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55341254 No.55341254 [Reply] [Original]

Eurocucks have very low salaries for white collar positions, doctors make 100k or less, software engineers make 30-50k USD, lawyers make 60-80k, etc while in the USA we make 2-5x as much per year. Despite this the cost of a property in Europe is still very high, easily 700k-1M or more in a city, rent is high, hotels are the same as in US, etc.

Why is this?

>> No.55341276
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Worse money printing bubble, because otherwise everyone south of Zagreb (except Bulgaria) will default.
The euro is a majestic failure.
To some extent, a limited % of those properties have high store of value potential due to their location, but it's mostly the bubble.

>> No.55341285
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There's also local issues, ie Berlin being owned by a grand total of 3 jews, who get to set their price.

>> No.55341287

fuck off vc jew
try to sell your bags to twitter and ask twitter retarded questions!

>> No.55341302
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Strong currency, high density.

>> No.55341316

>while in the USA we make 2-5x as much per year
You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.55341321

We are socialist wellfare cuckstates

>> No.55341322
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There is absolutely no way a newcomer to europe will ever be able to live a lifestyle comparable to that of a local.
That might spell the end of Europe as an attractive business destination.
I hope it doesn't, but I don't see a way back.
>t. eurofag who bought his first piece of real estate in Dubai because he feels it's more worth it

>> No.55341332

Because we live in a socialist utopia. Can't wait to see the EU raising taxes on private property and adding more green restrictions

>> No.55341334

Doctors/lawyers/SWE easily make 250-500k in the US, in yurop they make a fraction of that

>> No.55341341

Much lower productivity per actual worker in southern Europe and balkans. Germany has to prop up these countries instead of spamming goods production. Retarded energy policies. Allowing in millions of negative economic value migrants. Insane pensions.

>> No.55341343

>There is absolutely no way a newcomer to europe will ever be able to live a lifestyle comparable to that of a local.

and that's a good thing. We are full

>> No.55341370

Its because people talk in net income since their gross income is taxed over 60% up to 80% depending on the country. Most of people don't even know that they just know the taxes they do have to declare but don't know the taxes your employer pays for you with your own money ( on paper it isn't yours he generously pays it out of his pocket lmao).
Gross income is lower than US but not that much (in scandi, ger, fra, Bel, eng,,)

>> No.55341382
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Because we have permits for anything, and salaries are really not the biggest issue why prices are high.

taxation and regulation is invasive, take for example taxi services where i live, in italy, we have an undersupply of taxi drivers because you need 100k euros of licence if you want to be a taxi driver. So we have high prices for that and often lack of services if the demand increases.

It's a legal monopoly problem you could solve with a free market, but i warn you, if you dare to solve the problem get ready to face thousands of taxi drivers who paid a lot of money for a privileged monopolized job that will not hesitate to flay you alive.

>> No.55341434
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Centuries of bureaucracy making life shit for the common man. It's why people came to the new world in the first place, now their great grandkids are trying to bring it here too.

>> No.55341546

Yes, but they're the ones that HAD to pay a small fortune to be able to provide the service. You can't take someones money and then change the rules.

>> No.55341683
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>Much lower productivity per actual worker in southern Europe and balkans. Germany has to prop up these countries
Germany has the absolute laziest scum for a workforce and they need to import balkaners anything that requires brainpower. Their legacy brand will last another decade at most.
You're either a lazy kraut or have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
A German software company consists of Russians/Poles/Bulgarians doing the actual engine of the software, and a bunch of Germans moving buttons from left to right for every version, in order to pretend they've done something, while going to work 2/5 days in the week, calling in sick for the rest of them.

