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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55195430 No.55195430 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on entrepreneurship. What business models work and which are scams?

Tried the following:
> Dropshipping - hardly got any traffic at all and of course zero sales. Probably around $2k thrown into the toilet for this idea.
> Etsy - have had two stores, one a POD store and a digital downloads store. Both were colossal failures, again with the extremely low traffic issue. I've tried and tried to fix the SEO but to no avail. Etsy is ultra saturated so it's clearly a lost cause.
> Affiliate marketing - have tried this extensively on discord and twitter. Of course it went nowhere. Again, having a tough time gaining followers.
> YouTube Shorts - tried a pricey fiverr gig on this for a ton of shorts in the luxury niche, but low and behold YouTube buried that channel into oblivion - each short only got about 5-10 views. Total waste of time and money.
> Crypto - Most of my portfolio is in BTC & ETH now but I could've had so much more if I didn't get suckered into "muh tech" scams such as Harmony One, Fantom, etc. Crypto is the only thing that actually made money.
> Stock trading, of course, went nowhere and I only lost money.
> Done a ton of research on trades, SAAS, etc. - they require a TON of adspend to stand out these days, and the upfront time commitment is also brutal.
> Ebay flipping - only sales you'll get on ebay are through personal items you auction off. For any other type of sales, good luck on standing out + the buyers on ebay are fucking assholes with their scamming, lowballing, etc.
> Amazon gatekeeps the fuck out of everything in my experience

>> No.55195491

If you wanna enjoy unique returns you gotta make something unique (and valuable).
You wont get rich just by copying
What you posted is not even but entrepreunership, its hustling at best, falling victim of another hustlers course at worst

>> No.55195496
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spin up a superagi web agent or seven and get them to work for you day and night. you have started all these things that just need relentless work. here you go:https://youtu.be/Unj5NLNTkLY

also buy 1uck. thanks me later

>> No.55195602

>get them to work for you day and night
doing what exactly?

>> No.55195778


Just make something people want and sell it. It's that simple.

>> No.55196019

Were you dropshipping high ticket products or low ticket products?

With ChatGPT / AI writing tools you can write blog articles to rank on google and just have your collections listed on the blog.

>> No.55196036

lmao this isn't entrepreneurship, this is grifting
why don't you try running a real business? oh right, because you're worthless leech and a third world scammer

>> No.55196096

>fast food franchise
>real estate, especially apartment buildings (homes have more maintenance and office/retail may get btfoed by people shopping online and working from home more and more in the future)
>trash collection
>atms and btc atms
off the top of my head those are some businesses that make money. you may think the market where you live is saturated for these, but 1) that’s probably not true and 2) you can buy an existing business rather than create a new one, just like you can buy an existing building rather than build a new one.

>> No.55196109

all your failures come from the same problem: lack of exposure. And you won't get exposure unless you have something really interesting to offer. So forget about all those cookie-cutter amateur businesses you have been trying because in all of them you were the product.
Go back over your failed experiences and try to identify the persons who were attracting you with false promises of easy fortune

>> No.55196147
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if it was me and i was doing one of your previous ventures, i would get them to interact with each social media platform with a created persona and subtly link your products where people are talking about it
Then get them to create the most clickbaity product titles for your listings for given sales platform and then test the buyer user experience.

There used to be a site called ebay pulse that was taken down as it was so good at giving you the most popular product searches. You can make your agents the new ebay pulse

>> No.55196171

It sounds like you are looking for something passive, which does not happen without hefty work up front.
>YouTube Shorts - tried a pricey fiverr gig on this for a ton of shorts in the luxury niche, but low and behold YouTube buried that channel into oblivion - each short only got about 5-10 views. Total waste of time and money.
Yes, no shit. Did you think you could pay some indian on fiverr to make you youtube shorts and you would just start raking in adsense? What were the shorts even about?

>> No.55196206

I need some under the table cash flow ideas. I don't wanna get into the next tax bracket this year. what can you do in a mid sized city to make an extra $200 dollars a day that doesn't involve sucking or taking dick? (well anything sexual really to inb4)

>> No.55196217

Either come up with something super unique and valuable or copy an existing idea and make a better version of it. The latter requires a lot of investors usually, although both do desu

>> No.55196292

because you do the ones with zero skill that tens of millions are doing. study hard and become a bio-pharma consultant or something

>> No.55196328

Any microgreen farmers in here? Ive seen a few posts on this on the past. I'm actually just now am starting to figure out that this is something I really really want to get into

>> No.55196420

non of this is "entrepreneurship", these are all low level jeet scams or hacky ideas a 16 year old might come up with after a bit too much hustle tiktok binging.

Understand that entrepreneurship comes from deliver value to marketplace in a profitable manner.
>No sales = no market
>No profit = market saturated
>Low growth = poor idea or execution

To create a business that actually has any chance of succeeding you first need something that people actually want. Easiest way is to "arbitrage" a product or service that exist in one geography (IRL or digital) and copy it and ideally improve it to another market. All your ventures had zero barrier to entry and completely undifferentiated. You had no USP, no brand, no value skew and totally objectively shit ideas from what you were offering to customers.

If you actually care to learn a thing or two, read the book "millionaire fastlane", cringe title but great content. Congrats on trying I guess, but the failure lies with you on all of those.

>> No.55196433

get rekt bobo
diversity=massive debt=hyperinflation
giga pump incoming

>> No.55196491

None of these are actual original enterprises. For fucks sake at this point just go into pest control. 10k startup, requires a fuck load of licenses and certs, but if you have a website and some base tech skills you'll be light years ahead.

>> No.55196493

What’s her name

>> No.55196609

>business model = selling a word document of everything you tried to do
>scams = everything else
just tell people you made millions from following (((this document))) and you'll be rolling in the cash

>> No.55196661

real business like what?
do these really make much money? seem like boomer investments that return 10-20% a year. That's cool when you have $5M, but not at $100k
might try this. What do you think of other service businesses like cleaning? Willing to buy some supplies, put up a website, do SEO locally for cleaning, maybe post in forums linking to my site and put up flyers around town, maybe in the rich old people neighborhoods
seems like this only works if you're a fake WWE persona like Andrew Tate or Grant Cardone. Idk grifting is just so shitty

>> No.55196721
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If you want money from entrepreneurship you need to actually provide value to people or companies so they pay you.
You've just made a list of "buy my course bro" scams, and apparently you fell for every single one.
How can you even interpret trading crypto or stocks to be a business?
You're just trying to find ways to avoid making the slightest bit of effort to actually provide value to people.

