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55068758 No.55068758 [Reply] [Original]

How did Tate become infinitely more successful and famous than the rest of the e-grifters?

How did he manage to do this while teaching the exact same stuff as, Dave Ramsey, Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone, Alpha M, etc.

>> No.55068774

> Dave Ramsey, Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone, Alpha M, etc.
no idea who these people are
Tate just got lucky with tiktok and the way his scheme worked and abused tiktok. I guess he's smarter than the rest, cause i never heard of the guys you listed. I learned most of what I knew back in the day from RSD Tyler and Julien.
Tate just outhustled the game faster, first to market. like btc

>> No.55068781

Because he was on tik tok first

>> No.55068791

i don't think he's smarter
i think his demograph was just more net active
dave ramsey on tv? maybe something like that
slow format
tiktok is not slow

>> No.55068821

Timing. Everyone is fucking sick of woke bullshit. This is why burgers will get trump again. And frankly they deserve it.

>> No.55068837

You realize tate has less money then all the people you listed plus he landed him self in Romanian prison that almost killed him. Tates not at the top of that list buddy, he at the bottom

>> No.55068847

Faggots like you shilling this dumb cunt.

>> No.55069787

He has deep state ties
CIA and Mossad

>> No.55069860
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he probably bought the 4chan pass and set up an AI to shill fake posts for him all day

>> No.55069906

He's smarter than all you dumb cunts in this thread, have some humility. His oratory skill is like no other, also his ability to humiliate people through powers of logic are also impressive. I've studied the Greeks, and I know, that this guy knows. Those that know also know. This is an indisputable fact, and if you don't understand then I suggest you start with the Greeks.

>> No.55070019
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No one remembers good ole Roosh?

>> No.55070047

>targeted dumber people and kids thus wider audience
>didn't touch on any of the actually heavy topics
>material is simple, no book or long stream requirements
>material is basically nothing, just feel good tough talk, minimal methodology or steps to success
>most watered down version of anything pickup/pimp/redpill/business.

It's perfect for the current generation of brainlets. He has the kick-boxing background for it to be compelling, he has the lambos, has the criminal background and CIA ties to be interesting.
Perfect for the zoomer generation. 10/10 Nobody will listen to the actually learned elders who made his talking points anyway. Who the fuck would read evolutionary psychology when below 18.
Perfect for the now growing generation. Sadly only a few will realize what knowledge he is stepping on.

>> No.55070048

he says the same shit we say here, men and women have their roles, and modern men need to stop being such pussy bitches. stop consuming so much and work on yourself, but theres something about his confidence

>> No.55070063

I never got the same feel of confidence from Roosh. Clearly he was financially much worse off.

>> No.55070073

>not pussy
>talk good
>big house
>lots bitches
>ran an online brothel fuckign simps
>govt hates him
>woke left hates him

>True alpha male

>Never heard of him
>Talking about some shit in a room on a couch alone
>Flouride stare

>Talks the talk but can't walk the walk

>> No.55070100

He open-sourced his marketing, as a principle. His followers did all the work in making content and promoting him, moreso than those who came before him.

>> No.55070109

>Timing. Everyone is fucking sick of woke bullshit.

have you forgotten 2014

>> No.55070110

>oratory skills like no other
all he does is yell and idiots like you think he is some smart magician. his vocabulary sucks and charisma would be negative if idiots like you weren’t drawn into loud men to bolster your non-existent confidence.

>> No.55070113

Roosh kind of did a lot of western flexing. He would go to poorer eastern european countries and fuck chicks there while flexing on being a westerner.
At that time it was expected that the locals are more poor. Now in a global world it no longer works that easily.
His skills were lower tier. A lot of the books *fucking poland, fucking croatia etc* are pointless now. He himself described how a poor, pretty chick from eastern europe or asia now has access to the internet and can whore herself to some of the richest men in the world, so leading with your wallet is less applicable.

>> No.55070131

Matrix analogies needed to go, he was brought in, once he did his job he was politely escorted out of the mainstream and rewarded

>> No.55070148

He is a glowie.
All influencers are glowies.
They have all your data.
The control the algorithms.
The decide what is public discourse.
Making some random faggot appear everywhere and become a house hold name overnight is child's play for them.

Go back, all of you. You don't belong on this website. You are too dumb and lack critical thinking skills. You make this board worse simply by being here.

>> No.55070162

He destroyed the /nsgsig/ movement too. He is the Alex Jones of self improvement.

>> No.55070300

Fatherless zoomers paid him to get a father figure.

>> No.55070314

He arrived at the right time, though I'm not sure if he made as much money as the previous grifters before him. Also, it wasn't for lack of trying. If you weren't aware of Tate back during Trump's run, then you haven't been paying attention. He'd been trying for some time

>> No.55070362

he did it on tiktok, simple as

>> No.55070412

>How did Tate become infinitely more successful and famous than the rest of the e-grifters?
Better marketing.

