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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55191170 No.55191170 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55191174

Hugo being a huge transgender woman happened.

>> No.55191178

Aimless garbage from the beginning

>> No.55191217

>token airdrop 18 months late during depths of bear market
for starters, but I've never heard of this shit a single time since 2021 apart from "wen airdrop". Does it work? Are there dapps? Staking? Who fucking knows? 0 internet presence at all.

>> No.55191223

literally at the point that it mattered most, the only interesting thing, f-assets, were rug pulled because it changed there tax status, so they just said "oh, we never said that, "the community" needs to develop that.
they fucked around way to long.
they hold all the tokens.
they lie and lie and lie.
they changed the terms of the airdrop.
even the main xrp jew, david scwhartz, fucking railed on them non-stop about fucking with the airdrop, but hugo only cares about enriching himself like all good scammers do...

>> No.55191237
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This jew

>> No.55191248

It will work in 5-10 years, it's a globohomo shitplatform what do people expect

>> No.55191278

I don't expect anything, I just know my airdrop for holding $10k of xrp at the snapshot is worth like $40 and nobody talks about this trash lmao

>> No.55191304

he tried to get them to not be retarded, they didn't listen

>> No.55191312

its even worse, the monthly airdrop increases supply and the price is dropping proportionally every single month.
as things are going, this is going to be a .000x price per token by the time the full supply drops.

>> No.55191315

and yeah, i left out the part where the insiders rugpulled the iou market 24 hours before block zero.
kek to the literal maximum.

>> No.55191357

the people they have hooked on their XRP scam are too stupid to figure out how to even buy this

>> No.55191370

Goddamn imagine being an xrp maxi and watching eth users get dozens of lucrative airdrops every year and then you get this kosher pittance

It's on some cex which is probably good enough for them. Just need to come up with enough conspiracys about shadowy bankers and they'll donate

>> No.55191493

Airdrops are just free money/dumpable tokens
Always has been

Nobody has got rich from these

>> No.55191530

>Nobody has got rich from these
oh, yeah, some people(the devs) get rich af from these. Also there friends/insiders.