>> No.55196771

Those things you tried are all ultra costly to pull off or died already.
Learn how to trade.
Are you educated in tech?

>> No.55196781

>if you're a fake
not my problem you can't convince anyone
this faggot convinced an entire town and got away with millions
entrepreneurship = get rich quick first, then invest in getting returns quicker aka grifting

>> No.55196922

>> Dropshipping - hardly got any traffic at all and of course zero sales. Probably around $2k thrown into the toilet for this idea.
>> Etsy - have had two stores, one a POD store and a digital downloads store. Both were colossal failures, again with the extremely low traffic issue. I've tried and tried to fix the SEO but to no avail. Etsy is ultra saturated so it's clearly a lost cause.

You have to actually market? There are ways to do so as well that don't require money up front and then as your product(s) sell you then reinvest profits into paid advertising campaigns.

You can launch an e-comm store with probably $500 over a year Idk how you spent $2000

Definitely under $1,000

>> Amazon gatekeeps the fuck out of everything in my experience

There is plenty of information online to get ungated on various product types. Its pretty easy just takes time more than anything. Focusing on selling what you are allow for now

>> No.55196953 [DELETED] 
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abbey lee kershaw is heaven

>> No.55196957

>btc atms

I really wanted to get into these a couple years ago but nearly all of them have terrible policies. As the owner you can rarely decide what tokens are available. Its nearly all absolute trash tier shit coins available except for 5 options out of nearly 30-50. Its weird.

Unless someone knows of one that I'm not aware of

>> No.55197060

I think the issue here is that you're not doing any actual work.

>> No.55197129

>shitting on a 20% annual return
kek you will never make it

>> No.55197184

20% is great if rich but how can I get anywhere if I'm only increasing a 5-6 figure NW by 20% a year? Would need something that could turn 5-6 figures to millions within a decade of hard work

>> No.55197242

20% is insane whatever the domain.
The idea is to struggle hard for 5 years, then mildly struggle for another 5 years then after 10 years being able to sell the company and start another one just for fun because you can retire whenever you want or keep your business because it's still fun.
Also 20% is insane, especially if you're scalable.
So yes if you want to "do nothing" after 2-3 years of "entrepreneurship" you'll probably never come out with something standing out.

>> No.55197308

yeah I'm talking about equity. I'm ok reinvesting all cashflow back into the business to scale it, but I want to sell the equity to be set for life after 5-10 years of 80 hr workweeks. I guess it comes down to testing demand

>> No.55197309

I've tried affiliate stuff, amazon links, clickbank, youtube. Made a few sales, sure, but never actually made money.
Clickbank is probably one of the scummiest things I've come across.
In this day and age you either have to create a software service or create a massive following. Affiliates ruined the internet and so now only social media sites get used.
Ecommerce is probably still viable. People do buy tshirts and shit from the instagram ads

bitcoin atm has always been a dream of mine
>As the owner you can rarely decide what tokens are available
desu isn't this a good opportunity and problem to solve? Make an atm that can interact with uniswap.
I think regulations are going to be the real killer here, but if you only sell coins and stick to <$10k you can probably avoid kyc

>> No.55197329

>create a massive following
>People do buy tshirts and shit from the instagram ads
which one is it? If you run ads, why would you need a massive following?

>> No.55197408

Entrepreneurship only works if you have connections and startup capital. Everything else you hear is cope.

>> No.55197409

This bitch did some good porn

>> No.55197422

>10-20% a year. That's cool when you have $5M, but not at $100k
Anon you don’t get it, you will borrow to buy or build a business like this and the profit margin is high enough that 5 or so years when you pay off the debt you have seven figures in equity in the business.

>> No.55197462

I still watch them every now and then.

>> No.55197517


>> No.55197558
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You can start by learning to fill out an application to work for a business owner.

>> No.55197580

None of that shit is entrepreneurship, you're just trying to be some middle man jew scalping some profits from actual producers, provide something of value maybe instead of tryharding some jewish cheesing strats

>> No.55197618

2nded. couldn't find her.

>> No.55197632

what would you deem something of value that someone could start with $50k-100k?

>> No.55197699

Middleman businesses are still businesses.

The biggest example being insurance itself. The whole thing with insurance is to "pay" for a liability, but the business model is to ultimately make a net profit after all the insurance payouts at the end of the year using everyone's premiums, coinsurance, etc (essentially a ponzi scheme in other words, our entire world economy is a giant ponzi scheme though)

>> No.55197759

>desu isn't this a good opportunity and problem to solve?

>Make an atm that can interact with uniswap.

I'd have to assume there is some kind of regulatory issue maybe? I guess my point is that none of the current models available to purchase allow for this and so you'd have to develop your own software or ATM which makes a much more initial capital heavy proposition. It would probably be highly successful if marketed well though.

Didn't Uniswap actually just come out with their own app for mobile. That would have to heavily hurt crypto ATMs usefulness and profitability.

>> No.55197783

It's already been posted here. Go buy a fucking laundromat.
>Muh 10% returns is too small
Then get a fucking job. My salary is 200k per year and at this point I have a few million just sitting in boring businesses and stocks. 10% is fantastic. You're genuinely just too lazy to get a job first.
Nope, insurance is a fair exchange of value just like most things. You pay more as the consumer because the value of what you're insuring is worth more to you than it is to the insurer. If you were responsible for buying everyone's insurance, then it would be different, almost like buying out the full inventory from a retailer instead of purchasing the same amount wholesale.

>> No.55197985

Skill issue

Keep trying on Affiliate Marketing, likely the closest one you'll have to success

>> No.55198032

think of it this way, you're playing the game of life and you roll a character with low IQ
but you want to still get to a decently high level. Everything you listed is a way to do that. but you need some luck or scamming ability

>> No.55198126

How do you recommend going about affiliate marketing?
I guess my learning from this is just building something valuable. No idea how to scam besides farming girl profiles on social media and adding dudes on dating forums funneling to an onlyfans

>> No.55198439

>How do you recommend going about affiliate marketing?
I'm sure affiliate marketing will never go away. Is the game still to create a long tail search keyword website? I feel so out of touch with the normal world

>> No.55198454

Andyyy93, i see this bitch posted here every month

>> No.55198511

how do i get a gf like this?

>> No.55198528

I will never have a cute blonde, blue eyed waifu and it kills me....

>> No.55198581

its joever...

>> No.55198661

Sell drugs

>> No.55198689

Sounds like you're not having much luck scamming people. That's too bad, have you tried producing something of value?

