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55284815 No.55284815 [Reply] [Original]



Tomorrow I got an interview! I am so excited

but i am scared because i am

> not looks max,
> its system design (???)
> cannot talk normally
> not witty, in fact, anti witty and will make ppl unconfortable

need advice!

>> No.55284836

Just bee yourself, and assure them you have the skills to do the job, and that you expect there are 10,000 other people that could too, but you're already in the room so...

>> No.55284907
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i told you nigger it was just RNG.
this. the more you prep, the more anxiety and austistic you'll be. pop a benadryl 1 hour before and chill. start making normie talk.

>> No.55284938

How many degrees do you need to learn how to grow rice you fucking americans honestly

>> No.55284942

i dont have any illegal drugs, i am too pussy to buy any,
i can take coffee if that helps?

>> No.55284950

its on par to a tier 1 university dude, like CMU

>> No.55285010
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Based. Just be yourself.

>> No.55285278
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>need advice!

don't jack off until then. Work out tonight or tomorrow before hand. No sugar. Get good sleep tonight. Don't take yourself too seriously, be honest but don't come off as desperate good luck buddy

>> No.55285341

just show confidence, and with show i mean fake it, as everyone does. also this >>55285278, especially the sleeping. go early to bed. ygmi.

>> No.55285364

Cold shower
Don't fap
Don't be desperate
>Just another interview out of your 10 scheduled interviews because you are so in demand

>> No.55285374

double vodka an hour before. yw

>> No.55285421
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Don't view the interviewer as an interviewer, think of it like you're talking to a fellow /biz/antine (except for the racism, shitcoin shilling & etc). They're curious about who they might be working with over the next few years, so treat the conversation as such.
The more you feel like the conversation flows naturally, the higher is the chance they'll hire you.
Get ready for all the generic interview questions, but don't memorize word-by-word what you'll answer - you'll forget everything when it comes the time and you'll screw up.
Get good rest, avoid coffee, sugar and drugs for the rest of the day.
Look presentable, get a haircut, iron your shirts properly (or ask your mom for help, + a serving of tendies).

Good luck.

>> No.55285460

depends, coffee could make you more anxious and weird, but if you feel like the lack of energy prevents you from expressing yourself then go for it. I'd recommend that you brew yourself black tea as it's provides you woth extra energy but it's less intense and can even help you relax

>> No.55285500

Study the job description, as a new grad they’ll just want to know what you studied and how you can apply it to the job. They might ask you about non-academic stuff like volunteering or whatever. You should come off as both knowledgeable and willing to learn

>> No.55285896

If they ask some question like "what's your favorite drink?", don't reply with something like "water" and stare 15 seconds in dead silence,

>> No.55286197

Happy for you anon.

I know the interview seems tough, but just think they're more afraid of you than you are of them. Instead of getting nervous, just speak slowly. It shows gravitas even if you're internally losing your shit. Speaking slowly also makes you seem more genuine. Just use that time to think of your next words carefully. Prepare some one-liners so the HR roasties go WOW he's so deep.

t.current sperg

>> No.55286219

CBD gummies or Kratom. Both are legal and not psychoactive

>> No.55286225

You tell em whatever they want to hear and nothing more. This should be easy with the advent of AI. Go back.

>> No.55286240

Take it to fucking >>>/adv/

>> No.55286596

first of all, well done OP
secondly, fuck off ''sean'' the tripfag
thirdly, henlo to all frens out there