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55241008 No.55241008 [Reply] [Original]

If only there was a scalable layer 1 cryptocurrency project that did not use proof of stake and did not use the EVM but instead had some other safer language that is made for dapps instead of just a rust clone.
Sadly no such coin exists.

>> No.55241641

If you're not trying to shill some shitcoin just know that Blockchains are a dead end . You can't get real world data on a Blockchain, it has to be supplied by an oracle.
The crypto TOKEN of the future (not currency, none of them are currencies).
Will use a system that scales effortlessly, is extremely light (can be ran on cheap computers), is immutable (no updates), is Byzantine fault tolerant up to 99% and can interact with real world data.

>> No.55241863

>If you're not trying to shill some shitcoin
>Proceeds to shill a shitcoin

>> No.55241891

What shitcoin did I shill, jackass?

>> No.55241923

Bitcoin. Moron. It'll scale when everyone have 10000tb storage and bandwidth.

>> No.55242047


>> No.55242051
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Its called Avalanche Subnets.
>Subnets can use any VM not just the EVM
>doesnt have to be proof of stake as Subnets are fully customizable

>> No.55242074
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>fully customizable
Can you explain in your own words how subnets are needed if people can just make a blockchain themselves? interop with other chains maybe? why not use cosmos then? does not seem needed hmmm

>> No.55242112

>Can you explain in your own words how subnets are needed if people can just make a blockchain themselves?
a Subnet can run many Blockchains also thanks to Ava Cloud you dont even need to know how to code to Launch one.
>interop with other chains maybe?
thanks to Avalanche Warp Messaging every Subnet can communicate with any other Subnet no matter what VM they run. With Sub Second finality of course.
>why not use cosmos then?
Poosmos is garbage. Avalanche has the better Tech and better more forward thinking Team.
Also Poosmos is crumbling right now.

>> No.55242127

> it has to be supplied by an oracle.

You mean a DAG like Hbar

>> No.55242135

You said they are fully customizable, I don't care about your narrative to launch a shitty no code blockchain, you said fully customizable so I'm holding you up to that argument.
If I want a customizable chain why should anyone launch on avax? I don't want Sub Second finality or Proof of Stake.
You have yet to lay out a single point for why anyone should use subchains to make anything other than a dog token.

>> No.55242175

>If I want a customizable chain why should anyone launch on avax?
because its simple, already works and has the best tech in the entire space.
>I don't want Sub Second finality
Sub Second finality is absolutely crucial nowadays for anything finance related.
But if you are retarded you could make it slower.
>or Proof of Stake
Subnets dont have to be Proof of Stake, you can use whatever Sybil Control Mechanism that you want.
>You have yet to lay out a single point for why anyone
Faster to launch, fully customizable, interoperability, instant access to all the oracle data, Sub Second Finality, no code deployments etc.

>> No.55242211

It's funny I'm explaining how I superficially do not want the shitty things you said and instead you just repeat them again.
There is no such thing as sub second if I'm not using PoS but PoW instead. Go home

>> No.55242221


>> No.55242262
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>doesnt have to be proof of stake as Subnets are fully customizable
How does it make sense to run a subnet on a more secure consensus mechanism than the main chain?
If the main chain isn't secure, PoS is inherently insecure, it doesn't matter if the subchain is secure.
Your stupidity amazes me.

>> No.55242299

>>why is bitcoin needed when they can just make their own
Congrats you just figured out that crypto isn't needed at all.
The worst tech always wins.

>> No.55242306

DAGs are also a dead end.
DAGs suck as a consensus mechanism, far less secure than POW.
The software needs to be useable on a potato computer, otherwise only data centers would be able to run it, i.e not decentralized, can be targeted and shut down.
What's AWS doing hosting your EVM? Oh right, EVMs aren't decentralized and average Joe's can't run them.

>> No.55242444

>There is no such thing as sub second
yes there is, on Avalanche a transaction is finalized in under a second.
Go look up how the Avalanche Consensus protocol works. Sub Second finality is what everyone wants. nobody wants to wait 2 hours til its confirmed and nobody wants reorgs.
All Subnet Validators have to Stake AVAX but they can set up additional rules for the Subnet for whatever usecase they have. Its fully customizable.
>PoS is inherently insecure
Proof of Stake is just a Sybil Control Mechanism, by itself it says nothing about Security, Decentralization etc. its just spam protection same as PoW.
>Your stupidity amazes me.
no need to project.

