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55019764 No.55019764 [Reply] [Original]

>I like the stock

>> No.55020346


>> No.55020349

>Apes together strong

>> No.55020351

Does he do anything with his fortune now?

>> No.55020441

Apes. Diamond hands . Wife's boyfriend. "To the moon".

Some of the cringiest phrases that make "based" and "chad" sound somewhat okay.

>> No.55020454

Anybody have a clue how much he actually cashed out at and actually banked money? I saw at one point it was tens of millions, not sure how much though.

>> No.55020455

did anybody ever find out what price he eventually sold for?
he lucked into 40m but let at least 10-15m evaporate because he never actually had conviction in his trade.

>> No.55020458

Fucking legend.
While GME might not squeeze, this guy said "I like the stock" and it ended with nearly blowing up the financial industry and Congressional hearings.

>> No.55020465

it did squeeze within the first month, that's where all the money was made, then the never ending downward spiral let everyone deleverage incredibly safely as it could only go in one direction from $400.

>> No.55020477

How much would he have made if he sold the top?

>> No.55020481

It did, but it was stopped from truly spinning out of control due to trading halts as trading was running up against liquidity constraints, and also certain phonecalls made to "shut it down".

>> No.55020529
File: 31 KB, 408x632, jew shut it down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55020551

yeah, which was the best thing anybody could have asked for
imagine somebody literally telling you when the exact top was, and giving you an opportunity to sell

anybody that held through that must be as retarded as link holders

>> No.55020593

Why does this site always devolve things down to antisemitic tropes?

>> No.55020601

anyone who couldn’t tell this was a glownigger cia agent from looking at him and hearing him open his mouth is ngmi

>> No.55020681

everybody knows if all non-white disappeared overnight 90% of the worlds problems would go away.

>> No.55021909

I didn't allude to Jews, anyone can make a phonecall to "shut it down".