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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55035586 No.55035586 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55035610

They need to get off that maple syrup ay?

Maybe get back into the rink ay?

Maybe put the brewskies down and pick up the hot sauce ay

Nothing a bit of hard fucken work ain't gonna fix ay

>> No.55035636

> how the media frames the narrative to maintain control

>> No.55035726

I work for the Canadian government and probably put in a good day of work per week.

>> No.55035885

>replaces 80% of humans with jeet drones
uhh goyim I'm going need you to put in some extra hours down at the syrup factory

>> No.55035899

they did that at my other job, and people just did the same amount of work.

>> No.55035992

Too little, too late. All that maple syrup is not going to harvest itself. I demand a seven-day workweek for Canada and a wage freeze until 2035.

>> No.55036099

if you're working 6 day workweeks, are you even alive

>> No.55036124

That doesnt look like outlook, Jim. If you're going to stack off I'm going to have to make you come in on Saturday.

>> No.55036386


I would do it if it was my own business. But devoting that much time to making someone else rich is suicide tier.

>> No.55036930

It's almost like they're tryng to trigger a revolution.

>> No.55037019

they are testing to see how far they can push us before we revolt, then they'll dial it back 1%

>> No.55037044

Ah yes, the classic high immigration and low productivity approach. Enjoy your shit living standards and expensive cost of living

>> No.55037097

I work 6 days a week for 11 bucks an hour.
An employee agency takes 3 bucks an hour since they got me the restaurant job.
Every day is spent massaging and using the day off to rest your sore muscles.

>> No.55037129

The most right-wing, offensive political movement in Canada would demand lowering immigration to only 400k people per year (like 5x the US still on a per capita basis despite having no land border with a failed state with shit wages). Canadians would literally apologize while being evicted from their house for freshly arrived immigrants. The entire country is a humiliation fetish.

>> No.55037156

I am so sick of the elite forcing shittier living standards on us.

>> No.55037217
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>Steven Globerman

>> No.55037250


>> No.55037736

Australia is even worse in terms of per capita immigration numbers. It's truly over

>> No.55037754

Funny in a way, isn't? Living in a rich country is almost counterproductive in a way. Every little aspect of life is gamed to maximize even the tiniest 0.0001% of profit from your soul. The women are ugly and entitled. No one has any kids. And everyone just rents. Not to mention that no one has any shared identity since its a mash or random people.

>> No.55037759

What are you talking about? America grants over 600k visas per year. Maybe its slowed down since covid. Also that doesn't even include the illegal immigrants

>> No.55037764

>mash of random people
You should see Canada. I grew up in a small town where a good 95% of people were white, and now I feel like a minority in this city.

>> No.55037774

I will work 7 days a week, saving nothing, so long as our boomer overlords are happy.

>> No.55037790
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canada need pic

>> No.55038232

>600k visas for a country of 400
Rookie numbers. Try 1 million nationalized immigrants a year into a country of 40 million. Even with your mexican southern border crisis, constant h1b visa abuse, and malicious foreign investment into your domestic real estate sectors, you haven't even come close to our powerlevel of globohomo ameriburger.

>> No.55038557

Sorry but i dont give a fuck about big line. Once i get get out of this hell hole im never coming back.

>> No.55038599



>> No.55039500

no places to live. no jobs. they keep adding millions of indians every year. and if you protest they freeze your bank account. this country is so fucked. america they shoot you, but canada its a life sentence of being a cuck

>> No.55039553

Lmao what are you even doing in that frozen tundra?

>> No.55039597

Freetime can't be taxed

>> No.55039622


The 5-day, 8 hour work week was always retarded and whatever 6-day shit they are proposing is also retarded. A 4-day, 10 hour work week with 3 days off is actually the most productive.

>> No.55039721

it's 'eh' not 'ay'

>> No.55039863

so, in the end is it a good idea to move to canada? i'm still planning to buy a house but i still don't know if i should do it here or there, these PAPA bags must be used for something after all

>> No.55040125

They intentionally want you to revolt so they have a justification to crush you with overwhelming violence. There really is no way out of it, bad guys won.

