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55028555 No.55028555 [Reply] [Original]

Buy treasury bonds

>> No.55028794

You told me BTC was going to 87k you whore

>> No.55028801
File: 193 KB, 1610x2048, 278569264_318701757001741_6384374604915632196_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wasn't me
crypto is a scam, you should have known better

>> No.55028819

My great great grandmother also had Austrian war bonds. When the monarchy was replaced by a democratic system she had paper to fire on the oven

>> No.55028826

holy fuck you're gay

>> No.55028834

Fuck. I feel so fucking retarded for having believed in that shit back in 2019

>> No.55028845

It would have, then came a glow nigger pedophile that tweeted the picture of a dog.

>> No.55028862

didn't Snownigger tweet the same asuka pic from the prediction at one point? or was that a fake...all the memes are blurring together at this point.

>> No.55028873

Fake. Like 100s of html edited trump tweets I personally spammed on /pol/ for 2 years

>> No.55028896

Can't. Already all in on 4 week t bills over 5%. Life is good.

>> No.55028941
File: 97 KB, 843x1214, 267144014_238768274995090_6667099728106046945_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah

>> No.55028951

>anon single handedly fucks over americucks
doing gods work faggot.

>> No.55028966

I was also the guy sending the piss story with Russian hookers to the buzzfeed site that was asking for dirt on Trump at the time. Never thought in a million years that the fucking FBI would run with a shitpost sent to a gossip news website. Your country is truely totally fucked

>> No.55028983
File: 116 KB, 900x1200, 280627925_329315902606993_1744953439873820587_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you lie on the internet

>> No.55028984

>thinks americucks call themselves americucks
reading comprehension. ngmi. and everything you said was a lie. slurp your moms pussy while she touches herself to the trump campaign on fox news, absolutely N G M I.

>> No.55029002

Somebody came one day to /pol/ with a link to a form asking for dirt on Donald, and we shitposted. It was the most ridiculous shitpost I could come up with. There might be even some screenshots in an archive from that time.
Believe it or don't believe it, I don't care the United States are a joke of a political system, and not a really good one

>> No.55029042
File: 104 KB, 1183x1200, 320409812_695779498776477_3515911584137091520_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, why would you lie about fabricating the piss tape
the piss tape is real

>> No.55029049

There was no tape. Just an elaborate shitpost among 100s of others that I thought in my juvenile nativity was funny to harvest (you)s

>> No.55029062

yea i take it back, you're exactly the type of person buzzfeed would scoop from.

>> No.55029064

>lose 40% in price
>but but muh 5% dividend hurrhurr

Kys boomer

>> No.55029078
File: 261 KB, 1000x1400, 318304906_207980844928088_2713285175003140777_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

treasuries are the only unironic "it's only a loss if you sell"
if you went full retard like SV Bank and dumped actual money into long-term treasuries at shit rates, that's your own goddamn problem

>> No.55029084

Autocorrected. Sue me. Oh you can't. And over 50% of your population believed for years that a shitpost and html edited tweets were real because a malicious incompetent partisan bureau told them so. There is no need to nuke the USA, your country is already poisoned

>> No.55030393

I still have an old frog as PAPA to feed, he can't even move his little feet properly, I can't concentrate on other things when I have to make sure I sell this right