>> No.55198695

>The whole thing with insurance is
The whole thing with insurance is that it's only operated by jews and other ancestral mafias and you have zero chance of getting in on that phat loot even if you suck cock to a demoncrat satanist while you're prepubescent

>> No.55198784

How the hell do 40k spics have $150,000,000?
No wonder people grift. You don't even have to trick that many people.

>> No.55198967

This is the most generic list of "Business Opportunities" I have ever seen. Have you considered starting your own exciting business with a multi-level marketing company?

On a serious note though, find something you like doing, and start making some money off it. Like tinkering with small engines? Fix and sell lawnmowers, or do small engine repair. Into music? Buy and sell rare or hard to find CDs or records. Have you ever seen the inside of a pinball machine? The electronics in them are crazy, but collectors will pay huge money to fix them. I've even seen a guy changing someone's oil in the AutoZone parking lot for $20.

None of these are going to replace your full time income, but they're all providing a valuable product or service to people. They're much more of a business than any of the things you listed, and require very little startup cost.

>> No.55199137

yeah I'm into music and used to run a few LoFi youtube channels. Made a little bit doing that a few years back, but now it's pretty dominated by Lofi girl

Also, I DJ every blue moon at weddings or play at some club restaurants for a little bit of money

My job is actually remote, so I'm better off just doing multiple of those if I want more cashflow. I was doing 3 of them earlier this year but after taxes it become obvious I'd never get rich doing that. I did save up around $100k though so I'm just looking for some plan I can feasibly net $5M within a decade and just live the rest of my life making music, helping groups of people, traveling, anything I find fulfilling while not wage slaving

>> No.55200145

Pick something that isn't easy to do, and market it to small businesses, and treat your customer like a god. create a model and a set of procedures on how to accomplish this business, and hire employees to do it for you.

>> No.55200346

what kind of thing would you advise that's not easy to do? I'm looking for something very scalable since I can reinvest into a business for a decade if I need to

>> No.55200418
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What did you sell on eBay? Some things sell for high but have very few if any willing buyers, so you might’ve been in the wrong “product”. I buy broken lots of psp’s, fix them, put custom firmware on them to play free games, then I sell it for 5-10x profit (depends on how much I bought the lot for and how many of the psp were duds). I also sell point and shoot film cameras b/c zoomers are retarded. Picrel was $3 after fees I made my money back at 14x.

Do you have any skill? I also make instruments on the side. Cost about 40-50 dollars to make and I can sell them for 150-200. Search up gourd banjo on YouTube, you can sell them at local artisan markets. Granted I actually like making them and play like 20 instruments so for you this might be too boring or hard

>> No.55200447

I'll give you a free one
>business cards with a QR code on the backside, to their site
there's at least 10 competitors out there but it's pretty stagnate.
I've expanded this to 6 difficult expansions, so good luck with your expansions
>you need a graphic designer
who said you needed to make a new design?

>> No.55200517

anybody into buying actual real life businesses?

>> No.55200524
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sold luxury clothing items, macbooks, pokemon/baseball collections, and DJ equipment. Honestly wasn't so bad but couldn't figure a way to scale this work. Better off wagemaxxing and crypto.
I have a computer science degree I never used 5 years ago and I work a really easy customer service job paying 6 figures from home. Basically, I just troubleshoot the company apps and use GPT4 to write most my emails with some touching up. Had 3 of these jobs a bit ago until I felt burnt out and quit 2 of them to try out a business with some of the nice stack I saved.
Besides that I'm an amateur DJ. I have maybe 100 playlists curated for weddings/parties and can transition songs pretty well
Isn't this already provided by vistaprint?

>> No.55200546

Go back to basics
>Real Estate, get good at flipping, tending to retard contractors or selling them
>Cars, get good at working on them and/or selling them

Those two by themselves are enough to take over a small metro area in the U.S. to this day.

>> No.55200550

>I work a really easy customer service job paying 6 figures from home
how do you get a job like this? what experience are they looking for? Can it be faked?

>> No.55200629

Great list of action fakes

You need a business that actually gets you out of the house and interacting with your customers, ideally other businesses

>> No.55200633

>no name or link
really negro

>> No.55200771
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I make AK’s
I also make PSL’s, RPK’s, ACE’s, and M76’s for myself. I don’t have an FFL. If I could right now I would do whatever bare minimum it took to get an 07 FFL, and pump my AK’s onto Gunbroker (the eBay for guns). My skill is that I can scrap together various US and Combloc AK parts, make them “clone correct” and assemble the rifle and sell it for fair market value to people who don’t know the difference. I can profit about $400 per, and after getting the pets can pump out 3-4 per week as a side gig.
Hell I bought a Hungarian modded SVD ($7500 rifle) and threw the correct Russian furniture and front sight in it on it. That alone would sell for $10,000.

>> No.55200805

French girl who goes by Andy, did some couple webcam stuff

>> No.55200823

Very cool anon. Do you need a license to do this?

>> No.55200829

I got a compsci degree and applied to work from-home jobs everywhere. I'm probably overqualified for my job but meh it's easy

>> No.55200837
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Try this and report back.

>> No.55200954

is not weird

>> No.55202129

It’s marketing not business though
The business is the product creator roping able marketers to flog their shit and buy them free traffic for a cut

If you can properly market you can make money but that’s actually really difficult and usually take a lot of investment just to get the skill. Try learning Google AdWords or Facebook advertising from a course and go get results

The only results you’ll have is when you do it learn try fail learn readjust which probbaly costs 10’s of thousands

There’s a reason the saying is marketers are the top of the food chain business. You can get rich with a shit product if you’re good with marketing, you can’t get rich with an exceptional A+ product without marketing

>> No.55202154
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Have you tried selling drugs?

>> No.55202677

Would rather a 20 year old desu

>> No.55203148 [DELETED] 

Uh bros this anon isn't kidding. Wonder if you could find the right grow room to stack this with growing sprouts and mushrooms?

>> No.55203170

Uh bros this anon isn't kidding. Wonder if you could find the right grow room to stack this with growing sprouts and mushrooms? What if we really vill eat ze bugs and be happy?

>> No.55203194


>> No.55203738

For personal use no, to sell yes

>> No.55203910
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Of course you can. I grew mushrooms when I was 12 and bartered them for other drugs/services, gave a kid 8 grams for bringing me a Gatorade, good times.

>> No.55203945

Also this. Many of the things you listed work fine, you’re just not adept at them and trying too many things at once.

>t. dropshipper w/ $1mm revenue 50% profit + affiliate site owner + software company owner

I’m in rare mood today and open to questions so AMA.

