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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54837408 No.54837408 [Reply] [Original]

Who else fell the for the enlist meme?
Lost my 20s in exchange for 200k

>> No.54837422

Imagine dying for trannys

>> No.54837498

Why not defect to belarus?
99% white country and based

>> No.54837518

I am in a tech roll, I won't be dying anytime soon.
Still the bugman work is killing me.
At least I will have about 600k at 31 as cope
they will freeze my assets

>> No.54837557

Should have the National Guard

>> No.54837666

Much better than going to university in a shithole big city to end up in astronomical debt then wage slaving for 45k if you even made it out of it with a diploma...

>> No.54837714

true I guess
all my hs friends have 50-70k debt and earn less than me. while I have actual savings
I suppose the real problem is the waging for ZOG

>> No.54837759

Yeah. The military sucks. Just don't be a pussy and be too scared to get out at the end of your enlistment.

>> No.54837761

Well, there are very young people with more money than you will ever hope to see.
Unfortunately you are not part of that group.
Cope harder wagie
You're poor and you will always be poor

>> No.54837789

You only made 200k over 10 years in the military? Did you stay an e-3 the entire time AND never collect any sort of bonus pay (bah, combat, hazardous, sea, sub, etc)? Or did you marry a whore?

>> No.54837788

>enlist meme
this isn't a meme, no one falls for it
>5 more years
rip anon, just in time for ww3 i imagine. then you'll have eternal ptsd to deal with. i'll probably see you on the news or something.

>> No.54837815

Is the $200k tax free?

>> No.54837837

I am in the EU. First 5 years where for my "education" which I got paid for and had 0 costs, then 7 mandatory service years. I am 7 years deep. With 5 more to go
That is the money I have saved and invested over 7 years. I paid very low taxes over that salary like 21%

>> No.54837854
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>> No.54837892

>easy job
>easy to get future jobs
>benefits guaranteed for life
>you actually have savings, unlike most people your age

>> No.54837906

5 more years to create a paper trail that supports 80% or greater VA disability gibs for life. you can do it!

>> No.54837910

I got so much Japanese and philopino pussy during my enlistment. If your not getting so much asain pussy that your duck is raw, your doing the military thing wrong. TRANSFER TO A JAPAN BASE.

>> No.54837911
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Even the risk of dying for ZOG is not really high depending on what you do in the army, and if there's a real war, pretty much every man will be sent, army or not.
Just DCA invest in good stocks and enjoy an early retirement fren.

t. lost my 20s doing a physics phd in a disgusting degenerate city, putting 0 money aside, most jobs I can find are barely above min wage anyways (eurocuck), had to completely change careers for something that can actually pay, barely starting to make it at 35.

>> No.54837955

Oh boy, good luck with Russia.
Thursday the battle oh bakhmut starts.

>> No.54838059

Did they make you take the Covid VAxx? If so you better spend it quick before you get a blood clot or heart issues. Hopefully you said no to the jab

>> No.54838088

I have invested about 90% of my income during my 5 study years (living was free). Right now it is about 60%. I have a friend who is doing a PHD in quantum computing and he only has a massive amount of debt.
It was optional so I didn't take it. Bonus is that I couldn't be deployed without the vaccine when covid was a thing.

>> No.54838218

>"education" which I got paid for and had 0 costs, then 7 mandatory service years. I am 7 years deep. With 5 more to go
The longest technical school in the US military is 2 and a half years (naval nuclear lab tech). What fucking training were you doing for 5 years? If it was training that ended up in a degree then you got more than 200k, you also got a degree.

>> No.54838258

he's in the military, he doesn't math well anon.

>> No.54838260

Kek I didn't fall for that meme, I fell for Layer 0 meme instead, POND has ruined my emotional stability, still not gonna sell

>> No.54838282

I got a BSc in military engineering. (building bridges and refugee camps) it takes 5 years and it includes working, specialty and basic training as well

>> No.54838330

You're keeping the jewish industrial complex alive. I would say you should kill yourself but given veteran suicide statistics that would be redundant.

