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File: 149 KB, 1284x1594, mutt 92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55142054 No.55142054 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an America cringe thread? Post Americans being humiliated.

>> No.55142082

E transfer costs me $3.50 per transfer. How do I get for free?

>> No.55142083

Daily reminder that finance is pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, worsening labor conditions, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war and overall evilmaxxing are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

Unless every single financier parasite, banker and trader is euthanized and every stock market and bank is burned to the ground, the biosphere and all life will extinguished

This is the truth of the american empire and no matter how hard you parasites try to bury your heads in the sand it will not change these facts

>> No.55142105

>Anybody at 18yrs of age can vote
Forgive me for being uneducated but I thought that was also the case in muttland as well? Or is that some weird commentary on voter id laws or whatever?

>> No.55142109

>$2000 was given to canadians

>> No.55142136

Canada fucking sucks, wowww we have e-transfer what a fucking utopia

>> No.55142197

>universal healthcare
One of the most broken, bloated, absolute garbage systems in the first one.
Please take your low IQ nigger back, America. The underground railroad really fucked us... Fucking jews.

>> No.55142207

Euros/Canadians seethe about Americans 24/7 and Americans don't think about them at all, kind of sad really.

>> No.55142227

>OP pic is an American commenting on Canadians
Um… rent-freebros???

>> No.55142229

so fucking gay that they are PROUD of this. Canada is a country of absolute retards. They should also be WAY richer than they are. They might have the highest natural resources of any country in the world per capita but are still poorer than america despite us having niggers and mexicans in our country.

>> No.55142228

- Fixed rate mortgages
- Housing options under $1 million
- During the pandemic, I didn't have to wear a mask of pay thousands of dollars to be quarantined when re-entering my country
- Climate alternatives to freezing tundra
- Castle doctrine
- Our flag isn't A FUCKING LEAF

>> No.55142296

Canada is still a dystopian nightmare even in comparison with america, Trudeau is the closest thing to a dictator the west has, a fucking gay cuck dictator at that

>> No.55142334

canada is shit but America is hardly better if not worst. There are a bunch of hidden costs that come with living there. and a lot of the major cities are practically mad max. There was a shooting on a beach in Florida yesterday

>> No.55142394

>financially illiterate she-boon
color me surprised

>> No.55142408
File: 561 KB, 828x455, IMG_7079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then move doublenigger
i had cancer during covid lockdowns and chemo was never pushed forward. paid nothing for any treatment or homecare. never waited longer than 20 minutes to be seen and was once triaged, had a minor surgery, given a prescription, and released within an hour. people are seen in order of severity, so if you got your anus prolapsed again you’ll have to wait
yet our quality of life on average is better, we live longer, we’re taller, more educated, and our streets are safer pretty much universally. what’s the point of being rich if you have to live in the US
t. northern ontario chad

>> No.55142427

>yet our quality of life on average is better, we live longer, we’re taller, more educated, and our streets are safer pretty much universally. what’s the point of being rich if you have to live in the US
>t. northern ontario chad

Compare white americans to white canadians. You retards are not adjusting for the fact that we have niggers and mexicans in our country as I previously mentioned. Canada has every advantage. It SHOULD be better off than america because it has better demographics and more natural resources. It underperforms massively because of its insane politics.

>> No.55142479

Leafland has stricter voter ID laws than Muttland lol

>> No.55142493

41% of white americans are obese

>> No.55142531
File: 33 KB, 333x499, 1673928323768843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that communism has killed more people in 50 years then capitalism has throughout all of mankind's history.

>> No.55142546

You can vote but it isn't counted

>> No.55142551

>wait 6 months for anything outside of annual checkup
>stricter voter ID laws than America
>over 80% of parliament under control of 2 parties since 1921
>Canadian workers who could prove they lost their job received $5000 more total than every American received
>dude weeeeed
>venmo and zelle are both free if you don't need instant transfer
wow this totally makes $100 ribeyes and million dollar starter homes worth it

>> No.55142584

>18 year olds can vote

This isn't a positive. It's absurd to me that basically everyone age 25 and older agrees that were collectively retarded and terrifically inexperienced at that age and then turn around and pretend like an 18 year old's vote is valuable. It's polluting the ideological pool.

>> No.55142599

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.55142608

dude you’re canadian hahahaha

>> No.55142636
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>> No.55142652

already retarded and easily brainwashed NPC faggots don't get wiser with age, they get more retarded and polarized, whether it's MAGAniggers or libtards. and of course none of it matters because it's false dichotomy nonsense.

>> No.55142669

>a good thing

>> No.55142681
File: 518 KB, 647x743, FxYN5UaWYAQGvHR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monthly reminder that Canada "discovered" mass graves for 215 indigenous children who died at a Catholic school, which caused a wave of anti Catholic sentiment in that country, leading to numerous churches being vandalized or destroyed by arson. It turns out the mass graves weren't real and these kids didn't even exist. There is still a national holiday in Canada commemorating these deaths that never happened.