>> No.55341705

The only example of high cost you gave is real estate? retard, and completely wrong salaries too lol

>> No.55341713

Lol they only things balkans are imported is to wipe toilets and asses of old people

>> No.55341723

this is indeed an absolute disaster that most wagies dont even know about, but your real tax rate can indeed approach 80%, its just they hid it with employer taxes, so the wagie gets his wage document and it shows his gross income and the 50% taxes that goes of it, but on top of that the employer has to pay a 30% tax for the privilege of employing the wagie that the wagie never hears of
its a ridiculous thing and cap gains are the only thing thats worth it in europe or even better leave at the earliest possible convenience

>> No.55341724

because in the US you have to spend 10 liters of gas to go to the closest anything

and if you dont have a car y ou are basically stranded until you die

>> No.55341728

The euro won't fail (the south won't default, they'll get bailed out), you can't have a single market with different currencies because of competitive devaluations (look at Italy before the Euro was introduce), the euro is here to stay, if it goes down the EU and the single market will go down with it and that will never be allowed to happen (nor should it happen)

>> No.55341764

Then enjoy scarcity and shortage.

It's like saying:

>> No.55341791

Literally this, i feel like none of my colleagues understands what the hell they're doing most of the time. I have no clue how the fuck Germany has the EU top economic, everyone does shitty work and have no incentive (cannot be fired, cannot be promoted) to do it properly. Socialism at it's finest.

> t. Russian Software Engineer in Berlin

>> No.55341844

Because the cost of living is way lower and you get a fuckload of free social/health benefits just for being alive lmao.
I got braces entirely for free. I go to my dentist to check and clean my teeth every 3-4 months for free. I broke my arm downhill mountainbiking and I got it fixed for free. Basically can go live life without any fear of risking/failure since a whatever injury won't take a penny out of my pocket.

Uni is also almost entirely free as opposed to the huge student loans in the US. Public transport during high school and uni as well free, and subsidized laughably cheap quality cooked meals every single day. Went to uni and not only was in zero debt but I also part time worked so I was actually in nothing but profit after uni. Absolutely nothing to pay off, bought me a car and continued on working after uni I repeat with ZERO debt of any kind ever. And I don't even use my car that much except for weekend trips since almost everything I need is a mere walk away from me, while in the US you're effectively dead without a car.
Basically close to no things to worry about in day to day basis since I was a kid and my parents are lower middle class working people.

>> No.55341849

Europe is good for the already rich. I'm in Belgium and it's 0% tax on investment (compared to 33% on speculation). What constitutes investing is to the judgment of local IRS but it's pretty safe for small rich people. Same for crypto. As long as you don't swing hard or scalp you're safe.
What's funny about those hidden taxes is that factory wagies ask for them themselves. I remember it from school, they explained because retard wagies didn't want to bother to pay taxes themselves they voted for the employer to take the responsibility that's why the employer pays almost all taxes for you even the ones that are yours on paper. Decades later they forgot how it works and are happy that they can't invest it short term for some apy before paying taxes. Truly the definition of you vill own nozing and vill be happy.

>> No.55341860

Software engineers in London can easily put away £130k+ on a day rate and law firms pay £150-200k+ for those willing to work long hours. It’s not even unheard of for dumb sales managers to be earning mid six figures in London. The money is there for people who really want it

>> No.55341887

Wait im wrong it changed. Stocks are now 0% regardless of speculation. There's a 0.12%- 0.35% on all the on stocks

>> No.55341971

Europeans see American workers the way you see Japanese workers. We are horrified and disgusted and confused at how you guys think it’s normal to work 3 grocery store jobs fr 18 hours a day.

>> No.55342003

you can also not get fired if you work at a big company. here in germany they need to pay like 1 year of salary unless they go in to bankruptcy

then you get 18 months of ALGbux that is70% of salary after that

>> No.55342009

i am also from belgium, you are wrong
if your crypto investment exceeds 20% of your net worth it is considered speculation and taxed at the 1/3rd level
however thanks to the retarded way our tax system is made you dont really have an obligation to report your gains so you can get away with it as long as you arent audited
but in any case get ready to move to dubai in 2025
also stocks still have the speculation tax and ontop of that the wealth tax of less then a percent every year, crypto is still exempt from the wealth tax

t had my tax lawyer file a case with the dienst voorafgaande beslissingen in fiscale zaken

>> No.55342020
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Yes, absolutely. It's a socialist shithole after all.

