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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 219 KB, 828x735, 6B16B9C5-5D87-4CA8-8DA6-FD24A7649B20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55081464 No.55081464 [Reply] [Original]

Please tell me you retarts weren’t actually dumb enough to fall for this shit kek

>> No.55081497

oh look another toad fud thread. strange we get so many of these? if you didnt buy anon why would you make a fud thread? you arent trying to get people to sell to buy in at a cheaper price are you? you wouldnt be a tiny dicklet soulless pile of dung right? you arent a non white acting person I hope

>> No.55081548

Brown hands typed this


>> No.55081590

lol implying my hands are non white for calling out ops shitty fud thread. fuck off tiny dicklet soulless manlet fudder queer.

>> No.55081594

nope. supply distribution is fucked regardless of the shib involvement. slow rug.

>> No.55081622

Can't wait til u dummies miss out the biggest opportunity of the year.

>> No.55081628

thanks, just bought 100B

>> No.55081652

I bought 300 billion. Wanna fight about it?

>> No.55081674
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TOAD to 1 cent when Shibarium launches later this year holding 100 Billion (with a b)

>> No.55081895

Bought more yesterday as well. Getting closer to 2T. WAGMI Toadbros

>> No.55082004

I bought before the pump to .2 and ended up selling on my entry point on the way down. Lost on some gas fees.
This is a scam comprised of delusional idiots. Token distribution is fucked. Devs are non existent. Literally nothing is happening except desperate losers grasping at straws by posting tweets to their 14 followers.

>> No.55082079
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All fake fud, takes less then 10 minutes of research to figure out that everything is true and that TOAD is connected to SHIB and will easily pull off a x100 and more. Instead we get constant fud threads with jannies deleting good threads and banning people for even mentioning toad anywhere else and obviously the average biz anon is to lazy or to stupid to DYOR and will just listen to the fud, fuck it stay poor /biz/ because I'm done shilling to you all.

>> No.55082114

Toad fud is funny, literally just "you're brown" or "scam scam scam!"...

I swear jeetz use "brown hands typed this" on biz the same way feds use "this post glows" on pol... I can smell the stink and sodomy through the screen.

Newbies, dyor and stop listening to people who try to emotionally bully.


>> No.55082119

>fudding a $2 million dollar market cap token that hasn't even pumped yet
How poor are you that you need to fud this to get a lower entry?

>> No.55082128

Imagine fading a 500x plus opportunity. Fools

>> No.55082211

Brown hands typed this. Back to your TG circlejerk Rakesh

>> No.55082234
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>literally only FUD OPs allowed for $TOAD
you literally can't make this shit up, these jannies are actually evil. when this shit 10-100x remember these threads

>> No.55082249

Initial liquidity was 10eth for 380T TOAD. That's 1eth for 38T TOAD. Team bought most of the supply at launch and have been slowly dumping this on new investors. They already got their 100x and still own half of the supply, why should they not dump?

I just don't get how people think this will moon when anonymous team owns so much of the supply and keep dumping on idiots that buy this. Ragnar and Xanders hanging out in the telegram won't change a thing.

>> No.55082321

so true,

this is a great big SCAM and biz is falling for it again


>> No.55082588

>Initial liquidity was 10eth for 380T TOAD. That's 1eth for 38T TOAD. Team bought most of the supply at launch and have been slowly dumping this on new investors. They already got their 100x and still own half of the supply, why should they not dump?
>I just don't get how people think this will moon when anonymous team owns so much of the supply and keep dumping on idiots that buy this. Ragnar and Xanders hanging out in the telegram won't change a thing.
Ah yes, the classy "team is dumping" "distribution is fucked" FUD while not being able to actually back that statement. If there's anything wortwhile learning from biz, it's always doing the inverse.

>> No.55082683

dude how much down are you? -50%? -70%?

>> No.55082701

>dumping for a measly 5 figure profit when they have the resources to easily pump and dump for a 7 or 8 figure profit with barely any extra effort

>> No.55082764
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I'm not saying this will moon or anything.
I did put one week worth of yield farming into it, knowing that it's 90% going to rug.
But what you're saying makes 0 sense.
> Initial liquidity was 10eth for 380T TOAD... They already got their 100x
100x over what, an ether each?
What matters is total profits, and TOAD hasn't brought them much of that.
You realize there's a TON more money to be made in this, but the same team you're talking about.