>> No.54838341

every industry is filled with jews. by participating in society you are aiding them

>> No.54838362

KEK, if you could go back in time I bet you'd get into it again cuz you're retarded

>> No.54838373

You're literally worth nothing rn anon

>> No.54838381

Not sure if tax free but everything can be tax free if you just don't submit to the IRS

>> No.54838391

Well at least you admit it kek

>> No.54838564

nearly did it, then I found crypto

>> No.54838608

I have lost more on crypto than I gained. Stocks are doing great tho.
Idk how you are tards making it with crypto

>> No.54838690

Mostly being able to stomach regular 20% swings and putting about 18 hours of research into it never getting emotional.

>> No.54838692

I did 3 years infantry. That was more than enough for me.

>> No.54838714

What constitutes as research for a crypto currency?
I am legally not allowed to leave for 5 more years

>> No.54838741

Ex nuke here - so fucking glad I didn't fall for the reenlistment meme when I was in. Back around 2013 they were dangling $120k at us when we were at sea(which means tax free). Got out and easily made more than that while being a free man.

>> No.54838824

120k is more than a highest general would earn in my country. After tax it would prob be only 65k

>> No.54838856

Starts with checking contracts for red flags, continues with mapping the wallets involved and categorizing them, observing their behavior over some time and if everything in that departement checks out it goes into social media, checking out who and how it gets shilled, getting into the social history of the protocol and observing the inner kike circles and mapping the most notorious shills, devs, chatters trying to get as much info on them as possible and trying to link them to their wallets. If there aren't any redflags, one can take a small position and depending on the market increase that position.

Usually if everything checks out to this degree you picked a winner and are waiting to take profits as soon as more people realize that there is a gem, and while the shilling intensifies and more suckers find the protocol you start to sell into the pump and take profits

>> No.54839059

and most imprtant
ignore every single astroturf on /biz/
If a bunch of jeets spam it on /biz/, no matter how much it pumps, its not worth the risk, /biz/ is always considered exit liquidity, by everyone

>> No.54839142

I only followed /biz/ advice on crypto. other media seems to even worse on the topic

>> No.54839160

>mfw i realize i am the wageslave of crypto world by DCAing to eth and LINK for 4 years and only making a 50x out of it. All bizjeets are doibg 2000x in days...

>> No.54839209

That was a bonus for a 2 year reenlistment, so on top of your normal pay would be around $80k for those 2 years. Its not like that for every rate, nukes are super high in demand because the schooling is ridiculously tough, you work absolute shit hours(we're talking 90+ hours per week for multiple months on end being the average), the work is absolute shit, and all of your superiors are fucking assholes because "I had a shitty time so you're going to have a shitty time". That being said afterwords it sets you up for success pretty well.

>> No.54839215

yeah, sots have a better rate of winning than /biz/. /biz/ is poor like shit, only a few inner kikes in kahoots with the mods and jannies with some capital that try to fleece the retard poorfags with their 1000 bucks from time to time when the market is gay. Its not worth the risk, never

>> No.54839252

5 more years is nothing. You already have 15 in, right? You'll be retired at 40-something, set for life. Plenty of people have it a lot worse.

>> No.54839305

I have 7 in, 5 to go. according to my calculations I will have a bit more than 600k at the end of it. assuming a 12% ROI

>> No.54839455

>5 more years
You're in a third world country, right? No way American soldiers are paid that little.

>> No.54839494 [DELETED] 
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its not "lost" cringe commie jew shill

no one is falling for these pajeet-tier social campaigns faggot

>> No.54839624

West EU. Stated making 2300, after 7 years I now earn 4k

>> No.54839776

how? just buy and hold if you are retarded like me

>> No.54839859

the line keeps going down

>> No.54839965

learn to hedge. perps are expensive but usually do the job fine. leberaged yield farming with lending/borrowing protocols can be used for high yield pseudo delta neutral positions that dont care if line goes up or doesn't, as long as it doesnt go up or doen to fast. And there is always the classic futures. Or, take profits/losses and have some stables for dips and then don't forget to take profits the next time