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File: 194 KB, 1170x1484, divorce rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54967015 No.54967015 [Reply] [Original]

But how do you financially protect yourself without being married ?

>> No.54967021

put everything in a trust

>> No.54967027

Suing a negro for money is literally asking to get murdered.

>> No.54967030

depending on the state they lived in they may have been common law married and he may have to give her half just because they dated or lived together.
remember anons, you don't have to be married for women to fuck you over.

>> No.54967045
File: 70 KB, 750x711, 1644715634558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>date a roastie for a couple months
>she's okay with your job aka "she supports your career" which is supposed to be a standard between a couple anyways
>this entitles her to half your shit

>> No.54967070

Women are all losing their shit because men don't want to marry them anymore. We're going to hit a point sooner than most people realize though where it doesn't even make sense to officially date a girl anymore. Way too much liability.
Unfortunately with technology these days, it's fairly easy to track a trust down and then the attack begins. I had a friend whose parents put their money in a trust, they passed away, the guy was then entitled to some terms on the trust, basically money, and his ex-wife sued him and is now collecting a part of that.

>> No.54967160

Jesus. Are there good strategies for offshore trusts?

>> No.54967225

Marriage is only one small part of a wider problem. A weaponized court system. The smallbrained tactic is to simply avoid marriage. Look where that got this smallbrained ape. If a women wants to use government and/or police to hurt you, she will find a way to try.

Her original plan was clearly to take half his wealth through marriage. When marriage didn't work out, she felt "robbed" of the only valuable thing a woman has - time. That she got so close to her goal, but failed to obtain it is very heartwarming to me. Burn the coal, pay the toll. It is still kind of infuriating that she would have the chutzpah to even try it, despite there being no legal basis to it whatsover. It least, we hope.

>> No.54967227


The "leave and take half" thing comes form the idea that as the man you've "taken" prime years from the woman with a failed relationship. relationships have huge opportunity costs for women, since their ability to attract another suitable mate drops tremendously year over year as they approach/hit the wall

it's kinda funny that this idea of "stealing" a woman's prime is built into our justice system

>> No.54967243

If they were never legally married, never had kids and never lived together for a significant period to count as common-law yet she still somehow wins any money from him, then I would not blame him at all if he killed either her or the judge
I'm not saying he should do it....but I'd understand

>> No.54967251

The issue is marriage licenses. Once you register for something (like a license), you surrender what you are registering to whom you are registering the thing. Marriage licenses are representative of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. The issuer of the license controls your marriage, not the man, as God intended. People are abiding by an occult ritual and they don't even know it.

>> No.54967255

> get a vasectomy
> print a doctorates degree
> rebuild a salvaged lambo
> buy your clothes and accessories from alibaba

> tell females you are an upcoming doctor in their town and you have chosen them as your mate

sex and leave


>> No.54967286

Why do any of that though?
I don't get it. What's the point.

>> No.54967512

She is legally entitled to half in NZ law. He is also entitled to half of her shit. He is also legally entitled to try dump half of any debt accrued in the relationship on her which could be spicy if he's been ticking lambos..

He's getting what he deserves for his choices; aside from the obvious he also almost surely fucked around with other women. African bitches are a rarity in his neighbourhood but there are plenty of fine Polynesian, East Asian etc women he could've dated who would've been loyal, he just played himself by buying into the whyte wimmin rapper meme. Not entirely his fault as he was groomed into this type of thinking, but he still made the choices.

If you're racemixing and also being unfaithful you're going to have a bad time one way or another. He could've found a loyal wife and been loyal to her but I guess that's not "baller" enough.

>> No.54967529

>She is legally entitled to half in NZ law
Based on which law(s) in particular?

>> No.54967570

If they were in a "defacto relationship" (committed for about 3 years) then in NZ law you both are treated as married whether you like it or not and the same entitlements apply regarding finances, custody, etc.

Family courts being obviously fucked and stacked against men notwithstanding.

>> No.54967755
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you wouldn't because you probably pay for pride

>> No.54967806

The name of the game is benefit from laws that address an objective reality but socially ree against the entire premise. Similar to how women want equality for the military but no the draft! Then they'll get into some hilarious ramble about how the draft should be lifted and you can just hit them with the "so you wanted Hitler to win world war 2?"

Sigh. Women.

>> No.54968055

I honestly can't decide who I dislike more, black people or western women.
>creates nothing, only purpose is athletics and shitty music
>infests the civilizations of others
>corrupts their culture to some degenerative primitive form
>destroys the genetic stock
>turns nations into shitholes over a few decades
>entire function is to parasite and leech from men; once they have sucked the life force of one group of men, they move onto the next
>has the entire financial, legal, and social system structured around serving them
>never creates, always takes
>least fertile woman of the world, yet the most entitled

>> No.54968064

>it's kinda funny that this idea of "stealing" a woman's prime is built into our justice system
what's funny about it ?

>> No.54968083

Depending on where they lived this is common law marriage.

>> No.54968089

it's an institutionalized admission that women have no value outside their capacity to breed

>> No.54968138
File: 242 KB, 1170x1108, IMG_5717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Israel went the based Hakimi route?

>> No.54968145

not even married, ex-gf!!!!!

>> No.54968486

Happened to my brother in Australia

>dated girl for 8 years
>never married/engaged/had kids together
>only lived together
>she broke up with him
>went after half of the house he owned because she "contributed" to it via groceries and paid some rent
>was entitled to half of the house's equity
>ended up paying her out about 70k and that's not including the lawyers he had to pay

And my parents ask me why I don't have a gf with all my properties and equity fuck that

>> No.54968549

No one cares.

