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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5506362 No.5506362 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw crypto has given me a purpose in life again

i was floundering before this, depressed, etc. now i wake up with a desire to live and see the future.

thank you based crypto

>> No.5506391

>hello anon, open the door
>this is the irs
>you have been paying your taxes right?
>we dont have any records
>Here is a $100k bill plus interest pay up or go to jail

>> No.5506404

same was about to an hero and now I have a nice house out in the country with fibre internet

>> No.5506441

while on topic of depression. DO NOT go all into this. Be willing to lose some but do not go down that rabbit hole anon

>> No.5506536

Me too op. It finally gave me hope and a reason to live. We're going to make it.

>> No.5506856

If ur not all in ur a pussy

>> No.5506908
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who dares winz.

>> No.5506947

Congrats dude

>> No.5506964
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>> No.5507001

>I was ready to kill myself until I started playing with worthless internet money
Oh boy that was a close one for society

>> No.5507039
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We are all connected in crypto...forever

>> No.5507051

Lambo, theres a lambo in the distance

So close I can almost taste it

>> No.5507056

no lambo no life

>> No.5507063
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>get into crypto
>stopped watching porn/jacking off 5x a day
>stopped smoking weed 8x a day
>stopped playing vidya
>just research coins, watch charts, and shitpost on /biz/

>> No.5507106


>> No.5507260


I was going through my belongings, donating old clothes and throwing my more embarassing belongings away in preparation for killing myself. But then I got into crypto, and have hundreds of thousands of dollars. I spend all day the beach, walking through park listening to podcasts/music, riding my bike, eating weed edibles, life is perfect. Never wagecucking again, fuck the man.

>> No.5507287

When did you get in, my man?

>> No.5507317
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>stopped jacking off 5x a day

>> No.5507321

This has happened to me too. I was quite lost a few months ago. Put a few grand on BTC over the summer and saw that the gains were real, woke me up to the potential to make real money if I was smart and diversified my portfolio and have been learning about finance, crypto, business ever since. Thinking about starting my own business next year if I can make over 100k. We’re gonna make it anons. Thank you based crypto.

>> No.5507324

God bless you. Don't throw away the dragon dildos though bro, those are priceless memories.

>> No.5507337
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>we're gonna make it.

>> No.5507347

literally this

who the fuck is such a pussy that they wouldn't go all in on the single most realistic opportunity to 'make it' and never have to worry about money again, changing the course of their entire life and their future children.

>> No.5507363
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Are you being smug + sarcastic or do you mean it