>> No.55082782

> but the same team
by the same team*
It would take a rebranding, a new logo, some pumping and paying for a listing, for them to get to even $25m market cap.
Will they bother? Nobody knows.
Is it a good value gamble? I think it is. I give it 10% chance it goes 25x and 30% chance it reaches new highs. Taking these gambles is a good long term strategy imo.
And I haven't put money into a memecoin/shitcoin since ThePirateBay launched theirs almost 2 years ago.
This is probably the only memecoin that you can actually find reasons to be bullish about, the others mooned mostly incidentally.

>> No.55082809

it's already on bilaxy and they didn't even shill it imagine how in the bag they have it ratard

>> No.55082846

Who cares if this pile of shit is connected to shib, which also a pile of shit?

>> No.55082897

You know it's a public record right? This is all very easy to verify in Etherscan. I'll help you to get started so you don't need to call verifiable facts fud anymore.

1. Go to https://etherscan.io/token/0x370a366f402e2e41cdbbe54ecec12aae0cce1955

2. Search for wallet 0x9f6facb42177f5af680f9f17cdf750bc7cf55973. You will see that they bought 18T TOAD for 0.5eth the same second liquidity was added to the pool. This wallet hasn't sold yet.

3. Search for 0x19ae785b2e76f52d15fdefa411e935fd7f0f0ca4. You will see that this wallet bought 73,3T TOAD within a minute since the liquidity pool was created. Few days later they sold 570B TOAD, then 620B TOAD and lastly 5,5T TOAD. They sent all of their remaining TOAD to other wallets and continued dumping from there. At this point they have in total 35T TOAD left in the other wallets.

This is all just going to Etherscan for 15minutes. I won't go through all the other early buys to further prove my point, you can do it yourself. Those early buys are clearly team wallets and they have clearly been dumping all this time. Also creator wallet still has 10% of the supply.

When you create the liquidity pool you set the price of the token. At launch (when the team bought their tokens) the price was 1eth for 38T TOAD. Now it is 1eth for 300B TOAD. And they have been dumping all this time.

>> No.55082943

Here's another one for you: https://etherscan.io/address/0x42fc7765cf65299f9c8c14eb8d82d99e4984b53f

This wallet bought 25T TOAD 5minutes after launch and has since sold and diversified his holdings to other wallets. Now has still 7T TOAD left to dump in three different wallets.

>> No.55083003

Are we getting rugged again bros

>> No.55083014
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grabbed a small bowl just in case

>> No.55083023

I see. I thought you meant that they got their stacks through the impermanent loss from the initial deposit.
Well, yeah, I know about whales dumping. Still weirded out by the fact that the most successful shitcoiners in the world would start dumping as early as $1m market cap, when they're easily capable of doing 100x that.
And I still feel like the gamble is worth it.
Worst case, my stables have been farming for 5 days with no profit. Best case, I buy another apartment in Atlantis the Royal lmao.

>> No.55083049

If you don't mind answering, what do you use for yield farming?

>> No.55083057 [DELETED] 


>> No.55083061

Sold some LINK to buy this. That’s how bored and dead inside I am after holding that shit for almost 6 years.

>> No.55083091
File: 705 KB, 2458x1334, Screenshot 2023-05-25 at 14.42.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever is hot on yield samurai.
Used to be a BUSD-USDT pool with an average 40% yield (for 3 months straight) but that opportunity has been gone for a week.
Now you can put it in Kava's vaults for 25%-ish %, paid 1 year later. IMO Kava will actually moon in the meantime so I don't care too much about the delay.
Next week something better might pop up, I check pools daily.
Also check Defi Llama for new chains and products, since Yield Samurai are slow to add them. Defi Llama often shows wrong values but can be used as a news source for where to put your money first.

Also wouldn't recommend Polygon zkEVM, gas fees are actually insane there and you don't realize this until you bridge, lmao. Also you can't bridge your yields back to polygon, you need to dump them at massive slippage.

