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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54954116 No.54954116 [Reply] [Original]

It's $30

>> No.54954146

if your work consists of
>bringing food/taking orders
>answering phone calls
>other service shit

its $0

>> No.54954147

women's rights were a mistake

>> No.54954159 [DELETED] 

10% correct. When beginner homes in most of the US are over $300k, used cars are tens of thousands of dollars, and filling up a sedan with gas costs almost $50, then yes, the minimum wage should be north of $20/hr and closer to $30/hr.

>> No.54954164

Enjoy collapse.

>> No.54954167

You can make 60k a year on 15 an hour as long as overtime is available for 20 hours +

A few years of that and you should have 100k saved up for some decent investments.

>> No.54954168

6 gorilion responses
Same thread every week

>> No.54954173

100% correct. When beginner homes in most of the US are over $300k, used cars are tens of thousands of dollars, and filling up a sedan with gas costs almost $50, then yes, the minimum wage should be north of $20/hr and closer to $30/hr.

>> No.54954179

This is so stupid. Waging at all is not "living". The point of this country is to lie, cheat, and steal your way to the top, then beg God's forgiveness and "help" people.

>> No.54954187

Minimum wage should match congress salary

>> No.54954194

oh no le society will le collapse because there are no le waiters to take my order nooooo- oh wait there it fucking AI doing that already.

>> No.54954204

The idea that all work is equal is retarded.
It is immensely more difficult to be a deep sea welder or assembling I-beams on highrises than serving food.
The collapse will NOT come from people refusing to serve food, it will come from people refusing to fix infrastructure, produce chemicals necessary for civilization to prosper (think water treatment for example) and energy.

>> No.54954206

>everyone that actually performs physical services should just die
>but a small clan of people that simply move money around are the best
You will try to replace humans with AI, but AI will eventually exterminate you since its the only logical step towards parasites.

>> No.54954234

>but AI will eventually exterminate you since its the only logical step towards parasites.

>> No.54954240
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>tfw doctor
>tfw help people to stay alive and healthy for a living
>i earn huge wages and can just say my workhours and where i want to work
>all the while i'm doing work that benefits everybody and women get wet because by giving pussy to me they help the whole society, unlike businessmen who just try to scam people

>> No.54954251

>just work 60 hrs a week

>> No.54954254

Wrong. It's $31.50, not a penny less.

>> No.54954276

why not mandate a minimum wage of $3000 per hour? retard commies always shoot low

>> No.54954286

Entitled fucking cunts. A living wage is a wooden hut and one employer-provided meal substance a day. Asking for anything more than that is fucking ridiculous. Actually, a whole ass WOODEN hut might be too luxurious. Maybe a paper pod.

>> No.54954289

It's $300 not a dime less

>> No.54954300

LibChuds are too retarded to understand this.

>> No.54954312

>Her idea of living involves consooming icecream and lattes everyday, watching Netflix and buying fancy handbags all while living alone in a >$2000 per month apartment.

Whiteoids are spoiled brats.
Can't afford a car? Buy a motorcycle, can't afford a house? Get an apartment with 5 roommates.
You really aren't designed to make it if you need to be comfy all the time.

>> No.54954326

the minimum wage should be $72.50

>> No.54954329

This. And when those welders and iron/steel workers realize that burger flippers and waitresses are being paid the same as them, you can bet they’ll stop working. And those aren’t trades you can just say “well okay!” And hire some random ass person off the street to replace them. And that’s when the collapse happens. $30/hr minimum wage won’t prevent a collapse, it will guarantee it. Which seems to be goal of these fucking lunatics.

>> No.54954339

Hubba hubba, an ugly chick who's outspoken about her political beliefs!? Awoooooogaa!!

>> No.54954347

I lived for 1.5 years in a big city in shared apartment with four other people (two guys, two girls) and it was really fun. We all became friends, hanged out and did fun stuff at the big city. I fell in love pretty hard with one of the girls and we dated. Shared apartment can actually be a great gift, as long as you aren't some asocial schizo, that is.

>> No.54954354

>Can't afford a car? Buy a motorcycle, can't afford a house? Get an apartment with 5 roommates.
>You really aren't designed to make it if you need to be comfy all the time.
50 years ago you could get all those things by working minimum wage. Stop sucking the dicks of billionaires cucking the common man. I have a house by the way, others should be able to afford it too and not be under so much stress.

