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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.54772996
File: 96 KB, 929x1175, 1680012512132880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 telegram pajeets raiding the thread with 40 iq fud

>> No.54773054
File: 2.46 MB, 1094x1642, VAVAX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we ever going to hit ATH again anons ?

>> No.54773245

but the market is most likely going to have a major crash again before that happens, I'm currently sidelined and waiting for an entry around $15

>> No.54773250

I am going to molest this catgirl and nobody can stop me.

>> No.54773479
File: 144 KB, 1788x1175, linkandavaxfrens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey and Emin on stage right now at Consensus.

>> No.54773508
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>> No.54773541
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>> No.54773635
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>> No.54773812

>Summit in less than a week
>No pump in sight

Let me guess, It'll dump on the event itself without even pumping beforehand?

>> No.54773934
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x1129, 1673483095721812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54773983

Why was the NEAR cuck up there with Sergey and Emin kek

>> No.54774034

the whole market is about to crash, though AVAX had its own run right before past bullrun, it might repeat but no one can really tell.

>> No.54774493

It's fucking over, We can't even pump with mastercard news+summit anticipation. Solana outperformed AVAX today by +6% based on the same news (Avalanche/Solana/Polygon/Aptos teamed with Mastercard)

>> No.54774591

there was news?

>> No.54775635
File: 1.39 MB, 896x1344, 1677190842118156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalanche has a ginormous amount of partnerships, integrations & updates that haven't been priced in yet, hence it definitely is the most undervalued crypto platform nowadays, once all of this starts getting priced in, it's over and there'll be no second chance to get it under $500.

>> No.54775648
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>> No.54775694

AVAX has always been a good project and together with XRP, CTSI, and NXRA, I can say I've got a nice portfolio on Kucoin.

>> No.54775696

>88% down from ATH
>I'm sidelined waiting for 89% down :smug:

>> No.54775751
File: 802 KB, 1024x576, 23984723534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got a point anon ngl, I might miss out the bottom but I still got a SUI so I don't really care.

>> No.54775779

Why price so bad?

>> No.54775891
File: 1.04 MB, 896x1344, 258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump with fresh AVAXchan

>> No.54776031

Kucoin got a lot of gems in there. we just need to find them in time.

>> No.54776279

I carefully selected CTSI and NXRA because I've been following them for a long time now and both projects are super bullish.

>> No.54776291

Reminds of that dream I had where Emin shot some guy trying to sell jewelry. We were sitting in a club with a couple of other Turkish guys.

>> No.54776451
File: 59 KB, 589x473, IMG_20230428_182733_184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Emin

>> No.54776631
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>> No.54776818

I will stop you by stabbing you with this big ass boner

>> No.54777152
File: 118 KB, 896x1344, 2847237489345729347834983445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think rn is the right time for me to slurp some more avaxxies.

>> No.54777715

Yeah the guy giving the peace sign, had a cheap tan suit on.

>> No.54777787
File: 145 KB, 600x600, 🔺.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats Gabriel Cardona, Senior Test Engineer & Developer Evangelist at Ava Labs.

>> No.54777846
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please do feet

>> No.54778062
File: 150 KB, 1253x1482, serg7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want horrors beyond your comprehension?

>> No.54778746
File: 69 KB, 620x538, 14BC6D06-F691-4518-B32B-CF149CEB31E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just took a few really big dabs and bought a bag of this what am I in for boys? Where do you think this can go this bull run?

>> No.54779115
File: 35 KB, 595x896, 1678264933980214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bad can it be?

>> No.54779169
File: 16 KB, 250x208, 747283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I slurp those big avax anon?

>> No.54779191
File: 875 KB, 896x1344, 244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda like with the hands but worse.
needs many batches until one looks good.
I guess inpainting would be an option but like editing in photoshop its very time consuming.
for sure difficult.

