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File: 104 KB, 737x1280, photo_2023-04-14_17-35-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54995056 No.54995056 [Reply] [Original]

>Down to my last $800
Had $5k at the start of the year trading on bybit, a combination of high leverage and forced trades has destroyed my portfolio. I think it's time to admit it's not for me.

What should I do lads?

>> No.54995064

How the mighty have fallen

>> No.54995191

Belle Land whale great

>> No.54995202

victims of fake news and being low IQ

>> No.54995203


but uh idk I’m waiting for a pump on BTC back to 30k to long fantom but that’s just me

>> No.54995207

spend more to give the rest of us more exit liquidity

>> No.54995210
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>> No.54995221

is this real?

>> No.54995231

If you trade time frames under 1 week, maybe you are gay?

>> No.54995313

She has a really cute face but isn't really fuckable except to retards who find neoteny sexually attractive. She has no boobs or enough ass to speak of.

>> No.54995374
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>> No.54995389

>be me
>money is meaningless to me
>can just create it with the stroke of a pen
>pay some whore to gain a hundred pounds
>chuckle to myself
>go back to fucking the maids in my 300 year old estate

>> No.54995413

Literally Architected. Kek!

>> No.54997260

Imagine having the money to shape the fabric of reality, but choosing to shape a porn whore, instead.

We truly do live in hell.

>> No.54997302

>not paying her to do BLACKED to ruin her appeal and destroy her fanbase
one fucking job!

>> No.54997308

It's gotta be AI, no woman is this stupid
Oh wait

>> No.54997320


>> No.54997328

you’re are assuming she’s telling the truth

It’s possible she got fat just out of laziness and this her excuse

>> No.54997358

That sugar daddy's name? Albert Einstein

>> No.54997359

Or maybe she's not fat and it's just AI pics to get peoples attention again

>> No.54997467

Agreed she's not that attractive. But I might actually fap to her for the first time if she really adds 110 pounds. Lawd have mercy

>> No.54997509

I would never trade my health for money. Obesity has many long term effects.

>> No.54997598

Isn't it amazing how a dynasty can last so long? Most of the time, money is gone and just three generations. It must be the way the will and estate is structured.

>> No.54998714

i think she already did that

>> No.55000055

What a dumb cunt. She's wrecking her health for 10 million even though she's a millionaire already. Now that's retarded.
This is basically turbo materialism on crack.

>> No.55000088


It better be, I'm already rubbing muh dick

>> No.55000108

>even though she's a millionaire already
*multi millionaire
One with an established pipeline for milking more millions from simps without the need to wreck her health.

>> No.55002382
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Ape into this. Thank me later

>> No.55002686
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>> No.55002934

>long dynasty

>> No.55003176
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>> No.55003207

It's been 3-4 hundreds of years right?
How is that not impressive?

>> No.55003233

>This summer...
>One man...
>One wife...
>One thousand pounds...
>Pierce Brosnan is...

>> No.55003439

I will. If I dont make it, I'll haunt you for the rest of your life.

>> No.55004609
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An answer that will get you out of that hole of misery and hopelessness, anon: AVAX staking.

>> No.55004624

I wish I had 5k.

>> No.55004637
File: 82 KB, 271x217, 1680576372295685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it be funny if she became a blob and then he didn't pay her anything?

>> No.55004756

begone roaches

>> No.55005128

I bought avax years ago and sold it when wonderland meta was a thing. I'm not buying your bags kek

>> No.55005146

>3-4 hundred years
>When was the Napoleonic wars
The family has multiple lines and has never ruled shit.
>(((They))) rule everything
Sure, as do most Germanic princely houses if you're going to be a newfag schitzo about this. Bezos, Gates, Buffett, Rockefeller, Ford, Walton, etc. are not kikes and sissy cucking yourself over how everything is secretly run by those short-dicked jews is the gayest self-psyop the stormniggers have pulled off over you normie faggots

>> No.55005164
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Sorry lads, I couldn't resist.

>> No.55005188

the boomers get one last dunk on zoomers before the collapse

>> No.55005244

She will loose it again... Right?

>> No.55005393

Cheezus, it really is true huh? Rich 70yo boomer paying 22yo zoomer e-girl to become a disgusting blob, cucking all her zoomer sadboy fans into posting doomerjaks all over twitter.

>> No.55005399

American women will never lose weight until it becomes financially difficult to both be a fat fuck and have access to housing (hard mode for women since simps will give fat chicks free room and board at Chateau Cuck)

>> No.55005420

Based. I jej'd.

>> No.55005629
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