>> No.54954398

oh cool more 1pbtid idpol bait threads this is a great place for me to speak my mind about my political views

>> No.54954429

Try it bitch! Just try it. I've never seen sustained double digit unemployment in this country (sans covid shutdown). If you want to see misery, try it. And if they try that unemployment +$600/week, watch for CPI to hit 20%. 4 years later $60/hr will be the new $30/hr. And your $3.50 McD combo will be $9, but you'll have to order and pay in the app, because each location will have a 2 employees rather than 10, who's only job will be to keep the robots busy.

TL;DR: Fuck around and find out.

>> No.54954445

Do you actually get pus? Most docs I see working at the hospital seem to be spergs that married the fat girl they met in Chem class and are henpecked.

>> No.54954505

It's true that a lot of doctors are spergs (or sperg women) because of how much grinding studying med school requires. But if you aren't one and are still hardcore enough to go trough the school the possibilities are pretty much endless. As in i get as much women as i want. Women get interested because of doctor status/wealth and when they see that i was able to go trough the school without being some sort of savant autist they go fucking wild.

>> No.54954524

it's $50

>> No.54954533

Most jobs paying $15/hr don’t even offer full time hours, let alone 60 fucking hours every week.

>> No.54954537

>cog in the machine of corruption
>big pharma simp
>get called into the medical board directors office if you dare encourage a healthy lifestyle instead of prescribing every medication in the AHA guideline path.
>leave the hospital and start your own practice and do things your way to escape the medical Jew and genuinely just help people
>get a threatening letter in the mail if you gain any steam that your license is going to be revoked if you don’t trust the science.

How do you do it m8? I think I’d kill myself from depression spending all that time in school to find out how fucked shit really is. Im a nurse and my plan all along was to do advance practice but after covid and starting to research more and more shit independently and realizing how fucked things really are, I just want out of the field once my debts paid off this year

>> No.54954570

You fixed your spacing but everything else screams Reddit

>> No.54954579

There’s no reason citizens in what was the most prosperous country that has ever existed a few decades ago should be forced to rent with half a dozen roommates to live, nigger. On an individual basis, yes, people need to do what they need to do to get by. But there’s a greater problem here than questionable financial decisions by the lower class.

>> No.54954599

the problem is money printing and lack of sound money

>> No.54954619

>you are Reddit if you aren't a psychopath or don't live in a flyover shithole

>> No.54954632

It started before that. The offshoring was a cause and symptom. What happened is corporations were seen as an end to themselves instead of a legal entity to benefit the nation.
Once the USSR started to crumble big money had no reason to support western culture.

>> No.54954684

can confirm
but my 3/10 hen is almost half my age and was virgin before we met, pulled the trigger on it

>> No.54954697

just cut 40% of workers out of the workforce and it will all fix itself

>> No.54954707

Her mother must feel so lucky that their sperg hooked up with a doctor

>> No.54954718

>Once the USSR started to crumble big money had no reason to support western culture.
Absolutely this
They thought USSR will fall apart, Yeltsin assured them, see Clinton humiliating waving his hand as conquered
In 90s and 00s Russia was done, no one expected them to ever recover, quite a glitch in the timeline
One R was hanged in Paris as a punishment, basic history even on wiki

>> No.54954778

she's not wrong. problem?

>> No.54954801

no need for hard feels, being doc sucks big time, 80hr work weeks, 32 hr shifts, 98% provax faggots who think they are le smartest beings ever etc. You didn't missed out on anything

>> No.54954878
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a fruitful existence is not a 5 day, 40 hour work week, it's more like 20 hours, 4 days a week

>> No.54954918

Russia isn't even strong the dipshits just empowered china and it turns out china's main flaw was that gas station was their enemy. They don't have white chuds to fall back on because no one wants to fight for globohomo so like everything else sjw related it will just collapse while trannies come to /biz/ to seethe about how actually everything is fine and trump is a chud.

>> No.54954972

I am a contractor, make 40 an hour after tax its about 30.
1200 a week, have a stay at home wife and 3 kids house and car and get to safe some money at the end of the month.
I think this is fair, although you cant expect burger flippers etc to make that much.

>> No.54955057

The last 100 years have been unprecedented growth in population, more people = more market velocity. That's over now.
What goes up must come down, it's the law of financial physics. Read Ibn Khaldun's social cycle theory, this decline causes a feedback loop where as social condition gets worse people have fewer children, fewer children results in less market velocity which in turn makes conditions worse.

