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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 480x466, IMG_20230517_161832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55003705 No.55003705 [Reply] [Original]

Pls Is 93% down since sacc prices
Lol kek lmao

From 2500 USD sacced to 239 USD in two years.

>> No.55003722

OP you are a fucking idiot. Just shut the fuck up and don’t cry when this does 1000x. If it doesn’t, then good. It was a SACRIFICE with NO expectation. We are lucky to get any coins at all.

>> No.55003731

cultist detected

>> No.55003752
File: 309 KB, 946x2048, richard heart hex4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found Richard

>> No.55003763

Post a picture of yourself now

>> No.55003779
File: 673 KB, 1440x900, richard heart hex2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I do that, I have nothing to do with pulse.

>> No.55003784

If you wanted to lose all your money you should have gone to a casino, at least it would be fun then kek

>> No.55003795


>> No.55003806

Let’s see your portfolio

>> No.55003808
File: 1.01 MB, 566x1274, richard heart hex3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno from my perspective youre the pussy.

>> No.55003812
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>> No.55003817

Those people are filing complaints and reports to the feds as we speak.

>> No.55003859
File: 507 KB, 976x549, everpulse.v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last chance to dump your bags before what little liquidity is left is GONE

>> No.55003890
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>> No.55003933
File: 841 KB, 1080x1312, 1639432075340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I donated my money for heckin free speecherinos
>It was a SACRIFICE with NO expectation
>*someone FUDs for lulz*
>you are a fucking idiot
>*becomes extremely emotional*

>> No.55004544

HEX did -90% in the first 33 days then went on to do a 10,000x from there and 2,000x from day 1 prices. So explain how your useless fud matters. As if we will never see higher prices than day 1. Biz fud, as usual, is fucking pathetic and predictable. Can't wait to see the fud in a few months when we are 10x sac prices. The cycle will continue. Stay tarded biz.

>> No.55004556

X1000 is only over 2trillion mcap

>> No.55004570

Bruh I sacced. But it's not gonna get to trillions of mcap

>> No.55004682

2 tril is fud
Don't care, sac was the ticket to enter the casino early before all the money floods in. I'm a whale in 10 different projects now for pocket change

>> No.55004734

X1000-10000 with current burn rate

>> No.55004747

Nobody thought HEX would ever get to 20+ billion market cap. On top of that, since Richard holds the majority of HEX/PLS/PLSX, you can effectively remove those coins when trying to figure out a true market cap. Obviously I understand that market cap matters in the grand scheme, but denying an eventual bull run in PLS is just retarded. Maybe we only see a 20x-40x the day 1 sac prices, but that will still be a win within 2 years. And the other thing everyone forgets is that both PLS and PLSX have a deflationary supply. Billions have been burned already and will continue to burn over the next couple years leading to and even better outlook. You need to take all factors into account to see that we will win in the long run. Simple as.

>> No.55004779
File: 283 KB, 1135x845, {F79DCD66-2FD3-4DDA-B640-3576A376FCF2}.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLS/USDT is above sac rate
And WPLS/USDC is double sac rate (due to temp scarcity until the bridge is fixed)

>> No.55004780

Fuck off, Richard!

>> No.55004914

Sell now and come back during bullrun in 2025 to buy back in for more than when you sold.

>> No.55004986

Would be hilarious if threads like these would actually make some retards sell at these prices but I don't think anyone is that stupid.

>> No.55004998

I definitely saw some people swapping everything to fake stables and sending it on the bridge a few days ago.

>> No.55005024

Pathetic fud, jeets and kikes itt.

Saged and hidden you will stay poor and salty

>> No.55005277

HEX didn't raise 2 billion dollars dumb dumb. Also the HEX liquidity was never above like 20 million. There's like 7 people who got rich from it and 6 of them were Richard.

>> No.55005303

No refunds

>> No.55005474

where is this even being traded? cant' find chart on cmc/cg.
someone I knew "sacrificed" (against my advice)

>> No.55005482

BASED crypto loser.
Casino chads keep winning.

>> No.55005582

Now do PLSX (The one chuds sacced for). Uhoh chuddies paying for Richards HRT ;)

>> No.55005634

Maybe they’re fudding until the bridge gets fixed, theres a ton of pent up demand trying to get across, trying to buy cheapies?

>> No.55005897

There never should have been a PLSX sac
fucking stole a bunch of buy pressure from PLS

I do hope greedy fat fuck gets flack for that one, PLSX is not recovering, who gives a shit about PLSX......

