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File: 193 KB, 1440x975, 20230605_194739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55193735 No.55193735 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55193749

Well, he is not wrong even if he is a Jew himself.

>> No.55193762


>> No.55193769
File: 1.09 MB, 894x713, obe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. its the jews.
Air vs fire. If you are of earth, take the burn, you survive and if you are of water, time for the underground pond, this fight is too hardcore to play both sides

>> No.55193779


>> No.55193783

Kek based

>> No.55193817
File: 181 KB, 1200x729, 1685983981556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if SBF is going to get 20 years does that mean this ugly son of a bitch is going to get 40+ in the slammer?

>> No.55193850

CZ did nothing wrong tho. Funds are safu

>> No.55194024

SBF will get 0 years, CZ will get the death penalty.

>> No.55194041

Hes Chinese in China dipshit he's not going to jail for gay kike government things in the US lol

>> No.55194074

am I the only one that dgaf about binance and wouldn't mind seeing them burn? I don't hate them...just don't care at all about it desu

>> No.55194097

that chink is a controlled opposition
prepare to get pump hard up their jew ass
everytime you see more niggers more spics you know its money injection time to pay off more debt
the result is always the same massive hyperinflation
works everytime
that is why the housing price never comes down but up in most diversity area
simple logic common sense
that is why you have unlimited crypto to supply unlimited diversity
simple as

>> No.55194100

I don't have a reason to be mad at binance specifically but not caring about the biggest market maker and shepherd of the crypto market by far is a weird way to passively observe your finances. Much like ftx binance burning would be bad short term but ultimate good

>> No.55194141

Nigga are you retarded? They are entry point of casuals into crypto, placate them and it's going to get harder and harder to make crypto at least look like a legitimate investment option.

>> No.55194172

this. good luck trying to extradite him back to the US to face charges. He's not going to trial in America retards

>> No.55194186

You should care simply because they are, whether we like or care or not, the face of crypto. They are a symbol that the government is attacking.

This is about the entirety of crypto. The crypto world was built on the idea that the kike banking system was corrupt and rotten to the core. There was no way to fix it, so we moved on.

Now the kikes are trying to use the government to destroy what has been built and take it over. They want to destroy free crypto and replace it with kike crypto that they control and can use as they have used fiat.

This absolutely can not be allowed to happen. This is the fucking end times, brothers. We all fucking know it. This isn't just about crypto. We're on the brink of WW3... hell, we're already in it if we're being honest with ourselves. We're all just waiting for the nukes to drop. The crypto wars are part of this.

We have to dethrone the kikes from the financial system now. This is the best chance we have had for fucking centuries.

>> No.55194193

Stop huffing copium and getting everything wrong normal faggot. Lurk more. go to /x/ and read

>> No.55194211

Bnb is down %10 uh oh

>> No.55194228

>We have to dethrone the kikes from the financial system now.
how? we cant even name them without massive blowback. they won. face it

>> No.55194234
File: 67 KB, 397x600, hadrian_killing_jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill them all

>> No.55194256

FTX was an obvious gay op. Sam Bankman-Friedn was connected to all kinds of glowy shit.

>> No.55194281

I have a large BTC short open with a different broker so I want it to crash desu

>> No.55194288

Jap, and again, anon warned, and nobody listened to anon. Being a Kassandra is tiering, but it is worth it

>> No.55194313

are you holding LINK by chance?

>> No.55194331


>> No.55194446

They have always been fair and now it doesn't upset you when they are treated unfairly?

>> No.55194464

you are talking to a jew, that is afraid

>> No.55194739

and another thread with too much truth so the jew needs to slide

>> No.55194751

If your in shitcoins you should seethe because your shitcoin casinos and your shitcoin bags are getting regulated out of existence. But if you're in this for the revolution, you should welcome it.

