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File: 96 KB, 1100x619, 140523161911-pets-com-puppet-super-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5488834 No.5488834 [Reply] [Original]

>60-250 billion dollar market capitalizations
>zero real-world utilization
>zero practical utility
>zero function
>competition among THOUSANDS of identical currencies

How delusional do you need to be to really believe these are fair prices? These pumps will create 1,000 bankruptcies of the poor for every millionaire.

>> No.5488889

>1,000 bankruptcies of $1,000 each.
Plain math.

>> No.5488906

Its pretty much what Cryptos are.

Its literally just a one way transfer of wealth. From Boomers to Banks, and the few neets that get in on a coin before the banks start manipulating it.

I mean its no different than some stocks. But its pretty blatant with Cryptos.

>> No.5488910

>1,000 bankruptcies of the poor for every millionaire

Yup. Who cares.

-sent from my S65

>> No.5488951

you're assuming millionaire = 1 million. the people doing the hoodwinking aren't making 1mil off you, they're making 100 or 200. also if someone's networth is -35k, what do you think a month's salary crash does to them?

protip: homelessness.

>> No.5489011

blockchain technology is amazing, and the potential of a lot of these trademarked technologies (crypto coins) is amazing. It's more akin to early adoption.

>> No.5489326

WTF is an s65

>> No.5489383
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functionality is only tested at levels btc is used. everything functions fine with small userbase.

there are plenty of real world use for btc currently. not retail shopping but other use

>> No.5489397

Spotted the poor.

>> No.5490068

>It's more akin to early adoption.

but where is the 400 billion dollar market cap going towards that "early product adoption"? NOTHING is happening. NONE of these currencies are being used for any purpose other than profit-taking.

this is going to be a DISASTER very soon.

lol. you just admitted how empty and vapid a 400 billion dollar market cap currency is. you know this makes no sense. we're all here for the profit-taking. there is nothing keeping any of this afloat except delusions of millionaire-dom.

>> No.5490166

none of this tech is ready. major wallets still get delivered in zip files, and most exchanges are scams.

we are due for MAJOR crashes into 2018. I'm not saying don't invest, but do keep your eyes open for the signs of the impending crash. and it will happen across the board, on every single currency, and exchanges will liquidate with people's money overnight.

>> No.5490379
File: 7 KB, 400x400, Over 1.2 billion now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize it's gonna be this, right?

>> No.5490857

well that's just a lie. If you keep up-to-date on any sources of crypto-news you see a billion daily announcements of projects being initiated between blockchains and private companies.

Might be a bubble sure, but I think a lot of crypto-doomsayers don't quite factor that these currencies are globally traded and used. E.g. in the west bitcoin core might establish itself as the index "storage of value" coin, or it crash as it didn't quite succeed in becoming a viable direct currency. Even then though, it might still be viable product for the 2 billion people not yet part of the financial markets, or a storage of value for the wealthy class of developing nations.

>> No.5490903

>well that's just a lie. If you keep up-to-date on any sources of crypto-news you see a billion daily announcements of projects being initiated between blockchains and private companies.

someone's never seen how penny stocks operate. they use exactly this technique to keep your delusion afloat just a bit longer. tiny, micro-sized announcements that add up to absolutely nothing and dissolve overnight. Name ONE single substantial announcement. Name one even for BTC. I'll wait.

>> No.5490919

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.5490927

>Might be a bubble sure, but I think a lot of crypto-doomsayers don't quite factor that these currencies are globally traded and used. E.g. in the west bitcoin core might establish itself as the index "storage of value" coin, or it crash as it didn't quite succeed in becoming a viable direct currency. Even then though, it might still be viable product for the 2 billion people not yet part of the financial markets, or a storage of value for the wealthy class of developing nations.


With no evidence of that happening or being feasible in even the long term, based on the current state of the technology and how terribly it works for the end user.

>> No.5490996

>being on exchanges
one step ahead senpai.
ETH price target still 5k, 2020

>> No.5491193
File: 32 KB, 480x531, 1513734593684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their fault for being retarded. the fuk you doing being -35k in the first place, let alone thinking it'll then be good to invest in crypto.

>> No.5491239

this isn't penny stock. The names and profiles of the individuals who make up the development teams are publicly paraded. These people are subject to public backslash and legal action in case of obvious mismanagement.

>Name ONE single substantial announcement.
literally google "ripple banks"

>> No.5491310

Nor any evidence of the contrary. The future is uncertain, not the least when we're talking about disruptive technologies.

>> No.5491324

>These people are subject to public backslash and legal action in case of obvious mismanagement.

lol the delusion. Take a tour around penny stock forums. You can probably find quotes of things you've said there.

>literally google "ripple banks"

literally google "Trial run". Every penny stock does this same thing. "Just a big longer, we're running more trials. You'll see something meaningful soon senpai." It's a carrot on a stick.

>> No.5491592


>lol the delusion.

Yeah ok I'm done. Don't start a debate if you don't want to actually debate but just went your anger. It doesn't contribute anything to anyone.

>> No.5491664
File: 27 KB, 350x350, pets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny, my dad raised me to invest in things that I believe in, specifically products that can change things...

But I remember as a kid, asking for this puppet for christmas one year...

>> No.5491766

why would you think any of ripple's organizers are beholden to anyone? they cash out and live on a yacht. they have nothing at stake. what makes you think they can be held responsible for fraud, or lying?

>> No.5491846
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There is one coin that is about to make crypto technology a lot more useful.

Don't even have to say the name. Accumulate

>> No.5491897

>Used by banks
>Governments looking to implement distributed ledgers

Just buy ripple, it's the future. Plus with jews you cannot lose.

>> No.5491958

lol btc has real world use you fucking retarded newfag.

>> No.5491999

>just one

>> No.5492018

>believe these are fair prices?
who's forcing people to buy/sell, faggot? looks fair to me

>> No.5492048

>the people doing the hoodwinking aren't making 1mil off you
the people doing the hoodwinking haven't made a single cent off of me. 3 months in and i still have yet to sell at a loss. eat shit.

>> No.5492058
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1513630866821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every penny stock does this same thing.
>Comparing ripple to penny stocks

>> No.5492605

And the people who go bankrupt fucking deserve it. They are not animals or children you need to protect. Let them make their decisions out greed and live with the fucking consequences.