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File: 44 KB, 929x523, Gensler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55290482 No.55290482 [Reply] [Original]

These past few days have been wild, right? We got all these lawmakers straight-up demanding that Gensler gets the boot. But yo, would that actually make a damn difference?

I mean, let's be real here. The SEC ain't done jack when it comes to giving us clear guidelines for the crypto scene. All we got is this outdated howey test, which honestly needs a serious upgrade. It's like they forgot about the essence of it.

So, channers, what's the deal? Is Gensler the real problem, or is it just the dumb constraints he's gotta deal with at the SEC? Let's hear your thoughts!

>> No.55290506

Hello predditor, please fuck off

>> No.55290546

I hope he goes to jail after this.

>> No.55290561

the SEC is doing their best to protect dumbasses like you from undisclosed risk on unregistered securities.
gary is based.
you are a faggot.

>> No.55290643

I doubt he does, he hasn't done anything against the law. He is only calling for regulations which i believe is in the best interest of the industry.

>> No.55290757 [DELETED] 

If crypto falls under ((his)) jurisdiction why isn't he outright imposing penalties, fines, and shutting them down? Why is he going through the courts? Suing them in court is almost an admission they fall out of his jurisdiction and he's doing something very irregular

Central banks don't go through courts to impose penalties on banks and the same goes for any authority with jurisdiction

>> No.55290986

The congress just started a move to send Gensler back to his momma. And the SEC isn't gonna have chair ever till the end of time.

>> No.55291042

A lot of charges against Gensler lately. Now he knows crypto isn't just owned by a sector but global beings.
>Gensler once applied for advisor role on Coinbase.
>Gensler obtained his cert from Sweden.
>Gary shorted BTC and plans on manipulating the market with the news.

It's never gonna end well oh young Gary!

>> No.55291060

So you mean Gary is actually pokenosing and has no business declaring those assets as securities?

Under whose jurisdiction those Crypto fall then?

>> No.55291066

>we have to live as slaves because dumb people
What benefits do you derive from dick riding a bunch of out-of-touch boomers on an anonymous anime forum?

>> No.55291104

If you think they fall under the SEC, then why not fine or penalizing them. Simple question. Do you actually know?

>> No.55291120
File: 895 KB, 586x562, the white cat of maastricht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late, I spammed all Senators, Members of Congress and the SEC with an email that is going to end the scamming at least in the USA

>> No.55291264

I'm not sure astroturfing for billion dollar shitcoin ponzis would be a better use of my time.
sounds a hell of a lot more cucked then supporting governmental protection agency.

>> No.55291278

write your senators and members of congress, spam them. I am not even american and have been doing that, after, warning everybody what is going to happen

>> No.55291294

sure, absolutely, anything for you.
could you give me a pre-written letter?

>> No.55291311

Hedge fund backed Rs mostly..

>> No.55291361

You should put some work in it yourself, the more individual the better; but here have mine

>> No.55291390

Use as Subject line:
DIGITAL ASSETS - Unregistered Perpetual PRE-IPOs

>> No.55291490
File: 129 KB, 740x667, securities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it - why is crypto being classed as a "security" bad, doesn't that make it more valuable?

>> No.55291516

It does. But it makes it harder for scammers to operate in the nice society; they have to jump through hoops and comply with rules, instead of just copy pasting a github

>> No.55291734

I'm sure you can't dare Ted Cruz cus he will definitely fish you out and you will face the repercussions of influencing the Congressmen.