>> No.55194774

You're not alone, I feel the same way about this
And everything else, in general

>> No.55194791

a collectivist parasite

>> No.55194796

Cz is literally adolf hitler disgusting

>> No.55194815


>> No.55195144

Fr CZ dindu nuffin

>> No.55195202

they care for us, they protect us.
the government has our best interest at heart
I wish the best for our government agencies

>> No.55195223

Dumb nigger. Worst take in the entire thread and it's already pretty bad. Are you a mutt?

>> No.55195289
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CZ is based.

>> No.55195316


>> No.55195355


Kill yourself, Jew

>> No.55195414
File: 81 KB, 1024x783, 1614474464562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will never stop. They will never "just leave you alone"

>> No.55196239 [DELETED] 

Amounts of jews ITT too many

>> No.55197685 [DELETED] 

and up it goes

>> No.55197821

You’re right and you’re wrong at the same time. Personally I use kucoin because they allow burgers to to trade via non-KYC. But this is going to have a more worldwide felt butterfly effect than FTX ever did; mostly because FTX was an American (ran in the Bahamas) exchange. People the world over use(d) binance so this is absolutely going to fuck over the markets hard. Just have spare cash set aside for when this passes to start trading when it blows over.

>> No.55197868

lol, jews about to be btfo.
Good idea to put your trust in protestants…

>> No.55197901

I fucking hate Juice

>> No.55197917

Binance going down is the black swan of black swans. Literally tank Btc back to 3k

>> No.55197946

That heavy sinking feeling u have is all the air getting sucked out of crypto as you realize you are the last one holding the bag.

>> No.55197962

I don't think they were being fair when they closed withdrawals on XMR as it pumped multiple times, they did it to RLC on the coinbase listing and have done it other coins too.
CZ is a scamming chink faggot too anon.

>> No.55197964

Delusional. Crypto was built on getting rich quick by scamming the next guy in line. No one gives a shit about the tech when number go down.

>> No.55198081

*laughs in BSV*
Guys, learn what a commodity is, and now learn what a digital commodity is, only these survive what's coming. The purely speculative shitcoins are all getting purged.

>> No.55198271

>Desire to know more intensifies

>> No.55198303

I spy with my little eye butthurt idiots who are mad they have to follow well established rules. I think complete deregulation of the crypto space is perfect strictly people with brains will get fabulously wealthy as they deserve, and your average /biz/ browser will find out why regulations exist

>> No.55198313

Just bought some BNB to spite the kikes. Thanks for the discount, SECniggers.

>> No.55198337

The SEC is throwing a hail Mary. They think that they can scare people and force the judge to rule against XRP. They won't be able.
This is the last scare. They won't be able to tank the price.
Buy now faggots. It hurts so much seeing my poorfolio so down, but i keep YOLOing.
Fuck the kikes, viva bukele

>> No.55198345 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 300x514, RWS_Tarot_16_Tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Air is the merchant, the cult of Aten in old egypt, that became the jew later
Fire is the sovereign, the rulers, those that reign of the people
the earth, those are the normal people, the farmer, the tradesman those that keep the entire world running
the water, the females, those that give life, the emotions, who try to play all side.
Its a bit late to get into occultism and mysticism and make the relation to history and today. But a war is brewing and we are entering, speaking in tarot of the great arkana the phase of the Tower

>> No.55198375

>legitimate investment option
kek. The amount of "funds are safe" I see posted is way more frequent and much louder than the govt telling normies their fiat is safe in the banking system.

>> No.55198380

RLC is a shitcoin

>> No.55198448
File: 90 KB, 1201x385, SEC-btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the SEC is a meme, go back to high school civics kek

>> No.55198492

Make me care about crypto bros. Right now The only use cases I see for it now and forever are for scamming bagholders, store of value (read only bitcoin) speculation and buying and selling illegal shit.

>> No.55198732

It doesn't help their case though, XRP tanked with the rest of crypto showing that Ripple isn't influencing the price of XRP. But yes the secis getting desperate.