>> No.55203978

oh my sweet summer child. you are only a successful entrepreneur if you were born into wealth or are jewish.
anything else and you'll be literally playing russian roulette and God doesn't really like gentiles

>> No.55204036

Junk removal.
Get a big ass truck. You clear a place out of all their trash.
Scrap the metals or sell or keep whatever you want.
You can start the business by yourself you'll just be doing a lot.

>> No.55204345

How do you filter out the over saturated trash when drop shipping and pick a decent product line? Also what is the 500k split between Drop shipping, Affiliate marketing, software?

>> No.55204398

500k from dropshipping alone. Store is a mix of print on demand + AliExpress products.

You have to find a niche and go hard on building a brand that seems like a legit brand. No general stores, no kitchen gadgets and shit.

>> No.55204453
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So many "entrepreneurs" have made it by doing multi level marketing, it's nuts.

>> No.55204813

fuck all of those memes man. Learn a trade that is always in high demand, like home renovation or electrician work or HVAC, or install ACs or solar panels or some shit, start a business and market it for homeowners or condominiums. You'll never run out of work and you'll get yuge payments for fairly simple work. It's not comfy work where you can sit around in an office and jack off while you get paid, but it's good paying real man's work.

>> No.55204909
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>> No.55205124

Is fixing up old tools or refinishing furniture worth it? I can't help but think I'll get stuck with the inventory since you can just buy chinkshit garbage for less than my breakeven would be to refurb broken tools and furniture you can get for free.

>> No.55205148

Not reading this, you're an idiot get a real job. Your parents did a shitty job raising you

>> No.55205158

This works. Done it before. Flipping anything high ticket works.

>> No.55205182

None of that shit will ever, EVER work unless you have a network of people who can help you do shit. If you want to be successful without a network (at anything, anything at all), you'd better be a fucking genius capable of doing the work of 10 men in half the time. Otherwise you're going to find most things in life require a team of people focused on the same objective.
1. Learn skill
2. Meet people who need or share your skill
3. Sell your skill
3. Slowly build network
4. Be likeable and execute
5. Watch the work roll in
Everything else is a get rich quick scheme (as you've already found out).

>> No.55205185

She's andyyy_93 on camwhores

>> No.55205200

Entrepreneurship is starting a business that offers a product or service that people want, not all of that scammy niche shit you mentioned. Find an area that desperately needs X thing, provide X thing, there you go tardnugget. Yes it takes some work and up front investment, if you're intelligent it will pay off way more.

>> No.55205242 [DELETED] 

She squirts in this one https://www.camwhoreshd.com/videos/469363/andyyy-935-dff0d3905d7c2901/

>> No.55205305

I have a bachelor's degree in Computer Science if that matters. Never worked a real coding job, but I can figure out how to build technical stuff like setting up chatbots, data analysis, and making trading bots. Would it make more sense to leverage this knowledge/slight advantage?
I was thinking of learning how to get good at doing this and marketing these as services or building out my chatbots/trading bots as a paid subscription.
I also know how to DJ and have the equipment for it. Maybe this idea could work for local weddings? Then teaching others how to DJ and hiring them to do the work while I get more clients?
I do have a job, but I would rather work for myself. Hate being told what to do
nah too high risk-reward

>> No.55205329
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Leaving thread soon last chance fags.

>> No.55205346

Fuck off larper

>> No.55205385

If you can design a chatbot that can perform data analysis and locate applicable open data sources, that might be useful to small businesses if you can effectively educate prospects on how this would benefit them

>> No.55205440


What are the best forms of marketing? I have a niche style clothing brand I'm working on and the website is all but finished. My initial thought was to basically cold email IG influencers within my niche and pitch to them giving a quite competitive affiliate rate. Then use profits from that to scale into more pre paid advertising campaigns. I have 50 products to start and will scale that to ideally at least 200

>> No.55205450

Web development, data science, or both. Learn how to build a dashboard. Sell those dashboards (and upsell them on other stuff). The hardest part of any of this is finding the first person to give you a contract. After that, if you aren't an asshole, you'll likely be able to open more doors through that first person.

>> No.55205680

Man where were you in my highschool

>> No.55205757

It sounds like you have no marketable skills so of fucking course you're going to drown in the ocean of all these low barrier grifts. Every failure you describe was caused by your shit marketing skills so you could learn that domain and try again or develop actual valuable skills people will want to give you money for.

>> No.55205834

Influencer outreach like this + organic is the only way to go. Most influencers won’t be interested in affiliate commission usually since they’re npcs but if you run into this just buy posts individually.

>> No.55205843


Kys coomer.

>> No.55205873

I can probably do this. I sometimes build Power BI dashboards for my work. Now with GPT4 it's easier than ever to do this but boomers have no idea. Chatbots could cut out the need for customer service too. I could probably build a sales video to demonstrate how this looks. Would you recommend cold emails or how would you get traffic to this kind of landing page?
Also what do you think of chatbots for only fans girls?
Most their money actually comes from messaging back and forth with simps. Like $5 per message and talking to 10 simps every hour adds up. They sell the gf experience as dudes spend money not to feel lonely. I could make my own onlyfans accounts powered exclusively by AI to cut the ethots

>> No.55205893

note those shrooms anon. The kind you can sell to restaurants. Seems like combining sprouts, mushrooms and shrimp aquaculture would have a better chance at being profitable in the right room.

>> No.55205964

>Most influencers won’t be interested in affiliate commission usually since they’re npcs

Its possible I won't be able to attract influencers with 50,000+ followers out of the gate but I figure even on boarding those with 5,000 or 10,000 might work as its an opportunity for them to grow. They can use working with me as a future case study for other ventures.

Can you elaborate on why they wouldn't want affiliate commission? What pricing/income model do they tend to prefer or is standard? I would be sending those who I onboard some of the clothing to style and make videos/posts with as well. So its commission plus some free product every so often.

>> No.55205971

Find a type of business that needs data services but can't field employees of their own to work on it, learn about the kind of data they might have on hand, go from there by setting up a landing page with a sales video and setting up in person appointments to pitch your service

>> No.55205986

Every idea you had besides stock and crypto is high jewery with no actual value. No kidding you didn’t get rich selling digital downloads, nobody wants to waste money. Try selling an actual item people want instead of a goofy get rich scheme

>> No.55205999

>but I figure even on boarding those with 5,000 or 10,000 might work

Yeah these are the types to go for.

Flat fee per post usually works best simply because influencers are fucking retarded and don’t understand how affiliate commissions work and they’d rather receive $x per post than % of sales even if it means they’ll make more money. They’re npc retards which is why they’re influencers.

