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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55202816 No.55202816 [Reply] [Original]

non-security blockchain aside from ETH?

These coins in pic rel were referred to as securities by the SEC yesterday. The ones which were not are:




Literally what the fuck is:
>LEO ?

And finally, the ecosystem with the 2nd highest development activity in all of crypto, the one chosen recently be fucking Deloitte for their new KYC/KYB product:

What did Gensler mean by this?

>> No.55202854

does not matter what (((gary))) thinks.

>> No.55202887

>referred to as securities by the SEC yesterday
avax was not in the list, retard.

>> No.55202958

Always bet on pedocoins, after all the US government and regulators are all pedos

>> No.55203467

>he thinks ETH isn’t a security
/biz/ is just entirely infested with commie faggots isn’t it?

>> No.55203499

Graphic is wrong you fucking nigger, AVAX isn't on both lists

>> No.55204181

how is BNB a security but ETH isn't ? They're basically identical. I guess you could say that BNB is not only a native token for a chain, but it's also used to save on fees at a particular exchange. But then why is MATIC a security but ETH isn't ? MATIC wasn't created by an exchange as far as I know, it's purely a chain's native token like ETH

>> No.55204201

vitalik went to israel to create the ethereum foundation. that's all you need to know.

>> No.55204370

Effereum is the official kike coin

>> No.55204927

Polkadot is has been accumulating so much alpha over the past two years it's crazy. In fact just a week ago ISMP was announced to have reached testing stage, providing a whole new messaging format and massive optimisations polkadot.

From https://0xwhisker.hashnode.dev/interoperable-state-machine-protocol-deep-dive

>ISMP-based parachains will support de-relay-chain communication, while also guaranteeing the same level of security and trustlessness so that we can free up a lot of information routing from the relay chain, provide guarantees for relay chain throughput expansion, optimize blockspace, and no longer need to rely on the relay-chain for inefficient routing, which I believe will be a big step in the evolution of interoperability of a multi-chain universe!

They're always 2 steps ahead of the crowd.

>> No.55205382
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And the pedo chain. Xmr probably comes close second for pedo approval

>> No.55205553

nobody cares about your legislation, cúck

>> No.55205662
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Are you serious? Binance chain is entirely developed and maintained by Binance and CZ, you can't run a validator node on it, BNB allocation is/was centrally decided, Binance uses profits from its exchange to buy back and burn BNB token, etc. It's just an exchange token and a centralized EVM chain gas token, how can you compare it to real credibly neutral crypto?

>> No.55206550

that doesn't really sound right. Anybody can create a validator. Like ethereum 2, you need a certain amount of BNB staked in the validator before you can become part of the validator set, but if you have enough then you'll become a validator
People are elected to become a validator based on how much BNB a node has staked on it. There's a core set of 21 (+29) validators that form the current validator set and those validators are re-selected every 24 hours. Binance owns only 2 or 3 of the currently largest validators, most are either owned by third parties or are community pooled validators
>anyone can compete to join as candidates to elect as a validator. The staking status decides the top 29 most staked nodes to be the next validator set, and such an election will repeat every 24 hours
The beacon chain controls the validators and binance smart chain is where all the transactions happen. BSC can technically work without the beacon chain, if the SEC or someone shuts down binance and turns off their beacon chain every transaction is still retained within BSC, it just needs to have validators reconnected. BSC is open source on github and they take pull requests occasionally. There's basically 2 BNB tokens, the Binance exchange one on their exchange, and the native BSC one that underlies the BSC blockchain, then Binance arbitrages between them to keep them in sync. BNB on BSC is basically Ethereum with the name changed to BNB in the code. Having said all that, clearly Binance has an interest in BSC, but also, if Binance dies BSC can continue without them

>> No.55206595

...also, if you look into what happened during that BSC shutdown, Binance had to ask the validators to stop processing transactions for a period. The validators could have ignored the request if they wanted to, but they did it for the safety of peoples money
>we coordinated with validators to temporarily suspend BNB Smart Chain (BSC) after having determined an exploit on a cross-chain bridge, BSC Token Hub- which resulted in extra BNB. We have asked all validators to temporarily suspend BSC