>> No.55040247

westerners are lazy faggots who don't know the meaning of work

>> No.55040262

Those immigrant gibs aren't going to pay for themselves, chop chop wagie

>> No.55040296
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>westerners are lazy faggots who don't know the meaning of work
Hello esl

>> No.55040302

i work an overtime job and run a side business with 2 employees

>> No.55040370

Canadas real estate will crash unless new immigrants are brought in from India and china

>> No.55041413

And the quality of immigrants is falling.
Of you can earn 100k plus you have a choice of countries.
Why choose Canada?
High housing costs.
High food costs.
High income taxes.
Effectively no healthcare.

>> No.55041445
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Buying silver is legalized bank robbery. It hurts them so much it there's full time FUD shills infesting /pmg/. We can win.

>> No.55041538

That picture is totally wrong in a non commodity backed system.
If you take your money out the bank and buy silver, someone else is selling silver.
They get your money and deposit it .... back in a bank.

>> No.55041562

Not a high bar

>> No.55041851

In the long run, we would all be better off if there was a revolt because everything would get destroyed and the economy would reset. If we didn't have the Internet, it would've been over and done already.

>> No.55041967

Organize at /r/Canadahousing now, where we convince teens to do our activism for us.

>> No.55041986

This. In the olden times if you got hired into a company and worked hard at the very least they would never fire you and take care of you.
Now companies see you as disposable and will promote people based on politics rather than performance.

>> No.55042065

Let me guess, another NIMBY communist sub that wants the state to divert resources to itself to build a small amount of expensive "public housing" projects?
Also, let me guess, they hate Pierre Poilievre because he's actually providing real solutions on how to fix Canadian housing?

>> No.55042384

Reminder that medieval peasants worked an average of 100 days a year.

>> No.55042467

>he fell for this propaganda when it's been refuted a million times
People back then spent far more time on their daily living tasks like getting clean water, food, staying warm or cool, having and maintaining shelter, staying clean than the time they spent on their "jobs".
They didn't just get off work and play video games all day you absolute retard.
They also had much lower living standards.

>> No.55042563

Daily reminder that Poilievre has the exact same immigration policy as Trudeau

>> No.55042579

>well akshully medieval peasants still had to cook, maintain their living space and bathe
>they also had no access to goyslop, ugh

>> No.55042591

Seeing how immigration has literally zero to do with housing prices, I literally don't care.

Why didn't housing prices increase when a bunch of european immigrants came to USA in the late 1800s and early 1900s?
inb4 >they were white!111

>>well akshully medieval peasants still had to cook, maintain their living space and bathe
You don't have an argument and are a low IQ neetsoc.

>> No.55042600

Lmao post hands jeet

>> No.55042607

>still has no argument

>> No.55042612

> immigration has literally zero to do with housing prices,
You stupid idiot

>> No.55042613

You left your ID script on bro

>> No.55042616

Did the Lord Indra have an argument when he conquered your ancestors?

>> No.55042617

>continues to have zero argument

>> No.55042624

>still has no argument AND he's seething

>> No.55043035

My dad's first ever "real job" had a salary of $13,000 in 1974 in a construction company. He had no prior experience. No skills whatsoever (no trade or college degree). He got the job simply because his dad picked up the phone to one of his Army buddies.

That works out to be $80k in today's money. Compare this with my first "real job", which was for a tech company in the late 00s. I had to do 4 years of CS to get half the salary. And I've "done well" for compared to a lot of my peers. As (((inflation))) rises while wages stagnate, I don't blame people in the slightest for doing the absolute minimum, like barely enough just to avoid being fired kind of minimum (not just slacking occasionally).