He takes normal ideas and says it in an offensive way to get more attention. Literally the Trump method of media control.

>> No.55070455

... Tate's richer than all the other people OP listed except cardone.
A combination of Timing, Luck and the ability to exploit people dumber than him.
Take a walk through his paid discord servers(yes there are suckers out there who actually pay a monthly fee to be in a discord server)
Props to him tho, He made it (Kind of...)

>> No.55070471

The only single reason why he took off is he teaches people how to edit tate's videos in hustler university and make tiktoks which caused thousands of tate channels to pop up, basically a MLM scheme almost

>> No.55070482

short form content and affiliate program paying people to shill his content. he's also an elite level fighter which, as much i don't care for the guy, is legitimately awesome

>> No.55070911

Show us your public speaking skills big man, go on.

>> No.55070942

Because he's literally a Mossad agent

>> No.55070946

I would love to watch this idiot's "war room" stuff.
Charging people $5k to tell them to hustle and grind...
I wish they killed him in prison for being gay.

>> No.55071045

Probably because he actually grew up in a sane, healthy environment and was an actual athlete. He doesn't give the autistic, single mother raised vibes the others do.

>> No.55071143

>what color is your Bugatti lol xD
Tate is a funny guy but his followers are brain dead morons.

>> No.55071249

I don't disagree, but what's annoying is when people try to claim he's unintelligent.

>> No.55071319

He's not dumb, he's an utter midwitt though.

>> No.55071362

Andrew Ben Tate is a paid fed actor. Pozzed and talmudic. All the Bnei Tate need to be rounded up and culled.

>> No.55071384

Roosh was the Jewish grifter for millenial manosphere faggots morons. Irrelevant in this day and age.

>> No.55071551

I think he's larping being a billionaire
I think he has like one million net worth from ad revenue max
having a mansion in the middle of nowhere in romania is like 200k max

>> No.55071567

because he told the WEF demons to fuck off and young people saw that and realized he was pretty based

>> No.55071584
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>All influencers are glowies.
not... all of them...

>> No.55071596

He makes most of his money from prostituting retarded eastern european girls on the internet, he's basically a low rent pimp who has a side hustle of being an internet big brother to zoomers.

>> No.55071611

Anything at all that gets attention is highly suspect. This is the world intelligence agencies created.

>> No.55071616

cuz the world loves a cocky nigger

>> No.55071656

If you're so smart why aren't you 9 figs?

>> No.55071677

He incorporated boobs into financial talks

>> No.55071847

Because it's all about your gimmick. It's honestly not any different than wrestling.

>> No.55071904

People on this board forgetting his father was literally a CIA Agent

>> No.55071946
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Why does this guy look like a literal soijak

>> No.55071966

Because kids liked him just for entertainment value so the algorithm pushed him hard.

>> No.55071999

roosh still approached more women irl than all of /biz/ combined

>> No.55072004

Wrong. The kids that liked him made their own content of him. He had thousands of non paid interns creating nonstop content for him.

>> No.55072086

>dave ramsey on tv? maybe something like that
Let's add that the first time I, as a late millenial, saw Dave Ramsey he was already an old man.

Tai Lopez never really got into what I would call male-focused content. Just seemed primarily money focused ya?

Similarly, as >>55070113 alludes to, Roosh had basically no emphasis on the money game. Just a pure coomer focus. Pioneer in low effort geomaxxing

Tate was young, has muscles, and uses modern platforms. He's actually balanced

>> No.55072099


>> No.55072124

The real answer.

Tate’s “brand” is an MLM scheme

>> No.55072189


>> No.55072325

>Dave Ramsey
When the fuck did Rice & Beans Dave tell you to literally just ignore tax collectors?

>> No.55072441

there are some seriously dumb zoom zooms on /biz/ to think that threads like this are even getting conceived of nevermind made and replied to

>> No.55072461

Tai Lopez was the guy who was in his garage with a Lambo and books of knowlege

>> No.55073461

So you're saying it's all bots? Not sure I follow.

>> No.55073480

because he's jacked and the rest look like shit

>> No.55073484

the algorithm initially pushed him to the front because the jews detected he was half nigger. but they had to shut it down when he went against their other psyop the weird vegan girl

>> No.55073511

Roosh had a nice website about 8 years ago. What was it called again?

>> No.55073781

Based. I remember the mind set of PUA. Even Mystery method. Basically it can help you give less of a fuck and have fun.