>> No.55206007

breed exotic rare pets, such as colorful shrimp

>> No.55206020


>> No.55206033

>and don’t understand how affiliate commissions work and they’d rather receive $x per post than % of sales even if it means they’ll make more money. They’re npc retards which is why they’re influencers.

Checked but surely I can just explain to them they will make more money through a percentage of sales when I get them on a video call?

I suppose that is something I'll have to work into my pitch. I mean they'd have to be like 90IQ or less to not understand.

>> No.55206041

Continue with crypto. At this moment, invest in low caps like RNDR, MNI, CORE.

>> No.55206096

>they'd have to be like 90IQ or less to not understand.

My dear sweet anon.

>> No.55206125

So you'd target local businesses starting out?
isn't stock and crypto largely just ponzi schemes? I'm cool doing it if it makes me rich but let's be real
lol is this for real?
invest now or just wait until things get nuclear bad?

>> No.55206148
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I had an idea once to sell a cell phone case with a solar panel and app with sunblock reminder warnings. Seemed like a waste of money and I gave up. Maybe someone here will get rich off that brilliant idea and I'll feel good for them.

>> No.55206150

>My dear sweet anon.

How do you build a base of 50,000 followers but not understand percentage of sales? I'll even give them a higher percentage as they hit specific gross sales metrics. 10% is considered real competitive in my niche and depending on the sales they generate for me I'd be willing to eventually take it up to 15%.

>> No.55206206

How would I know and why the fuck does it matter to you so much? Kek. Never try to make sense of npcs, you’ll go insane.

>> No.55206271

redpill 1:
if everyone is talking about and recommending it, its already oversaturated and you will just waste time.

as already stated, all that you listed is old news and old news dont make any money. the only exception is maybe ebay flipping but you are still at risk of an oversaturated market depending on what it is you are trying to pebble
you really have to be unique and offer something better/cheaper that someone else.

>> No.55206292

>if everyone is talking about and recommending it, its already oversaturated and you will just waste time.

Mostly true.

>> No.55206299

Fucking do it you lazy piece of shit, don't let some chink come along and scalp your idea white man

>> No.55206304

>How would I know and why the fuck does it matter to you so much? Kek. Never try to make sense of npcs, you’ll go insane.

I have to understand if I want to convince them to take a percentage of sales over one time flat fee. Its imperative for me. Kek

>> No.55206306

what the fuck are you doing chasing memes when you have a fucking CS degree? Dude you can get like 150k a year with that degree.

>> No.55206344

It’ll take you too long to get traction if you try to get them to accept a commission rate, you’ll soon realize this. It’s cheaper for you anyway to go by paid posts but w/e most people won’t even get far enough to even worry about these things.

>> No.55206363
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what do you think about these >>55205873 ideas?

I already make that much. I just want to escape the rat race.

>> No.55206374

>It’s cheaper for you anyway to go by paid posts but w/e most people won’t even get far enough to even worry about these things.

Alright your advice is noted and I will test out both options. Thanks for the replies

>> No.55206386

No problem niggerino go get it. I believe in you.

>> No.55206391

I don't know anything about that stuff man.
It seems like right now your best is to come up with something really clever or really utilitarian as more and more people either can't or don't want to do things themselves.
Anything that involves manual labor is going to be a good bet but the bottleneck issue is labor so scaling is hard if you're greedy and don't want to pay people.

>> No.55206410

What is the rat race to you? Do you just want to work for yourself or do you have some kind of tangible goal in mind? If it's the former, make your own business and enjoy the thrills, ups and downs of entrepeneurship.

>> No.55206436
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you can do it, bruh. My gift to you.

>> No.55206465
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>> No.55206475

yeah, I'm leaning toward helping businesses cut out customer support and data entry or helping e-thots automate their time, not having to message simps, or making my own custom e-thot + chatbot combo
Manual labor is ok but I could realistically get another remote job for less effort if it's not scalable
I want to buy a home in cash somewhere I enjoy and live off $4M in safe dividends that should yield $10k/month or so forever, then spend all my time on creative projects without trying to make money. I also enjoy entrepreneurship when it comes to adding a creative twist to things and if it's introverted in nature, like online stuff

>> No.55206558

20? why not 18

>> No.55206654

>You wont get rich just by copying
No, you get rich by stealing.

>> No.55206704

>I want to buy a home in cash somewhere I enjoy and live off $4M in safe dividends that should yield $10k/month or so forever
You could probably get that much in safe divvies with much less. Many midstream o/g pipeline companies pay close to 10% dividends and many have decades of history in maintaining and increasing dividend payments over time. If you have $1MM in companies that pay 8% dividend on average, you'll get $6,667 a year. That's just one example of course though

>> No.55207030

>companies that pay 8% dividend on average
if a company is paying out 8% in dividends, then something is probably wrong with the company, and/or there is no dividend growth rate.

>> No.55207102

tell that to midstream companies. There is just little in the way of growth is all. Dividend history is avaiable to all. Many have a history of maintaining and growing divvies over time.

>> No.55207136

How do you manage shipping times and expectations?
I bought some $10 item off ebay once that had a 1 month ship time. When it never came after a month I filed for a refund but like 6 weeks later I got it.
Does your stuff take that long to ship? How can people be satisfied with that? Do you get repeat customers?

>> No.55207149

She's another corrupted coke head whore.

>> No.55207179

Move to NY then

>> No.55207225

Literally half of the economy is just middlemen moving shit from one place to another

>> No.55207258
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What is the source of this video though? She Unironically looks more attractive here than any of her porn

>> No.55207337

Mixing pod with AliExpress helps with this since pod ships faster. The Chinese stuff ships slower but it’s listed on shipping page and people still buy.

>> No.55207411

>The Chinese stuff ships slower but it’s listed on shipping page and people still buy.

What would you consider appropriate or fast shipping?

I've gotten mine down to about what is listed as a 7 day average for US. I'm seeing many people listing 21 to 30 and its real surprising that you say people just deal with it. Lol

>> No.55207541

2-3 weeks for some things, some vendors are as fast as 7 days though. Usually at least one of their items comes pretty fast and the rest come later, so they don’t really mind.

>> No.55207581

>its real surprising that you say people just deal with it
Thank you anon. I am surprised also, I personally have stopped bothering with anything coming from China.
What is the general breakdown of print on demand versus dropshipping profit?
Print on demand seems like a great idea for artistic people. A lot of NFTs would unironically make good tshirts.

>> No.55207708

Yeah I do micorgreens and mushrooms

>> No.55207799

Why NY?

