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54943286 No.54943286 [Reply] [Original]

>talk to them about crypto
>they start peppering me with questions about whether it‘s a good idea to buy now
>shift the conversation back to the new technology being developed
>they seem completely uninterested and only care about making money
The father of my sister‘s boyfriend is also bitcoin-traumatized because of greed. He invested tens of thousands of euros into NFT and made a huge loss. He barely even knows what an NFT is. He doesn’t want to support a cool new technology like early bitcoin buyers. Normie NPCs only care about greed. And that is why they will never have the right mindset to profit from this.

>> No.54943311

Everyone here is just here to shill memecoins anon, times have changed. This place is the new Telegram rugpull for pajeets. NGMI.

>> No.54943344

i made it very clear to friends and family that i can't tell them when to buy because i don't have the psychic power of predicting entire markets. i told them how dollar cost averaging works. and yet they have no interest when bitcoin is low and only ask me if now is a good time to buy when bitcoin is high. and i just tell them to dollar cost average which i guess bores them so they never buy. repeat every cycle. last cycle i ignored it when people started asking me about bitcoin but it dumped immediately after, i won't ignore them as a top signal again.

>> No.54943370

Sell when normies start talking about bitcoin.
Buy when no one talks about it or there is a lot of negative news like government cracking down on criminals using bitcoin to buy child prostitutes, who are armed with AR-15s to protect underground black market weed farms.

>> No.54943389
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>they seem completely uninterested and only care about making money

Like 100% of crypto traders, they're just not hypacrites.

You're lying to yourself if you think you're in to "support the tech" and "utility" of crypto.

>> No.54943406

I only buy coins and stocks of companies I want to support or whose goals I believe in.

>> No.54943425
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If they don't care about Monero, it's not worth talking to them about crypto.

>> No.54943428

>noooooooooo why would they want to make money when they can join my cult

LOL. Who the fuck cares about all your buzzwords. Also, using "normie" in 2023 is unironically a normie move.

>> No.54943451

Normie was a normalfaggotified version of normalfag because a normalfag is afraid of saying fag even if they aren't homophobes.
As a faggot I make it a point to call everyone online faggots so the word completely loses all meaning. Buyfags, normalfags, moefags, it means nothing to me. It's just 2000s culture. OP is a faggot and so is every other retard.

>> No.54943525

you're the odd one out cuz everyone is in it for the money not the tech and saying otherwise is bs. you are the odd one not everyone wanting money. stop posting like you're special and correct when making money is what its about anyways. tech lol the tech had its chance years ago and failed now its about the money. get with the times grandpa

>> No.54943527

this, kek. OP is probably a linkcuck

>> No.54945142
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based investing enjoyer