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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54996968 No.54996968 [Reply] [Original]

Solid roadmap for the year.

>> No.54996978

>literal states the obvious and when they are not, they pull something out of their ass

OP what were you thinking when you twitter posted? Don't you think we'd be on Twitter if we gave a flying fuck what this idiot things? kys OP,

>> No.54996979
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>small recession ahead

>> No.54996993

I was lmao at this exact line

>> No.54996996

I thought maybe biz might want to see the opinion of an economist with 100k+ followers. Sorry I didn't post about your shitcoins like Link.

>> No.54997014

>bullish btc and eth
>alts suck
yawn. why do all crypto normies have this opinion?

>> No.54997023

>the fed is done
remember when they said this in 2020? 2 more weeks.

>> No.54997039

This can only be said by people that have entirely swallowed the Fed koolaid.

>> No.54997051

Typical retarded economist, the crash comes after the Fed pivots.

>> No.54997058
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>> No.54997189

To get re-elected in 2024, Dems want a "small recession" in 2023. That's how the intersection between economics and politics works. It'll be a cute clown world recession to clear the deck for a revival for the 2024 election season. Anything else would be a disaster for Dems.

>> No.54997235

>there are two sides
Sorry retard.
History shows they wipe the economy clean for the new guy regardless of who it is.
Total collapse and the return of Trump has the exact "nowhere to go but up" scenario they engineered for Obama.

>> No.54998829

Thanks. I didn't realize people acted so selflessly for the service of others, especially people they hate. Much appreciated.

>> No.54998910

>small recession
the reality is that we have a slow burn depression
the reason for the slow burn is that there is no asset class ready to absorb from others, creating a big crash
>cash is dead, USD dead
>yuan is a exporting nation currency, gets devalued on purpose
>yen and euro are basically wrapped dollars (WUSD), overexposure to junk bonds
>commodities and futures can't absorb any more liquidity without blasting their own markets, public cannot take higher gas/ energy/ etc.

what is left?
btc, eth, monero and defi
but those do not have the proper liquidity available
the moment 1 country starts rushing into defi, the others will follow and it will be a pandemonium
rushing into crypto also means losing control of physical policy completely, and most govs are not ready for this, and probably will never be

slow burn depression it is

>> No.54999163

Zoomers are arguably more retarded than boomers. Thank god young genx and old millenials made far less of them