>> No.55198768
File: 22 KB, 300x514, RWS_Tarot_16_Tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the mods are kikes and afraid
here again the summary
Air, the cult of aten, the merchants the later jews
Fire, the sovereign, the rulers, those that reign over the people
The earth, the everyday people, the farmers, the tradesman, those that keep the show running
the water, the female, the emotion, those that give life
We are in the time of the Tower, the shitshow comes crashing down

>> No.55199187

It's always the jews.

>> No.55199336

FTX was money laundering, duh.

>> No.55199394

NA SBF will get 0 cause he is a KIKE . cz is a goyim , a bad goy

>> No.55199401

Your opinion is irrelevant to their actions you fucking drooling retard.

>> No.55199402

Sbf is going to be raped. And the October trials are going to make a lot of high jews shit their pants. Sbf is going to get Epsteined

>> No.55199404

I just bought 96mm LUNC to celebrate CZ's based-ness.
Check the holders list. Thats me!+

>> No.55199505

Binance going down, what chance do you think Kucoin has?
Also, with the government all over the world controlling every single unit of their fiat, how can the average man use it to buy crypto?

I have most of my BTC in my wallet and out of exchanges ( except Kukoin), but most of my trade were on Binance. This could be a blessing in disguise but it will really make our lives more difficult.

>> No.55199718

cz is literally too valuable a man to be put to death, or denied the freedoms he needs to make himself valuable.
(but if they do it? that would be scary. kinda the ultimate ethical argument in favor of anarcho-capitalist societies)

>> No.55199764
File: 11 KB, 239x250, 8h0c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right tho...

>> No.55199845

You understand that binance getting beaten by another jew spells the dump of the decade for crypto

>> No.55199888

The 50-70% of goodest goyim whites will always defend them. It's OGRE.

>> No.55199896

All 4 are/were criminal enterprises. As are all the rest.

>> No.55199912

What is happening. It's like this board has turned from a jew temple to a jew trap in the matter of a day

>> No.55200310

>defending FTX and hating out cheng
Kys retards.
Sec were pumping up the kike company to become the US backed exchange and banning everything else.
Only binance ceo chad stopped it by crushing FTX with one mass email.
>ftx has debt, deposit all your money out

>> No.55200631

You people make me fucking wretch with how retarded you are. Fuck you. Fucking die

>> No.55200681

Those people are not real. It's one of the many failed nlp shit that is run on this website and for which the people responsible deserve the dead penalty for crimes against humanity. Yes, it's jews

>> No.55200775

Jews are mad

>> No.55200785

Imagine being this rich and still having busted ass teeth

>> No.55200842

>Hes Chinese in China
I thought he was a Canadian citizen
The Japanese pay to have their teeth fucked up. Busted teeth is considered a beauty thing there or something.

>> No.55200853

Could you act more jewish please
This isn't stereotypical enough for my taste

>> No.55202337

Dumb fag

>> No.55202439


>> No.55202589

>Air, the cult of aten
Aten is a sun deity, not a sky deity.
The cult of Aten attempted to subvert the power of the Amun priesthood originally. This lead to the merging of Amun and Ra. Amun being an air deity and Ra being a sun deity.
Later, the cult was likely controlled opposition instigated by the Amun-Ra priesthood in an attempt subvert the powers of the king whose predecessor had weakened their monopolies by honoring all deities through the building of many temples and statues, architecture itself being considered a form of magic to the Egyptians. Said predecessor also prevented the abuse of foreigners by these monopolies by employing them himself and giving them authority over themselves as the priesthood was eternally trying to return to the ways of slavery.
Semites only adopted monotheism to have a legal argument against Ma'at, Egyptian law. They wanted to take Egyptian cattle into the desert for ritual sacrifices and were refused. They then stole the Egyptian herds and fled anyway. Quoting that 'our god is not your god and our law is not your law' which was proven false when they adopted they adopted the ten commandments of Ma'at and simply changed the point of view of from 'I shall not steal' to 'though shall not steal'
Take your revisionist nu-occult, neo-pagan, bullshit back to whatever glowpot you scummed it from.