The older I get, the more I realize just how much boomers are completely out of touch with just how much things have declined. For example, my dad couldn't understand why it took me until 2015 to buy a house, for him it was just x2.4 his salary. For me, despite earning a good $90k salary at the time, it was a x3.5 multiplier. And I bought cheap (older house just to be able to stop being a rentcuck and start a family at 30). He has little clue just how impossible it is for someone on like 30k to buy anything decent.

>> No.55043461

The worst thing is working for Boomer bosses who think that what used to be a good salary back in the day is still a good salary, and expect you to kill yourself working for it

>> No.55043665

>boomer boss
>work on a per project basis for him as a small side job
>wants me to work for 13/hr
lol lmao
luckily boomers don't know shit and I've automated those project to take me 5 minutes to do. He doesn't know and I'm earning a sweet 12*13=156/hr now. But I don't get enough projects to actually earn that. Not that it matters, it literally takes me 5 minutes for an easy 13.
I hate him so much that I don't even bother checking the results anymore. I just send it back and say it's done. He's never complained lmao.

>> No.55043812

Boomers weren't even hard workers either, they're trying to push that hard on people who are too young to know any different. My grandfather used to rip on my dad's work ethic all the time when I was little. My dad's brother is a 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' type with his kids and trying to say he got his McMansion because he "worked hard for it" and he had a fucking cushy union job back in the day.

Even something like having a proper sized family, boomers didn't bother because they saw it as work. My grandfather would make jokes about it, and tell me to ask my dad for a brother and so on. When I hear my parents complain about how difficult it was just to raise me and my sister, I always remind them how both their parents raised 9 and 6 children respectively during a depression. And not only did so, but they never whined about it like they do (even now I'm close to 40).

>> No.55043835

>The older I get, the more I realize just how much boomers are completely out of touch with just how much things have declined.
They know. They are bastards.
They don't give a shit.
Even their own kin struggling leaves them completely unmoved. They only care about themselves.

>> No.55043844

supply vs demand.
argument won.

>> No.55043863

>Boomers weren't even hard workers either
boomers just show up on time and do the bare minimum to keep things running.

gen x and *some* millenials are hardworking.

zoomers are boomers but somehow fatter and stupider

>> No.55043901

> Seeing how immigration has literally zero to do with housing prices
This has to be one of dumbest things I’ve ready in awhile.
>haha yeah bro! Importing millions of brown people won’t affect the housing market and cause demand, thus prices, to skyrocket!

>> No.55044046

I never thought the industrial era of shittiness would be topped, but...

>> No.55044079

>import 1m shitskins/yr in a small population country of 38m
>productivity and quality of life universally suffers everywhere
>gaslight the lemmings and blame it on putler/climate change/covid/whatever

There's no fixing this and it won't get better. 1 year left in my degree and I'm getting the fuck out of this shithole

>> No.55044132

I worked almost everyday for my parents pizza shop growing up, and it was a lot of fun. Even when I was just 13 it felt great knowing that I was assisting my family in making an income. My parents ran it well, and I had my college paid off and I always had plenty of spending cash. I was pretty sad when they decided to sell it a couple years ago, but they made out like bandits on the real estate alone. I might try and strike it out like they did in the business, I certainly learned everything I need. I'd gladly work 6-7 days for myself like my parents did, but never for someone else.

>> No.55044218

I never understood this mentality. They want you to revolt if they know their heavy handed approach will win and the hearts and minds of the plebs will support it. They don't obviously want their heads rolling off guillotine platforms on the other end, so they play a balanced game of poking and prodding everyone and administering just enough tyranny not to trigger the pitchforks and torches.
>never revolt ever under any circumstances xD
>defending yourself and your values is for the left xD
>just put paper in a box on voting day :P

These boomers need to seriously fucking die off already so we can get the fun started

>> No.55044290

In Burgernigeria you have some areas that are less cucked than others. Tennessee/Indiana are mostly white and the economy is growing 8% a year, Montana is wide open and free, Utah is religious white people, Florida trying to ban illegal immigrants and trannies, Texas demanding banks prove they have assets, Virginia trying to unfuck itself. Obviously there are no blue states that are decent, since they are just little Canadas, but the USA isn't totally terrible.