>> No.55206877
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There's a limit on how many validators can actively validate. You spinning up a validator node doesn't mean you get to validate like in Ethereum or any other PoS network. You being able to run a validator node but not be automatically a part of the validator set means nothing. When BNB was created they took 40% (80 million tokens) to themselves and CZ constantly brags how they've never sold a single token. Over time they've made buybacks and burned 46M tokens, making their share over 50%. Guess who has all the voting power on who gets to be the chosen validators? It's not a credibly neutral and (fully) open blockchain.
>Binance owns only 2 or 3 of the currently largest validators
Yeah, right.
>chain freeze
Amazing how they managed to coordinate in an hour or so (hint: it's all CZ and his closest friends, always a phone call away 24/7)

>> No.55207960
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Fake & Gay. Go back to your third-world telegram group faggot nigger.

>> No.55208005

It was 5$ in Nov/Dec of last year, wtf BTC doubled in price since then.

>> No.55208039

It was listed on the SEC Vs Binance securities list, retard.
The SEC dropped a suit against binance and cuckbase.
Cuckbase is less of a interest, but anything listed on the binance case has a real chance of getting fucked hard because of the US administration trying to strike a blow to china.

>> No.55208247

AVAX isn't on both the Binance and Goybase list you lying nigger

>> No.55208543

>There's a limit on how many validators can actively validate
yes that's right, there's a current limit of 21, soon to be 50. This is how a transaction on BSC costs $0.10 instead of $5.00-$20.00. The number 21 isn't a fixed set of validators that never changes. It checks every 24 hours which 21 online validators have the most staked BNB. If you bought enough BNB on your own to be in the top 21 validators (currently you'd need at least $95m of BNB) then you'd be one of the active validators. Some companies like Certik, DefiBit, NodeReal, Fuji, BSCScan, Ankr and so on have enough to start their own and then market staking rewards to the public to raise the remainder. But anyone can do that if they want
>You spinning up a validator node doesn't mean you get to validate like in Ethereum
you need at least 32 ETH to run a validator, so there's definitely a bar which is too high for most people to create a validator because most people don't have a spare $60k lying around. But it is easier than BSC. But then there's the transaction cost trade off
>You being able to run .... making their share over 50%.
The supply of BNB is currently 155m. The latest values say BInance has 17m BNB tokens
>Guess who has all the voting power on who gets to be the chosen validators?
the validators are chosen by the algorithm built into BSC. The top 21 validators with the most staked BNB are the current validator set. People are staking BNB on those nodes. Like there's about 1700 people staking 870k BNB on BSCScan's node right now
People can unstake their BNB if they want a validator to be out of the potential validator set

>> No.55208586

>SOL is a security

>> No.55209099

Fair enough, thanks for taking the time to teach. I'm obviously not the biggest fan of DPoS but it is what it is. It's still not as credibly neutral as Bitcoin or Ethereum, though it's not supposed to be. Its purpose is to be a centralized but fast alternative to Ethereum and to bring Binance money, and it's done that pretty fucking well. Some people still don't understand how its consensus is way different from let's say Ethereum. The chain was frozen, decided by a handful of validators (if not CZ and his puppets). This alone should be enough to demonstrate it's not comparable to Bitcoin or Ethereum.
>The latest values say BInance has 17m BNB tokens
Here's Binance team's 54M tokens: https://twitter.com/cz_binance/status/1351530231429955586 Currently the biggest validators have 900k-1.1M balance. They could deploy 50 validators with over 1M balance and take over the chain (if they haven't already since genesis). Can you somehow see what validators these wallets are delegating to?

>> No.55209235

More wallets with 30M BNB, 17M BNB, 3M BNB etc.: https://www.binance.com/en/blog/community/our-commitment-to-transparency-2895840147147652626

>> No.55209431
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>> No.55209643

Avax wasn't on either list what are you talking about?

>> No.55209684

AVAX is so cringey, lmao. Like that loser from highschool who bullies everyone and ends up flipping burguers.

>> No.55210187

Nice LARP faggot

>> No.55210260
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>> No.55210336

you sound like you got bullied and now you are projecting it on someone else

>> No.55210660

I created bullying back in early 2000s.

>> No.55211436
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AVAX is not part of the security-shitcoins list. Where the fuck did you get that list?

>> No.55212164
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