>> No.55202804

You see the parallels...
I could have written
Air = amun ra...
Let me guess one of the nu-mms
You will die

>> No.55203715

its all rigged

>> No.55204278

damn i hate americans

>> No.55205829

SBF will be sentenced but he will be out after a few years and be in minimal security, basically holidays

>> No.55205851

No. He gets the Bernie treatment if he isn't Epsteined beforehand

>> No.55207116

KYC roassty... What happened when you were warned to adopt NexeraID for third party identity check. Everything is going down cus Binance was never compliant for once. Sorry BINANCE bros.

>> No.55207123

die chink die
prepare to get pump hard
everytime you see more niggers more spics you know its money injection time to pay off more debt
the result is always the same massive hyperinflation
works everytime
that is why the housing price never comes down but up in most diversity area
simple logic common sense
that is why you have unlimited crypto to supply unlimited diversity
simple as
diversity=massive debt=hyperinflation
giga pump incoming

>> No.55207130

Binance, Coinbase, Kraken...and of course the unregistered USA based platforms like twitter, reddit 4chan, its over. The tech bros are getting killed, in the financial sense

>> No.55207317
File: 200 KB, 1200x550, 1685392768556726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is all the shit we have seen recently the new rich tech bros fighting the old money? It seems plausable that Satoshi was some sort of tech bro trying to break the authoritarian system. Kind of like an east coast vs west coast thing.

inb4 DA JOOS

I find the jews to be far more palatable than the authoritarian atheist communist Chinese.

>> No.55207915

I've been outta touch for a while. Was the stuff about Sam's mom being associated with the Dems true? I remember some schizos saying that FTX was essentially used to generate and funnel funds to Dem campaigns. It was implied that SBF's meeting with Gensler was part of orchestrating and/or covering for this. There's also the bit about Caroline's dad being Gensler's former boss.

So what's the deal? CZ exposes FTX and fucks up (((their))) plan? Then as retaliation the SEC goes full warpath on crypto? Or was "regulating" crypto always the end goal and CZ is somehow part of the narrative to make this happen?

Is there any chance that the CBDC shit is going to be "a new dollar" and traditional USD gets intentionally inflated out of existence in order for the US to pay down its debt for "cheap"? Traditionally this leads to wars, so I'm guessing a war with China is imminent afterwards. We'd also be sacrificing Japan's economy, since they hold so much US debt, but perhaps that's an intentional move to kneecap their progress for the sake of long-term US interests.

Wild times.

>> No.55207966

jews try to play all sides, and Israel shouldn't have reduced USD exposure. They are going to suffer. Some checks are going to bounce.
And regarding btc. even at $100 a corn, the tech still works, but yes. Tech bros overplayed their hand they threatened stability and balance, and wanted to play power games instead of playing balls

>> No.55207970

Did they poison my food in the store?

>> No.55208068

dosent this chink has his entire exchange and system outside the us and the SEC is just sueing the us branch

this isnt really a lost when you can just vpn to another country

>> No.55208098

The sec isn't wrong about Zhao having facilitated some of his US clients the playing on international, same goes for Chinese clients. Zhao also overplayed his hand, but he was very useful. It is a shame they go after him so bad, I wish him all the best.

>> No.55208529

But Binance can never fail fool. The Asian market is more than that of US rn and there are tools like NexeraID, TIDV, EverestID which CZ can adopt to prove SEC wrong. Kraken can fail or Coinbase but not CZ.

>> No.55208539

Okay advertiser, if you say so unregistered security promoter

>> No.55208581

yeah but, the SEC can hound him but it wont destroy him.

like, why dosent the SEC send the CIA after him?

>> No.55208734

Because Zhao is very useful. But he will lose a lot of liquidity anyway

>> No.55208951

>why dosent the SEC send the CIA after him?
How then will the cia fund their chinese operatives?

