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54775092 No.54775092 [Reply] [Original]

I left faggy deloitte but now I am without job, but I can not bring myself to apply to any more of these globohomo companies who are expected to push everything ESG related down their employees’ throats. I was so fucking sick of it. Every other day it was another email or company wide announcement that the company was going to focus on niggers, fags, females, or retards (I was hired alongside someone with actual brain damage from a childhood car accident. Loved anime and once got his phone out at a manager meet n greet event to play some ghenshin type game in front of everyone. It was very funny.)
So I quit Deloitte and have been sitting at home drinking and smoking for the past month because I’m waiting to find out if I’m terminally ill or not. Shit situation but unfortunately I still need to make a wage right now.

Please can someone recommend a comfy WFH job where I will not be expected to align myself with faggots on a daily basis. I know I’m asking a lot but I’m honestly desperate right now.

Picre is epic stack. Please comment on how epic you think it is.

>> No.54775131

wtf is that bottown left card

>> No.54775149

It was given out when the first Pokémon movie came out. It’s of Mew. Wish I had never taken the fucker out of the packaging.

>> No.54775165

If you were actually an accountant with Deloitte, Paro.ai has been a good fit for me for WFH, take on various projects from tax prep, audit, bookkeeping, etc. It's self employed, so you'd need an s-corp if you don't want to get raped on SE tax.

T- Me, I'm contracted there

If you're not an account. Get fucked tech fag.

>> No.54775193

Sorry I should have mentioned that I was part of consultancy. The one area where barely anyone has any meaningful skills. I wanted to research evolutionary psychology for fuck sake.

>> No.54775219

I was laid off by Deloitte recently, glad to be out. They say 1200 employees are affected, but I doubt that number.

>> No.54775493

Not a chance. I was on medical leave for 2 months and they pretty much told me I was close to losing my job so I jumped. I’m in the uk Deloitte so it might be delayed with the lay offs. Were you in consultancy or somewhere else?

>> No.54775509

Sorry meant to add that I’ve heard loads of stories of people getting placed on PIP currently. It’s gon be a bloodbath! Kek

>> No.54775659

I used to work out of the Rosslyn office. I swear the only thing they were good at was hiring hot girls and putting out free food. I also had an existential crisis there and moved on to get my mba.

>> No.54775701

mirin your cards hombre, wagmi

>> No.54776061

Is anyone on biz hiring? I can basically do anything. I consider myself a renaissance creator.

>> No.54776108

Was in a similar boat a year ago. Took a corpo finance job and it was the worst thing ever. Retard liberals everywhere
But might as well get an easy corpo job now while you can. This economy is dying this year anyway

>> No.54776221

how much for the mew?

>> No.54776243

>not first editions
get out of my /biz/

also, invest in kneepads

>> No.54776421

It's called Egyptian Mew you stupid mouth breathing zoomer faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.54776439

I hate zoomers

>> No.54776531

Never heard of this. Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.54776932

Contract based marketplace for accountants/bookkeepers. Create your resume, talk with their sales team, they place you with clients who match your skillset. It's easy as shit.

>> No.54776950

i sold all my rare pokemon cards a while ago and realized i got completely hosed. i was desperate and didn't want to piece them out so went to a card shop. probably lost 1000 or more

>> No.54777231

I got an accounting degree almost two years ago but my current job is not even closely related to it. Do you think I can still find something with no accounting experience?

>> No.54777406

What is even the point of Deloitte? I hope interest rates kill these kike businesses.

>> No.54777438

I work at Capgemini in public health. I hate being a tech drone doing the work that doctors should be doing themselves

>> No.54777501

You fucking idiot.

>> No.54777530

I just got hired at Deloitte. I am a white male. What am I in for?

>> No.54777588


A meaningless life.

>> No.54777745

If your Mew and Charizard weren't in such terrible condition they would be worth a hell of a lot more than that giant silver boomer bar.

>> No.54777747

80 hour weeks. Everything the OP said. A new ‘family’ at work. New addictions which will slowly erode and destroy you. Mental health issues, being gaslighted by people at work and externally to work that your such a big shot now even though you work 80 hour weeks and must obey your manager or your time off (just like a slave!). A wage which doesn’t keep up with inflation and likely way less than what equivalent contractors make. As one anon said this whole economy is ending, I wouldn’t say ending but changing. With the advent of new technologies businesses are going to be trimming the fat. And there’s ALOT OF FAT! So yeah, good luck getting worked to bone before this all happens, developing new addictions , severe mental health issues and still somehow being utterly poor and desperate. Remember your new team is your FAMIlY! Kek

>> No.54777794

I'm at budget consulting company but I also have to have a family at work

>> No.54778569

you left or got laid off? were you in consulting?

>t deloitte anon who got laid off

>> No.54778646

I work for Oliver Wyman, 100% work from home. But I do actuarial consulting, not management consulting, so the skillset might be a bit different from yours? Also if you've left Deloitte I'm not sure if you want to jump right back into consulting.

