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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 512x782, 1678958037092641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54962482 No.54962482 [Reply] [Original]

This is literally what peak performance looks like now. Even the jannies know it's true.

>> No.54962504

Harry potter came inside my ass and now I am pregnant with obama

>> No.54962533
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x2716, FE04AA42-35AE-490D-B2B3-A7BF40484D15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So get the fuck out the way. Buy more sminem

>> No.54962568

this shit made by a turkish scammer that exploits a retarded boy to make money. No, we don't need this. We need honest and open devs as we have in hpos10i

>> No.54962625

If it takes a Turkish scammer, so what. He found him first. Anyone who makes a coin on sminems behalf would be exploiting a retarded boy.

>> No.54962656

>would be exploiting a retarded boy.

So that's a good thing for you, right?

>> No.54962673

“ would be exploiting a retarded boy.” Who will be getting paid like the rest of us. God bless him

>> No.54962690
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Are you fags really fighting over retarded boys in my thread? Begone.

>> No.54962698

don't forget to ask for some proofs, fag. Turkish scammers usually don't like to pay.

>> No.54962713

Fuck all of you. I’ve made money from this shit already and expect to make more.

>> No.54962970

A real natural

>> No.54963024

Honestly, this.

>> No.54963146
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>> No.54963178


>> No.54963197

i bought this for the luls from the website. truly the worst site ive ever seen. it was marvelous. Icing on the cake is im up over 3x% and still so much more to go

>> No.54964556

Barrack O-BUMP-a!

>> No.54964559


>> No.54964597

Jeets like to oscillate the coin between .004 and .005 for hours on end for some reason.

>> No.54964618

Oh God please don't tell me it's whales dumping .. please don't tell me it's another dbi... Whales absolutely gutted that coin.

>> No.54965261

dude just take a god damn chill pill. there has been a shit ton of pullbacks. we are going to the moon fren....do you believe?

>> No.54965337

This is crypto. I don't believe in anything except charts

>> No.54965636

ngmi unironically

>> No.54965744


niggers like you are always mad because you make coins like

> utility savior microsoft google partnership proof of shit token

and it doesn't pump as hard as dog shit cunt inu

yet your scam blockchain utility nigger tokens are absolutely worth less than HPOS10inu because they are not worthy utility or memes, they are nothing, just like an ugly lazy NEET woman covered in make up wearing skimpy clothing pandering votes from simps for the promise of a touch on the cheek.

In the end you go get what you deserve, a seethe.

>> No.54966010

God I love #BidenProof crypto

>> No.54966794

youre wrong but still managed to cause batt to effort post
see here >>54965744

>> No.54967212

biz needs to wake the fuck up on this token
it should be our banner shitcoin
shilled like link was in its heyday
I don’t give a shut what country they’re from. American meme coin devs can dump on everyone just like Wall Street bets mods did recently

>> No.54967221

Just let it happen

>> No.54967235

smimen bog and mumu are over sadly everyone has sold and bought the people's bitcoin

>> No.54968959

100m soon

>> No.54969025

You retards know this already existed on BSC first right?

>> No.54969136
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It never looked this good on BSC.

>> No.54969454
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>> No.54969484

insanely high iq play is to buy a stack on bsc while it's at -99999999% so you get cheap og BITCOIN for when both reach top 5 overall crypto marketcap

>> No.54969499

To be fair it also launched right before bitcoin popped

>> No.54969582

everyone sold their bitcoin for BITCOIN

>> No.54969590

Because it's the people's bitcoin. (Ticker: BITCOIN)

>> No.54969618
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couln't be more true

>> No.54969760

Imagine still holding the old bitcoin when you can hold the new one instead

>> No.54969792
File: 102 KB, 522x587, images - 2023-05-15T043153.947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit better 3x

>> No.54969798
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>> No.54969812
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Imagine betraying BITCOIN

>> No.54969985
File: 8 KB, 200x200, images - 2023-05-15T133803.024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye bye 0.007

>> No.54969993


>> No.54970047

300x more likely

>> No.54970051

Bull diesel.

>> No.54970904


>> No.54970975
File: 130 KB, 256x256, craiyon_054217_Sonic_the_Hedgehog_cry_wolf_2005_harry_potter_friday_the_13th_remake_bitcoin_salma_hayek_nicolas_cage_carry_grant_jason_vorhees_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54971034
File: 128 KB, 256x256, craiyon_060058_Sonic_the_Hedgehog_cry_wolf_2005_harry_potter_friday_the_13th_remake_bitcoin_salma_hayek_nicolas_cage_carry_grant_jason_vorhees_sean_bean__fat_person_scrubs_tv_show_are_you_afraid_of_the_dark_james_bond_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't get in befor 10 mil did you anon?

>> No.54971056
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Got in at 2m. Feels fucking good

>> No.54971088
File: 318 KB, 512x512, telegram-cloud-document-4-5931304133029006665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sminem is literally a based retard and is getting paid. Let's make him rich,

>> No.54971148

People's Bitcoin only here

>> No.54971209


>> No.54971272
File: 218 KB, 750x903, 50609E60-7782-4B88-811C-2400E1F4E61D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need honest and open devs as we have in hpos10i
You must really like them to shill their bags 24/7. For free.

>> No.54971317

it's the people's bitcoin

>> No.54971389

we cex now :^)

>> No.54971418

How does it feel knowing this is gonna pull a pepe and you're still early?

>> No.54972721

BITCOIN is like the most biz coin in a while, the autism is special here
This is going to print if they don't get too edgy

>> No.54972735

>you're still early
don't bullshit me.

>> No.54972948

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