>> No.55207908

What’s the software company do

>> No.55208094
File: 512 KB, 822x785, 1628951108733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no credmaxxing into crypto shitcoins.
This one is lacking on your list. Credmaxxing into memecoins and specially those that have hit the "false bottom" is really the only way 70% of biz's anons are surviving or making end's meet. I did it with PEPE, WOJACK and now im doing it with $THING since it hit that false bottom a couple of days ago. Cheerio

>> No.55208121

Mobile apps in utility/productivity categories.

Pod margins are shit but still worth doing to help with branding and giving it legitimacy. Drop ship margins are 50%ish.

>> No.55208146

Does the software company create its own products or do you take on projects for others? I grow mushrooms and microgreens, should I get into dropshipping stuff for them? I want to set up a site with a curated selection of high quality automation stuff and some ‘DIY’ kits of stuff I’ve made that has helped me out and I wished was available as an off-the-shelf piece when I was starting up.

>> No.55208205

Yeah you should do that. I actually used to own a digital product about how to grow mushrooms and have thought about turning the old domain into an e-commerce site but it’s low priority. You should do it though, space is only growing.

The software company is outsourced to developers and I sell it, no clients. Fuck clients.

>> No.55208264

Nice, yeah I’m definitely going to get the site up and sell the kits and stuff, just don’t know much about dropshipping vs affiliate links etc.

I also only have a couple terms left to get a CS or Math degree (4 terms if I want both), would you bother completing the degree? I think I will, so that the grad school option is on the table but idk.

>> No.55208281

I would really like to get into selling software products like you are. I also intend to do some book on breeding fungi and starting and scaling a farm since that’s a niche I haven’t seen covered in a friendly manner.

>> No.55208475

fuck, this shit is so cool, I'll never have this, cherish this anon
t. europoor

>> No.55208481

If you’re that far in might as well finish. I dropped out and went back to finish my degree few years later personally. College is 100% a scam but once they got you they got you so might as well get it over with.

>> No.55208572

What did you upload to etsy in your digital download bussiness?

>> No.55208598

Go to keywordtool.io > type in digital download and boom there you go.

>> No.55208699


Once those e-thots get above mid tier they usually have an assistant or a full blown management agency handling those simp messages.

I was in the industry so I know this for a fact.

You would have to demonstrate an absolutely flawless hands off product AND get in touch with these e-thots (remember their messages usually aren't getting read by them).

Then by chance you do get them to read your message, there's no pain point to sell them on unless their assistant or management company are complete retards.

I could go on and on here, but while it's a good idea on paper, there's way more to it then you think.

>> No.55208724

I have a mid 5 figure business selling video game cheats to nerds who cant get good, its like the modern equivalent of steroids dealer except its 100% legal

>> No.55208786

An Aboriginal shat into a top loading washer one night at a nearby all-hours laundromat.

>> No.55208806

Windscreen washer at traffic lights.

>> No.55208807

Cheats like mods? Why do people pay for this? I don’t game.

>> No.55208889

Thanks for the insight anon. Killing off that idea. Likely best bet will be the B2B type stuff or just making my own AI powered e-thot. Prob could rip russian ethot onlyfans and turn them American with the chatbot combo, but idk that would be pushing it lol

>> No.55209106


>> No.55209144

>100% legal
It's not actually people go to prison for selling cheats. I'm surprised you haven't googled it

>> No.55209192

You're a follower, not a doer. They all *used* to work but now due to network effect you need to do more then partcipate to stand out.

Those things were effective 2000-2015 internet.
stock trading is still sufficient but it is not a overnight money scheme.

t. boomer

>> No.55209304

Cheats like aimbot for people who suck at aiming. You headshot an enemy and instantly win, winning gets you higher rank and that gives you clout within your friend group.

Not in the united states they dont, the ones that did get into trouble were only forced to stop and pay fines because they flew way too close to the sun and started to damage the gaming companies profits. For smaller vendors register domain and vps anonymously with njalla and accept crypto only for payment you will have 0 problems

>> No.55209331

Why do people buy them instead of just doing it themselves? Explain to a boomer.

>> No.55209355

I personally believe people who cheat in multiplayer games or supply those cheats should receive prison time

>> No.55209406

Because games have anti cheating measures in place, especially the competitive ones that kids care about eg. fortnite/valorant. If they catch you then you get banned and your friends willl shun you for it.(boomer example: you brag to your friends your a natty lifter but your jacked, then one day your friend sees you shooting steroids up your bum) To make these cheats you need a high level of understanding of os programming and architecture. Basically you need to know how to reverse engineer the anti cheat and code your cheat to dodge their measures which is the largest barrier to entry. This part is not easy, which is why the most well made cheats can go for 500-1000$/month. With averages being 100-150$/month for most games protected with eac/battleye

>> No.55209415
File: 270 KB, 816x1187, cgcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pinkpill only
mark june 7th

the only anime coin

>> No.55209555

Why don’t you want to get into the next tax bracket?

>> No.55209566

> 500-1000$/month. With averages being 100-150$/month for most games protected with eac/battleye
Isn't that pretty low for the work involved? I don't know much about it and don't gayme but listened to some podcast about it once and it's insane how much work goes into both the exploits and the anti-cheating, the latter basically being a kernel rootkit.

Web3 security auditing is getting pretty big these days. I keep meaning to dive into it, but it's hard with a job.

>> No.55209585

I just bought a pressure washer and paint sprayer. Nowhere near a pro setup but I wonder if I can make some scrilla powerwashing some boomers driveway or painting.
>cutting hair
Been cutting my own hair since before the scamdemic and did my dads for awhile too
I like to do these things just to learn but I also like how I could do it on the side if I really needed to.

>> No.55209605

Well, on average most cheats run 50 slots with 100$/month sub so thats 5k/month for couple hours of work per week depending on the game

>> No.55209627

Interesting do you have to be a genius or can an average CS grad figure it out?

>> No.55209712

Definitely not, you do need to put in some effort because there are no spoonfeed guides for the entire process, unknowncheats(.)me has all the resources you will ever need for this. Check out the beginner programming section tutorials to get started

>> No.55209732

found the commie faggot

>> No.55209824

Death penalty?>>55209406

>> No.55209932

Thanks anon, I'll check this out, I've been looking for an application for and reason to learn reversing.

>> No.55209964

Reversing is the most difficult part of the whole pipeline, infact most devs dont bother with it, but if you do manage to reverse and find an exploit thats what will allow you to stay undetected for years, given you dont do something stupid

>> No.55209974

No but prison time I'd be fine with

>> No.55210017

This may very well be legislated in the future, make hay while the sun still shines

>> No.55210028

Hay is useful. I hope it is legislated in the future

>> No.55210191

Hmm I'll have to investigate more. Thanks again for dropping the link. This is right up my alley, a little seedy, nerdy, old school forum. I can tell it's a gold mine.