>> No.55291803

thanks! here's my draft:
>Honorable []
>My name is not important; what is important is what I have observed. I just fucking hate these ponzi scammers. They are like worms corrupting the carcass of responsible free enterprise with integrity and transparency.
>I have been in the space, since the days the individual known as Craig Wright, whom has released his white-paper and discussed the technical aspects of his invention with other interested parties, on a small forum known, as bitcointalk.
>over time, Craig Wright's vision, has been perverted, with smart contracts and proof of stake consensus'.
>the original purpose was a bank account for poor people in shithole countries, like haiti. they eat dirt because they can't get cash out of their bank account, because it doesn't exist because they're so poor.
>I am calling on congress AND the SEC to, for once in their life, NOT be like George Bush, and care about black people. I understand it's a big ask, but it is times like this where decisive action is required.
>I will also request, that NO LESS then 50% of cryptocurrency confiscated from scammers, be donated to the peace efforts in Ukraine. we are fighting a war on unregistered securities at home, while they are fighting a rogue nation, that profits off these illicit transactions.
>further, cryptocurrencies could help strengthen our illegal governmental surveillance programs. we can trace all transactions. we can use decentralized recovery, to confiscate all their money, without due recourse or trial. we can introduce programmable currency, money that can only be used for certain goods or services, money that can expire, like a coupon, enslaving a population in perpetuity. we need to leverage these fascist tools, to prevent crime, and ensure the continued global hegemony of the petrodollar.
>thank you for your consideration.
>Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.55291814

It makes it so I'd the us public want to buy crypto they need to use genslers friends banks to purchase them. It's almost like he is protecting the banks.

>> No.55291819 [DELETED] 


What color do you glow you slimy reptilian jew scum?

>> No.55291853 [DELETED] 

The tranny mod is an abusing schizo deleting threads and banning people for no reason.
Please report this piece of shit at https://www.4channel.org/feedback

>> No.55291876 [DELETED] 

So? Know your audience
And my audience are pro-Israel and Boomers, you scammers are not my audience, you are a plague that needs to be eradicated

>> No.55291952

its all political and the politicians smelled weakness and a new voter base so they are frenzying into this like sharks smelling blood
the sec is run pretty independent by unelected bureaucrats
this moment show enough weakness for politicians to remove this independence and start installing their own as the governing body of the sec so more bribe monies and power to them less to the unelected bureaucrats
also there is a pretty large and growing group of young people that can be courted with this manure for votes, so its basically a win win win
gary is just the fall guy if he plays ball he will be rewarded with a cosy do nothing well paid position in some corp/bank

>> No.55291986 [DELETED] 

So you want to be the serf of private sector slaver instead of the serf of a public sector slaver. If you want to live in the nice society; follow their rules. You cant seriously expect to scam fools, buy lambos and be a revolutionary you stupid new fag scammer!

>> No.55292005

bad in the short term because the coin will be delisted from illegal unregistered securities exchanges, which means there will be less demand and higher volatility.
it also ends up almost certainly 'picking winners & losers'.
currently CEX's will pretty much any dogshit, despite their comments otherwise.
you have more freedom in the current environment, but there end up being so few real investable opportunities.

>> No.55292073

He's being a bit shady about it though; the SEC better give outlined plans on how they hope to achieve regulations. Take a peak from what the EU did with MiCa and watch how platforms will take advantage of that.

>> No.55292094 [DELETED] 
File: 575 KB, 581x751, ADL.6.14.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And my audience are pro-Israel and Boomers
oh you're pro-Israel as well?
where's your membership card then faggot.

>> No.55292146
File: 141 KB, 800x500, US_lawmakers_file_‘SEC_Stabilization_Act_to_fire_Gary_Gensler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your best fire Genslers itt.

>> No.55292152

Gary is a narcissistic faggot that thinks a purge in the crypto industry would earn him national honors and have his name engraved in front of the SEC; the US isn't the only country in the world and however they come out of this, it's clear that they'll be playing catch up later on as other countries and stepping up their game to create a favorable environment as crypto hubs. These witch-hunts have somehow driven users more to the Defi side.

>> No.55292157
File: 575 KB, 581x751, ADL.6.14.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And my audience are pro-Israel and Boomers
oh you're pro-Israel too?
where's your membership card, faggot.

>> No.55292167
File: 84 KB, 975x975, 1686008740437820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clever. It's almost a free pass. What does that cost you?