You get healthcare for free, you can get schooling for free, it works so well that shit gets progressively worse as time goes on, we're in constant debt and default risk and no one want to invest here. It's heaven for anyone wanting to suck as much milk as they can from a slow, inefficient piece of shit that is the welfare state.

>> No.55342066

Free healthcare.
Actual transport infrastructure.
Historical art and architecture to preserve.

>> No.55342225
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>state mandated top only buying
>wonder why people get violent

Either face the consequences or face the wall

>> No.55342452

Cope harder, in at most 10 years people would have caught on about how useless germans, frenchies and spaniards are.
Software devs are returning to the east because salaries there have normalised, and taxes and COL are significantly better.
You'll either have to start doing actual work or you'll kick out every major employer.

>> No.55342477
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Salaries are on point.
An average mutt in Texas nets twice as much as an average German in software development.
Compare Commiefornia, include housing if you want, it still gets even worse.
The UK is even worse, even though brits actually work. Not sure how germans have been allowed to get away with it for so long, but nobody would employ those fat lazy slobs in the near future, and it's all their doing.

>> No.55342487

Central banking and inflation

>> No.55342497

I earn an average wage here in the UK and I am in poverty.

>> No.55342499
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cause the eurolard pays 50-60% in income tax and vat to pay pensions
get rid of your pensions and you can be just like america

>> No.55343641

I’ve heard too that Germans are not working as hard as they’ve been chalked up to be.
Simple. Low competition, overregulation.

>> No.55343894
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>> No.55343923

Wish this were true but at least in the UK it isn't the case.

>> No.55343924
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55342066 (You)
>Tax funded healthcare.
>im too afraid to own a car.
>Glass tumors on old buildings
What did anon mean by this?

>> No.55343938
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Nor is it like that in ireland, before anyone mention EU nation.

>> No.55343979

You can rent a nice apartment in most of western Europe for the price of a section 8 shitbox in America. My apartment in Strasbourg was €450/month and I could walk anywhere or take the public transit easily. It was also way safer than any American city. Purchasing is the total reverse though, every Euro I know that owns property inherited it meanwhile my American friends bought in the middle of nowhere or just rent.

>> No.55344040

In the UK house prices are 4x the price per sq ft than US homes. We have tiny shitboxes that cost £200k minimum.

>> No.55344043

Americans can't fathom a world in which most people aren't pedal-pushing petrol-guzzling carcucks with their fat asses sitting in traffic every day.

>> No.55344062

>Asset stripping
>Trickle-up economics
>Corrupt politicians

>> No.55344074

You vill rent and you vill own nothing, basically. Hope your parents have property.

>> No.55344086

luv me deano box, luv me family of 6 pakis nextdoor who dont pay a penny for it

>> No.55344131

>I could walk anywhere or take the public transit easily
How is that a good thing? Do you enjoy being enslaved? Imagine bragging about only existing within walking distance of your residence like it's the stone age.

>> No.55344273

Anon have you ever heard of trains?

>> No.55344307

It's pleasant to be able to walk outside and buy groceries without needing to drive. My work was a 5 minute walk away rather than a 30 minute commute. There were bars and restaurants and parks that I could bike too easily. Do you consider walking so laborious that it's...slavery? That's the fattest thing I've ever read.

>> No.55344431

based German hate. nothing worse than a german roach. hate german rats in Canada too all rats. anglo kicked their faggot asses twice in 3 decades and I cant wait to do it again german faggots worst race fucing bootlicking niggers worst roach faggots ever fuck germans and fuck germany all rats

>> No.55344514

Sir, this is a demoralization thread.
You can't say that.