>> No.55142717

>trusting anonymous twitter users over human rights organization

>> No.55142745


Everyone gets inevitably wiser from experience. Some moreso than others. At age 18 you have only ever been plugged into the most nefarious indoctrination sources and are a peak useful idiot as you've developed no independence or skepticism whatsoever.

>> No.55142754

>voting age is strictly 25-80
>women can no longer vote

There, I just ensured another 500 years of American hegemony

>> No.55142773

People can vote with basically no ID in the USA. During the 2020 elections, where most voting was going to be though mail, the Republicans wanted to make stricter ID laws to vote as to avoid fraud while the Democrats wanted to make them even more lax because muh racism. CNN and globohomo media created this absurd narrative that blacks can't vote in the USA because they have no ID and of course Twitter retards believed that.

>> No.55142774

Show me one body.

>> No.55142791

show me 215 different soil disturbances that ground penetrating radar is not capable of determining if there are human remains.

>> No.55142889

It boggles my mind that voter id is a political topic in the states, because even with the faggot state of my country, Canada still has universal voter id and its never been an issue

>> No.55142906

boggles my mind that people there dont have an ID

>> No.55142918


We didn't institute it fast enough. Once they realized the value of ballot harvesting they started to go full on assault on the concept of any kind of voting regulation. It's easier than getting cigarettes or beer.

>> No.55142927

I think even niggers would have some sort of id for buying menthols and 40s, its predominately illegals that have issues with ids

>> No.55143028

ID in the States is weird as fuck in general. And yes, the hipocrisy being that a. Every single country in the world has far stricter ID laws and b. They're implying that niggers are too retarded to acquire an ID.

By the way, it's the same shit with other topics. They bitch and moan about US abortion laws being too strict when in reality they're one of the few countries to allow late-term abortions, France only allows it until the 8th week for instance.

>> No.55143070

There is a legitimate point to ID being racist in the sense that when they had ID, it was actually used in practice to prevent minorities/poors from voting.

>> No.55143271

That's now how this works.
You make a claim.
>There are 215 dead children buried here.
Prove it.
No one has proved it. Anytime someone tries to prove it they are prevented from doing so. This makes it an unfalsifiable claim AKA bullshit of the highest order.

>> No.55143284


Overstated nonsense for the most part. You don't need an ID to tell someone is fucking black lmao.

>> No.55143403
File: 125 KB, 600x452, zoomie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just say you want a radical left totalitarian takeover and you want us to be a shithole

>> No.55143424

>gets euthanized

>> No.55143440

Just imagine living in such a miserable shithole of a country that you have to watch fucking hockey for entertainment

- no beaches
- the Chinese own all your homes
- nice weather for 25% of the year
- cucked laws
- enjoy your son being taken from you and turned into a woman if his teacher spots him playing with a doll
- apologies for everything, even when in the right

- Legal to own an AR15
- you want mountains? Valleys? Beaches? Deserts? We have it all baby
- Can buy a 5 bedroom house, in ground backyard pool, drive a military grade vehicle to commute to an office job, all on an accountants salary (MidWest and south bros rise up)
- never apologizes for anything, even when in the wrong

There is no better example of a “I feel sorry for you” vs “I don’t think about you at all” than america and Canada. America and any country really.

>> No.55143493

it worked for the holocaust, they said 10 million died but theres 0 proof of where those people's remains are and if u question it u''re antisemitic and a nazi. they can make whatever number they want and the sheeple won't question it in fear of social ostracization.

>> No.55143622

No collective action without hardship

Thank god our inbred overlords are UoAhuah money printer gooo A brrrr

>> No.55143784

The biggest problem with Canada is that it's clearly in a more rapid decline than America due to nothing but the deliberate decisions to run a massive social experiment to see how far a nonproductive economy can go by leaving behind the idea of a country to focus solely on ponzinomics via importing people and capital versus supply and demand. There are no Canadians anymore, just people that occupy the same socioeconomic experiment testing ground. No Canadians will even tell you what it means to be Canadian and if they could it would be diminutive and looked down upon

>> No.55143839

Good morning, Israel!

>> No.55143852

Everyone talks about America in a rapid decline. Literally every other country is worse.

Japan - aging demographics
China - shrinking population
India - the good ones leave for america
Europe - lazy socialist broke hell hole
Latin America - corruption

America’s love affair with capitalism gives us the most bullish outlook of any nation easily. The only thing stopping us might be ourselves, if we give in to the tech oligarchs and lose our humanity in the process

>> No.55143867

>prefers materiality to freedom of will
Pure slave mentality

>> No.55143892

Jews/demonrats don't want voter ID so millions of illegal spics can vote for them

>> No.55143904

Retarded native