>> No.55209163

Aten is god of everything in Atenistic belief.
Every beam of light is aten, every breeze, every stream. All other deities are aspects of the one. This is what Atenists believed and why they were shut down in Egypt by the Amun-Ra priesthood who wished to prevent a monopoly of power by the king.
Egyptian elements do not incorporate the classical, that was the Greeks. Egyptians recognized each element as individual and separate, not a mixture of others. So gold was distinct from silver and silver from iron and iron from tin. Whereas the Greeks did not believe this and considered them different combinations of the five classical elements. Air, water, fire, stone, and aether.
This is why the occult larpers claiming 'alchemist' comes from 'al-kemet' are full of shit and were snake oil salesmen selling mysticism based on untruths. Different language origins for these two words to begin with. One is greek and the other Egyptian.
The alchemists also used the classical Greek elemental system, not the Egyptian yet claimed the relation because Egypt was 'oriental' to most and was considered mystical.
Keep in mind the occult started up in france and england during their most decandent periods when people sold poisons as immortal elixers and plagiarized the Greek, which was well know by that time, and implied the Egyptian connections becaue the language had yet to be translated and Egypt was ruled by the Ptolemys briefly before the Romans, so Cleopatra and here period were the most recorded and romantiscized.
As for the Egyptian elements of the body, they were different again from other elements;
>Khet which is the physical body
>Sah which is the spirit
>Ren which is your name (why they had such long names that glorified themselves)
>Ba which is your personality
>Ka which is the 'vital essence'
>Ib which is the heart
>Shut which is your shadow
>Sekhem which is power

>> No.55209264

New flavor of MtGox. Your funds will be frozen for years.

>> No.55209664

So not a nu-mm. Then good luck, the road is bumpy, and it needs to be cleaned up desperately to bring back balance and stability
Thanks for the explanation

>> No.55209708
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every single time

>> No.55210417


I didn't know Jada Pinkett Smith browsed this board

>> No.55210439

SBF is going to prison. Until CZ has a warrant for arrest then they haven't gone as hard against binance.

>> No.55210483
File: 195 KB, 481x716, jj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a retweet. I believe CZ still has a favorable and highly regarded opinion on Jews.

CZ should tread carefully. Should he survive his lawsuit the Jews will still be here and they will still have a massive amount of wealth, power and geopolitical leverage.

Things can always get worse anon.

>> No.55210562

FTX, bribes SEC with customer's money. Binance doesn't. That's the difference.

>> No.55210581

>jew with capital J
hey jew. Your country needs a new protector, and you need to get back to Israel

>> No.55211700

Did anyone actually bother to read the indictment? Binance are being accused of doing exactly the same as FTX, using BNB to siphon money out the market into other CZ controlled entities, and using customer held crypto to reinforce the BNB value..

Not your wallet, not your coins

>> No.55211719
File: 377 KB, 547x414, glowcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon. Do you think anybody but the scammers on this board that have now for well over 9 months run scams in the open, with their discord and tg identities attached to it have been big in crypto? Know where you are

>> No.55212108
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>> No.55212484
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>> No.55212672

Are you people serious? Binance comingled client funds and traded against them. Just as bad as FTX if not worse.

>> No.55213400

I think CZ lives a pretty modest life. He mentioned before he has no possessions.

>> No.55213701

Yes that's true. I personally think he wouldn't do the same of SBF.
These are unwanted speculation, we have bigger issues to focus on like the quantum threats. So it's better we keep our heads straight and focus on how to protect our funds.

>> No.55213751

well he sold his house to buy btc

>> No.55213798
File: 86 KB, 600x400, aox1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find the jews to be far more palatable than the authoritarian atheist communist Chinese.
You are zogs strongest goy golemn. China is an eternal kingdom that furthers world peace and prosperity.

>> No.55213888

That's too much to do imo. He is a good man with good respect.
I expect binance will soon partner with QANplatform to ensure more security to the space.

>> No.55213919

The chinese will never extradite their own to some shitty goblino empire

>> No.55213927

shalom rabbi

>> No.55214351

As if he will flee to some cave on China mountainous regions

>> No.55214730

Crypto is purely speculative always faggot

>> No.55214903

I'd love to hear Gensler's rationale for why he trusted SBF for policy advice

>> No.55215001

They chinese tried to eliminate him in 2014