>> No.55292174 [DELETED] 

No. I just had it, with the altcoin cucks and their scams, and after years the boomers woke up, attacked them and even if I have to hold my nose cooperating with them, I am happy to kill the private sector tech bruhs

So if you want to make a network in the future, that can be listed on toy and trading card exchanges, use kickstarter and gofundme instead of selling tokens where you retain 80% to dump on idiots

>> No.55292181
File: 1.09 MB, 1196x937, 1686678853693846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only there was something we could do about it....

>> No.55292200
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please Big Daddy G, regulate me harder daddy

>> No.55292220 [DELETED] 

>please tech bruh
>dont dump on me
>let me dump on others
You are no different, and I am not a government dick sucker, I am an Anarchist that unfortunately has to cooperate with the state because you scammers took it a few inches too far

You can effectively thank the spammers and shitposters to made me so angry that I forgot all principals

>> No.55292234

>"you just have to come in and register"
>come in to register
>go to jail

great regulation you got there

>> No.55292242 [DELETED] 
File: 1.00 MB, 1024x1024, 1670702191059045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They circle the wagons here to protect the tribe. Pick related.

>> No.55292243 [DELETED] 

Use gofundme and kickstarter to sell pokemon cards, stop emitting investment contracts of which you retain 80% to dump on the market

>> No.55292259

you either die a millennial.
or you live long enough to see yourself become a boomer.

>> No.55292264
File: 184 KB, 975x1274, 1686507561933384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What scammers? Who scammed you? Mostly normal fags get scammed. Show me on the doll where big nose man scammed you.

>> No.55292271 [DELETED] 

I will probably end one day dead or in custody, but until then I fuck up the private sector now, and likely later the public sector, everything at its time

>> No.55292284
File: 89 KB, 640x516, 1683797593126271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.55292286 [DELETED] 

Me, nobody. I was never scammed, but the practice of exploiting gullible fools while thinking oneself as some revolutionary that fights for "free speech" needs to end. You want to live in the nice society while not following their rules, get fucked. You either have the cake or eat it not both

>> No.55292302 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 600x450, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you scammer. I hate collectivists

>> No.55292329

do kwon go arrested for auto-sodomy.
ledger + asshole.

>> No.55292354
File: 194 KB, 613x647, a7b4f23222d1cd01236970458c5b58a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what scams are you talking about? What are the top 3 scams you are worried about.

>Be anarchist
>Hate Collectivism
>Want more government action
Explain yourself.

>> No.55292383 [DELETED] 

What scams? All perpetual unregistered pre-ipos where a tech bruh (((dev))) team retains any amount of tokens to sell for their lambos past ico, ido in any form on the secondary market
Sometimes you have to cooperate as a cynic anarchist with an opponent to fuck up another opponent so the stability and balance around your barrel isn't disturbed

>> No.55292415



>> No.55292417 [DELETED] 

regarding your "tweet"
Its really funny how the (((republicans))) invested in tokens engaged scamming the public have found their will to fight
Such faggots, may they all end on ropes for high treason

>> No.55292438 [DELETED] 

are you invested in an unregistered perpetual pre-ipo, my condolences, get fucked

>> No.55292512

Good job you got replies peanut head.

>> No.55292527 [DELETED] 

Hey, if you want to get rich quick from idiots, sell t-shirts, not (((tokens)))

>> No.55292541

Ohio once again proving it's a spiritually southern state in the north

>> No.55292657
File: 134 KB, 369x275, barf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post reeks of reddit. Go back

>> No.55293349

Reddit bros all over this post. Is it the blackout that drove y'all here? GTFOH!!

Move to an area where he doesn't have a reach. Go Defi!

>> No.55293480 [DELETED] 

go back chyat faggot new fag and scam on robostreamer

>> No.55293904 [DELETED] 

all of a sudden this thread isnt bumped anymore and chyat faggots try to slide it. Hilarious

>> No.55294191

>assblasted at everyone
>but why don't they want to talk to me anymore?
>the 'chyats' are behind this!