>> No.54779219
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it s call subchain

>> No.54779227
File: 61 KB, 696x669, 1635023282698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slurp "made in USA" avax

>> No.54779418
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I believe in you

>> No.54780243
File: 827 KB, 896x1344, 259cripplefeet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this?

>> No.54780565

Daily reminder that AVAX is centralized since it would go down to 0 without AVA labs.

>> No.54780570

dumbest post of the day, is your life easier because you are an imbecile?

>> No.54780582

$300 per AVAX minimum, $3000 is possible too.

>> No.54780601

Yes I'm probably more happy than you and bought doge before it was cool

>> No.54780605

avaxchan mega link?

>> No.54780612

listen poorfag nobody cares about your larp lifestory

>> No.54780730

avax has its own bull run

>> No.54781055

Is a future possible where Ethereum and Avalanche are both successful? I want you to convince me, an ETH bull, to buy your bags.

>> No.54781245

Yes. eth will pump but avax will pump more.

>> No.54781257

Why would AVAX pump?

>> No.54781966

it's ethereum but it has a better consensus protocol and a sensible approach to scaling. shared security is not a desirable property to have for two main reasons:

1. you want fault isolation between chains

2. each chain has a different purpose so they will benefit from maximising and deciding upon their own trade-offs concerning security.

>> No.54782049

the financial world, and transactions in general work on excel and cobalt a dead programing language. The only viable alternative is blockchain and avax has a working product, like being the first company to make a none exploding combustion engine.
People always go after crypto for scams, but when sbv was doing naked shorts with wbtc everyone knew because, blockhain. Now imagine all the fucking scam running in the commodities and stock market. Great example is dole company, the price went so low they wanted to buy back their shares and go private, turns out there where 50% more shares on the market then ever printed, hence why the price is so low. Hedge funds are fucking the economy with none existent money, and nobody can tell without a proper investigation.

>> No.54782087

it's ethereum except its a dead ghostchain with no developers on it, with double spend bugs and with astroturfed shills. Might as well invest in EOS or Neo

>> No.54782561

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.54782703

only Avalanche has Sub Second finality and only Avalanche can scale through Subnets. (nobody else can do that).
AVAX is also hardcapped, needed for Staking and its deflationary as all fees are burned, also most AVAX in circulation is already staked to Validators.
+ Avalanche has THE BEST proof of stake mechanism (no slashing) in the entire crypto space and has an endless amount of real world partnerships because everyone wants their own Blockchain and tokenize their Assets (for tradfi its replacing things like Hyperledger).
there is also full interoperability between all Avalanche Subnets.

basically its the next breakthrough in Blockchain tech and the most important piece of technology since the Oracle Problem was solved.

>> No.54783081

>only Avalanche has Sub Second finality and only Avalanche can scale through Subnets. (nobody else can do that).

You loli trading pedo faggots are absolutely retarded- what a dumb thing to say.

>> No.54783140

>seething ICP baggie doesnt know anything

not a surprise you will never make it. you are too dumb.

>> No.54783161
File: 742 KB, 1284x2778, 60E044E8-D1C9-4849-9A0E-5BF4F956015F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$3000 possible…NO.
Look at your fucking tps retards

>> No.54783188
File: 375 KB, 1284x1116, F3D20877-B893-4290-8D85-FC3788A6F322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 12% on the day, partnerships up
The ass. Eth integration on the horizon.
You fucking faggots have no idea. Tko ass

>> No.54783223

>braindead nigger trying to make a point but fails
>doesnt understand only Avalanche has sub second finality and full interoperability between Subnets
ngmi and I bet you hold dead shit like ICP. what a loser lol.

>> No.54783579
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 4C0B16AE-2A1D-48CA-BCA4-55E4C6C8957F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good cope retard. With absolutely no evidence to your point, I decline to disagree and it looks like AVAX is still a fucking roach infested shitcoin, peddled by absolute Mongs like Picrel. Kek.
You’re in the same boat as solana, and unusable shitchain running on Amazon servers (oh I mean partnership rite guys?) it’s a buggy poorly coded dogshit chain, that’s spends its bug money on advertising on biz of all places. Get lost losers

>> No.54783603

nobody cares what an uninformed mouthbreather like you thinks. keep seething.