>> No.55073793

glowie operation
glowie thread
glowie OP

>> No.55073802

In a sick way, the other grifters may have been more positive. From what I can tell, if the left hates you like peterson and tate, they will propell you into stardom through exposure. Like Trump too. So if you only want fame, make the left hate you

>> No.55073821

>made money from kickboxing in 2010s
>used that money to start some webcam biz
>used that money to buy crypto
thats the sum of it i think, that hustlers uni shit is probably side money for him

>> No.55073874
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>I am forgotten

>> No.55073927

Buddy, Dave Ramsay is orders of magnitude more successful than Tate. He’s definitely a grifting boomer, but Tates claims about $300 million + is bull shit. Let’s see his spreadsheets, crypto/checking/investment accounts and his business books. That dumb mother fucker claimed he was worth $700 million back in march and now he said $380 million. I’m betting he’s sub $50 million.

>> No.55073948

Prove to me that Tate has the money he says he has. I’m betting his books are a big mess and he goes from one business to another and lives on credit. He’s shilling shit coins ffs. No one that has real liquidity does that.

>> No.55073955

nah it's cus tate's literally throwing money at random poor people now for fun

>> No.55074033

>it’s cus

What is “cus”? Mr Beast does the same thing and is only worth $54 million. How many people are employed by Tate? If it’s anything less than 100 then he’s worth less than $50 million. I know a guy irl worth $50-$100 million and he has hundreds of employees working full time in offices and warehouses. He owns dozens of personal properties as well. Has a jet, sports cars yadda yadda. He’s a workaholic and an alcoholic. No time to go on podcasts or box in a gym for hours and hours.

>> No.55074110

'cus' is a contraction of 'because'.

>Mr Beast does the same thing and is only worth $54 million
Yes... i'm saying that's why he's only worth 54 million, and it's a big reason why tate lost 300 million

>> No.55074188

How can I believe someone when I haven’t seen their balance sheet? I doubt that mfer knows how much the market would evaluate him at.

Anyway, your comments are a bunch of non-sequiturs. You’ve yet to offer any evidence that Tate is worth how much he says he’s worth. Watch this:

IM WORTH $500 MILLION DOLLARS. No, I won’t prove it, and because of reasons I’m now only worth $400 million.

>> No.55074233

you don't have to believe them, idk why you're obsessed with this lol, but it's not unreasonable

>> No.55074324
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>has deep state ties
>CIA and Mossad

>> No.55074351
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>How did Tate become infinitely more successful and famous than the rest of the e-grifters?
>How did he manage to do this while teaching the exact same stuff as, Dave Ramsey, Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone, Alpha M, etc
its because the target audience of these guys are young white men and boys and the target audience of tate is browns and blacks

niggers, muslims and spics (+everything in between) recently took the PUApill harder than whites had a few years ago, they are also easier to scam

>> No.55074376

It’s unreasonable. I’m not obsessed. I’m not the one defending a stranger’s ridiculous claims about net worth. If anything he probably had to pay off the Romanian government to the tune of millions of dollars to ankle his sex trafficking charges. If he’s worth how much he claims then he probably had to fork over a significant portion of his “wealth” to free himself. If he was as smart as John McAfee he’d leave for somewhere that didn’t have extradition agreements with Romania, but he won’t because he’s a meat head and he likes his gypo brethren.

>> No.55074383

Social Media is just a slot machine anyways. With how often they change and fuck with the algorithms, sometimes to purposefully guide what content gets out there, no one can actually have a strategy that works consistently enough to explain how they did unless they just admit that they bought followers and engagement for a couple years so people saw the big numbers and said "wow this guy must be popular"

>> No.55074432

His black sides charisma.

>> No.55074927

>i'm not obsessed
>writes a literal paragraph about how nobody could possibly have x amount of money

>> No.55075126

he's smarter, he has a more genuine dgaf attitude because he was a fighter, better physique, better marketing, younger and wasn't a blowhard boomer, he genuinely has a pretty inspirational story

>> No.55075136

Well Tate already made a name for himself in fighting and he looks more physically fit than most pua dudes and Tate doesn't hold back with his words. He explicitly talks about dating minors that are virgins and disciplining women with physical force. None of the dudes you listed say crazy shit like that. I like some of Dave Ramsey's videos but he's a relaxed old man that gives helpful but boring advice.

>> No.55075241

He was a disgusting presence but has Transformed himself with grace and has taught me to be slower to judge, as humans really do hold the possibility of having a breakthrough

>> No.55075451
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Unapologetic high-t narcissism coupled with comedy WHILST being able to back up his shit, Jacked + Fighter + MellonAir + Sloots + Boogatteez
that plus massive shilling everywhere for HU from stoodents/affiliates + socialmedia podcast cloutmaxxing at the same time (enabled by his private jettting everywhere to see these niggas)

all boxes checked for masculinitymaxxing for what 99% of men/boys want and shill it
simple as
no more
no less

>> No.55077377

ewwww own cook the gay ginger

zoomers don't like that fag