But yeah, usually, look for high yield and high enough TVL pools on yield samurai, whose charts look like a ECG (aka constant profits) and not like a boner (which is usually the result of some dumbass fat fingering a massive transaction once)

>> No.55083114

Ok fuck it I boughted. You guys convinced me. Now pump this piece of shit.

>> No.55083298

I'm not saying there's no chance of making profits here. Crypto is so irrational that anything can happen and you seem to understand what you are getting into. What I don't like is the mindless shilling and people dismissing all criticism as fud.

The way I look at it is that people who buy this either don't know that the team has been dumping on buyers ever since the "shiba people" first started dropping the hints or they are comfortable being dumped on. As for myself, I'm not okay with that and don't really understand how others can be, unless they bought very early.

>> No.55083364

>dude how much down are you? -50%? -70%?
Up 1000%, FUD harder.

>> No.55083415


>> No.55083630

All this shitcoins are gambles, but this is the first I see that seems to have reasonable potential due to the shib connection. Yes other memecoins mooned but that seemed random to me.

Just how far the shib connection can push this is a legit question, but at least there are people behind this that know how to make crypto project’s successful, with a grain of salt ofc, since shib‘s success also had a fair share amount of randomness.

>> No.55083830

Ya I think they’re gonna let it grow organically for a while before they make any definitive connections. Their little breadcrumbs are unironically the only logical conclusions that exist in the bullshit market right now.

>> No.55084367
File: 113 KB, 878x427, Screenshot_20230525_092327_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they working on toadbros?

>> No.55084435
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>> No.55084459

Loading the meme clips and painting a masterpiece chart? They’re giving us time to fill our bags before they turn the heat up

>> No.55084464

Guys I heard something today from an admin. I know this will just make you roll your eyes but I’m 100% serious. Something very big is going to happen today. Basically a reveal. Get your ducks lined up.

>> No.55084483


is that what he told you when you were sucking his dick?

>> No.55084493

>not dead yet
>we are working on it
Sooo..... basically our boy ragner just told that they are in full force killing the toad.
Kek, have fun being exit liq

>> No.55084569

Thanks for the elaborate answer mate

>> No.55084659

wait what? theyre gonna kill it? wtf have i gotten myself into?

>> No.55084695

They are killing the toad (pepe) the coin is called toad killer you retards

>> No.55084942

But Pepe is a frog.

>> No.55085053

Well done genius. Pepe is indeed a frog, you must have finished top of your class but toads have a negative connotation and is sometimes used as an insult.

>> No.55085071

I'm confused now.
Is the team after pepe or killing the toad???

>> No.55085127
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>> No.55085133

What does this mean?

>> No.55085180
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This still doesn't answet my question

>> No.55085557
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Are you ready for the show toad bros?

>> No.55085635
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>> No.55086402
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>> No.55086566

insiders are rugging as we speak

>> No.55086763

Biggest team wallets haven't even sold in three days and the price is still going down. Number of holders decreasing every day. Sad.

>> No.55086844

Why would shib niggers do this to us

>> No.55086954

Kek I put last of my DBI rupees in this shit.
How come all of these projects are going to rug you.
Crypto has changed to shit

>> No.55087233

team insiders wallets are selling tho

>> No.55087253

"Look, I know that these wallets belong to team insiders, because trust me bro!"

>> No.55087339

It’s too quiet. Someone give me a shot of hopium

>> No.55087504

because they bought 5 minutes after the launch

>> No.55087997

These Shib admins need to be publically castrated. They blatently scam the plebs over and over. Many arent even anon..

>> No.55088032

Well, I slurped up to 1.5T, will I make it TOAD bros?

>> No.55088046
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The main fud for this token is the HORRENDOUS distribution...I'm in it but we can be dumped hard anytime the gig is over...

If you check the main top 10-15 wallets, they connect to 5-6 wallets which are all insiders probably...

To check this, you can enter each wallet, check their earliest transaction, and you'll see that top 2 wallets are funded by the same wallet, top 3-5 wallets also, etc etc....so they should be insiders or the team....

The question is, will they wait for a 100x before dumping them or they will just take a few hundred k and be done with it...Logically, they should just use those clues, pump it higher, then sell controllably but you never know.