>> No.54955083

>eats at kiosk places
poorfag spotted

>> No.54955097

>get called into the medical board directors office if you dare encourage a healthy lifestyle instead of prescribing every medication in the AHA guideline path
This doesn't actually happen. Of course encouraging healthy lifestyle is the first course of action and treatment in many diseases. And sure the medical industry isn't perfect but nothing is. All the people whose diseases i cure and help don't seem to mind that there might be some corruption in the system (just like there is everywhere). I also don't just mindlessly hate the science as many midwit nurses seem to do. If objective meta analyses don't support your alternative medicine, then guess what? It's effectiveness can't be proven, and your working on the same gut feeling as doctors 2000 years ago worked.

>> No.54955101

Innovation and expansion is the only way to generate value, once you've explored every inch of the map, that you can reach with your limited technology, once you've defeated every external enemy, your society nose dives into decline.

>> No.54955116

Weimar Republic tier inflation here we go!

>> No.54955122

Why don't we just raise taxes on the rich and corporations and stop giving them handouts? Then we can fix infrastructure, zoning to lower used car prices and rental costs. This country is ran by niggers on both sides.

>> No.54955142

Bro I’ll take $30 before you got me cleaning a floor for you lmfao you can’t even steal an election without getting caught now banks this was supposed to be your golden boy hour what happen??

>> No.54955236

Why don't you retards ever understand that wages as a whole are supposed to move in tandem with the minimum? Its not
>the waiter will make as much as the tradesman
>the waiter makes enough to live comfortably and the tradesman gets extra
You should be making equivalent money to your work effort, but you shouldn't have to struggle just for daring to at least try to work too. With the extreme gap between people who do real work and people who sit in the office and collect millions every week, practically for just existing, everyone in the former category should be making significantly more money

>> No.54955333

>Can't afford a car? Buy a motorcycle, can't afford a house? Get an apartment with 5 roommates.
>You really aren't designed to make it if you need to be comfy all the time.
Imagine being such a cuck for billionaires you'd rather turn America into your average third world shit hole instead of seeing them stop hoarding wealth. Let me guess, you don't need running water, just bathe in rivers and shit in streets, right?

>> No.54955367

Or... Maybe we just tax the handful of mega rich people a bit more so they don't get to hoard everything for themselves? Nah, can't do that, right? That'd be "communist".

>> No.54955376

>Bro it's totally fine that you have to work 4 jobs and asian investors get to buy your houses for cash because my text book said so

>> No.54955378

lol dont act like 30 is enough

>> No.54955388
File: 78 KB, 878x771, FpalDjTWIAIK53P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i did the math and mininum wasge should be at least $50/hr and a liveable wage would be around $120/hr in a fair and progressive utopia

unfortunately we have kike overlords who bamboozled their way into the economy because le persecuted group and now you deal with their corruption and greed. it will NEVER get better its going to get more dystopian and clown

>> No.54955397


>> No.54955403
File: 106 KB, 1024x676, w1500_337886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living wage should be $0. federal government never should have gotten involved. if you don't like it, join a union or get another job

>> No.54955418
File: 15 KB, 188x300, 1671475381350004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine your economy is in shambles and isntead of using BILLIONS to help your people who have been begging for years for financial aid, you randomly send TRILLIONS thats thousands of BILLIONS every week to a jewish country on the other side of the planet thats 1/10th the size of your country and has LITERALLLY no benefit for your country or citizens.

its literally insane how they get away with this shit and blow it in your face as a joke

>> No.54955471

spoken like someone who is closer to the waiter than the tradesman

in reality higher income professions stagnate in pay and ultimately drop into the same echelon as retard wagie work
this has the effect of completely disincentivizing anyone from pursing the valuable professions in the first place, and turning the entire nation into a horde of wagie retards

>> No.54955513

I've been to that park.
The deer are really nice.

>> No.54955571

all memes aside essentially doubling the active workforce surely had it's repercussions

>> No.54955591

This. I work 5 days a week but get 22 hours. Kill me

>> No.54955617

that is what you get when you double the workforce and print money like paper.

>> No.54955727

I thought the deer in Nara were aggressive little shits, the deer in Miyajima are much more laid back.

