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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5483501 No.5483501 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking $2,000,000 and sniffing her butthole
> picrelated

>> No.5483524

shes like 5

>> No.5483527
File: 112 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171220-202245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.5483546

Nice gains anon, I'm only at $44k USD right now though. Hoping to make it next year

>> No.5483552

Oh my..... She is real

>> No.5483555

Yeah nah I only fuck girls who look over the age of 25

>> No.5483561

>sniffing the butthole of a european roastie
why not just smell a turd instead same thing just cheaper

>> No.5483572

> 555
adds up man
True, maybe I'll pull a McAfee

>> No.5483582
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>> No.5483583
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Yes, she is very pretty.
Yes, there are more pretty girls out in the world if you would leave your basement. Go to University, it's filled with cuties.
But who am I talking to. You are probably to shy to say hello anyway

>> No.5483587

It never stops. The greed keeps going or you get tired and old.

>> No.5483599
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>You are probably to shy to say hello anyway

>> No.5483615
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> You are probably to shy to say hello anyway
Story of my life anon

>> No.5483630

tfw no deluded arkie gf

>> No.5483644
File: 12 KB, 222x227, 3552C114-B678-44FB-9FEE-C5DE1840FB0F-2998-0000010A4CEA9890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with those lately?
You guys are a fucking cancer. Go white knight elsewhere faggot

>> No.5483667
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>tfw I realised 10 years ago the "just b yourself" meme is real so I can pull chicks without even trying but only 20k in cryptos

>> No.5483668

Do you even know what White Knight means, you mongrol?

>> No.5483687
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>tfw I can pull chicks but only by lying through my fucking teeth and letting them know about my large benis

>> No.5483734

That's not even enough to retire on. You haven't made it unless you have at least 10 million USD after taxes.

>> No.5483769 [DELETED] 

What I know is your a beta fuck who came from fucking plebbit and think he's entitled to post here, like your opinion matter or something.

>> No.5483790
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Mean but the truth. This board breeds a loser attitude. The get fit and be yourself memes are true. Be confident about what you do.
I was a shy neet as well. I started lifting. I read things that interest me. I took care of myself and sold wearing baggy jeans, old sneakers and hoodies. I started being able to have a normal conversation with girls because I want ashamed of who I am anymore.
It takes time and effort but anyone can do it. Men don't have to rely on looks to be successful. Look at all those alpha leaders out there. Many of them look like scrawny ugly nerd bitches but they are very confident.

>> No.5483796

$10m is way too much. You could probably just retire in a flyover state and live the same life staying indoors all the time

>> No.5483799

What I know is you're a beta fuck who came from fucking plebbit and think he's entitled to post here, like your opinion matter or something.

>> No.5483816

No trust me it sounds like a lie but I was able to fake enough confidence to lie through my teeth and get laid through dating apps for a year

but now I just dont want to do anything much other than trade crypto + bare minimum

>> No.5483819
File: 269 KB, 695x714, d561173c2a78d9b4e6f16b9b3becb44c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aside from my disgust for stinky european whores here is some real advice

there is not making it from wealth alone

happyness is built on several pillars which one of them is wealth yes but there are others like health and fullfillment

start to lift op earn that 2 million or whatever you need to live out your wishes and change your diet to a focus on foods that boost testosterone

the happyness and social interactions will come with that

testosterone is a major player in a mans health

>> No.5483851


>> No.5483855

Different ID but answering to my (you)

Let me guess, you are on 4chan since summer and feel like an oldfag right now. I've been on 4chan when moot was still shitposting. I don't give a fuck about hurting your feefees, you insecure little teenager shit.

>> No.5483884

if shes a virgin: 2,000,000$
roastie: 300$

>> No.5483896


>> No.5483913


Shit taste. I'm ginger and I want a ginger qt

>> No.5483984

Brainlet. 1 million in a diversified portfolio of conservative dividend stocks can yield 5% giving 50k a year in income. The stocks could also appreciate on value giving even more. Then you have an extra million to buy a house with and buy any major stock market dip to maintain your lifestyle. But your definition of making it is probably owning three lambos and being and 2 whores a day because you're a brainwashed materialist.