They can decide to shut it down anytime, and they already sold a lot at these prices, preventing any sort of pump....you decide yourself...

>> No.55088061

>Guys I heard something today from an admin. I know this will just make you roll your eyes but I’m 100% serious. Something very big is going to happen today. Basically a reveal. Get your ducks lined up.
Really? What made you change your mind?

>> No.55088080


The usual responses for this would be "devs are doxxed and based" and "community is strong" and "I spoke with the whales and they agreed to not dump"

>> No.55088169

Lmao gg I hope someone shoots these scammers

>> No.55088252

The hopium is that the shib team will start marketing for this shite eventually and initiate a pump that will take it 10x and maybe more.

I think most of the toadies who are not blatant shills in here told everyone that it‘s a risky bag to hold

>> No.55088278

even if that happens, the whales can insta dump this to oblivion so i dont know if we can even see those profits for real

>> No.55088312

The selling by devs is obnoxious. Complete contempt for people. Dark.

>> No.55088321

i think if they were going to shut it down they’d do it already. volume is almost non-existant as it is and most of it is from mev bot. gotta be a reason they’re not just taking everything in the liquidity pool

>> No.55088328

Under normal circumstances this level of greed and fuckery from a multi billion dollar organization would do some serious damage to shibs reputation but nobody seems to give a fuck anymore. Even rich people out here robbing us poors

>> No.55088412

Bump.... because i said i was in telegram. Nice fud guys.

>> No.55088455

every time i check the price, it's lower than it was last time... incredible. I'm down more than 60% and I don't see a bottom.
what's worse is that I was already rugged my DBI for 95% of my funds, so if this doesn't recover then I've lost months worth of my life's savings

>> No.55088464
File: 4 KB, 852x64, 010A18DE-9D46-4293-B42C-52F6B43D0196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who goes to this extent just to rug a few million bucks out of poor niggers? Jeets ain’t pulling shit off like this. What’s tg saying now?

>> No.55088526

Don't worry bro, as per their telegram all this is just healthy redistribution by the team. It's best for us all of the team buys most of the supply for pennies and starts dumping it after ragnar etc start to drop vague hints about shibarium.

Team dumping is good. It's good for the distribution. All according to plan, just keep buying.

>> No.55088548

average bizlet brain

>> No.55088633


ben eth holds 97% of the supply of $psyop..and 13,249 holders don't seem to care.

Shib was massively lopsided with supply distribution every time it ripped. People complaining about supply distribution need to put it into perspective.

A couple wallets offloading clips of 2ETH once a day (not even that) when volume is what 100K or so is peanuts. Price is going down because noobs who jumped last week didn't get their moon yet. Chart looks fine.

>> No.55088656

>Shib was massively lopsided with supply distribution every time it ripped
It wasn't lopsided to this extent though, and iirc, Shib didn't have constant dumping by the top wallets before the moon mission.

>> No.55088665

didnt shib go to zero for a few months before it took off?

>> No.55088676

>Team dumping is good. It's good for the distribution. All according to plan, just keep buying.
Maybe they should tapper the dumps off a little, do a little more cryptic marketing and wait for some more suckers to get onboard before they scare everyone away

>> No.55088688

Shib team have serious connections to market makers and certain exchanges, they'd have no need to do a quick 6fig slow rug cash grab when they can milk this for millions down the road with carefully planned hype and marketing.

>> No.55088692

$1000 in Shib went to below $1 before taking off? Do you have any clue what you're talking about?

>> No.55088716

>$1000 in Shib went to below $1 before taking off

Do you think Toad will follow a similar path?

>> No.55088736
File: 2.21 MB, 1024x1024, toadkl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in to deep bros hold for wagie life or lambo one or the other

>> No.55088749


it was, the billion dollar wallet for example was spoken about a lot even in the media but still shib ripped. It then split off into 3 more wallets and still haven't sold on chain (likely OTC).

Some of those top Toad wallets might even be CEX's.

>> No.55088764

I see, did Shib also have constant sell offs like Toad before the moon mission?