>> No.55210218

You are just trying to scam people. Inadvertently.

Make a superior product for your target audience. Have a superior performing business. People want the diamond amongst the dirt.

You need to find something you can do superior to others, and make that for your customers. Otherwise, why would they not buy the superior product?

>> No.55210228

>People want the diamond amongst the dirt.
people want you to come drill for oil?

>> No.55210241

anybody sell used books on amazon? Is it really just as easy as going around to thrift stores, libraries, and garage sales and scanning books to see how much they sell for on amazon? Then send it into the warehouse to wait for it to be sold? You pay like 20 bucks a month to use that app. People claim to make like 4k a month doing it.

>> No.55210261

all of those are priced multiples above what they actually cashflow. Off the top of my head at least, Fast Food Franchises are essentially an immigration scam at this point. Laundromats have EPA problems that are never disclosed to the "easy money" crowd and most real estate deals never cash flow. Trash collection is usually monopolized or low paying. ATMs and BTC atms have the problems that vending machines have (Lack of good locations and bullshit regulatory licensing).

>> No.55210299

Yes but the market for used books has been trash for about 5 years. Too many large players and Goodwill already siphons off the most profitable merchandise for sale to brokers. Also inventory storage is a killer and FBA is much stricter than it was 10 years ago.

>> No.55210343

Do you still do it? Where are the best places to look for books currently?

>> No.55210383

The real power move is to cut out e-thots all together by creating AI e-thots
Proof of concept as already been established on reddit and I'm sure you guys all remember the twitter threads where guys were offering money for nudes of AI girls and when the simps were told that the girls were AI they didn't even care and still wanted to pay.
I can't wait for the e-thot bubble to be the first thing that gets popped by AI.

>> No.55210421

I'll help pop the bubble. Can you link the PoC?

>> No.55210452

good luck finding someone to buy your shrimp.
get serious man

>> No.55210458
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I work in an entry level media job for $20/hr and have been fantasizing about having a personal assistant for the last 2 hours. God fucking dammit life would be so much easier, just have someone else figure out my taxes, what doctor I should go to, all the legal shit I need to avoid, take pictures of me while I'm on vacation so I get to enjoy the moment, etc.
If she were attractive and devoted to me I would terminate the contract, wife her up, and still get the benefits of a personal assistant. Holy fuck my dick is hard.
I don't care about houses or cars or boats or whatever the fuck you guys are on about. I dream of having a personal assistant that does whatever I'm uncomfortable with or simply don't want to do. I can just do the work I want instead of worry about the dumb shit modernity crams down my throat for being an alive human being.
Anyway I just read the OP: All my crypto money from 2021 ran out and I'm trying to answer the same thing. I think that none of your ideas will work if you don't have a hobby or niche that you yourself understand. It's not awfully difficult as an artist for example, even in the age of AI, to find people who will be eager customers, if you're into art yourself and find yourself in a community of art enjoyers, for example.
Also realize that not a whole lot of people are going to give you good ideas for free, they'll keep those ideas to themselves instead. But the advice of "find a niche, contribute to it, build community, and sell your expertise in some way," is the most obvious pattern of internet entrepreneurship to my eyes.

>> No.55210487

I stopped doing it. Too expensive on inventory acquisition and the quality of inventory you find is lower quality.

The best place to actually look for books is to get in contact with someone who does estate sales or estate auctions and try to be the first person in to a house to grab the books. Maybe you could advertise for book pickups, my advantage came from being in a city with a Tier 1 university and a goodwill with severely undereducated workers. But once thrift books showed up and started sucking the merchandise out of the market and eventually got first pick of the gaylords it was over. The quality of books available at the goodwill is so low now that I only buy books I want to read.

For the 400-500 a week you could potentially make you might as well just go get a job. Not a good hustle at all.

>> No.55210756

Is creating a boutique investment bank possible, or am I fucked from the get-go?

>> No.55210774


>> No.55211186

startup costs for a bank have to be in the millions if not tens of millions. if you have an investor and a finance background, or an employee/co-founder who does, then I assume it’s not outside the realm of possibility

>> No.55211200

what kind of business would you recommend, anon

>> No.55211306

the thing is that you probably need a whole bunch of papers and regulated equipment to do it, at least in the communist international republic of europistan.

I'm sure it's not much different in the us or canada though

>> No.55211381

Ask Martin Shrkeli

>> No.55211403

airbnb works for me. If you like writing smut anyway, it does make a few bucks a month if you upload it to Kindle direct publishing.

>> No.55211404

Not to mention it's soul sucking work. Saw a middle aged bald guy doing it in a Value Village. Just mindlessly scanning each book on the shelf as poor, stinking "people" dragged their screeching spawn around the isles. I also sniped an early edition of Dune right before his cuck eyes.

>> No.55211452

isn't the market for unprofessional horny bait "books" being saturated at the moment?

writing books for kindle has been a popular sidehustle for a while

>> No.55211604

Not me, but my father in law apparently tried it. Said it was the worst venture he ever went into, he owns a hotpot restaurant now.

My Mandarin is shitty though so I can't ask him for more details.

>> No.55211708

hmm I'm a pervert and pretty creative, this isn't a bad idea

>> No.55211725

>lmfao risk vs reward

jfc you're either an idiot or a glowie if you're claiming this in the US

if the ATF catches you you're fucking done and for shit profit margins ooookkkkk

>> No.55211730
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The Mcdonalds you regularly go to is technically not profitable. Even with a 100% mark up at 0 cost for all the food being sold. It is a food chain owned and operated by the state. If I gave you free things could you profit?

>> No.55211754

This. Its like OP just searched for "get rich quick schemes" and skimmed the first few links.

>> No.55211780

Or maybe critical information is kept under lock and key, and the only information allowed to be viewed online is the bullshit/lead them off the cliff type of information?

Remember, the rich's number one goal is to get richer. The critical step to that goal is to eliminate any competition they can find. The best way to achieve that goal is to give out deliberately misleading information to the naive normie public.

>> No.55211781
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No you fucking couldn't! Mcdonalds can't either!

>> No.55212090

1) learn spanish
2) enslave illegal immigrants
3) literally pay them next to nothing, they are slaves
4) teach them to do mindless labor really well
5) ...?
6) profit

>> No.55212123

Based. What is your setup like?
Who do you sell to?

>> No.55213345

I can give you my personal experience with dropshipping.
Had low six figures in sales, BUT net profit in the end was only ~$8k after 14 fucking months. And I did everything by myself no hiring costs or wasteful spending at all.
It’s a very low margin business.