>> No.55044325

They learned from the French Revolution that in order to maintain being the elite you need to crush the opposition violently but also pretend like you're doing it for the public good. They learned from the communists that social humiliation is a viable tactic of keeping rebels down while keeping up the appearance of preserving the public good. They prod to socially humiliate anyone who disagrees, then the rebels who step out get whack a moled. And the normies lap it up thinking those rebels were the terrorists who wanted to destroy instead of save the public good.

>> No.55044337

>immigration has literally zero to do with housing price
>be Halifax
>cheap leaf area because it's just a fishing port + university town with not much for work
>teleport about 3 million brown people there
>"uhhh guys the completely swallowed housing supply has NOTHING to do with our instantly 10x'd population mmmk?"

In many ways, you cuckservstives are even worse than the libs. At least Trudeau is honest about how much he hates Canada and wants to fuck everyone's life up. Cuckservatvies piss on your back and tell you it's raining. Kys

>> No.55044447

And with the advent of the internet, public shaming and surveillance on who the rebels are has never been more efficient and convenient. Media being owned by a few (((key players))) means that social engineering is completely monopolized, and creating the group A vs group B has never been easier as well.

>> No.55044486

horrific (unless you live in africa)

>> No.55044814

They are ignorant on a lot of things. But yes, of the things they know perfectly well they had a hand in they just try to shrug it off and say "why should I care, I'll be dead by then anyway!" at which point they reveal just how selfish they really.

>> No.55044844

I deliver pizza in a small town, it's easily one of the best jobs in my area.

>> No.55044885

Why didn't housing prices increase when a bunch of european immigrants came to USA in the late 1800s and early 1900s?
inb4 >they were white!111
You people can never answer this question.
You're the same retards that support endless money printing too lmao.

>> No.55045178

I'm eligible for citizenship in an Eastern European country because of my ancestry, and I'm working on improving my ability to speak the language so I can apply for it. It would be good to have just in case we're headed towards a South Africa scenario

>> No.55045191

Simple as

>> No.55045252

Housing prices don't increase when the immigrants are white

>> No.55045254

Usually I humor posts like this but in what possible way could the USA be similar to South Africa when there are 100 million niggers in South Africa and 5 million whites, while the USA has 196 million whites, 40 million mutts/'HIspanic whites" and another 25 million asians, among other shit, out of a total population of 333 million.

The USA will just slowly become a bigger california, a run down dump full of mutts seething about how they're 'real americans' and hating people in tennessee (which, in the near future, is where all the jobs will be) who have actual connections to the white people who founded the burgerlands. Eventually it will become so dilapidated that, like california, millions of 3rd generation asians and mexicans in the 2050s will just return 'home' to better prospects, leaving the USA a gross wasteland of a glorious peak in the 1950s and a disgusting waste of resources and human lives in one of the most futile efforts imaginable, trying to make negros act human.

>> No.55045278

Your post is retarded Genx drivel, millennials don't work hard because Gen X bosses keep trying to cut wages so they can live la vida boomer that they feel is entitled to them.

Zoomers are only annoying because you have 18yos who want to be paid to exist.

>> No.55045284

you are so, so stupid it's unbelievable.
this can't be real. nobody is this stupid.
> in b4 you didn't answer the question
you are pond scum

>> No.55045311

>white people are MAGIC and don't increase housing prices
lmao you people are schizophrenics

So Indians and east asians increase housing prices but white immigrants magically don't?
How does this mystical force work /x/tards?

>> No.55045320


You dont have an argument and have nothing but your feelings lol

>> No.55045326

This is true. I've worked all over the world. Peru, mexico, taiwan. Canadians are as lazy as they come

>> No.55045363

I’m assuming you live in the US/Canada, and if you do then why the hell are you cucking yourself like that? Work literally anywhere else and you’ll make more

>> No.55045393

nice script, goodbye

>> No.55045394

He said per capita, you mong.