>> No.55294227 [DELETED] 

The thread was bumped because it supported the scammers narrative, the attempt to drum up support, the moment I entered it was tried to be slided. You really need to find another home jews

>> No.55294255

>not everyone agrees with me
>it's a jewish conspiracy!

>> No.55294268
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1676944838544103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened crypto baggie? I thought Bitcoin and crypto were the decentralized revolution, now you're crying because the government fucks you in the ass and shows you how worthless it all is? Shouldn't you be building an entire new economy outside of the state? Oh wait you can't because none of this shit works and nobody uses it except for degenerate gambling.

>> No.55294291
File: 23 KB, 254x105, captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related has my opinion on your post. try again

>> No.55294714

Apparently it seems everyone is clueless on whos jurisdiction this falls but to put into perspective the reason why the SEC took them to court is because some of the assets falls under the howey test.

>> No.55294758
File: 44 KB, 600x450, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fall under the SEC, if the devs use the tokens they gave themselves to perpetually raise capital and fund their lifestyles, pretending to develop the networks, which is far more than enough to create implicit and explicit expectations of profit for investors from the party that emitted the tokens

>> No.55294874
File: 420 KB, 1284x2089, 1686410668434486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cites US securities law
I got it. You are just a leftiod trying to be edgy. VC scams are obvious and easy to avoid. You and your government have no business telling people what they can do with their money.

Crypto is on the ballot this cycle. How do you plan to vote?

Yes. They are big mad they haven't figured out how to regulate defi. They are trying to close the offramps, but when XRP wins it's case that will be checkmate.

>> No.55294946

Crypto kids are crying to gensler. Well kids you fuck around long enough and you gonna find out. Gary s good. This is your savior that taught crypto at mit anyway. Dont cry cus you dont like his opinions. He s more knowledgeable about crypto than all of you. You used to agree on that until he took the sec.

>> No.55294990

>Take a peak from what the EU did with MiCa and watch how platforms will take advantage of that.
Still in its infancy AFAIK. Don't get ahead of yourself now.

>> No.55295006

Dude, I am so far right that idiots like you mistake me for a lefty. I hate ALL collectivists, sovereign individuals in an eternal competition only, fuck collectivists of any kind and size.
I don't need a government, but when I can weaponize it, I will
I don't vote, not an american and living as a ghost under fake identity that changes every few years in a neutral country

>> No.55295008

Stocks make new ATH’s while crypto nothing all because of this fag

>> No.55295033

Yes it is but it doesn't mean that smart moves are not being made already. I know SpoolFi is already having meet ups with some top rated tradFi institutions like Solaris bank, Unlimited.com and others to see how they can begin to develop Defi products on their platform. They're one of the first few to acquire that license.

>> No.55295038

>when xrp wins

Look at this dumb monkey repeating dumb lines. What is xrp gonna win?

>Fair notice

Read the fucking laws

>hinman emails



Nothing to do about ripple

Start addressing decentralization and how ripple owns xrp and brad garlinghouse controls the whole shit. Xrp is a security and there s nothing that changes that. You guys are fukcing illiterate niggers dreaming of exit liquidity but you are never gonna make it.

>> No.55295082

Last year it was Putin and Do Kwon that turned the market to shit, this time around, it's Gary. Next year it's gonna be someone else. More reason why you should diversify your risks as much as possible because believe it or not, profits are being made even with the market being so shitty.

>> No.55295096
File: 84 KB, 906x845, dot plot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use the next 3 years to learn macro

>> No.55295220
File: 80 KB, 667x1024, 1684191626568134m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm right wing
>I want the government to control your money

Bro. You got scammed. We know big nose tribesman scammed you. It's ok to admit it.

When XRP wins, will you commit to posting the webm of you drinking bleach?

>> No.55295236
File: 92 KB, 785x1024, 1686529862152485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly did Putin make the markets bad?

>> No.55295253

Idiot, if you want to live in the nice society without living underground, follow the rules or learn to lobby

>> No.55295254

take it easy richard your nose is showing

>> No.55295314

What does this mean? They are targeting a 2.5% federal fund rate? Wtf is a federal funds rate?

