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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5498432 No.5498432 [Reply] [Original]

Any info and news on partnerships coming up?

>> No.5498490

faceberg confimed.

>> No.5498504

Q1 2018, Charlie Said. That's like eternity in Crypto world

>> No.5498505

Amazon confirmed.

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.5498523

Charlie announced a partnership with FIAT when he cashed out completely last week

>> No.5498612
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Yeah, fiat surge after Charlie's announcement

>> No.5498642


>> No.5498671

Yes, Charlie Lee is partnering with your hands holding his bags.

>> No.5499182
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>> No.5499225
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sell all your LTC, Anon. Join the revolution, Dodge Coin

>> No.5499435


Muh partnerships

>> No.5499519

Charlie just announced a partnership with you’re mom

>> No.5499734

>you're mom

Next time you tell a joke make sure you know how to write it properly.
I bet you're hodling bazinga coins, faggot

>> No.5499819

mother fukcing piece of shit, go up back to 300 you fucking fuck. i'm dumping this shit as soon as it goes 1 cent above 300

>> No.5500333

Where is the Holiday Season's boost that everyone have been talking about lately?

>> No.5500394

the fact that things dont go as planned on /biz/ makes me feel good about this coin

>> No.5500428

>muh 1500 eoy
>muh facebook
>muh conflict of interest

>> No.5500501

First Q 2018

This is hold not daily PnD trash

>> No.5500533

I have 4k of this coin. Definitely not happy with the stagnation.

>> No.5500542
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Charlie Lee says he’s unaware of any partnerships. Is he lying?

>> No.5500579


top keks

>> No.5500624

I bought in right before the dip. Should I keep holding or transfer to something else like ripple or iota

>> No.5500798

More or less in the same boat.
The thing is, we're all getting super itchy in this market. Patience is a virtue in this kind of markets.

Bitcoin fees are way too high. Litecoin has its place, the crypto market is only starting. Basically, hodl

>> No.5500851

I'm just nervous because there are so many altcoins I have no idea what to expect

>> No.5501022

funny to see people saying the same thing about LTC since May just at different prices every time. lolz, noobs.

>> No.5501072

Stock broker in the morning, crypto trader at night here. Unlike crypto, I feel comfy with stocks because we have an idea of "fair value" for each equity.

>> No.5501085

I'm holding until 2000

>> No.5501146

Can I buy pets.com stock from you?

>> No.5501193

I'm never selling all my crypto but since im not rich already (well in crypto terms i am already), $1000-2500 per LTC is when I also seriously consider selling 25-50 percent of my crypto holdings.

I'm thinking $2000/ltc by year 2020 is a pretty conservative estimate.

>> No.5501267

You are insulting whale-bro's prophecy

>> No.5501298

What are you holding, Anon?

>> No.5501354

What's the prophecy?

>> No.5501358

Bought in at 311 expecting small pump from the partnership rumors. How did I do /biz/?

>> No.5501364

Please leave normie

>> No.5501369

LTC actually splits in 2019, so it'll reach $2k a lot sooner.

>> No.5501548

That's not a split, Anon. A split means total number of coins increased by an agreed multiplier.

>> No.5501658

>Not buying at $30 months ago
>Not even at $124
Do you buy everything at ATH?

>> No.5501706
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>> No.5501954

>I can't take this anymore
You can use some of your coin to buy MDMA on Darkweb. It helps to ease the pain, Anon

>> No.5502064

Best advice given on biz all year

>> No.5502089

>muh drugs lmao

>> No.5502093

Hi guys, just wanted to let you guys know of something going down Thursday. There is a huge pump and dump that will be taking place on Binance in the next couple of days by over 10k people. Now you may think this is fake, but there's a discord in which there is a whole plan with set times and what the main idea and the strategy going into Thursday is. Many of you may still not like this idea and if thats true then, unfortunately, this is not for you, but if you even somewhat like this idea make sure to check it out at least


>> No.5502119

No thanks FBI

>> No.5502121

More like some of these kids are going to need a feel good after losing all their money.
These coins are good for speculation and buying shit like drugs. Fuck off

>> No.5502192

back to facebook you go

>> No.5502258

It's not FBI, it's a pajeet running a circle scam trying to get you to buy his bags.

>> No.5502299

I don't think you can get LTC in India yet

>> No.5502425

Charlie Lee responds to everything like a little bitch. I think he’s an amazing dev but my god he’s whines like a little bitch on social media. If you don’t want to respond to something or someone you don’t have to. Simply ignore it and keep making litecoin great. And he seems afraid of the most recent ltc jump from 100 to 400.

>> No.5502622

He is not a leader. He's terrified of accountability. Brilliant guy, but socially retarded and incompetent. Combine Lee's smarts with Roger Ver's reptilian charm and you have an unstoppable force.

>> No.5502698

LTC need Mike Novogratz kinda guy as a spokesperson. Vitalik doesn't talk that much. He just focus on ETH dev. Charlie should be more like Vitalik, but not Mike Novogratz

>> No.5502742

>Roger Ver

Only the most gigantic beta faggots on the planet would find that sleazy shitstain anything but cringey and repulsive.

>> No.5502766

I personally like his open approach and seeming honestly very much.

>> No.5502776

I only find him cringey and repulsive because I know his background and that everything he says is lies. If I knew nothing about him beforehand, he actually appears quite competent on news interviews. The same can't be said for Lee.

>> No.5502889

It doesn’t matter. Comparisons are irrelevant. But, even granting that, one is a proven liar leaching off another brand, and the other is simply an autist. I’d still trust the latter any day.

>> No.5503355

It will moon if it passes $290 tonight

>> No.5503378


>> No.5503431

I am breedy happy with LTC being this stable right now. There are fixed dips every fucking day. I dont even need a bot to make money out of this. untill further announcements, i will be hodling.

>muh 10$ dip

Today we had a 20$ dip.

>> No.5503483

The amount of dumb money in this coin is impressive lmao. I would rather be in fiat forever than buy this coin right now

>> No.5503606

that's what we do, sit stable for weeks and then shoot up like a cannon when you least expect it, impatient people miss out. happily holding stablecoin through 2018.

>> No.5503619

Did he sell because he knows/thinks bitcoin cash is better than lite?

>> No.5503681
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>> No.5503723

And that is hilarious

>> No.5503950

>I am breedy happy with LTC being this stable right now.
Probably gonna miss the biggest bull run in our lifetime

>> No.5504184
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>> No.5504309

Lol its true.Charlie is more of a behind the scenes type of character than a frontman.

>> No.5504741

Bit of news, long term hold tbqhwy fampai. If you're looking for gains in the short term follow these dudes, they haven't been wrong all week- just look at their past signals