>> No.54783618
File: 136 KB, 1417x1417, Fu2kYnbWwAADK47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone of you fags max minting this shit?

>> No.54783699

>n.nnnooo one cares.
I think you care and I think you seethe.
See you in a few weeks with all the unlocks! I’ll be salt mining in your loli trading threads faggot.

>> No.54783711

>I think
kek good joke
>with all the unlocks
newfag that doesnt know unlocks have always been bullish for AVAX price?
whats it like to be a Laggard?

>> No.54783716

anon you sound very angry. maybe go out for a walk to clear your head

>> No.54783958
File: 331 KB, 1663x3085, __komi_shouko_komi_san_wa_komyushou_desu_drawn_by_kairunoburogu__2a3335ee8aa568ae79c532331db2b058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a sole connoisseur, the one of the left is pretty good, the other foot is like spider web gook shit. The smile is a very nice touch, could also make her pouty or domineering.
picrel, notice how it has definition, toes are realistically meaty, fleshy, curvature, can see she's not flat footed, redness on the side she walks on, heel and shadows, doesnt have massive spaces inbetween toes unless she's doing a full spread in which case the bottom of the soles would reflect it (like when you invert an orange or a lemon, same effect)
Inpainting is aids, I've tried to perfect a few things myself, spent 10 hours on one of my waifus just one part of her body and I couldnt quite get it right but this was last year so idk if SD evolved at all since. Also cba renting out more RAM again

>> No.54783997

Fucking faggots, the entire lot of you.

>> No.54784060

whos talking to you nigger?

>> No.54784173
File: 316 KB, 1299x1812, 1613931600093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the (You)
Don't forget to keep bumping the thread anon, you're doing a great job!

>> No.54784995


>> No.54785295
File: 181 KB, 859x703, 1681510988382263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see that Emin is now paying you to work on weekends, that means he is scared as fuck

>> No.54785418

>ICP baggie

>> No.54785625

n-word used

>> No.54785696

How is increasing 2% of the circulating supply bullish? This just sounds like cope

>> No.54785746

Most AVAX is staked or delegated to Validators, also ALL unlocks in the history of Avalanche were bullish for the price.
as a newfag you probably dont know this.
must suck to be a laggard nigger.

>> No.54785754

That doesn’t make any sense at all

>> No.54785773

>newfag trying to understand the clownworld markets

>> No.54785788

yes because you're a retard newfag who doesn't know what's going on

>> No.54785803

n-word used
enough sell liquidity for people to buy

>> No.54785881

so, how substantial do we think the pokemon partnership is gonna be?

>> No.54785894

This just sounds like cope

>> No.54785975

Now that’s a complete lie. If you know anything about Nintendo you’d know they’d build their own chain similar to what the nba did. They’re so greedy they wouldn’t support another platform

>> No.54785990

well its not, its indeed facts that all Avalanche unlocks have been bullish.
>they’d build their own chain
their own Avalanche Subnet yes.

>> No.54786003
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>> No.54786315

wait there is a pokemon partnership?!

>> No.54786725

Calling bs on that, it's just retarded speculation

>> No.54786728
File: 636 KB, 1170x1424, 76E5638C-5B26-4D39-9440-1A1915B8FAB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fun speculation..

>> No.54786744
File: 674 KB, 1170x1127, 56ACEB2F-6DB7-437E-BEB2-79C28DA0CFD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder what the secret project is… maybe the banner is nothing…

>> No.54786775


>> No.54786864
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>> No.54786952
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>avalanche was literally invented by team rocket

>> No.54786974
File: 34 KB, 930x202, C1FDEC67-03FA-4158-96B5-E8B0E1EDE2FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s always been there. Honestly, not expecting anything direct as far as a partnership goes. Maybe some indirect partnership with Pokémon company.