>> No.55045431

nigger you had no argument, how are you not the bot here?

>> No.55045459
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>J.P. Moczulski
>Hard working freelance photojournalist documenting what's happening. Bespoke wedding photographer creating and interpreting your vision on your day. Toronto
You can't make this shit up

>> No.55045770
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Can you comprehend there's a difference between high trust immigrants of a similar culture migrating to a sparsely populated boreal forest vs migrating to an urbanized and established metropolitan? "Fuck off we're full" isn't a meme, we're literally fucking full and can't accommodate more humans coming in. That's why housing is ballooning harder than crypto dogshit coins in every western nation.

If you're pro migration, you're literally damaging to even the first gen shitskins who also even thing our immigration is too high themselves. Every new person is more pain for everyone living here. Every new jeet is one more person now homeless. It's hard to imagine you're arguing in good faith, because even 1st Gen jeets and Moroccans I've met think our immigration system is fucked.

>> No.55045835

>falling for copy paste low effort bait this hard

>> No.55045854

>there are no pampered leaf citysois who browse here
You'd be amazed. Some leafs come from old money or are connected to the few real estate monopolies which benefit from the opened floodgates of poos. Tons of boomers got hooked on the dopamine of seeing bungalows they paid $60k for get valued at $600k.

>> No.55046385
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leaf here
i feel like “people” in larger urban centers and government towns are slow-paced, whiny, and mediocre - not to mention boring, bland, and cold.
up in bumblefuck nowhere northern ontario where im from people are really friendly, unpretentious, and have an excellent work-ethic and attitude. even the poors will do honest honest work and can be fun to chill with.
>my solution:
blind/deaf interviews, no diversity quotas, more performance and productivity-based incentives, make the boomers retire at 65, and just for fun restrict women and the elderly from driving

>> No.55046400

Gotta bring up those MAID numbers somehow.

>> No.55046656

I'm a Canadian thinking of Canada. We have ~25 million whites with a population of 40 million. The government wants to increase the population to 100 million by 2100. It speaks for itself

>> No.55046815

Since you keep posting this, I'll give it an answer. The conditions in which large numbers of Europeans arrived in Canada are fundamentally different from what we have today. I'm not going to address the obvious fact that Europeans immigrants are racially and religiously compatible with Canada, while today's immigrants mostly are not, since that's an obvious point. But materially there were also differences. Until the 1970s (!) Quebec, for example, had a minister of colonisation who was responsible for opening up new lands to settlement. This was mostly to handle natural population growth, but there are some immigrants who also settled in the newly colonised lands. I read that there is a decent amount of Slavs in Abitibi-Temiscaminque for example. Similar things happened in other provinces, most notably in the prairies. In the Prairie provinces there were places that were settled by European immigrants even before any English or French settlers had been there (this was a bad government policy that impacted the development of the West in significant ways, but it's too late now). All this is to say that European immigration was partly in the cities, but a large portion of it was people who contributed to the colonisation of Canada.

Modern immigration is nothing like this, it's a weapon that is used to ethnically cleanse Canadian cities of their European population and to price Canadians out of living in cities. The government does it to benefit international capitalism at the expense of the Canadian peoples

>> No.55046899

Canada is fucked. Racially conscious white Canadians should just move to New England.

>> No.55046917

>Working six days in a meaningless job that doesn't produce anything will surely boost productivity.
You could have a 365 day work week and productivity wouldn't rise because these people don't provide any value to society.
The problem is that the majority of these jobs exist purely to give these wankers something to do all day and nothing more. That isn't how you build a strong economy, that's how you build a disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.55047105

They did it with covid and governments and companies do it on every front. The negative effects are always super minor, then they give a little ground, and a few months later do it again when the momentum of the pushback has died down.

