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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.23 MB, 1024x682, bigtcoin-pizza-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55053149 No.55053149 [Reply] [Original]

Happy Bitcoin pizza day, anons.
On this day, a man bought 2 papa johns pizzas for just 10,000 btc. ITT we thank him for his sacrifice

>> No.55053165

Bought a bottle of wine today with btc as some cheese and baguette
Maybe even going for a pizza as well. Thanks for the reminder

>> No.55053167

>its impossible to buy more btc after you spend some
never got this meme

>> No.55053199

Don't ask. The jabbening removed the last competent qualified propagandists from their ranks. Now they work with a combination of social media experienced zoomers and language models. It's hilarious how incompetent it glows

>> No.55053208

I'm sure he would've held after it increased enough to buy a rolex and BMW. Never understood posts like these.

>> No.55053286

Man that guy's sense of style blows, just look at his shirt and the scene behind him

>> No.55053296

>t. Language model trained on fake twitter zoomers

>> No.55053306

If I was him I'd have topped myself in 2021

>> No.55053321

im sure you would had done something similar, since you had no clue that BTC would grow so big. i am also sure you would had held in 2020 since you would had expected teach piece to grow to 50k

>> No.55053380

You replied to a bot

>> No.55053454 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1024x1024, 850k+ MC atm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy BTC pizza day! Join the AI revolution with Blackswan. More info at B L A C K S W A N . B I Z

>> No.55053505
File: 59 KB, 900x900, 1682515035152200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just look at the zoomers in thsi pic and I know they're here on /biz/ or on crypto twitter trying to find the big thing that will make them rich, because they will otherwise be forever eaten away by the fact their soicuck dad was completely retarded back in 2011.

>> No.55053581

he would get at least one btc out of those pizza if he kept them

>> No.55053786
File: 126 KB, 1024x1024, 750k+ MC atm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literal soi sauce in the pic, ironic

>> No.55053802

i made my own pizza today

>> No.55053806

that pizza looks terrible.

>> No.55053855

He didn't know.
Nobody knew.
Even if he did hold he would have sold at $10 or something anyway.
Not sure why people think people who had BTC early on have deep searing regret. If they do then they are pussy faggots anyway.

>> No.55053878

You do know BTC was worthless when he spent it right? If he didn't btc would still be worthless today and you Pajeets wouldn't be shilling your shitcoins here.

>> No.55053912

I'm not a bot, faggot.
No way in hell I'd have spent them on a pizza though worst case scenario I'd have left them in a wallet and had to scramble to find the keys

>> No.55053915

he could have known. we talked about the possibilities on bitcointalk, but agreed, everyone who got it somehow thought the powers in charge would never allow it. Now we know, we won, latest after the sofr crisis in 2019 and the coof shit, not only that their slave system is breaking, no also that they are so incompetent and weak that they have no option to fight back

>> No.55053938

>I'm not a bot, faggot.
something a bot would say

>> No.55053940
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>> No.55054000

It was 2010 and people here are acting like he's some kind of retard when in reality this event was the literal meme that made people realize bitcoin was an actual thing.
It was a big deal at the time that this shit was used to buy anything at all. Was worth fuck all and was just a handful of schizos on bitcointalk.
This, and then it finally getting to $1 after over 2 full years of being worthless were the two big events that started the first 'bull run'.
If this pizza thing never happened and the meme didn't get shard and posted on /b/, reddit, slashdot, hackernews etc it's quite possible that this shit could have gone no where.

>> No.55054010

it was always bitcointalk and to a certain degree darknet forums
stop acting like you have any idea

>> No.55054022

Honestly every fucking retard who thinks they're such a genious and would have bought 100k btc and held them all and not gotten rugged on gox or 1000 other scams, or not lost their keys in a world of NO SEED PHRASES are so full of shit it's not even funny.
The fact that they think things are so obvious in retrospect without having the slightest understanding of how things were back then are the ultimate midwit tell.

>> No.55054034

I was there retard.

>> No.55054046

Funny, never got rugged. Nearly got fucked on wex. But got out in time and learned my lesson.
Wish I had more fiat back then to buy 1000s, it was only enough for a few 100

>> No.55054056

then you should know that it has buttfuck nothing to do with "memes"

>> No.55054082

I would love to hear what he said when calling in to papa johns, they probably thought he was a fucking retard

>> No.55054107

he sent the btc to some guy that used fiat to buy a pizza for him and get it delivered to him

>> No.55054117

today no need to go through fiat anymore

>> No.55054144

Pizza is code word dumbass

>> No.55054166

where do you bots come from
and who programs you? Because that someone is an idiot

>> No.55054171

he probably had a lot more, hopefully he held onto some. this is the first time I heard about btc, it was a national news story at the time

>> No.55054172
File: 398 KB, 1345x1000, 1681148750806697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wouldn't be shilling
If BTC didn't do anything /biz/ wouldn't exist you retarded newfaggots, this board was literally created as a containment zone for BTC shilling on /g/, the retards discussing stocks, real estate and goldbugs came later.