>> No.55088826

A sucker bought the top! He saw some bot adverts on social media and thought he was going to make millions near top. Bitch tried to pump in w/ addict errection and whole thing deflated like he needs viagra. Now people are arguing while they lost all their shit. losers! Watch. You guys will ape in to another one. Ya;ll think bots are real people too. Fucking losers bwahahaha.

>> No.55088845

Another sucker got just banned from their telegram from bringing this issue up. Stop the fud guys, let the team dump.

>Shiba went to zero before pumping, this is mega bullish!!1

Ryoshi never owned most of the supply like these toad guys do. Shiba was an actual fair launch. Here they just bought huge bags right at launch and keep dumping.

>Biz always fud, this is bullish
By that logic you should also be buying DBI, meme bitcoin or other scam coins

>> No.55088848


shib pumped and dumped many times before May 2021 yes.

the toad chart looks like a normal chart for a defi project in it's 1st few weeks that isn't a rug. Not sure how anyone could disagree who has an inch of experience in all this.

>> No.55088876

selling 2ETH clips a day when volume is $100K or whatever day is your idea of 'dumping'?

some of you are hilarious.

>> No.55088900

teams can sell whatever they want whenever they want to fund things, that's crypto, dickheads. don't like it don't buy into crypto.

>> No.55088922

>need a 3x just to breakeven

It's fucking over for me. I got scammed again

>> No.55089106

>the coin I bought last week hasnt 10x
Its over bros

>> No.55089237

I bought like 1k worth of shiba the same day it launched with anons, 2-3 months later you could buy that same stack for a couple bucks, it was a proper scam newfriend.

>> No.55089366

i'll be going after the MNI token for sure.No scam here. Scared shit pajeets should dyor.

>> No.55089658

Liquidity pool: %8 , team:10% rest of the insiders: 75% fools: %7 lol, can go to zero any minute

>> No.55089741
File: 332 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-05-26-00-11-44-622_org.telegram.messenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked and it's true, we are going to soup

>> No.55089935

I really hope you didn’t touch that 1k

>> No.55090026

Ragnar = Ranjeet

>> No.55090358
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>> No.55090641

xanders left. scam confirmed

>> No.55090751

Aside of all the obvious shit, one of the worst part is that the liquidity is about to die...there is simply no demand for it...maybe 3-5 small buys in 6 hours which immediately get dunked on by whales trying to rush first to grab that exit liqudity...it was a fine slow rug as the insiders got away with probably a couple millions

>> No.55090817

Ok. ive checked out. I'm paper hands. still holding pepe though.

>> No.55090840

We know his name….

>> No.55090848

So he better hope this is a real project with updates and shit or I swear we all need to find him.

>> No.55090851

Wow! A retard

>> No.55090857

SEC will put him in prison for years. These idiots think they are above the law. They aren’t if they are aren’t anon.

>> No.55090861

Got a response that isn’t like a nigger?

>> No.55090885

But you’re still holding Whackd? John is dead. I’m just waiting in this transition to clear and I’m gonna buy some more. There’s just too many goddamn shib ties to end on a sour note like this. Even tho those fags expelled me from the tg group.

>> No.55090927

bro are you stalking my wallet? i hold like $30 in whackd i can't even swap kek

>> No.55090990

ive been stalking everyones wallets. all i see are frogs everywhere..

>> No.55091036

Pepe, baby Pepe, Pepe XL, Pepe reborn, ribbit, Kermit, etc. You can’t tell me these jeetcoins have more potential than TOAD. I’ll just have to avg down further and pray to baby Jesus and Jesus reborn they decide to stop fucking us

>> No.55091142

when i see volume going down i sell. at least pepe is holding firm. I bought 70b more toad last night thinking we hit A Bottom of some kind, and the next day i'm down like half of what i spent slurping.

>> No.55091216

I just don’t think anyone knows about TOAD yet. You’ll make money with PEPE. I hope you do because the bigger the market cap the farther TOAD will have to run to catch up. I’m so sick of getting to projects late, making minuscule profits and bag holding for years on end afterwards. I wanna be early for once. It’s worth a shot to me. If I lose I’ll probably exit give up crypto for good and go back to silver

>> No.55092329
File: 2.34 MB, 415x415, 1631197889335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much are my fellow TOADbros down by?
-45% here

>> No.55092336


I'm down quite a few but I just slurped up some more

>> No.55092566
File: 549 KB, 720x1160, 1635483606872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-40%, I'm sure any day now we'll get a +1000%

>> No.55093013

Best we accumulate now. I am also buying more UTK and EGLD added to this. Gonna get my bag filled soon.