>> No.55295357

The first major dips in 2022 started after the Russian invasion. Were you living under a rock? Only those who were in non-volatile assets like stables were spared from the huge dip that occurred as a result of the panic sales.

>> No.55295358

As said, use the next 3 years to learn at least national macro economics. Here is not the place to explain you what a dot plot is and how they get to it

>> No.55295392

You fags just jump on any thread without doing due diligence about what is being discussed, what basis is Gary suing Coinbase for?
A company that did IPO right under his eyes.

>> No.55295494

>Regulate me harder daddy

Right. US sanctions tanked the market.

>> No.55295527

Nigger, I haven't paid taxes for 13 years, I have so many bank accounts, identity documents and residencies that it is absurd - if you don't want to put the work into living outside society and doing your own thing without being regulated; stay a cuck and be cucked and follow the rules

>> No.55296138 [DELETED] 

and they try to slide the thread again
lmfao at mods life

>> No.55296139
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1651552296350s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinion of AI bot jumping codes...

>> No.55296199

Nobody is becoming fast here. You aren't getting updated in your caved residence. Coinbase, SpoolFi, Chainlink, Cardano ... have all started recent moves towards that. It's all over the space for you to grasp and not blame jews for your misfortune on informations.

>> No.55296221 [DELETED] 

Mica is shit, mica wont be implemented nationally, likely ever. Sweden has already made clear, they wont implement it the way the cucked EU wants it to be implemented

>> No.55296264

XRP wins
Binance wins
Coinbase wins
Who will have anything against crypto again in the US? Then comes the real boom in the stablecoins backed by USD.

>> No.55296290 [DELETED] 

xrp is an unregistered perpetual pre-ipo that is going to be declared a security in the US as soon as they settle or the case is closed sometime in 2030

>> No.55296653


What they are doing is really no different than what Elizabeth Holmes' and her friends did.

It's definitely fraud, they sold "tokens" as venture capital with the promise of product and financial returns. They thought "decentralized" meant, no laws because it's le internet moneys.

If two people agree on a transaction, a deed for a deed and one fails to follow through, a law suit can be filed, one can be charged with fraud.

>> No.55296685 [DELETED] 

Yes, totally agree. There is only one real decentralized crypto currency, and its btc, because craig lost his keys

>> No.55296769


None of them are going to win. ETH as well was sold as a VC ico nigger scam.

They are all fucked and the only cryptos that will are is 100% proof of work models, launched without pre-mine.

ETH doesn't follow the ideals of bitcoin. ETH is a scam foundation built for scammers. It's a true pyramid scheme, absolute nigger chain.

>> No.55296907

A tree doesn't make a forest. Sweden can GTH for all I care. Other heavyweights like Germany, Turkey and Gilbratar are already receptive and their institutions are taking advantage of the opportunities already.

>> No.55296943 [DELETED] 

Its like everything with the EU, its going to be a patchwork of different interpretations and implementations with different degrees of authority competency and corruption. Not even sure if the EU is going to make it until 2030 tbf; and in all honesty, it would be better if it implodes, all the scammers that sit in Brussels get exposed and trialed or better window crossed for their corruption, and it goes back to something closer to the EEA, instead of the post Maastricht bullshit

>> No.55296979

I think the real boom for USD backed stables start from now; the volatility of the market has tilted most crypto users into seeking for earning opportunities by leveraging stables on Defi protocols for yields. Take a look at the upshoot in the Mcap of major stables lately.

>> No.55296997 [DELETED] 

usdt and usdc are securities, of course unregistered

>> No.55297396

It won't matter when it is on DApps. So staking and farming on such protocols are not a threat.

>> No.55297434 [DELETED] 

It will matter, when it cant be redeemed from the companies because they got sued into oblivion and their accounts frozen, it wont be worth anything

>> No.55297467

Yes, Gary is one of the problems, but he isn't alone because I believe that he has those that he is answering to. So with or without him what is happening to crypto will continue because it's part of the bear market event.
We should just try to sit on cash or stablecoins until the next halving so as to survive.