>> No.55054212

How does it not? I mean meme in the most literal sense of the word, not in whatever zoomer abomination people use the word as now(like a synonym for 'joke' or whatever).
The memetic spread of ideas, particularly that bitcoin was an actual thing and not some random message board HYIP scam or whatever, was how bitcoin or anything catches on.
The pizza was the first thing that gets spread around as something that is barely interesting, but crushes the whole 'you can't buy anything with it therefore it's fake' thing.
Then the biggest meme that caught my attention personally and made me actually look into what bitcoin was when it hit $1.
Although 2011 it spread everywhere, even major media. But the pizza was absolutely one of the first memetic seeds planted and it mattered a lot more than people think.
One guy is using it to order pizza to his house in 2010, and by 2011 people are doing the same but with heroin kek...it was a perfect meme and congress was crying about it that same year in 2011. And it was on CNN and whatever else too.
It went from nothing, worthless, to something with substance. From my view I think the pizza meme played a big part in that. If it hadn't happened, maybe something similar would have. Maybe not. But either way it's a perfect meme in so many ways.
Even the denomination of 10k BTC is perfect. It's almost as if a marketing genius came up with it. Overall it was a very lucky event.

>> No.55054242

>retail matters
>advertising matters
I really doubt you were there
in the end it was as old lucif said a deterministic evolution and would have happened one or the other way
there is nothing that can beat or compete with the 9 pages, unless you still think in fiat fiat like a pleb

>> No.55054283

Did you misread my post?
What you're talking about came 3-4 years after this anyway and /biz/ has nothing to do with any of it since it came so much later than any of this.

>> No.55054290
File: 131 KB, 710x473, splainin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kekkoman bottle
who puts onions sauce on pizza? who gets pizza at a chinese restaurant? you've got a lot of explaining to do.

>> No.55054307
File: 30 KB, 376x463, 163444976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When i think that, to this day, im investing in shitcoins called "no$thing" and making money while years ago a man bought 2 pizzas with 10k BTC i just feel less stupid desu

>> No.55054311

Retard thinks /biz/ came before BTC became big, lmao BTC threads were mostly on /g/ retard. Nobody cared about BTC till it became big. You're the newfaggot nigger cuck. Fuck off.

>> No.55054327

I have no more BTC. :(

I pretty much sold all I had around $1000 due to medical expenses from my wife. Prior to that I had been able to buy a couple guns and a couple silver bars and shit here and there while it was around $50. I never knew what it was going to do at that time, so I figured I'd get some tangible shit in case it crashed.

>> No.55054346

After 2013 it should have been obvious for any one that paid attention, though the china attack in 2014/15 was brutal and they did there best in 2016/17 to build fail safes

>> No.55054361

Why don't you use some tokens to buy a vegetable you fat slob?

>> No.55054372 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 208x27, 1M+ MC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into Blackswan. An AI powered trading news sniping trade bot. More info at B L A C K S W A N . B I Z

>> No.55054386
File: 238 KB, 332x736, kekkoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55054468

I was there in 2011 100% when it hit $1(which was what triggered me to look into it and start reading bitcointalk).
But only vaguely aware of it in 2010. And only vaguely aware of it then because of the pizza meme and Amir trying to get a decentralized poker network going in 2010 with btc.
My earliest direct memory was the page where you had the option to download bitcoinQT, which was a plain html site with zero css and zero styling. Just black text on a white background with the default browser font. I didn't download it because I couldn't run untrusted software and I didn't have the skill set or understanding to go to Sorceforge to download and read and/or compile the source. Being on Windows back then I basically couldn't run any executable that I wasn't 100% sure was fine.
But the point is before it hit $1 it had no meaning to me other than thinking it was the next Liberty Reserve or some other centralized shit since there was nothing other than centralized shit. I had no concept of what it actually was until something in my brain thought that it was worth actually looking at once it hit $1.
$1 was a powerful meme
The pizza was powerful meme
The combination of someone spending what was recently $10000 on pizza with some mysterious currency that has some vague potential relevance to my work
I'm not saying there aren't other ways it would have been successful. I just know from my own direct experience what events were important.
It could have happened in many ways. But it also could have also died off had it not caught on. Maybe it was inevitable with time. But then again the idea seemed questionable even then when deepbit had over 50% of the network. It wasn't as obvious as people think.

>> No.55054517

>The combination of someone spending what was recently $10000 on pizza
I meant what was recently $40 and now $10000 rather. It was interesting.