>> No.55005910

>Down 99% from launch
Time to buy

>> No.55006089
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>> No.55006151
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>> No.55006354

Look moron:
1. there is no one to buy right now because almost no one has PLS for transactions
2. Other morons (probably you included) started selling their PLS for fake stables, trying to join liquidity pools when such stables weren't backed by anything
2. Millions and millions of dollars are stuck in the bridge waiting to come in. And since those millions and millions of dollars are ETH, USDC, USDT, etc and not PULSE. what is there to do? buy pulse

Yes the launch had it's issued, but tell me ONE example of a chain that didn't.
You better buy now or keep being a wagie while the rest of us fuck hookers in Dubai in 2 years time

>> No.55006362

well not hookers hookers. But IG models (still hoes)

>> No.55006399
File: 178 KB, 1080x989, 1683154859575277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop reading after pulsechain

>> No.55006617


>> No.55007165

jesus christ.

its like you're in complete denial that you're a fool. I guess that ignorance

>> No.55007170
File: 32 KB, 515x385, Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 06.43.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm no.

Bridged died no liquidity. Its fixed now and coins coming over.

I can sell that's guys worth of sac for more than his buy in.

>> No.55007293

the biggest problem right now is that people who bridge over have 0 PLS, so they can't do any transactions and there's no good faucets available. When this is solved, PLS will insta-10x. ricky is a fat fuck.

>> No.55007299

This is by design, they need to beg to join our network.

>> No.55007365
File: 33 KB, 492x429, Screen Shot 2023-05-18 at 2.34.37 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks ok on my machine.

I sacced like $4.5K for 45M~ PLS.
According to Dextools, and Uni, PLS right now is about 0.00027. My money has nearly tripled.

>> No.55007380

>Mass reply seething
>Calling anyone else names

>> No.55007407

bruh i just proved in the post above you its done a 3x so far.
whos a baggie? you?

>> No.55007424

He doesn't own any pulse despite hearing about sacrifice from day 1. I'd be mad too.

>> No.55007446

How are you figuring this out? Can you please walk me through this like I'm stupid?

>> No.55007465

im just using the contract was provided by RH for the WPLS bridged over to ETH:
then put it into uniswap and trade against USDC, you can test with any random numbers

>> No.55007629

thanks buddy figured it out

>> No.55007667

check out dex screener they are still bridging everything over rn the entire network is clogged
also if u got questions join the pulsechain telegram. from what it looks like though nobody is going to get rich from this im afraid (except richard)

>> No.55008633

Guys I bridged over some USDT like 12 hours ago to buy PLS but obviously they're still stuck. Should I just buy them on ETH or should I wait?

>> No.55008652
File: 47 KB, 313x226, ack3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KYS jeet and enjoy paperhanding the absolute bottom of a 1000x

>> No.55009844

How is that 10k ETH megawhale doing now?

>> No.55010752

I bridged some ETH and that shit takes already more than 3h. What's the average time?

>> No.55010815

Two weeks

>> No.55011010

Lmao what a scam, in 2 weeks all the shitcoins will already have pumped to infinity. I'll ngmi. Rip

>> No.55011138

It's a fucking joke. That fat nigger has been yelling "pulse can't come soon enough" for two motherfucking years and now niggers have to wait 2 days to bridge over tokens. How the fuck is this supposed to be the next thing? Never had those kind of problems with BSC or AVAX

>> No.55012006

Did those bridges see the same level of demand on day one?

>> No.55012952

You also need to somehow obtain PLS to unwrap and swap your tokens. So even when my bridge transaction comes through, I'll have to look for a faucet or something. E-beg. Suck a cock for 2kPLS or something.

>> No.55013217

need to drop 2 zero for any of it to matter.

>> No.55013424

I've been selling Pulse on safetrade
It has a real Pulse/USDT pair, no kyc easy sign up

>> No.55013427
File: 154 KB, 358x271, 43523423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sacc'd 500$
>sold for 47 buckerinos


>> No.55013717

why lol what
its at 2.5x right now

>> No.55014444

https://dexscreener.com/pulsechain/0x322df7921f28f1146cdf62afdac0d6bc0ab80711 seems like a reasonable USD comparison

>> No.55014455

1000 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.55014616

>PLS now up 80% from day1 sacrifice price.
>65mil already pushed to bridge with 30% cleared so far with transactions clearing every minute.
>pHEX copy already closing in on parity @ 2c
>already a top layer 1 in terms of activity which is soaring daily
>seething biztard fudders already
looking like morons as we said they would

This board is fucking hilarious. Endless fudding and losers making up bullshit and lies to cover the fact that they can’t admit Richard is a genius. I can’t wait to keep dunking on you yards in the coming bull run.

>> No.55014659
File: 395 KB, 855x489, 23523423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just kiddin, i sacc'd for pulsex that's the current swap value. never selling.