>What's AWS doing hosting your EVM?
you can run your Validator wherever you want, in a cloud or on a server somewhere else or in your basement.
>only data centers would be able to run it
hardware requirements for an Avalanche Validator are low.
>can be targeted and shut down.
actually no, a backup of the staking cert is all it takes to get a backup online in not even a minute.

>> No.55242453
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>>>There is no such thing as sub second if I'm not using PoS but PoW instead
>>There is no such thing as sub second
>yes there is, on Avalanche a transaction is finalized in under a second.
Comical but mainly depressing.

>> No.55242478

Are you retarded or something?

ok lets try it but retard proof
do you want:
>A: your transaction is confirmed in under a second


>B. you want to wait 1 hour until its maybe finalized

>> No.55242540
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>> No.55242668

If you want Proof of Work on your Subnet you could add that. youd have to build something completely useless and its probably gonna be slower than what is already offered but if you wanted to you could also go full retard.

>> No.55242697

Nice numbers, but calm down and re-read my post slowly.
I said EVM not validator, it is not possible to run an EVM node on a home computer. (I'm talking about C-Chain).
EVM nodes are stationary targets, very easy to sanction. Fewer EVM nodes + lots of traffic = increase in transaction costs and slower execution.

>> No.55242737

yes you can
These are the Avalanche Validator requirements:
CPU: Equivalent of 8 AWS vCPU
RAM: 16 GiB
Storage: 1 TiB
OS: Ubuntu 20.04 or MacOS >= 12

Also there is no such thing as "EVM" nodes, look up how the Avalanche Consensus works.

>> No.55242813

Kadena babena wen $300?

Emily you powerlifting slut what are you guys doing regarding CCIP and interop summer?

>> No.55242883

Kadena has chainlink since 2020, don't worry...

>> No.55242915

you seem like a pow fan like me.
what pow projects are you keeping eyes on besides btc and ltc?

>> No.55242916

never, its a dead ghostchain with no adoption, no users, no TVL, no tech, no business development, cant scale etc.
most likely going to zero, its also targeted by the SEC and CFTC.
so better sell and get some AVAX instead. now that could easily go to $300 and beyond.

>> No.55242938


Here says "INTENT", brother... I am asking because Emily said not so long ago that they were finalizing some stuff with Chainlink. The advent of CCIP means that KDA integration, if successful, can get access to pretty much every user in crypto.

>> No.55242991

we should do a thread on this.
nobody knows this shit.
we need more people in the community to know about this

should i start a post or will you do it?

>> No.55242992

This is why no one uses this shit, you people are blatantly disingenuous.
Either you don't know where solidity contracts are stored (on the EVM) or you're intentionally covering because it's centralized and opaque.
Use your brain; Ethereum's EVM bloats by dozens of GBs per day, and you're being told your C-Chain is running an identical solidity compatible environment with LOW FEES, think Vaxnigger, think. It's physically impossible.

>> No.55243020

Please the floor us all yours, post and I'll join.

>> No.55243044

>no one uses this
everyone is, Avalanche is getting Mainstream Adoption.
>because it's centralized
Avalanche is decentralized and permissionless.
>C-Chain is running an identical solidity compatible environment with LOW FEES
yes and it works, I run my own Validator and can confirm.
any more copes you wanna post?

>> No.55243318
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I was an avax maxi from ICO up until LUNA collapsed and Emint was still claiming it would recover and how essential and revolutionary their tech is (he's intellectually dishonest and incapable of admitting his mistakes. At the time he just handed do kwon 10M avax so Emint chose to quadrupled down rather than having a shred of humility)
(You) clearly don't understand the whitepaper and always come across as foolish in your attempts at "debate" / shilling.
Seeing shit like this;
for the past year, in the majority of threads is revolting. 3 ips always posting the same generic ai generated text in the most inorganic way possible.
Managed to get out above $50 and been in Kadena since it's the only other alternative, although its hilarious because where Avax excels at business and lacks tech, Kadena excels at tech but lacks quite literally everything else.

