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55146527 No.55146527 [Reply] [Original]

How is it sustainable?

>> No.55146561

Get a bigger elephant. Why do you think first world countries are scrambling to get as many poor brown people in them as they can? More taxpayers keeps the scam going a little longer

>> No.55146591

but even the blackest dumbest niggers are getting that this doesn't work out, while politics is getting the heat from average Joe slaving for the shit, his sons refusing to slave and corpos playing dumb.
I know the answer, rug the corpos

>> No.55146635

>I decided to quit the same day my boss replaced me with a robot
I mean it's not really a choice. Most people aren't working and most corporations simply don't care.

>> No.55146651

>be afraid goy
you are really never going to be tired of following script
Get rugged

>> No.55146662

What exactly is unsustainable about an elephant sucking itself off?

>> No.55146671

>rug the corpos
That would only hurt the people that work, not the people at the top. They would just move on to the next grift. The only way to stop this is a time machine or (sadly, and what we’re going to get) is going to be a mix of communism and absolute tyranny

>> No.55146685

No. They can adapt. The ones that are going to get hurt are grifting lefties in bullshit positions that get thrown out, and maybe start to riot, and that is perfect, because election year and joe needs independent and conservative votes, and a boomer working or some tradie working loves nothing more then lefties and leeches being beaten up by cops

Joe going back to his 90s role on though on crimes and conservatives get their revenge for the Obama years watching hippies being beaten up to Glenn Miller. everyone wins

>> No.55146730

He needs to eat something besides his own jizz or else he won’t be able to produce more jizz.

>> No.55146757
File: 1.01 MB, 2100x1500, 66755FBB-3AD5-4B9C-8DDA-6E6059F2AEE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is it sustainable?
Fear and blood

>> No.55146758

Yes and that's where the higher taxes go mop up inflation come into play. The elephant isn't just sucking itself off, it's sucking you off as well

>> No.55146772

I can tell you’re in highschool just from reading this

>> No.55146791

I love that narrative. You really are either delusional or dishonest trying to push this narrative. The left wing is too weak for its counter neo-lib candidate and corpos that are broke are no danger to politics.

>> No.55146797

you are afraid. yes the grift is coming to an end.
Higher for longer, get a real job.

>> No.55146836

>doesn’t deny he’s in high school
Go to school

>> No.55146855

How long have you been working this job in a bullshit position being paid by 0% debt? Did you thought that would work forever? Like a career. Likely, advertisers and similar industries have a tendency to attract fart huffers with blinders. I hope you will go riot and believing that the local politics and AG is still on your side. You are no longer needed

>> No.55146879

Its sustainable because its a ponzi scheme where they can add as many new investors as they want at the cost of inflation,, they have to keep inflating or it collapses, thats why you wont get deflation for any reasonable amount of time and they tell you inflation is “good”

>> No.55146894

the elephant is sucking every else's productivity. they dilute everyone who transacts in dollars

>> No.55146936

And what would happen if the US "collapses". Right nothing ever happens, except for those that bet on US treasuries. Joe is rugging the world, to take out competitors

>> No.55146977

>I hope you will go riot and believing that the local politics and AG is still on your side.
This is why I’m calling you a prepubescent little faggot for being retardedly naive and obtuse. The government was never on our side. There is no left or right politics. You’re treating politics as some kind of football team when it’s just (((them))) fucking over everyone. The sooner you realize this the better you feel about the world.

>> No.55147006

Do you understand what I say? Yes you dishonest afraid faglord. Left as in larp left, Iphone lefties, bullshit diversity hires not producing just leeching off temporary circumstances while getting high on their moral farts

>> No.55147047
File: 1.05 MB, 3500x2544, 1603292A-9C69-4E37-8283-35BDEDF27ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do YOU understand what I said? It’s ok if you don’t. I was like you too, browsing pol and shit. Then I came here and realized how retarded it was for getting into politics.
>muh left is le bad guys!
>my kike pozzes president is better than your kike pozzed president!

>> No.55147071

You are really afraid. Imagine being afraid to lose your career over 5%+ interest rates.
>Post focus group tested advertising meme thinking stereotypically
tranny, if I were you I would learn how to lay bricks, not throw them, because that will get you not a slap on the wrist, but 15 years of slave work

>> No.55147085

You said a whole lot of absolutely nothing, just spewing out ad hominem. I accept your concession :)

>> No.55147096
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Mindraped by Ben Shapiro

>> No.55147101

we understand each other, you are just playing ignorant. Try to short, Joe is going back to 90s

>> No.55147172

America is run by communists there is no such thing as neo-liberalism. Kill yourself.

>> No.55147181

Anon, America is run by brick layers

>> No.55147207


>> No.55147240


>> No.55147277

>leftist economics is MMT
Read Michael Hudson