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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 621 KB, 915x960, secbinance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55209134 No.55209134 [Reply] [Original]

With mines restraining ordereth effective GLOBALLY, all of your crypto assets will belongs to us.

As for you cattle, you'll own nothing and be happy.

>> No.55209146

piss off jew. Your country is about to get Iraned

>> No.55209159

Cool, awesome, don't care.

>> No.55209299
File: 59 KB, 512x512, 1684255054220767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA stopped being the center of the world since 2008, probably 2001. It's all about China now

>> No.55209303

based protection

>> No.55209318

>It's another episode of amerilards pretending that they're the center of the world and whatever happens in their little obese brown shithole has any influence on the rest of the world

>> No.55209323

fuck off jewboi baby dick sucker pedo
prepare to get pump hard
everytime you see more niggers more spics you know its money injection time to pay off more debt
the result is always the same massive hyperinflation
works everytime
that is why the housing price never comes down but up in most diversity area
simple logic common sense
that is why you have unlimited crypto to supply unlimited diversity
simple as
diversity=massive debt=hyperinflation
giga pump incoming

>> No.55209436

I hope this causes a mega dump to 10k and then I'll buy a whole BTC.

>> No.55209468

Thanks Obama. Electing a nigger marked the top.

>> No.55209513

China has to either dump and take the hair cuts
or, there is not really another option

>> No.55209687

The Nigger wasn't even the worst thing, the Clintonians and his Chicago boys that got installed everywhere fucked it up, and I hope they get removed with car accidents and drowned in lakes

>> No.55209750

India overtook China in population. I think USA is where Europe was, and China is now where the USA was. India is about to become the next China. This is from a closeted zoomer perspective

>> No.55209776

get fucked and get a po box in Canada.

>> No.55209815


>> No.55209895
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>> No.55209968

Representative Byron Donalds will fucking save us. Just watch.

>> No.55210366
File: 200 KB, 326x326, 1681532475006800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going into my collection, nice one

>> No.55210897





America is a joke

>> No.55210904


>> No.55210909

>the most accurate merchant so far

>> No.55210928
File: 69 KB, 992x636, 2DB6D4A4-A11A-4F50-B0C4-64D0E06EF7C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the SEC will protect you by liquidating you and stealing everyone's shit

>> No.55210930

I see nothing wrong with this. My gay black son died in the middle east so commies wouldn't steal our dollars.

>> No.55210938

no they are just going to bankrupt the (((cryptobruhhhhhhh))). Hodl mode this week. no withdrawals

>> No.55211046

people that support XRP are dumb cucks.
They desereve to get bankrupted
Because they know full well XRP/Ripple are in alignment with CBDCs, and happy to being about that fucking dystopia so long as they can profit along the way.
Hope all their net worths go to zero.

>> No.55211124
File: 326 KB, 640x480, keikaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP holder here. Fuck crypto and technology, I don't even care what the fuck a blockchain is, I'm here to make gains and I don't care about making a 360 on decentralized shit in order to make a profit bettng on the winning horse. Then buy bitcoin at most to le hodl just in case. Keep coping, you and I are not same

>> No.55211206

every crypto bruh is fucked. especially those that got caught in "staking" schemes. They wont make it to the exit.

>> No.55211255

>It's all about China now
Yes, the communist totalitarian fascist prison nation where you go to jail for accessing the World Wide Web and actively genocides random groups of people to gain political power, and where crypto is banned and where not a single invention as been created since communism took over is what’s “all about”

>> No.55211274

Gendo tricked the Jews, you are getting tricked by them.

>> No.55211281

America is going to compete with them. Felons are cheaper then Chinese middleclass, and they cant vote.

>> No.55211289
File: 72 KB, 850x400, 1234555962-quote-this-year-will-go-down-in-history-for-the-first-time-a-civilized-nation-has-full-gun-registration-adolf-hitler-381949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everything you just described is a wet dream for US politicians and many low iq normies as well.

It's all about authority and control for these people.

This is why they want to destroy the constitution and disarm Americans. It's too much freedom. They can't be totalitarian cunts with all that freedoms.

>> No.55211312

No need to destroy the constitution. Yes. The USA is factually going to become a New Liberal Fascist nation. But everyone will cheer when rioters, property damagers and other cry babys that got made to believe they can burn down Wendys without consequences get to wear pink, and cant vote anymore. So something like Obama or Bernie will never happen again

>> No.55211375

> Because they know full well XRP/Ripple are in alignment with CBDCs, and happy to being about that fucking dystopia so long as they can profit along the way.
Yes, because I live in the real world and I don’t want to be a slave. Bet on the winning team.

>> No.55211393

Sounds like the US to me

>> No.55211397


> But everyone will cheer when rioters, property damagers and other cry babys that got made to believe they can burn down Wendys without consequences get to wear pink, and cant vote anymore.

Not before they open the borders and start allowing africans and south americans to flood into the US.

oh wait that's already happening. lol

No one is cheering for anything, most are just clinging to the government as a savior for protection.