>> No.55048675

You can't price rich whites out of Canada with immigration. Whites control all the wealth

>> No.55048833

Why did you uses employee agency for restaurant job? It's not the kind of jobs you need agency for and for how long they are going to take your $3 an hour?

>> No.55048850

The difference between housing then and now:

If you were an immigrant then you had use your own savings to make the trip and get started. That automatically filters out a lot of retards that just can't plan ahead even a few months but the main point is if you travelled and you didn't find suitable employment that could allow you to stay, you simply went home or died homeless.

Contrast this with the more modern influx of non-whites, who are not only too stupid to get here on their own, (((NGOs))) have to help them, and they contribute nothing to the country, only pushing around a shopping cart and sapping the money from productive people since the governments are using taxes to fund this.

This wouldn't be so bad if they imposed some kind of hard cap to limit the damage, but if you're a country the size the UK and taking in more than a million unproductive low IQ people a year, it shouldn't be a surprise that housing has gone up sharply while your country goes to shit.

Then there's the obvious money printing to try to fund this unsustainable trend of the government expansion. If we suddenly went back to the government of 150+ years ago, a lot of idiots would die of exposure and starvation and that would be a good thing. The whole thing is against nature. And it's just to try to keep the lines going up for boomers for another 10 years or so, after which point things will be even more fucked than they are now because of how long the problem was ignored.

>> No.55048866

>Govts are using taxes to pump the housing market to house the poor immigrants who are all too stupid and poor to buy any houses
Proof that all houses are being bought by the govt?

>> No.55048912

They replaced fluvid with jewkraine

>> No.55048915


>> No.55049142

Good posts
Bugoid mindset, in ze pod you go
Jewkraine's been a bust since last fall, it's le recession fearium they been doping the masses with

>> No.55051529

It's eh you dilating troon.

>> No.55053998
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The problem is the actual jobs, not the productivity. Have you seen the management on some of these places? I work in a city bank We have three areas doing the same shit and only two people handling reception and calls while the bastards at HR are jerking off and doing nothing for most of the day and the IT department is just ONE guy who is around 24/7 because god forbid the company hiring some proper workers to fix the system. Every PC runs in Windows XP, the wifi is almost always down and the bathrooms are more of a wasteland than fucking Chernobyl.
I go back home, see my kid talking about investing in "PEEPO" with his allowance and i think "ah of course who would want to grow up to work in places like these"

>> No.55054038


>> No.55054490

I am a software wagie-neer. I work 5 days a week, over 9 hours a day on average. I work remote 3 days and go to the office 2 days - I live quite far so my total daily commute is 3 to 4 hours. I also work on a side project because I need to keep honing my skill in case they fire my ass. I easily waste 60 hours a week because of work related shit.

>> No.55055567


>> No.55056139

And most of you guys live in a small sliver of land, right? What a terrible situation.

>> No.55056186

>greedy unions running the country
>diversity quotas
>gender quotas
Unqualified people just get jobs for free and then you wonder why nobody works. Canada is a shithole

>> No.55056249

Retards. They're just trying to push the window away from a happy 4 day work week. Productivity would go up with 4 days, not down.

>> No.55056491

Now imagine being in the EU... It's hell
The government thinks because we don't have any natural resources in Europe that we can use third world brown people as a resource
They think it's a good thing that we have millions upon millions of unskilled third worlders that don't even work

>> No.55056551

Canada is adding 1mm people to a 37mm population *per year*.
Can you beat that?

>> No.55057154

If the restaurant only hired through an agency, the only way you'll get hired is through an agency.
So you don't care about anyone below your definition of rich. Anyone rich and smart would either leave or be benefiting from the erosion of home ownership and destruction of most people's individual wealth. The latter deserving to be hanged.

>> No.55057262

Everybody in Canada is happy with this arrangement. They keep voting in the same parties who promise mass immigration every year. liberals, PC, NDP. If the population gets upset enough to alter the status quo, they adjust the immigration upwards to counteract this. Democracy is the easiest system in the world to bypass. Gotta give the Jews credit.