However if I were a white guy with an average/above average face, I’d have taken that six fig sales dashboard and would make a YouTube channel -> course out of it and made money that way. If you are a white dude, or even an asian, try running dropshipping at breakeven and pivot to selling course off it. Guaranteed profit.

>> No.55213456

Post your bussy on OF.

>> No.55213567


OP is just screwing around. He should get a real job and learn skills before trying to branch out on his own

>> No.55213647

You sound awful and sad

>> No.55213707

The jew fears the indoor shrimp farmer

>> No.55213741

I tried and failed (muh virus) but don't listen to that jew who says he does it all indoors and in coconut fibre. Doesn't work. You need real sunlight and real grow medium

>> No.55213748

I'm in a similar boat as you. I've tried most the things you mentioned with little success. Want to drop emails and maybe work together? Doing this shit alone is exhausting.

>> No.55213835

If you have the necessary money buy a bunch of law care equipment or know how to farm out labor to construction companies it sounds pretty retard proof

>> No.55213858

>What’s her name

>> No.55213884
File: 32 KB, 600x600, FB_IMG_1524174621363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son, you're trying to fuck the dog!

I already know you don't want to hear this because i don't want to either. To make easy money you have to have mastered a skill and found an exploit. Any easy exploit will become saturated very fast. There really isnt anything else to it, nothing good comes easy.

Pick a skill, that people need and master it. People are reluctant to give cheats to you because it will do you wrong. Your knowledge will outweight your wisdom. Start helping yourself along a path and you will find others will help you. 10 years is not a long time in the grand scheme of life, stick at something consistently for that period of time and i can guarantee that you will find success.

>> No.55213903

Just pick something and fucking do it. You’ve tried all of these business models? None of them work? Is it the model? Or its it you? Because these models are super effective For a lot of other businesses.

Alternatively, want to start a business, but don’t have anything to disrupt the market? Then maybe expect small margins.

I started a cybersecurity business when I was 25 (5 years ago) by going door to door at industrial parks and sold it for a lot of money. Wanna know what worked for me? Being honest, reasonable and timely lol

>> No.55213958

How did you make the lofi music?

>> No.55214215

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.55214503
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Go back to R*ddit you colossal faggot

>> No.55215127

Its entirely locality dependent honestly.

I will say one thing about what kind of business you should pursue since I read Sabry Subi's "Sell Like Crazy" recently (I recommend checking libgen for it and soaking up a whole bunch of information about marketing), but in our current world where traffic and attention is commoditized and available for purchase at a whim through ad services if you cannot buy more business you really do not have a business; you might have a hobby or something that is a hustle/gig but it is not a business. Businesses are able to invest money to acquire more business.

One thing that most towns lack is a low cost clothing store such as a place that would sell pro-club, bulk denim like red kap or some sort of utility flannel as well as uniforms. If you can figure out a way to bundle that kind of a commodity clothing business with something else you will stack cash.

>> No.55215155

The courses are saturated and are a "Utah" Business. If you try to muscle in on their territory you are going to be in for a world of hurt.

>> No.55215192


>> No.55215840

The rich get richer by using CAPITAL to invest in GOOD IDEAS. Preferably ones that are low risk. If you have no capital, then you should come up with a solid business plan and look for investors. Namely, the bank. Even a business as simple as an ice cream stand or dollar store is a good start. Or maybe you have an idea for a new product and can wrangle some companies in China to assemble it for you. If the bank turns you down, that means you had a shit business plan. They are very good judges, and they provide this service for free.

>> No.55215858

Damn that sucks anon. What did you try to grow exactly? Do you think temperature and humidity also played a role?

>> No.55216405

What kind of cybersecurity business?

>> No.55216694

bump for interest
I'm pretty good with computer networks, I'd like to pivot away from engineering at some point to offering business services.

>> No.55217053

don't sell drugs as a low tier dealer. You won't earn as much money as you think and the risk is too high. You are better off playing the shitcoin casino.

>> No.55218242


>> No.55219203

People get rich every day just by mortgaging their house and buying a franchise store.

>> No.55220058

they also go broke and lose their house sometimes

>> No.55220123

The problem with this is that some businesses have really large life-time values of clients, and your expected return is 1-2 clients per $1,000-5,000 spent in advertising, which makes it hard for new business owners to see that return or ascertain the effectiveness of their marketing.

>> No.55220415
File: 430 KB, 960x1280, C4F5F4E3-62C6-452B-91C9-75D546F10ADD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I grow rich off my mushroom farm?
I have lions mane

>> No.55220962

just sell them for 100x or 10,000x like this guy

>> No.55221152

I hope so
I don’t even like eating mushrooms. I just think they are neat

>> No.55221205

mushrooms are tasty to eat and very healthy for you. some of the mushrooms even resemble meat in terms of taste/texture. even as someone who regularly eats meat im a big fan of mushrooms. vegans must be crazy for the portabella and shitake ones in particular

>> No.55221974

mushrooms literally give you cancer anon. the common white buttons have to be cooked for long periods with good ventilation to remove the agaritine and hydrazine. Mushrooms don't want to be eaten. They aren't some cute mystical lifeform that wants to show you the truth of existence. They want you dead so they can eat your corpse. But agree they're fucking delicious sauteed.

>> No.55222021

Investing in crypto is still your best bet, and it's better you load up on low mcap alts like CYMI, AZERO, ACH, and others before the next bull cycle

>> No.55222476

I used to hang out by vending machines and wait for someone to swipe their card, purchase their chow and leave. I would then spring into action with a 6-7 window to go and get snacks using their card. Max was $5.00 worth of snacks I could get but my college had a vending machine that was practically the perfect setup due to how it was placed. Literally after you were done buying you'd have to turn a corner and the machine would be out of sight.

>> No.55222714

Nice list you've got, I'm also the first two

>> No.55223115

I wish I knew what to do with $100k, I need a purpose.

>> No.55223205

You will never know til you try different things and see what clicks

>> No.55223350

>mushrooms give you cancer

Lol no

>> No.55223426

Working a 9 to 5 sucks. I need to escape wage slavery bros

>> No.55223672


I meant to ask you if you are still around what is considered fair pricing per IG shout outs since you suggest they prefer one time payments for marketing posts?

Any information that you can give on what is considered standard I.E for:

IG with 5,000 followers
IG with 50,000 followers
IG with 500,000 followers


If anyone has information about that advice is appreciated

>> No.55223732

Sell drugs

>> No.55225752

Sell to local high end restaurants and then should join the /entg/ discord for 4chan entrepreneurs