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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54984786 No.54984786 [Reply] [Original]

Now that he has cashed out and has built a war chest with a decade long runway and an insane personal net worth, do you think he will make design choices which benefit token investors or?

>> No.54984806

>design choices

>> No.54984815

he is gonna spend the next decade getting ass raped in prison for his unregistered securities offering

>> No.54984893

>buys 100 more linkies

>> No.54984971
File: 1.93 MB, 1044x984, average linktard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54984981

Basically what this guy said. The whole of crypto is just massive scams and bullshit, I've been in it since the very beginning on /g/ when Bitcoin news hit us. Since then nothing has really changed. Some shops kinda accept crypto and that's about it, in 10 years. The government is still wary, blockchain tech as it stands with Bitcoin for instance is still very non-functional. The whole ecosystem is highly susceptible to manipulation, for fucks sake, Bitcoin went from $500 to $19,000 in like a fucking year or something because some wanker printed a load of fake money (Tether) to pump it which in turn pumped the rest of crypto. Crypto as tech is still primitive if it's using a blockchain, the 'developers' in charge are cancerous retards, the exchanges are all chink scam bucket shops like Boinance and the market can swing 10% overnight for no apparent reason. Imagine having most of your net worth in Bitcoin, doesn't even matter what coin because they're all scams which follow Bitcoin's chart almost verbatim. You wake up and find 10% of your net worth is gone. Next month you're up 20%, the week after that it's crashed 14%. Two months later it's up by 168%. The ride will never stop. People don't put money into things which never stop swinging wildly without any apparent reason.

This is what happens when you give any iota of power to average people. Scams, bullshit and dumb systems. Normies should never have been able to have any control over anything. Groups of normies equals fuckups.

I went off on a bit of a tangent but what I meant to say is blockchain and crypto is a meme, companies just play along so they don't look so dated and out of touch with tech but they don't actually care much. Smart contracts are an even bigger meme, vulnerable, complicated. Decentralised oracles are meme squared. I've never been wrong about a long term investment.

>> No.54984982

>accumulates more cryptographic chainlink oracle coins

>> No.54985012

*passes a large amount of gas*
im just not gonna sell my stinky links sorry fellas

>> No.54985033
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He already is. BUILD and SCALE are both crazy. The reason MEVfags are stuffing their faces so urgently is that they can see the writing on the wall. It is only a matter of time until provably fair systems, the dream of crypto, take over.
If it was up to the MEV grifters that would be 20 years away, and they'd guzzle at the MEV teat that whole time. But Sergey isn't letting them have it. And all those piggies at the trough hate him for it.
There is no question in my mind he is a once in a generation visionary and, at least so far, he still seems to have a soul.

>> No.54985168
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why are link posters constantly evading filters?
why are they consistently making new threads that have zero utility, when link threads already exist? why do they need40(!) threads in the catalog at all times? this shit is beyond insane and it is exclusive to link and pretty much nothing else, not even pajeets shill so relentlessly