Living in fear of

Crazed murderous black people
Tainted Food Supply! It doesn't have the Nabisco seal of approval, it's poison!
School Shooters!

Daddy government makes the white woman feels safe and protected from evil non-conforming men while simps work hard to uphold the system.

That's all this is about, conforming some and using others as a sacrifice to keep the myth of fear continuous.

>> No.55211411

The riots start because of another economic melt down, and gibs being cut. SPX, if one considers monetary base did a double top today

>> No.55211415

green id's make it

>> No.55211577


No riots will happen. If they do it's all glowie orgnanized.

Safe-Mode riots, like with Floyd.

>> No.55211599

Of course. The jew is going to incite people to be angry and violent, while waiting at on the other end to sell them through felon employment agencies to manufacturers that need cheap labor. Its going to be a great business model

>> No.55211607
File: 725 KB, 998x426, another gay in the orifice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

June 6 (Reuters) - Investors have pulled around $1.43 billion from the crypto exchange Binance and its U.S. affiliate as of 11 a.m. ET (1500 GMT) on Tuesday, data firm Nansen said, a day after a top U.S. regulator sued both exchanges.

Binance saw net outflows of $1.34 billion of crypto tokens on the ethereum blockchain, with its U.S. affiliate, Binance.US, registering net outflows of $70.8 million, Nansen tweeted.

>> No.55211623

What a nice ad. It makes people believe that dexes are actually a thing, when in reality the majority went to other cexes to cash out

>> No.55211711


This seems to be the plan, but ultimately it will lead to the collapse of the U.S.

Using slave labor never has worked well.

>> No.55211765

Why should it. Over 2/3 of the population, conservatives and independents have been programmed to be angry at all those rioters that got away with their antics over the past years. With Floyd and co. Do you think those people will give a damn, if the same people from out of state come again to burn down their neighborhood and are going to not get a statue this time but 5 - 20 years?

>> No.55213006


> if the same people from out of state come again to burn down their neighborhood

No one is burning down neighborhoods from out of states.

Literally some walgreens and a police station got torched.

I know tons of rednecks with big guns and lots of ammo, They don't care about your cities and hibbity hobbity

>> No.55213043

>Garebear fucking flailing around like a moron begging for Congressional regulatory clarity at the end of the Ripple suit
Oh yea, XRP bros, I think we FEAST, soon.

>> No.55214564

are you retarded?

>> No.55215170

Comon just gets away from keyboard, take your bag and go walk in the Appalachian or something man. you need to be one with a bigger picture. I say you that as a friend. When you'll come back the price will be the same.

>> No.55215202

Lol It's always cool to see how China success trigger violent burger cope, we see a historical tendency just right here, you have to change your financial system, the westerners money loaners take too much and your clients will not follow you into the abyss.

>> No.55215226

>gov pressures banks to ban crypto bank accounts
>binance create another company to open a bank account
>SEC sues you for undisclosed counter party risk
>declare software securities
Fuuuuck the government, holy shit

>> No.55215248 [DELETED] 

Tech bruhs have only themselves to blame. It's time this industry gets shown it's place and being crushed. Platform laws are the next. Dead to the tech jew

>> No.55216068

Self custody is the solution chad. I for one store my Btc, Eth and Dot in my private Brillion wallet where it is totally secured.

>> No.55216089

I welcome it
The tech bruh needs to be reminded that he is just a slave

>> No.55217538
File: 408 KB, 1200x1200, corona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's all about China now
It really is. Pic rel.

>> No.55217571

China is done.

>> No.55217622
File: 399 KB, 750x1190, IMG_0966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armenian parents protesting lgbt in California are fighting antifa. The civil war is going to be started over this lgbt bullshit and when people realize it’s the Jews behind it all. We then enter the NatSoc Overton window and media goes full damage control. Why do you think Desantis made antisemitism a felony in Florida? The kikes know the shoah is coming . All someone like Kanye has to do is mention the Jewish origins of transgenders, the lgbt / pioneers of gay community were all jews.

It’s over. And these Armenians already hate Jews because of the Armenian genocide they Israel denies ever happened.

>> No.55218998

In my experience Armenians are even more kiked than whites. It's nice a few decided to mouth off to trannies but they went back to sucking Jew cock that very night.

>> No.55219032

I doubt there is going to be a civil war. The state got weakened by parasites but it's still powerful enough with its immune system to stabilize the balance again and get rid of the parasites. But yes, jews better fuck off to Israel

>> No.55219071


>> No.55219145

>all of your crypto assets will belongs to us.
> US
Glow harder you motherfucker

>> No.55219181

fuck off dumb jew
ur fud shit won't work we all strong n shit
go back to the oven and cook ur own meat

>> No.55219217

If you can take the heat, hodl. Don't expect any pumps. There is no liquidity with corpos running for the exit

>> No.55219265


>> No.55220342

Fucking incel, china is stepping huge on the metaverse. Xno rfox sand and few Altcoinistdao picks for green dildos