>> No.55297653

You mean USDT right, because it's the only stablecoin with the major increase in mcap, and it's also what I'm holding and staking on middlewares after the USDC depeg

>> No.55297803

It matters when your asset can be frozen, decentralized stablecoins are the solution and I'm not talking about DAI because to me it's also centralized, but until we get that we should diversify into different stables even if we are staking on DApps, yield aggregators, and other DeFi platforms for better risk management

>> No.55297912

>earning opportunities by leveraging stables on Defi protocols for yields
Is there anything other than Aave, curve, Compound, Convex, SpoolFi, Idle, MakerDAO... you want to mention. We're all used to stablecoins yield on DeFi. Nothing new is happening to the space ranjeet.

>> No.55297939

Centralized shit is crashing next. Embrace decentralized stable as DAI or adopt diversification chad.

>> No.55297956

Most people are losing money even when diversifying because asides from the last meme season and stablecoin staking, I don't see another way of making money in this bear market

>> No.55298320

That is what we are saying. Only protocols supporting them will be useful. It will be foolish to use BUSD ATM. USDT and DAI are good options to use on DApps and that is what I am using.Oldfags understand that.

>> No.55298473


Agree with you about yields but as USD growing weaker I think maybe other type of stables should come on to the stage though.

>> No.55298565

I guess you've not been keeping up because if you do then you should know that some features like Insurance, LSDs, tokenization of vaults are the new stuff in DeFi yield farming

>> No.55298596 [DELETED] 

when eth is named by Gary, lsd tokens are going to depeg harder than your mother

>> No.55298668

ETH is safe retard and so are LSD tokens, and come to think of it most of the projects working on it also have other products

>> No.55298719

I think this will be a strong competition for PendleFi. Those niggers are taking LSD seriously.

>> No.55298730

At least, it was not listed as a security.

>> No.55298745 [DELETED] 

not yet. Don't forget, politics, who is deep into meth, republicans, who is in power, democrats, eth is fucked, its an unregistered perpetual pre-ipo, and Gary is going to keep the cherry for desert

>> No.55298809

Well, they are not the only ones, the likes of LybraFi, EntangleFi, SpoolFi and a lot of others are working on it

>> No.55298988

It's funny because asides SpoolFi, SEC is after the others in your list

>> No.55299167

Hell no. The SEC is not after any Defi platform for now. That is why I regard Defi to be safe.Yeah it is a good aggregator and so is the others.

>> No.55299246
File: 55 KB, 821x1024, alex jones everything will be ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are scammers and also legit businesses out there that are doing the same thing as selling securities, but just by a different name through crypto to try and get around the law (or hey, maybe negligently). If some entity sold their tokens or coins as an investment contract the SEC will come for them

>> No.55299468

Every sector has scams so fuck the sec if they think crypto is the only threat.

>> No.55299627

You just hang that man's fucking shoes. He is done.

>> No.55300256

He deserves a medal

>> No.55300659

>the sec is run pretty independent by unelected bureaucrats
Lets just schedule a call with Buterin next week to confirm our understanding of that statement.

>> No.55300882

This. And upgrade your writing style, boomer.

>> No.55300926

Anyone who thinks Gensler has any power or relevance is a delusional clown.

>> No.55300937

brock pierce should run SEC

>> No.55300996

isn't the idea that the lawsuit is part of XRPs rise? if XRP is the chosen coin by banks, any of this lawsuit shit is just a show to get it regulatory clarity. why do you guys get so worked up about the ins and outs of the lawsuit???

>> No.55301007

fuck off glownigger

>> No.55301121

Anyone can come but not Gensler.

>> No.55301130

>Fire GENSLER!!!
Out of a cannon.

>> No.55301146

It is funny how ETH and BTC are not securities. LSD can still flourish in the US. Yah all just stick to Defi platforms like Curve, Balancer, spoolfi, for now when Gensler is out you can start using CEX again.