>> No.55093144
File: 154 KB, 782x1280, IMG_2635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TOAD niggers i am euphoric

>> No.55093165

retards itt btfod

>> No.55093216

I'm such an idiot because even tho i know about the supply, the pump and dumps, even after being 60% down (bought at 7mil mc)
I'm still trying to give myself some hopium...

Did i buy a fucking scam yes or no?
Should i trust the plan?
Patriots in control?
Is this a 47383839D chess to shake out jeets?

>> No.55093241

I also bought around 7 mil MC, I've just accepted at this point that I got scammed and my money in this is gone

>> No.55093276

Look at PEPE and WOJAK coins.
See that classic pump and dump pattern that will never recover?
This is the future of TOAD now fuck off.

>> No.55093278

Kek.. brother i'm sure someday wagmi..
I refuse to believe one man can have such an eternal bad luck at least in my situation...

>> No.55093286

Sell and you'll rope. Being in the red is a real kick to the dickhole but no one knows where the bottom will be so we've just gotta clench our jaws and take the hit.

>> No.55093450

Yea brother.
I got my wally hacked at the start of the year.
Linkpool rugged in christmas.
Shit has been so, so, so fucked financially.
Its starting to take a toll on my mental health.

>> No.55093852

Dude if you‘re bad off financially you shouldn‘t gamble on shitcoins. Never invest more than you can comfortably loose and all that jazz. This toad shit, i have a small bag, but the chances are like 20/80 moon/rug

>> No.55094084

Looks like the TOAD is killing itself

>> No.55094347

Did it bottom or scam pump?

>> No.55094381

Chart still painting nicely. We will kill Pepe

>> No.55094468

TOADbros, are we back?

>> No.55094740
File: 1.46 MB, 220x220, (Me).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transaction Action: Swap
77,708,553,624.866 SHIB For 0.408 Ether

>> No.55094779

11 eth mev bot scam pump

>> No.55094795

You’re living proof that the whole kys rope strategy that biz propagates is not the way. Here you are again in a TOAD thread with the wisdom of the past, right on the cusp of redemption my fren. WAGMI

>> No.55094830

Never can I get into such piece of shit, I'm sticking mainly with buying spot and opening long trades when I get a clear signal from tokenmetrics.

>> No.55094859

Take a look at DiD and AI narratives, they're really making sense.

>> No.55094916

yea seems so. after a few suckers buy in again, they will dump it back even more lol, chart is a classical slow rug

>> No.55094917


Pepe will go towards Shib's mcap as soon as next bullrun comes. You are obviously a crypto noob. I hate Pepe with a passion btw and am not a holder. But anything that performs that well in a bear is giga bullish come bull season.

>> No.55095069

>Look at PEPE and WOJAK coins.
Speaking of wojak, is unbelievable how such a know meme is still underperforming at duch low marketcap...
I'm sure normalfags know who wojak is but maybe can't associate it for the name..i mean, they see the "feels guy" instead of wojak..
So much potential even after pumping and dumping

>> No.55095241
File: 37 KB, 811x747, photo_2023-05-26_10-51-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its time

>> No.55096391

chart basically flatlined

>> No.55096678
File: 7 KB, 203x249, images (39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuds are looking towards the path of passive income and Futureverse is rewarding users for their engagement on the protocol. Could be a nice time to earn sylo in rewards.

>> No.55097360

Strap in nignogs

>> No.55097391


>> No.55097421

Fuck yeah

>> No.55097440
File: 55 KB, 830x738, 1683018334692207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55097458
File: 449 KB, 1408x1969, 9B2EF1C4-6835-46E1-A1FF-99F0568FCCCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah… im thinking we’re back

>> No.55098729
File: 140 KB, 768x768, IMG_20230526_195939_164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming dudes

>> No.55099488

Ye back to 0$ 0 volume . SCAM

>> No.55099501
File: 271 KB, 1079x1108, Zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related