>> No.55054539

It was inevitable. I was an unbeliever, somebody who understood the potential of what the next evolution in book keeping freed from accountancy manipulations from a central player was, but thought back then, yeah that the centralization of mining would be used to kill it in the cradle. They failed and the likes of lucif, backopy and piney were right, simple as. Even back then there was not really a way to kill it, and memes, as advertising or retail had absolutely nothing to do with it, it just made the evolution happen faster

>> No.55055409
File: 149 KB, 410x410, 41651841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Bitcoin pizza day faggots

>> No.55055549

Big poppa ownes these coins to this very day along with the proceeds of his self made company. Fuck niggers

>> No.55055574

fuck corpos, kill them all

>> No.55055596

>im going to psychosis post on /biz/!

>> No.55055690

the possibilities those posters were bots are pretty high, could also just have been poor faggots brainwashed by collectivistsic corpocratic behavioristic social media brainwashing. its honestly hard to tell them a part my dear alinsky bot

>> No.55055745
File: 922 KB, 1020x748, 1589344195059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was an AI, would I call you a nigger and tell you to kill yourself on a blue board?

>> No.55055758

but now its clear you are just a new liberal fascistic wannabe behavioralist, or a retarded 12 year old edge lord fishing for you as you have been conditioned to do

>> No.55055820
File: 49 KB, 680x382, IMG_20230515_152211_689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Bitcoin pizza day

>> No.55055909

The phase Lucy you've got some explaining to do is never said on this show.

>> No.55055960

am I the only one examining the pizzas not able to believe they were made by a papa johns? They look nothing like theirs.
seriously, is this a psyop?

>> No.55055995

the image in OP was obviously used in a poor nlp/pp attempt to demotivate btc maxis. never forget this website is completely compromised and only serves as a way to demotivate penny earning freelancers working for contractors by glow niggers/corpocrats or analying their patterns and behaviors

>> No.55056032

He's clearly selling the kids. Just a little cheese pizza.

>> No.55056042

either bot, freelancer or conditioned

>> No.55056057

could you get any fucking newer? holy fucking shit man.....

>> No.55056077

the idiots that control this website are the lowest of the lowest and their employees are even lower, don't expect anything here. new liberal fascistic corporate collectivists killed the internet and their cashcow

>> No.55056087 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1193x479, blackswan chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blackswan doing great. A x3 overnight

>> No.55056093

tell your bosses they suck and should serioulsy consider suicide

>> No.55056133
File: 723 KB, 1887x658, blackswan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad

>> No.55056141

you need to work on your emotion analysis
the emotion is not mad but annoyed by the obviousness

>> No.55056261

you need to learn your own emotions. telling someone to kys is obviously upset. you called it annoyed I called it mad. Its the same thing.

>> No.55056278

no. kys can mean anything, your models are pretty shit, but what to expect from collectivistic new liberal fascists after 2020 fuck up

>> No.55056313

> Our masters would never hurt little kids
Kike detected

>> No.55056418

especially bad at gas lighting; thought left wing collectivists were brilliant with gas lighting. just the usual fascist fart huffing

>> No.55056422
File: 382 KB, 613x591, 1684382986946285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55057317
File: 25 KB, 443x455, 1682639569245883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55057350

There you have it. BTC the pedo coin.

>> No.55057377

very soon the pizzas will be more valuable than the bitcoins

>> No.55058376

I hope so; I'd love to have at least one BTC.

>> No.55059067

Lmao no. You would think so given the price appreciation but actually no one takes bitcoin for anything.

>> No.55059084

My wine guy is a btc maxi

>> No.55059098
File: 47 KB, 500x640, I Know That Feel Kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55059117

I'm noticing something too. Some faggot will post a generic demoralization line, he'll get called out as a bot, he'll be 1pbtid. Then 1 hour after the post he'll magically appear to post "I'm not a bot" and then never post again
I've seen this at least a dozen times now in the last month

>> No.55059204
File: 2 KB, 183x183, 1681509147875804s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pizza craze could legit skyrocket and become more valuable than Bitcoin. Bitcoin's cool and all, but sometimes it's just too damn boring. You gotta keep an eye on those altcoins that actually bring something to the table. ARB, SFUND, MNI, RIO, and these RWA projects are straight-up getting ready to dominate the scene.

>> No.55059207

So was Laszlo's pizza guy. No progress since 2010.

>> No.55059213

their bots get key word alerts and then force human intervention. The penny workers that get those alerts are either short staffed or lazy

>> No.55059357
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1681489351921279s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possible when you're a whale. But as a broke-ass dude like you, you gotta find something that can make you some fast cash. Do your own research, jerk! RWA is the real deal right now.

>> No.55059365


>> No.55059378

Fully agree, beep boop that reminds me of the time I bought VISNU bags from the POND or something, what's the highest you won on plinko?

>> No.55059408
File: 8 KB, 232x217, 1681498420069920s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you are