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55302986 No.55302986 [Reply] [Original]

and it determines whether or not a cryptocurrency project is deemed to be a security in the United States. As you can see, it’s quite simple. And there are many projects which clearly satisfy all four criteria, but did not legally register as securities. If you hold any of them, you should keep all of this in mind.

>> No.55303019

This test is no law and determines NOTHING

>> No.55304224

It's enough to exercise political legal pressure to force a treasonous private sector to break

>> No.55304255
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wtf is living in a society an unregistered security

>> No.55304280

>Parents pay for my birth + birth certificate
>I'm an unregistered security

>> No.55304305

Nah us Congress knows all laws are out of date, and the reps know that there's a dem clique doing shady shit. Someone posted a twitter (yeah) thread yesterday


There's a video in it, I'd advise everyone to watch it, it's shocking how blatant their bullshit is

>> No.55304330

Baseball cards, beanie babies, sealed classic video games, sports betting, is there anything that isn't a security?

>> No.55304346

Republicans are not in power. Democrats know very well that repbcucks bet big on crypto. If you aren't a mouth breather you know the next act

>> No.55304367

I'm not a burger , what happens next?

>> No.55304375

uh oh looks like Ethereum is a security under this test

>> No.55304401

Republican grassroot campaigners are going to lose their grift. And because they couldn't stop spamming a dead web 1.5 website to scam a few idiots and train their artificial indians they made a former ally an enemy that delivered the necessary narratives for the dems to reach their goal.

>> No.55304503
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>when I'm 18 i go work for some company
>they invest money to train me
>company expects to make a profit
>company makes a profit

>> No.55304604

You wish, baggie.

>> No.55304626

You need to leave, alliances are always just temporary, and you have no dealing in this town

>> No.55305453

yes, with everything the gobberment does it misses vital points which define the difference

>> No.55305571

>the expectation of profit
LMAO what kind of idiot would expect this when investing into ethereal cyber units

>> No.55305596

It will change soon unless the US wants to be left behind.

>> No.55306051

Well, I guess my child is a security then.
What's Gary's address? Time to ship him over.

>> No.55306264

And that is what the private sector simply doesn't get. That happens if you hire failed lawyers instead of political strategists

>> No.55306664

>with the expectation of
doesn't this depend on the person buying it? how is this a useful metric at all???

>> No.55306723
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No. And too many big funds and other private sector faggots that are bound by laws to the interest of their share holders to derive a profit went big in crypto scams like eth; and that is beside scams like eth continuously selling tokens they kept to investors to fund development on their "network" creating expectations of profit from buying their scam token at market value, instead of production value; 0, like pokemon cards created from thin air

>> No.55307491


>> No.55308857

This. Gensler and the SEC are just chipping away at the small fry right now as a warning shot to the big institutional ETH holders. Once that is done, the crosshairs will be squarely on ETH, and then it will unironically be over for ETH.

>> No.55309965

Eth is the sec's baby. ETHgate proves this, then you have Prometheum ATS is a FINRA member and SEC registered ATS and broker-dealer, approved to operate an Alternative Trading System (ATS) for digital asset securities. Vitalik works for them.

>> No.55310016
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Best way to deal with this is to consider if a shitcoin is a commodity.

The one thing that makes a commodity, a commodity, is that it requires work, time and investment to be created and its value is not determined by a single, central entity.

Oranges are a commodity, because you need land, industrial irrigation and farm equipment to grow them and labour to harvest them. You cannot "print" oranges out of thin or fix their price, which is based on a whole lot of inputs and a global network of suppliers.

For the same reasons, Bitcoin is a commodity, it has no central issuer, no CEO, and it requires time, energy and hardware to be created.

Shitcoins, meanwhile, are printed the by the trillions, out of thin air, with the mouseclick of some greedy, faggot "developers", who then retail a substantial part of the premine and dump it on retail idiots in some controlled fashion to fix the price. They are neither backed by time, value or energy. They are worth exactly zero, and are securities, because these "devs" are using them for funding.

>> No.55310086

>Bunch of (((rumors))) released
>When Powell confirmed higher rates
>dot plot looks like hell for the next 3 years
>Inflation data still is elevated
The word is stagflation and the last time stagflation was a thing, the 1970s there were 2 winning trades: hording fiat to buy shit cheap in the 80s and oil

>> No.55310142

Let's face it, the only illegal security in crypto is BTC. Buyers are seeking profits via relying on the efforts of Mike Saylor to shill their bags and not dump his own. Nobody expects sickos like vitajeet and other altcoin "devs" to expend effort on more than selecting which mansion to buy when they dump their bags.

When it comes to crypto beyond BTC, expectations of profits come entirely from your own efforts (shilling to your family and friends and then dumping bags on them). The only crypto with a CEO controlling the promotion and messaging is BTC.

>> No.55310152

The Howey Test is incredibly vague and meaningless.

>> No.55310154
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The absolute desperation of shitcoiners....

>> No.55310166

no. btc is the only non security
Not because it isn't effectively a ponzi, no because craig wright lost his keys, and the development was done not for monetary gains from him the developer of btc, but decentralized. So nobody can sue him, because he cant proof it

>> No.55310205

You don't know what commodity means and should figure that out before trying to speak with authority on the topic.
You can make a strong argument that BTC fails as a commodity due to its fundamental lack of fungibility btw.

>> No.55311118
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Poor mETHheads. That crap is going downhill for so many reasons...

>> No.55311611
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what a shitshow to see biz poorfags panicking about their bags being declared a security, I mean, you just need to get into the right bags and thats it kek

>> No.55311702

Most crypto projects don't fit OP's criteria.
1. yes
2. sort of
3. no. capital gains aren't considered profit in this case. Just like gold isn't considered a security even though you can gain a profit from it via capital gains. A profit in this legal sense has to be gained from "common enterprise" selling something. In crypto's case, the common enterprise sells nothing at all. It only calculates cryptographic hashes and performs network communications.
4. no. The "common enterprise" doesn't employ anyone to do any work.

>> No.55311756

Foundations that develop their networks in a technical way and keep selling tokens to investors are good enough to satisfy 3 and 4.

>> No.55311768

its not an investment you're buying a product

>> No.55311785

Are you trying to argue that vc buy pokemon cards because they are pokemon cards? Their share holders would sue them instantly if they wouldn't expect profits to be derived from that investment

>> No.55311919
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That would scare me if I wasn't so convinced that you are indeed a homosexual. Power bottom if I had to postulate further.

>> No.55311948

The lobbying is done. You are fucked. Because you are a jew. Enjoy Israel getting nuked

>> No.55311959

Luckily I am a valuable member of Chainlink enterprises and they have entrusted me with ensuring the price of Etherium is reported correctly on chain. I take this job seriously and my expected profits are on behalf of the work of myself and other valuable Link Marines.

>> No.55311969

4 seems very open to interpretation