>> No.54787039
File: 646 KB, 1284x2178, 1682789039020245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other "partnership" kek! Same old trick to get ready for another release. The VAX is getting exposed left and right!

>> No.54787050
File: 5 KB, 336x331, AVAXJAPlkogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ava Labs is extremely active in Japan.

>> No.54787069

>mouthbreathing nigger newfag doesnt know that unlocks are bullish in crypto and especially for AVAX

>> No.54787078

Another unlock?! Shit!!!! I didn’t know about this! Why wasn’t there a vesting schedule?! What are they going to dump tokens on us?! Is this the reaction you want, retard?

>> No.54787149
File: 1.28 MB, 1360x5751, Roachie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there you go, instant raging responses and i take they're rotti off the table.

>> No.54787163
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You shall not eat today.

>> No.54787168
File: 58 KB, 966x1014, Roi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>degree in Biotech and Physics
>worked for Chainlink Labs
>now Head of Japan of Ava Labs
>successfull entrepreneur, business consultant, and investor

could Roi pitch the Pokemon Company?
for sure he could.

>> No.54787180
File: 43 KB, 855x924, Ohnonono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX is a scam, and i will continue to expose you FOR FREE. Stop destroying peoples lives for a couple of rupees!

>> No.54787197
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>> No.54787227
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>> No.54787231
File: 37 KB, 620x465, Gün (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old FUD from years ago
>doesnt know what liquid staking, lending and autocompounding is
kek these newfags
>Stop destroying peoples lives
ICP will be destroyed and sued by the CFTC and so will be many other scams and their supporters.
the case is actually already in the works so your AVAX fudding is meaningless and a waste of time, you should seek a Lawyer asap.
you dun goofed kiddo.

>> No.54787250
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>written by a salty Polkadot baggie

>> No.54787255

Holy Mother of based

>> No.54787276
File: 39 KB, 673x388, ROACH FREEDMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should seek a Lawyer asap.
Don't worry i know the right guy for the job

>> No.54787288

Mommmmm! I’m exposing them again! I got them mom. Can we go to McDonalds now?

>> No.54787376


>> No.54787418

Fucking kek. Check mate for the retarded roach faggots

>> No.54788251
File: 388 KB, 1155x1323, AWS-Startups-Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlet fud, the AWS blogs author Megan Crowley took some quotes from Emin and John so she credits them at the top as a courtesy. She does this with with other projects that Amazon has partnered with as well, see pic.

also here is a quote directly from Howard Wright, VP and global head of startups at AWS
>“We aspire to be strategic long-term partners; it’s a differentiating and motivating factor for us,” Wright said. “So the complement of the Subnets and our Activate we think is the perfect time, perfect opportunity and we humbly think we’ll look back years in time and see this as a significant time for blockchain expansion.”
>As for the future for AWS? It plans to be “more proximate to developers and partners,” Wright said. “Not just a Seattle headquarters […] we’re trying to bring this to the proverbial seven kids in a garage somewhere and we’re going to be more proximate and nimble with high-value partners like Ava.”

>> No.54788320

Ahh the same fagging jeet tier FUDer is back from his vacation, it was nice while it lasted bros.

>> No.54788366

Are you a retard? None iof this is bullish you fucking simpleton. Read between the lines
>So the complement of the Subnets
This is the partnership- AVAX paying Amazon to host its (lol) blogchain on it
>we’re try to bring this to the proverbial seven kids in a Garage.
Marketing horsepiss to get the word ‘blockchain’ on a sell sheet for Amazon.
the only brainlet here is you, you’re an absolute disgrace.

>> No.54788504
File: 64 KB, 922x728, avaxvalidators4823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Building out other parts of the infrastructure that developers need beyond the BFT consensus aspect of whatever it is they're trying to create and then offering products and services based on that.
>muh aws chain
absolutely shit tier FUD, IDK how many times picrel needs to get posted for you to stop spamming. Please put more effort into your content, it's boring at this point.