>> No.55243324



The vax EVM clone uses a client called coreth, educate yourself, similar to ETH where they have 2 clients, one for consensus and another for execution.
You clearly don't know shit about your own chain.
ETH at least has a network viewer for their different clients, where's the network stats for coreth?
>Muh mainstream adoption
>Casually loses marketcap everyday
>Unceremoniously drops out of top 10

>> No.55243389

>and been in Kadena
lmao ripperino
>and lacks tech
Avalanche has the best tech, nobody even comes close.
Ghostchains like Kadena cant compete sorry.

>similar to ETH where they have 2 clients
just install Avalanchego and stake and its all there.
there is also no 2 different types of Validators in Avalanche.
clearly you dont know how anything works.
>Muh mainstream adoption
Yes avalanche is getting mainstream adoption.
>Casually loses marketcap everyday
>Unceremoniously drops out of top 10
it will easily recover.

>> No.55243400

The guy is right you know.
You are retarded and can barely read or write.

>> No.55243408

>The guy is right you know.
hes a clueless laggard not even understanding how Avalanche works.
keeps telling lies that you cant run a validator or some other BS.

>> No.55243417

Not that guy you illiterate dumbass, the other post, here >>55243318

>> No.55243420

>ignore everything
>resort to gpt created shilling non-response
what did she mean by that

>> No.55243444

thats literally some retard thinking anybody will use Kadena for anything when nothing has happened there for the last couple years. its dead, time to let go.
literally wont make it, screencap this and look at it in 2 years again. you will see I'm right.
what part do you have trouble understanding?
are you mad that Avalanche is getting mainstream adoption and your ghostchain goes to zero?

>> No.55243467

You legit have low iq, you should answer to the points in his post that are not kda related
>some retard thinking anybody will use Kadena for anything
I use kadena's tech in text based discussions on a Rhodesian Paperclip Collector Forum to make fun of PoS shitcoins, a use case that your coin lacks.

>> No.55243498
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So you're telling me Kabenba reached $28 without any existing DeFi or Wallets ? Please stop, I can only get so bullish.
If you're right, i'll be homeless.
If I'm right, I'll be a millionaire and be able to retire my mom.
My Mom > Your Mom.

>> No.55243503

how do you know its just from 3 ips?
what should you do to avoid this?

>> No.55243522

>I use kadena's tech in text based discussions
you and 1 other guy. thats not mainstream adoption or anything used by anybody.

>reached $28
its just hot air and will eventually correct back to its true value of zero.
>If you're right, i'll be homeless.
looks like you are going to be homeless soon.

>> No.55243532

>thats not mainstream adoption
I would hope it's not

>> No.55243810
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Should I play HALO?

>> No.55243871

I remember collecting skulls and doing legendary campaign for all achievements for cool armor.

>> No.55243975


>> No.55243998

>this game does not treat gay people differently from not-gay people. I'd have a hard time listing any games that do otherwise.
What's the most homophobic game I can play today?

>> No.55244131

I have this amazing memory of being 12 and playing Halo 3 online with mic and 3 older guys found that funny and took me into this co-op multiplayer game and we would stack all 4 of us on top of each other and go to places we weren't supposed to. They showed me a lot of cool stuff that day and then I never saw them again. Mind blown.

>(it's halo's culture).

>> No.55245153

No really, why does circ supply increase by 3M every month ? I thought emmissions were 6 gorillion years from now but at the current rate it'll be fully circulating by 2040, not 2100.
Why is the kda-usdt pair on binance $0.115 ? Are the elites trying to signal to me the target low for the cycle ?
Should I masturbate to forget about my troubles ?
Yeah. I'll do that, thank you very much.
No prohblrm hahahajaaj
Keep da chamge
on the rocks

>> No.55245165
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>Should I masturbate to forget about my troubles ?
You should start lifting, it's like rugpulling your brain into making you feel good.

>> No.55245216

I would but I have a lot of beautiful hair and fear all the testosterone would make me lose a significant portion of it.
Also I have a twinkmaxxing physique without even trying, could easily be top 0.1% on OF if my principles didn't prevent me

>> No.55245248
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I'm no professional but I think stressing will make you lose hair much faster than picking up heavy object

>> No.55245277

I'm no stress wen I release my spinal fluid