>> No.55302033

Fuck you there is no win for just one project. The fight is against crypto.

>> No.55302081

he just need to get shoot

>> No.55302684

Eth is an unregistered perpetual pre-ipo
Lsds are going to depeg faster than you should imagine once eth is named

>> No.55302837

Let see how it goes. It can not be as bad as it seems.

>> No.55302859

Depends. When you spam a true narrative to everyone that matters and the game of mouth to ear goes on, many crazy things can happen. Never try to predict outcomes in a multivariate space with too many unknowns

>> No.55302868

Well, you said LSD will depeg faster. That is a prediction IMO.

>> No.55302889

That's speculative, no prediction. But when eth should be declared an unregistered perpetual pre-ipo, which it objectively is, there are many unknowns that become known and it's possible to make a prediction based on probability, of which one is that people that put their meth with liquid staking services are rather taking the fast way out than redeeming and wait, which would lead to a depeg of the erc-20 tokens

>> No.55302923

Prediction is a product of probability. The likelihood of a thing.

>> No.55302955

I think it's a bit of both. Gensler may be pushing for more regulation and enforcement in the crypto space, but ultimately he is working within the constraints of the SEC and the laws governing their actions. Without clearer guidelines from Congress and other regulators, there may still be limitations to what he can do.

>> No.55302964

Yes. And at how many unknown variables do your models become as reliable as laying tarot cards for doing predictions?

>> No.55303368

If they f***ng close one door, another will open for all the jeets out there. RWA is an untapped sector with enormous potential, which also connects traditional firms to crypto. MNI, RIO, to name a few.

>> No.55303402

Nay noob! I'll go for NFE which will allow me to become fractional owner of projects & earn real world revenue from real world assets.

>> No.55304321

Building on RWA now will be productive in the long run. I've seen some good protocols building on this.

>> No.55305117
File: 171 KB, 875x1335, 9F7B5A9A-63CE-4F1B-9CEF-7254C41A29D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how none of you mention how Gensler is jew looking out for jewish interests. FTX was ran by jews and he didn’t go after them, he’s on the side of big banking which is ran by jews. Do you think us filthy goyim deserve a chance. It’s literally over! BTC will keep dropping taking whatever you fuckwads DCA’d

>> No.55305233

Your grift is done republicuck jew. You the most valuable allies you had. Get fucked

>> No.55305468

Stable yield both in farming and staking can be a good way to avoid volatility. It's a better way to utilize Defi.
I rrather use it than keep my funds in a bank for paltry interest. Aave and compound are good.
Aggregators you mentioned are also cool.

>> No.55306663

>DOJ freezes finex and circle accounts

>> No.55307435


>> No.55307974

Go to Sleep, Mr. Gensler. You should be headed for prison after your sack.

>> No.55308687

He will end up buying Bitcoin soon. It is not a prediction.

>> No.55308737

No decentralized protocol had fallen into the hands of the SEC. Your Jewish mother never told you that I get it. For those still using Curve, Balancer, Compound, SpoolFi, and Y2kFinance, keep rocking.

>> No.55309208

god the newfags have really turned this board into the shitter

>> No.55309227

Who are you calling newfag? I've been here since /BBBY/ was created

>> No.55309248

OP? Yes, I agree.

>> No.55309274

>leaked video of him saying "lol eth and most crypto are not securities" before going on this crusade against crypto
>he STILL hasn't been fired

>> No.55309290

right, just like they have done for the past thirty years, real paragons of the people.

>> No.55309505

He is totally corrupt and tried to make money by associating with SBF and creating a FTX walled garden.
Into the jail he goes.

>> No.55309830

Everything changes. Be a part of it or gtfo oldfag

>> No.55309926

What are the new fags thinking then?

>> No.55310054

The prometheum shit seems kinda dodgy. I'm sure that will end well for him.

>> No.55310511

Everything ends eventually.

>> No.55312239

Gary does a fantastic job