zestimate posting?

everyone is demoralized from the cost of housing costing hundreds of thousands more for duration of a mortgage. this country fucking sucks.

I honestly think I would be a millionaire right now if I took 200k of disaster loans and bought a warehouse in 2021. that 100k warehouse is more than double, and i'd have a 3% 30 year credit line and massive equity Everyone misused the funds and the government isn't even pretending to punish them.

Any business that didn't get these loans was put in such a massive disadvantage. It warrants historic action. But the country will just sit idly by when everything continues to slide into the shitter.

>> No.55341858

>does a 5X in 10 years

>> No.55341861

That really is the state of things.

>> No.55341880

Mods unnranged all the /pol/ spammers here
Classic boards fucking dead.

>> No.55341915


>> No.55341932

all 1pbitd replies to bump the spam threads again
This will happen nonstop for months because of the mods, they will allow these faggots to spam 15-35 threads an hour not kidding the board will be unusable again, they do this when they need advertising money.
So our luck we get shit on by bots and faggots great.
I love this shit site and it's shit moderation.

>> No.55341983

liked this meme cuz I larped as having a honey

>> No.55341987

what can we do? Short of revolution, really?
what they did during covid and since the 70s has been a slow slide to crypto communism, what can we do really?

>> No.55342011

12 1pbitd bot bumps.
Fucking mods why did you unrange these people.

>> No.55342025

Did your Zestimate go down, honey?