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55268437 No.55268437 [Reply] [Original]

I have $85k ready to be deployed. What are the best plays right now? Right now it seems like it's only BTC and LINK.

Previously I had my eyes on ATOM and MATIC as well, but these are named in the SEC lawsuits. AVAX was always just a VC pnd and DOT seems like an empty community. ADA has always been a piece of shit and Charles is retarded.

Is my assessment right? Is LINK actually the final red pill? The fact that Eric Schmidt is advising is probably one of the most bullish things in crypto.

>> No.55268547


>> No.55268564
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you already know the answer

>> No.55268567

I lost 100k playing with meme coins. If I was you I'd stick to btc and eth

>> No.55268571

I'd get 1BTC, 10K LINK and the rest into ETH solely to then use to buy new fresh shitcoins when the bull run starts since those will outperform everything else. Make sure to take profit from those shitcoins and put it right back into BTC/ETH/LINK.

>> No.55268595

>and LINK
kill yourself bagnigger

>> No.55268613

What an aggressive reaction. What on earth?

>> No.55268635
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buy AVAX you dumb nigger

>> No.55268659

Theres a few dregs leftover from the $50 link top in 2021 who flip out constantly
Best policy is to ignore

>> No.55268685
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I think I’m not the only one on here that realizes that the Chainlink discussions here aren’t organic at all.

A complex mix of paid shills and bots post memes and start conversations. Real anons browsing /biz/ think these convos are real and start making convos themselves. Then when things die down, the bots and paid shills start again to capture new bagholders.

>> No.55268706
File: 143 KB, 1788x1175, linkandavaxfrens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you arent accumulating LINK and AVAX you are literally dumber than a nigger.

>> No.55268720

>Is LINK actually the final red pill?
It should be, nothing else (beyond BTC and ETH) comes close in terms of innovation, current adoption, and imminent mainstream adoption.

But the market deems it less valuable than XRP or ADA, so clearly the market needs a good culling.

>> No.55268865
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thank you based CLG for correcting the record

>> No.55268900

kys shill

>> No.55268912

Thank you based fuddie for correcting the record

>> No.55268915

die poor FUDnigger

>> No.55268924

>It should be, nothing else (beyond BTC and ETH) comes close in terms of innovation, current adoption, and imminent mainstream adoption.
you forgot about Avalanche (Ticker AVAX) which replaces ETH.
you havent figured this out because you are a Laggard.

>> No.55268939

It doesn't matter if something replaces ETH or who that will be.
Chainlink spans all potential chains.

>> No.55268989

not buying your garbage bags pajeet

>> No.55269011

yes LINK and AVAX is the true make it portfolio.
>poor dumb nigger stays poor

>> No.55269072


>> No.55269265

>link marines are incapable of coming up with their own maymays

>> No.55270406

right now there is absolutely no reason to buy anything except link and btc.

>> No.55270932

the market actually threw Chainlink in the dustbin of history like 99% of old altcoins

>> No.55271049
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LINK is looking fine, bro, but BTC? Nah, unless you wanna save those hard-earned bucks. Me? I'd rather snag some KREST tokens and get that sweet PEAQ airdrop. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

>> No.55271059

you keep shilling your bags in every thread

>> No.55271162

100% XRP. It's going to the moon.

>> No.55271202
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Links tokenomics are flawed.
There will be no positive value capture for another 10 years minimum. Your link bags will bleed hard against btc. Theres a lot of link shilling here because theyre all desperate bagholders

>> No.55271259


35k in link
35k btc
15k eth

that way you have almost 7k link, a little more than a whole bitcoin, and a handful of eth. It's a nice fucking bag.

>> No.55271265

you'll probably want to wait for $4 before you buy. to make money on the downward slope, you could even buy some moderately leveraged puts

>> No.55272408

I love when kekfuddies try to fud Eric it's hilarious

>> No.55273049
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>AVAX was always just a VC pnd
you're in for a rude awakening OP, repent in time.

>> No.55273385
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>> No.55274165

that "rest" on ETH is going to drag your folio down

>> No.55274171

wait a month and then consider buying BTC

>> No.55274251

bros sirius go back to twitter

>> No.55274307

>I won't go back
>we are going to take you back
holy basedo and gone back pilled

>> No.55274356

Link is an unregistered security.

>> No.55274554
File: 29 KB, 427x427, IMG_20230612_182339_817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX is the safest option to get easy money right now anon. Go fot it

>> No.55274591
File: 1.16 MB, 1216x1024, 1685590648189992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were fooled by the /biz/jeets into believing that AVAX has no potential. It literally is one of the best products within crypto currently. Subnets is something that in the not too distant future we are going to see implemented in all other blockchains due to the fact that it leads to greater speed and effectiveness within all processes. You could have the perfect portfolio with AVAX and LINK together. And yes, LINK is top tier as well.

>> No.55275233
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>> No.55276143
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This nigger knows what he's talking about

>> No.55276153
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>> No.55276167

based beaner

>> No.55276332

Accumulate LINK, BTC/ETH & TAO. Mess around with some of the newer project launches, use profits to accumulate more.

>> No.55276396


>> No.55276471

>price dropped to $6
>bought 1650 more link
>price immediately drops to $5

FUCK lmao. Oh well, now I have 17k stinkers.

>> No.55276905

Congrats on making it in 5 years

>> No.55277421
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Pajeets, listen up! The smartest move right now is to snag that Krest before it's gone, and let me tell you, the rewards in PEAQ airdrop will be for you. Play safe anon

>> No.55277463

What a blast from the past

>> No.55277622

Start looking at the future anon or NGMI. As we're transforming from the Web2-based Internet of Things into the Web3-based Economy of Things. Some solid projects will enable people to extract maximum value and opportunity from machines with minimal risk and waste. Just DYOR and don't get lost.

>> No.55277645

Because you can't afford to buy KREST on allainceblock fundr and get your hands on peaq token, envious faggot.

>> No.55277668
File: 2 KB, 125x125, tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about depins, anon? I expect cutting-edge applications to emerge from ecosystems of DePIN leaders like arkreen, peaq, metablox and others.

>> No.55279845

It didn't end there anon those projects could become widely adopted. They offer increased data privacy, security, and decentralization to prevent corporations from exploiting user data.

>> No.55279894
File: 100 KB, 1080x951, IMG_20230606_165524_087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made 2M playing with meme coins. if I was you I'd go all in on TOAD

>> No.55279918
File: 458 KB, 1075x411, block.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blockhotel. io

20k mcap, potential for 100x gains