>> No.55344525

Is it ? Looked at recent news and it was fuzzy and "subject to IRS appreciation". Not comfy.

>> No.55344529
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Based and factually correct

>> No.55344802

The equivalent to “work at a rich company in a big city” in the US is still a minimum of double the salary numbers you posted, so you actually proved OP’s point

>> No.55345034

this, amerilards hate the euro for being the greatest competitor to the dollar's supremacy

>> No.55345780

Europe is not far behind


>> No.55345824


Europe is not far behind

>> No.55345948


>> No.55346248

>100k euros of licence if you want to be a taxi driver
Considering that it's Italy that is most certainly a racket. Christ. Imagine needing to pay 100K to drive a specific car when any guy can drive for a ride sharing service. The scammed taxi drivers can fight it all they want but I'm sure ride sharing will decimate their industry within the decade.

>> No.55346355

That's what happens with real estate when it's traded like a shitcoin i.e. on speculation rather than its actual intrinsic value

>> No.55348076

In the new Soviet Union America is what Russia was and Europe is their vassal states.
People acting like the EU is some competitor to the US are delusional, the EU was created so that Europe could be more easily controlled by megalomaniac US based Jews via their endless Ponzi money printing schemes.

Business flees the US and Europe to take advantage of more relaxed labour laws elsewhere and access to resources while the West fucks around with modern day Lysenkoism and nigger worship instead of trying to make a success of itself.

>> No.55348442

the EU is a competitor to the US as much if not more than China is

>> No.55348448

Moshe... Iran is going to nuke you

>> No.55348462
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Because Europe is not third world like US.

>> No.55348959

Yes, in fact it's a based on debt cuckbox.

>> No.55348996

130k is still shit, 200k is shit as well for a top end salary in a big city. Try 500k-1M a year like in SF/NYC. Yuropoors will always be brokefags lmao

>> No.55348999

The difference is the jap worker does 80-100 hours a week and gets paid shit, the American worker actually gets paid decent vs your shitty socialist countries

>> No.55349010

Hi Rabbi Schlomo Goldburgowitz

>> No.55349026

>>but in any case get ready to move to dubai in 2025
are you taxed twice due to expatriation ?

>> No.55349042

>Lawyers made a median salary of $127,990 in 2021.
>The average salary for a software engineer is $114,815 per year in the United States


>> No.55349048

>Considering that it's Italy that is most certainly a racket. Christ. Imagine needing to pay 100K to drive a specific car when any guy can drive for a ride sharing service.
it's the same in france. European bureaucrats are a cancer.

>> No.55349050

Switzerland has high salaries

>> No.55349139

How do the addresses work over there?

>> No.55349164

>How do the addresses work over there?
Most of the city is 4 highways and gated communities and skyscrapers next to them, so there's no street names, you just name your building.
I hope that's what you were asking.

>> No.55349192

no, that was the biggest demoralization post of the thread, because it implies, the suffering is perpetual and will not end.

>> No.55349199
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Your wealth gets distributed trough taxes to fund countries like Poland (+tip) or Greece. This way 90% of people are equally poor and can't afford anything since the taxes are only going up.

>> No.55349247

Ridiculously high taxes coupled with a welfare system.
The state is just a goyim farm with fractal taxes, the final product you have in your hand has been taxed 50 times at least during the production cycle.

The truely amazing part of all that is that it somewhat "works" anyways

>> No.55349263

French GF makes double here in Australia than she did back home as a doctor. Sounds awful except for the food.

>> No.55350182

It really isn't, have you paid bo attention whatsoever over the past three years?

The EU commission is bought and paid for by US financial institutions.

>> No.55351004

...in the 90s, yes

>> No.55351076

Where are these statistics:
>time until death if you don't own a motor vehicle in America factor
>utter shock and bewilderment from other people when you say "I'll just walk there" coefficient