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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.54946071
File: 926 KB, 896x1344, 211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum is down BAD


All centralized L2s are fucked too.
Avalanche wins again.

>> No.54946193

>use my shitcoin cause I post catgirls

>> No.54946282
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what should people use instead? Ethereum thats about to die? >>54946071 or some other centralized failing ghostchain? no thanks.
Avalanche is working perfectly fine. YOU will use the Avalanche and YOU will be happy.

>> No.54946367

I'm financially ruined

>> No.54946391

Bro. I just recently integrated Avalanche into our dapp. We've done Arb, Optimism, Polygon...shit we even integrated scamtom and finance shit chain. ALL OF THEM are better to use than Avalanche. It's fucking embarrassing. There is reason Trader Joe is bouncing.

Avalanche down bad.

>> No.54946442
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what dapp?
probably irrelevant trash with $20 TVL.
>ALL OF THEM are better to use
none of them have Sub Second finality.
imagine being some cuck waiting for confirmations, couldnt be me.
>There is reason Trader Joe is bouncing.
Trader Joe is literally the best DEX.

>> No.54946480

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.54946690

Doesn't make any kind of sense, they're all EVM clones you fucking retard, literally the same thing

>> No.54946733

2 generals in 1 day. Thank god the weekend is just around the corner.

>> No.54946862 [DELETED] 
File: 679 KB, 896x1344, 208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry nigger there will be more threads on the Weekend.

>> No.54946935

Are you not allowed to say Voyager here? Anytime I mention Voyager the thread promptly gets nuked. I wonder if this thread will also get jannied because I said Voyager again. Voyager. Voyager. Voyager.

Anyway should I hold this or sell?

>> No.54947057
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we need more c-chans ser

>> No.54947303

>Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.
Bless this gold pumping piece of gem. Going up faster than you can say faggot.

>> No.54947418
File: 284 KB, 950x1100, wfGrtUR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its AVAXchan, not C-chan.

>> No.54947421

Cockroaches are imune to the rules, let that sink in.
Emin scams and uses the money to scam even more people. There is a reason why we see a infestation from monday to friday.

>> No.54947497
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well corrected
can the anon who made these post moar catgirl feetz :3
already coomed twice

>> No.54947698
File: 39 KB, 640x513, TN4LgQUWpbhMN5nwSQeWBYS0x6Bhgd9qvHXJOhITzJo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, I can die in peace

>> No.54948652


>> No.54948680

tell me you're not a dev without saying you're not a dev

>> No.54948773

so whats the dapp nigger

>> No.54949128

I said I'm the other thread. 13 has been typical bottom support. We only went sub 13 briefly. I bought more from my bank account looking for a quick x2. Everything else is delegated.

>> No.54949324

Fuck this dumping pile of trash
Going down faster then you can say double spend

>> No.54949536

Last month AVAX was almost making it to the top and I bought more. Seems as if I was too early to think it was buying time. I added CYMI this month while playing the meme gamble. I hope things fall in place for me.

>> No.54949606

Avalanche is a shit scamchain with zero users

>> No.54950107

Will you get an extra bonus at the end of the month for being here on friday nights fucking around, Rajir?

>> No.54950144

kek that bankless fuck is talking about do kwon instead
da fuck is this tho

>> No.54950703 [DELETED] 

Not the same check id

>> No.54950708

Muh finality
Nobody cares about that when it's save anyway.

>> No.54950969

Confirmed shit dev, GO is based.

>> No.54951215

>Nobody cares about that
Everyone cares about that, you do a transaction you want it to be finalized as fast as possible. many usecases require that speed.
>when it's save anyway
nothing safe about them, other chains and L2s suffer from constant reorgs and MEV.
Avalanche has no reorgs and no MEV.
everything is final in under a second for ANY smart contract interaction across any subnet.

>> No.54951239


>> No.54952032

and you're a retarted nigger with no bitches

>> No.54952282

when will the pain end brothers?

forked avalanche, larping about fed integration though. I thought Ava Labs patented snowman?

>> No.54952290

Hi how much does it cost to store 1 GB of data on AVAX?

>> No.54952399

You cant show me one Ethereum transaction that got reorged after it had 1 block confimration

>> No.54952508

> I thought Ava Labs patented snowman?

Is this it

Anyway there are other forks of Avalanche. Lamina1 is another example.

>> No.54952584

Fuck off Icypeepee cuck

>> No.54952620

avax when three digits?!

>> No.54953115

not this year.

>> No.54955055


>> No.54955075

I guess they call it Avalanche because all it does is go down.

>> No.54955088

i bought my first AVAX on goyager, but they never implemented the feature to send it to other wallets so I sold and rebought on Coinbase so I could send it to my Avax wallet and delegate.
Also last I remember hearing, goyager was limiting withdrawals. shit CEX

>> No.54955819

As much as the economics of the particular subnet you're trying to store data on dictates pisscuck

>> No.54957175


>> No.54958734
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I gotta bump this thread so the angry jeets can see it on a weekend.
cheers niggers

>> No.54958879

Mutt experience lmao

>> No.54959655
File: 286 KB, 1482x1891, whatthefuckishisproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutts were also not allowed in the ICO unless they are "accredited investors" lmao and then it took forever to be listed on kosher US exchanges.

>> No.54960462
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x1024, 00587-2031082164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, no feet today. how about a muscle girl instead?

>> No.54961113

after single digits