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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55327319 No.55327319 [Reply] [Original]

What is the solution to this?

>> No.55327327


Daily reminder that finance is pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, worsening labor conditions, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war and overall evilmaxxing are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

Unless every single financier parasite, banker and trader is euthanized and every stock market and bank is burned to the ground, and the status quo completely abolished, the biosphere and all life will extinguished

You are a parasite and need to be euthanized for the greater good. And by greater good i mean your own good too, it is obvious you parasites are in immense pain and suffering

>> No.55327333

>Unless every single financier parasite, banker and trader is euthanized and every stock market and bank is burned to the ground, and the status quo completely abolished, the biosphere and all life will extinguished

How do "we" (the metaphoric we in this instance) accomplish that task?

>> No.55327339

Code as law, this is the solution.

>> No.55327348
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> About Capitalism

> "It's NOT Capitalism!"

> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux

> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"

> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.55327367

"We" doesnt include you. You are the enemy. The roadblock to liberation. The willful ignorant soldier of the status quo. Worshipper of slavery and exploitation.

If I were to give an honest answer to your question it would be: take everything you are and do, and do the exact opposite. Every thought you have, use the opposite thought. Every action you do every day, do the opposite one. Every friend you have, every person you are currently friendly with, cut them out of your life.

Basically everything your picture describes is the true enemy. Witness pure unadulterated capitalism in all its pure cancer and still being willfully ignorant of its machinations. Still simping for the cancer. Licking the boots. Worshipping growth. GDP. Stock markets. Banks. Money. Authority. Slavery. Anything and all 4chan stands for, do the opposite

But that is still an inadequate answer because there are no individual solutions to exploitation and capitalism. Only collective ones.

>> No.55327412

deprecate the concept of money. how? idk