>> No.54778754
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Is that charizard with the bent edges actually worth anything? Is there a recommended site or guide I can use to check if anything in my collection might be worth getting graded? I have every card in the OP pic(except the Mew), and thought about sending some off to get graded but I'm also a huge retard and would like a teaspoon of feeding.

>> No.54779058

I was a consultant. Deloitte paid well, and I liked some of the people. But generally, I was not impressed. Lot of bloat.

>> No.54779083

Can you suck to completion? No hands

>> No.54779094

They're not worth that much desu. Can pick one up on ebay for around $40

>> No.54780094
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t. underage

>> No.54780260

Is anything in the base set that isn't 1st Ed or shadowless worth anything?

>> No.54780359

Kek. It's the same at avanade/ accenture.
Got another meeting about menopause in the workplace coming up

>> No.54780575
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Lmao I had the same issue at IBM where I worked for 6 months. What a fucking sodomity promoting company that was. I had to do a mandatory "become a diversity ally"-badge which consisted of different topics such as racial discrimination, how to work with a co-worker who is transitioning, how to work with mentally challenged persons etc. The people at the IBM were insufferable cultists, every video we got from the (poo in the loo) CEO, directors, managers etc. started with the "Dear IBMers..." phrase, and people were constantly hyping every lame piece of shit "innovation" that IBM had made in LinkedIn and at office without understanding mostly what those innovations were even about. I actually got laid-off because people were gossiping about me behind my back (I used to work from home), and one main reason why I had to quit was according to manager that "According to your peers and other colleagues you are not a suitable person that represents and encompasses our values at IBM". Worked at consulting which consisted of talentless normies and socially unfunctional hardcore coders.

Fuck IBM

>> No.54780588

I work in HR consulting and the ESG thing has me rolling my fucking eyes. They brought out some tranny whose message as far as I can tell was don't treat me any different but you should be bending over backwards to be nice to me. I'm fucking sick of this fucking shit

>> No.54780662
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What a shit company they must have some limitless kosher capital inflow,otherwise I have no idea how are they able to stay operational
Their kyndryl or whatever spinoff that is is even worse
ExGF works there. Still cannot grasp what they actually do. Literal dindu nuffin mode with arbitrary meetings and globohomo curriculum nemoarxist kindergarten.
Or some sort of monastery for women. Just as in middle ages, keep them preoccupied with bullshit so they don't reproduce
Just shout heil climate LBGTQ and that's it for the day
All you niggers are basically on point in this thread

>> No.54780826


Their main cashcows were in consulting (hybrid cloud, AI and ERP) and business transformation. The ERP and business transformation units were the most insufferable normie hiveminds, people there had mainly business degrees, and they larped some hardcore tech-professionals. These were also the type of people that especially participated in the cultist-mentality at the office and in the LinkedIn. It felt like a kindergarten, where you had to constantly prove your worth by participating into the cultist mentality, virtue signalling and gossip circles in the office.

>> No.54781244

So go enter a graduate program.

>> No.54781267

Graduate programs are entry level and pay accordingly

>> No.54781291
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I live in a heavily white area. The ESG training crap is the only time I see niggers, and there's a lot of fucking training.

>> No.54781315

Eat a gun bitch

>> No.54781450

>mandatory "become a diversity ally"-badge
What the fuck man. This is insane.

>> No.54781519
File: 11 KB, 293x372, le_john_ebin_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you from denmark? I had exactly those cards in my collection that my mom sold at a flee market for like 100kr without me knowing.

>> No.54781552

Don't sell those cards for another twenty years.

Should be in plastic wtf?

>> No.54782357

Seeing as you don't have your cards in any sort of protective sleeve, you can do yourself a double-favour by mailing them off to Ace grading and getting them graded and put into a beautiful protective sleeve.

Afterwards, store them in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. One bad day of sunlight will do harm, so really store them thoughtfully.

>> No.54782405

>doesn’t fake being a gay trans black guy
You guys suck at this.

>> No.54782462

Can anyone give me a job? I have no skills and I'm lazy. I do nothing all day

>> No.54782595

Underage b&

>> No.54783767


It is. And best part is that I'm not even from US.

T. Northern EU

>> No.54783785

Should have just done bare minimum work and sucked as much out of the globohomo corp as you could. That’s what I’m doing.

>> No.54783799

Is this real? I’m a cpa so could do all this shit.

>> No.54783966
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It's all scam, I was writing about how it's all connected;ESG, Financial institutions, audit, consultancy, universities etc. but you can probably figure that out for yourself.

If you want less bs than go for smaller companies. They don't have funding to train a company multiple days a year about diversity. Also there aren't 50 transgenders working there and creating a fuzz. Or go for companies that don't give a fuck about how they are perceived by the public. Casino's, porn sites etc.

>> No.54784058

>laid off for not licking the ESG cock
>at IBM
Were you calling the Indians niggers?