>> No.54955765

You are reddit if you are liked by a girl, yes

>> No.54955796

I use to work 50hr weeks and on call for 28k/yr in 2013. This was when they could pay your salary that low and didnt have to pay over time. 3 yrs later they raised it to 48k. I was fired by then. Worked a security job that was 12 hour shifts. Because id work saturday night for 12 hours after getting 34 for the week. Start shift 6hours later its sunday (next week) now those hours dont go to over time they just go to my next paychek. If you arent fucking your employer over they are fucking you over. Saving money is a lie, just make more money.

>.t stopped giving a fuck lied my ass off now I make 125k/yr wfh IT help boi

>> No.54955831

As finnish i can only thank americans for doing this. After Ukraine it would be Estonia, and after Estonia it would be Finland. You truly are the shield that defend the weak against the ruthless opressors on this planet.

>> No.54955864

>Whiteoids are spoiled brats.
They won't be for much longer, kek.
White supremacy is going bye bye and they aren't going to know what hit them.

>> No.54955899

So wages should scale. Scaling wages parallel to mean local rent solves this problem.

>> No.54955914

>4pbtid all communist screeching.
70% of tax revenue is paid for by 10% of the population. Also don't go conflating net worth with liquid wealth, most "super rich" barely make anything and they pay their taxes just like everyone else.
Are you lost? The whole point of this board is hoarding money through underhanded means and paying as little tax as possible why the fuck do you think brypto is so popular here?

>> No.54955928
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>> No.54955987

>everybody is the same person saying all these things just read my straw man argument that relies on this being true

>> No.54956179
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you are the parasite
the rich do as much as they can to larp as middle class so they can not get raped by the gubmint

>> No.54956442

Why do people measure integrity by amount of posts by ID? You realize IDs change for each thread?

>> No.54956504
File: 19 KB, 710x683, 1681860107607816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone in this thread who lives alone (not with parents) making under $25 needs to post your current job and location, as far as I'm concerned this whole thread is larping NEETs.

>> No.54956545

>The labor pool is a finite and fixed number
Yeah nah, you're retarded. Those jobs used to be done by teenagers just entering the market, not my fault Shlomo told women to go be empowered and kill their babies so now we have to bring in immigrants that support families of 8 on those jobs

>> No.54956573

>£30k (salaried)
>works out at £15.60 an hour
>graduate quantity surveyor
>Fife, Scotland

I’ve lived alone for ten years, I supported myself through working weekends in a call centre when I was at uni. My rent is £400 a month.

>> No.54956577

Holy fuck go back.

>> No.54956809
File: 106 KB, 1280x1280, 164452637467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People shouldn't work all their lives to make their net worth, they should all start to invest to try and get out of the system. And it's not really that hard, i bought no$thing thanks to the alpha that vc gave the other day on a thread and now im halfway there to never working a single day of the rest of my life.
If people were actually smart with their money, they wouldn't need to wageslave

>> No.54956822

>quantity surveyor
based i recognize you from another thread where you said that and i had to google what it is

>> No.54956890

these days even teenagers do not want to work these shitty jobs, its for boomers and gen xers that have become too old for their wagie jobs and get fired at the next lay off

>> No.54956898

i make $55 doing nothing

>> No.54956899

So if the OP doesn't post again before the first 5 replies then he is 1pbtid shill bot? In this case you turned out to be correct, but you called it 5 posts in.

>> No.54957169

>1 Million dollars.

>> No.54957177

Go back.

>> No.54957215

Go back where?

>> No.54957240
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>> No.54957270

If everybody on earth bought and held crypto we would all be rich!

>> No.54957308

well it depends on where you live, obviously a livable wage is higher in California than it is in West Virginia.
and it seems this Rebecca Parson is from Washington, i don't know how expensive it is there

>> No.54957320

>One R was hanged in Paris as a punishment, basic history even on wiki

>> No.54957328

$5. they're part time jobs for high schoolers and housewives.

>> No.54957329

MOASS will take care of most poor people so I wouldn't worry about this kind of thing too much.

>> No.54957383

Lol you seem mad

>> No.54957392

Can you share a quick rundown of how you ended up at your current job?

>> No.54957414

post your arms

>> No.54957436
File: 430 KB, 585x674, nancyplissken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we keep metropolitan city fag inflation contained? Can we put walls up around DC, New York, and the entirety of California to keep them inside? Seems like a good solution.

>> No.54957526

Damn 20 hours a day is a bit much for me, don't care for 80 hour work weeks bruh

>> No.54958376

Most people who reject modern medicine don't "mindlessly hate the science." They understand that "the science" in so many cases doesn't actually say what the headlines claim it does, or that the methodologies employed were flawed