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55134845 No.55134845 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55134860

The only thing AI will replace are codeniggers (you know, the people who fucking developed the thing) which is poetic

>> No.55134867

chatGPT was setup to harvest phone numbers. Anyone using it is a normie retard.

>> No.55134875

In to the trash with it.

>> No.55134884


>> No.55134895

Faggot was using GPT-3.5. 4 told me all those fake cases are... fake.

>> No.55135020

the reality is the AI scrapes articles on the net and 99% of the time those are written by bots, pajeets, or people who aren't educated with the subject matter. so considering all the wrong info on the net I don't know why you would ever trust AI for shit like this

>> No.55135097

What none of you realize is that this never happened. That entire article was generated by GPT4.

>> No.55135099

Not the reporter himself. Just everyone else the reporter needs to be a reporter.

>> No.55135119

only because the quality of writing is so bad and it's all made up anyway
writers too make them write shows
the producers aren't listening to, or paying, the writers anyway

>> No.55135128
File: 1.08 MB, 720x1280, AGRS Tau.net shorts.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tau.net / AGRS fixes this.

>> No.55135488

They purposely flaw RETAIL AI, so (you) cant profit from it.

>> No.55135793

imagine not double checking what the bot tells you

>> No.55135911

chatgpt4 is not publicyet

>> No.55135969

Go to Hackernews then so you can jerk off with a bunch of street-shitting cryptofags and redditards. ArsTechnica is the white man's tech news site.

>> No.55135988
File: 119 KB, 986x1024, 4f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News more like Jews faggot.

>> No.55136122

AI is just too dangerous to allow people to use it and this is proof. We need to vastly restrict the access and usage people have to AI. We need to make people scared to use AI. We need to keep a lid on this thing. If a lawyer can be fooled and have his whole career ruined, just imagine what can happen to you! BEWARE!

>> No.55136142

Machine learning drawing from shit sources indexing in a retarded way. How that every hyped, too grounded to understand

>> No.55136418

ArsTechnica more like ArseTechnica