Because women don't deserve shit.

>> No.54968568

>Happened to my brother in Australia
Australians are the biggest cucks on the planet , genuinely not suprised ur brother got divorced raped.

>> No.54968578

What roasties say is that they sacrifice their time to be with a man that they otherwise would have been working and so if they were to get nothing after a divorce they just lost a bunch of years of their life with no compensation.

>> No.54968581

Honestly, for me, it has to be western women. If only because without the 19th ammendment (in the U.S) there would be very little welfare and single motherhood and thus the damage from black people would be next to negligible. It's gynocentrism that destroys these communities.

>> No.54968639

It's really seems like the Anglosphere in general has the worst women on the planet.

>> No.54968773

Western white women are brainrekt.
Enjoy paying his court costs bish.

>> No.54968816

Ok anons redpill me on this. Whats the criteria? Can some long-term side piece pull this on me?

>> No.54968840

*that is irrevocable, has a corporate trustee, and whose principal place of operation is Nevada

>> No.54968886


>> No.54969027

Do you seriously think the retards on this board actually know? Read the thread it's full of literal street-shitting wahhabists and people telling anecdotes about ~divorce court rape~.

>> No.54969332

lmao I hope this nigger loses half
Boring pointfighting steroid bitch with a gyno titty

>> No.54969338

Bitcoin / Monero

>> No.54969362

that nigger is a sissy and will pay up

>> No.54969379

Izzy is pretty alpha i bet he browses /fit/

he does gay naruto stuff on stage and embraces it lmao

>> No.54969385

Men are spinless cucks, never gonna happen

>> No.54969399

Well yes, obviously crypto is the ultimate means of preserving liquid capital against seizure and divorce rape, but not all assets are onchain.

>> No.54969432

he WILL pay up
he will either pay the bitch or be a bitch

>> No.54969436

I hope she gets it, and I hope he goes to prison.

>> No.54970661

Its funny. The original point of marriage was to transfer ownership of the female from the father to her husband. The male was to take care of her.
Modern marriage has completely dropped this point, so there is no point in marrying from the male perspective. Yet the male responsibility still exists, he has to take care of her.

Ok, thats the matriarchy we live in. Just dont marry. But now the West is going absolutely bonkers and want male responsibility for basically just fucking a woman that is not explicitly a whore.
Just insane. Completely insane.

Every day I come closer to the acceptance that West needs to burn down to the ground and be revitalized by either Amish, Mormons or Taliban-muslims.

>> No.54970675

Depends on local laws. Some places a woman can take everything from you just because she wants to. Most places she can make you pay alimony. Everywhere she can take your kids, doesn't matter if you're married.

>> No.54970717

Post nose

>> No.54971042

Just don't have any contact with women.

>> No.54971136

>become famous
>this time it'll be different
This is generated content.
Your opinions on the matter are irrelevant and unwanted.
Capturing your attention is the solve objective.

>> No.54971503

back in the days when these laws were made women weren't expected to work. now that women can work it makes no sense

>> No.54971593

>But how do you financially protect yourself without being married ?
...by not getting married? Also don't cohabitate with women if you can avoid it. In some places, they'll consider it a marriage. NEVER BUY ASSETS WITH A WOMAN. Don't buy a house, cosign, buy property/land, car, etc. Hell, don't even sign a lease for a rental. DO NOT MERGE OR SHARE BANK ACCOUNTS.

>> No.54971622

Don't fucking co-habitate you stupid niggers.
Matter of fact, don't date, just mate and move on. Not only you're protecting yourself, but you're also avoid the feeling of diminishing returns.
If you can, pay for a SB instead, have cameras in your house, never say anything remotely compromising through text messages, and make sure to register your interaction with her when she leaves (caught in camera, text her asking if she arrived safe at home and if she enjoyed the night, etc.).

>> No.54971645

Great post. Roasties don't have a lot of time to lock down these high value men so they go nuts when their little plans don't work.

Do NOT trust women EVER. They WILL use the state to harm you and make you hand over your resources to them

>> No.54972105

there was a good thread about marriage last week had over 200 replies
it had a few nuggets worth remembering if anybody has the archive link post it
basically the guy was saying that waiting for riches before getting married is the wrong strat and that women are instinctually attracted to wealth-building abilities as opposed to wealth itself. good women anyway.
it was a whitepilling thread

>> No.54972151

>these laws were made women weren't expected to work
It was even worse than that. These laws were meant to protect women from having to resort to prostitution and other bad shit if their scumbag husbands left them. They were good laws to protect women and ensure a decent environment for children. Obviously, they are now outdated.

>> No.54972609

Dude wtf!!! Sorry for your bro anon. Unless he's a douche, then fuck him lol

>> No.54972710

they vehemently insist that the wall doesn't exist yet immediately clamor for financial compensation when the useful life (economic value) of their body and holes is depreciation across the existence of a failed relationship.

>> No.54972983

based and chadpilled

>> No.54973000

> "Israel"
He got jewed twice

>> No.54973348

It's called a Common Law Marriage, and it's a gross violation of male rights. Basically if you and a woman are living in an apartment or house for several years, then you are considered "legally married" even if you've never married, so if you split up, then the women is entitled to half of your money.
Unfortunately this