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55134264 No.55134264 [Reply] [Original]

I fried my brain with meth about five years ago. Now that I have the effective IQ of a dog, how am I supposed to make it, financially speaking?

>> No.55134277

I did the same but with penibut.
Been retarded ever since.

>> No.55134312 [DELETED] 

I did the same by cumming to porn 5+ times per day every day

>> No.55134319

enki, just cut it out, though this one was funny

>> No.55134326

Niggers I've done meth, opium, heroic amounts of prescriptions, and been hit in the head so hard it caused brain swelling and I was seeing cats.
I still can run circles around 99% of normal niggers, if you were retarded from the start the drugs didn't do any damage.

>> No.55134338


shut up dumbass

>> No.55134339

Now drugs will fuck your body up bad but your brains fine, it can take a lot of fucking damage it's meant for it.
all mammals die from head trauma so we evolved to take a lot of hits.
Be thankful you're high IQ you're basically allowed to do drugs and not become a complete degenerate, just learn to sober up during downtimes and keep ounces of weed nearby.

>> No.55134344
File: 467 KB, 339x610, hang in there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats are earth element. means, stop flying in the air and get your feet on the ground

>> No.55134349

See this faggots upset because he can't type that long of a sentence because of his poobrain, he would be upset if I said (insert anything here)

>> No.55134365

I was actually hit by a car and flew into the air, I only saw cats because I have cats and hit so hard it caused actual cranial fluid to buildup outside of my skull.
Good shit, it did fuck with my emotions for about a year.

>> No.55134377

i'm on phenibut right now

am I gonna be retarded?

>> No.55134390

No I just took a silly amount, the effects faded but the brain fog never went. That was about 6 years ago.

>> No.55134392

>if you were retarded from the start the drugs didn't do any damage.
I got a 1540 when I took the SAT, so I'm pretty sure I seriously fucked something up.

>> No.55134401

imagine ever doing anything except jenkem

>> No.55134408

emotions are the water element, you are posting in a water element thread by a trickster

>> No.55134489

If you can still reflect like that, you’re smarter than a lot of people. So use it.

>> No.55134781
File: 794 KB, 1125x523, C1B7F917-4AF6-463F-96C1-CDD6B369B25E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your only hope

Researchers say psychedelic drugs actually help neurons in the brain sprout new dendrites, which look like branches on a tree, to increase communication between cells. "These drugs can increase neuronal outgrowth, they can increase this branching of neurons, they can increase synapses”


>> No.55134797

you were already retarded, otherwise you could have used meth responsibly

>> No.55135917

Take drugs that grow new brain cells like P21, Semax, PRL 853, NSI 189, Aniracetam, Oxiracetam, Noopept, Coluracetam, and Fasoracetam.

I'd recommend taking these all with Alpha GPC since that is going to increase the effects of these drugs greatly, but take Alpha GPC with DMB or olive oil since your stomach turns some Alpha GPC into a chemical that can cause heart disease and stroke and DMB prevents that.

>> No.55135947

Aw my wiggly boy figured out how to post on 4chan! Who's a good boy?

>> No.55136072

Make a few
>Work on a swimming bomb threads

>> No.55138219


>> No.55138412

>psychedelics form new brain connections
this is the answer
its the best option I have to heal my brain

>> No.55138465

You’re supposed to fry eggs, not brains

>> No.55138799

Get clean and look up Brain plasticity. You've gotta meditate on your brain healing from it but I think it can work

>> No.55138839

The brain has very high plasticity.
You can recover.
There is a person who was born with very little brain matter at all. <2%
Doctors said 'he will not even be able to think or feel.'
Then he laughed and his brain matter started growing.
Doctors call this 'a miracle.'
Do not believe their lies.
Whatever they say is unchecked assumptions based on other peoples assumptions from an archaic system that was invented to sell the shitcoin versions of medicine.
They have, quite fucking literally, been proven wrong about everything repeatedly and still instist that 'this time it's different.'