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54887857 No.54887857 [Reply] [Original]

Which would be the most Lucrative small business for me to open of these?
>Cafe/bar(but would need to spend money on liquor license)
Which would you recommend? I'd want the day cafe/night bar but my state has rough liquor laws

>> No.54887876

kek at pic. They never could find a comeback for the seasoning bantz without sounding mad.

>> No.54887883

Why would you start a restaurant when millenials just order food btw?
Just make it at home and deliver it to basedboys

>> No.54887901

Alcohol is the most lucrative. Cafe/bar sounds fun. Most importantly, find other ways to monetize your location. Make your floor space make you money - those little tablets on tables, or an arcade on one side, karaoke, fundraisers for a charity you own, selling merch, setting up an online store to sell your product more broadly - all can be done in different capacities to ensure you're succesful.

>> No.54887931

Bar, duh. Cafe also might work but very hit or miss.

>> No.54887933

>They never could find a comeback for the seasoning bantz without sounding mad.
because its not true, all the most expensive restaurants in the world are European or Japanese

>> No.54887950

The op is obviously talkign about murifats
Go eat your hot pockets

>> No.54887960
File: 43 KB, 680x680, 1680572651221463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how much investment risk you want to take on to start the business. If you're interested in the food aspect over the bar, you can start as a food truck/trailer to try running a kitchen if yiu have little experience. You'd still need your own permits but you can buy a used food truck from someone else who tried it out. If it's not for you, just sell the truck to someone else. It's less of a initial capital investment than a restaurant and you're not tied to yearly lease.

>> No.54887965

get a food truck

>> No.54887970

Didn't Remy learnt himself from a cookbook written by a White French Chef? What's the actual take here?

Also, none of those if you're hit by another scamdemic

>> No.54887983

Because everything is delivery these days you can use a smaller space. Just two tables and a counter where people pickup from

>> No.54887992

So niggers are synonymous rats? Nah I dont see it Jews are rats and there food is bland as shit.

>> No.54888052

>muh seasoning

Brownoids only obsess over seasoning because they have a history of eating rotten food that cant be touched unless it has been covered in ten pounds of spice

>> No.54888096
File: 2.47 MB, 460x574, 1681947039390867.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ypipo dun season dey food nigga dun wash dey chikkun eader
Why are black 'people' like this?

>> No.54888174

>seething at the bantz again
You see.

>> No.54888186

you sound mad bro

>> No.54888384

Kek that video

>> No.54888414


Looks like you could fit a train between her teeth.

>> No.54888447

Nigs think that seasoning food is just putting powdered spices into it when whites prefer to use fresh herbs and quality ingredients that don’t needed be drown out it spices that mostly consist of sodium

>> No.54888530

All of them are terrible unless you are laundering money. The more money you need to launder, the more expensive the restaurant.

>> No.54888545

Is pic related any good for washing my chicken?


>> No.54888717

Normal dawn is cheaper and works just a well

>> No.54888824
File: 90 KB, 948x1024, 1680711715433832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54888830

All of those are terrible unless you have experience running a small business in that industry and are willing to put in your own time because you are passionate about it. Otherwise you're signing up yourself to work 80 hour weeks in an industry you hate.

On top of that it requires a ton of research about your specific local market, what kind of taste people have, etc..etc..

>> No.54888831

the movies about how anyone can cook including niggers unfortunately

>> No.54888913

Gets worse when you go down the rabbit hole of African Geophagus condition aka Pika. When you hear about Missisippi mud pies, it's not some cute name for a chocolate dessert, it's actually Africans eating mud.
Yet they still have the audacity to call out whitey for not over seasoning poor quality meat.

>> No.54888920

>needs to season your food to make it taste good
Nigga I can eat meat raw and it still taste good to me because I have natural taste buds

>> No.54889014

The replies prove it. White fragility lmao

>> No.54889551

i know you are a nigger but let me explain
that’s because we don’t have to
even if it were true and our biggest flaw is to not season our chicken or whatever it would be nothing against the stupidity and incompetence of your let’s call them people
and we can just laugh it off because it’s a silly point to make
since it’s not true and the best cuisines and the best chefs are all european so it’s a nonsense point anyway

>> No.54889691

Self-own. She just called all non-whites rats.

>> No.54889778

>Thinking brown and lesser people actually research before posting.

>> No.54889783

post the image

>> No.54890003

I have wondered how this stereotype originated but it makes sense if you think about it. for most Blacks, their only exposure to 'White food' is either prison or a school cafeteria. given the demographics low average IQ, it's understandable that they would conclude that the food Whites serve them in prison is the same food that Whites eat at home.

>> No.54890053

Post it lads

>> No.54891488

Whatever you say nigger lmao