>> No.5484526

Shes a roastie and shes American

>> No.5484548

I detect doge. You can do it. We will make it.

>> No.5484665

Not less than 40 million. Gotta have a top tier house in two different countries, each cost about 9 million, in case shit goes down. Gotta have passive reliable income so no worries about work, which is 3 million In real estate. Pay tax so no worries about mafia IRS., 10 million.

>> No.5484702


Only 15-20

>> No.5484831

1.2 million

At this figure you pay tax+buy a house+ not have to work for 5 to 10 years, enough to do whatever you want, start a buisness, more crypto trading, work a day job while completelty carefree if you get fired.

2M is never work again tier money.

And 3M is never work again while living large money.

>> No.5484852
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>and being and 2 whores a day

>> No.5485377
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sounds like you weren't BEEing yourself anon. The only true meme is that girls follow success. Become successful and women will follow. This is why men>women.

>> No.5485425

I wish once i reach something around 30k and could do whatever i want never bothering about money 5 years or more

>> No.5485451

lol where are you living my good man. I'd put a sizeable portion in bonds so I cant get completely fucked over. THen I'd split it between low - low medium risk, somethinga big higher for a 4-5% return. Buy a property rent it out, keep some for crypto play. Like 150,000-200K tops.

>> No.5486233

hau u double+ in a month

>> No.5486305

I don't know how the fuck you guys can't live off 1mil and traditional investment

I'm thankfull for not giving a shit about names on things or cock compare contests and for natural inclinations towards asceticism

>> No.5486337

You need a large house, good car, give money to family and friends. 1mil is not enough at all

>> No.5486340

1 mil isn't enough to live off unless you live in bumfuck nowhere

>> No.5486393

fuck off normie

>> No.5486403


50k a year isn't enough?

just lifestyle differences I guess

though having extra cushion isn't a bad thing

>> No.5486422

where can you get 5% guaranteed returns?

>> No.5486466

>need a large house
>nice car
Used prius is hardly anything
>need to give money to family and friends
Nvm just realized this is bait

>> No.5486483
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Stop watching porn

>> No.5486512
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one of those is shooped

>> No.5486697

you could live in europe just fine

>> No.5486730

Yours is obv shopped

>> No.5486734

what app is this?

>> No.5486845

"Make it" for most of people probably means when you can afford to buy a house and a car of your dreams while you don't need to go to work anymore and still have money for traveling.

>> No.5487048
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> I am a deetecteve

>> No.5487099

>sniffing her butthole

I get the feeling there's an odd truth to this:


>> No.5487971
File: 65 KB, 960x957, oe6NM7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was planning out what I want to do in retirement and I'll need $65k to $90k a year. It starts off higher since mortgage/car, but I plan to keep those running forever. Hopefully I can get it done by age 40-42 (28 nao)

Electric car for town, diesel truck for work/travel, plenty of land and isolation for hobbies, lots of money for travel.

>> No.5488245

So girls will actually fuck with me if I let them know I have huge dick? I thought that only works in porn.

>tfw 9'' and kissless virgin

>> No.5488363

Maybe for you wasteful losers. I plan to live off 20k a year. You can waste your money on crap though.

>> No.5488475
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>You are probably too shy to say hello anyway

>> No.5488733


>> No.5488811


enjoy your trailer park

>> No.5488856
File: 180 KB, 336x400, abstract merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Go to University

Good goyim, become my slave and hope to find a decent woman in the insanely Lefty, hedonistic STD bazaar that is """higher learning"""

>> No.5488892

>all this imaginary money
>can't can out to buy a phone charger

>> No.5488942

Craigslist. There are size queens that will go nuts over an 8+. You could be balls deep in thots all day.