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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54764238 No.54764238 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is going on

>> No.54764254

60 million for a bunch of floors that are all identical still sounds retardedly high

>> No.54764256
File: 3.28 MB, 777x777, notrealsocialism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elect leftists
>enjoy perks of leftism


>> No.54764271

SF will be an undervalued market before you know it. Make Cali Great Again

>> No.54764282

San Fran India lmao

>> No.54764287

leftoidism - it doesn't work.

>> No.54764286

The tech bubble has burst

>> No.54764309

Buy the dip. In 2030 when automated drone swarms fly through the streets and automatically euthanize anyone with crack or heroin in their bloodstream, the city will be empty and the renaissance can begin.

>> No.54764327

just turn it into apartments, that will fix everything.

>> No.54764332

They weren't even real leftists, just retarded grifters telling low iq mutts exactly what they want to hear: police defunding, equality, gibs, repah ray shuns, cake for all

>> No.54764333

Completely empty and useless now for tech companies. And supposedly most of these office buildings are useless for conversion because of the way the pipes and windows are arranged. The apartments in the middle of the building would have zero windows lmao

>> No.54764338

>Faggots are still posting twitter threads from Jewish influencer meme accounts
Nothing out of the usual it seems?

>> No.54764364

Why would that happen? the drone robots would kill only white men and japanese on sight and radar.

>> No.54764380

>the drone robots would kill only white men and japanese on sight and radar.
Here's why thats a good thing

>> No.54764389

the newly built salesforce tower?

>people wfh
>dont need new tower
>tower sell cheap

What's so hard to understWKSMDand?

>> No.54764420

Because covid proved no office workers physically have to show up to an office.
The only reason why office's are a thing is because the company already paid for the lease, they're gonna use them.
After the contract is over, bye bye

>> No.54764429

Huh, that actually sounds like a good way to start one of those Judge Dredd towers with everything people need to live being inside one building. The sides can all be lined with livable apartments and the center of the building could be filled with various businesses, maybe even schools/churches if it really takes off.

>> No.54764598

Could you imagine how little you could charge per unit and still yield decently when it was purchased so low!

>> No.54765136

but imagine if they turned them into a fertilizer factory
you could pick up all the human poo around it and make billions

>> No.54765144
File: 44 KB, 452x362, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not RELE leftism

>> No.54765155

Time for China man to slurp up some bags

>> No.54765182

cheaper just to demolish it and build a new building.

>> No.54765306

>the world discovered wfh
>the tech bubble has burst

>> No.54765351
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"real" or not it does not matter collectivism in general share the same bullshit

>> No.54765501
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>capitalism eats itself after reaching its built in expiry date

>> No.54765551

>They weren't real leftists bro
>Sure everyone including themselves identify them as leftists and they implement leftist policies, but it's not true leftism bro
>If it was real leftism it couldn't have had bad outcomes, that's how you know it wasn't real leftism bro

>> No.54765681

Theres about 10 Asians per Indian there (Indians aren’t Asians)

>> No.54765796

You're confusing jewish fascim with capitalism

>> No.54765842

They should house the homeless in it.

>> No.54765928

>real leftists are too retarded to beat grifters
And you think you are better than trump qoomers lol.

>> No.54766111

you NPC poltards are just as annoying as redditors. in fact ure probably a redditor rapefugee, you have virtually the same retarded minds

>> No.54766251
File: 1.17 MB, 455x455, 1629211131587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look here you can see a redditor using a double bluff to try and make the poster walk back.
He wants him to give concessions to prove he is not the name he called him.
He has done this his entire life to avoid thinking; any real discussion would reveal him as retarded. The only difference between him and a trumpnigger is they are not afraid to show their retardation.
Notice the name is vague and subjective and has no real meaning. This man is a beggar, and should be treated like the homeless; with beatings.
This is an endangered species. It follows excessive mating rituals and spends half its waking hours attempting to find a mate, but fails repeatedly. It will become obsessed with one potential mate and follow it, childless, until it dies. Similar to pandas and koalas, who could eat other foods but are dumbfucks.

>> No.54766261

>real estate prices plummet
>still filled with mexicans
You can keep it, anon.

>> No.54766275
File: 1.34 MB, 640x779, spiderman bank jew nice to meet you david.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54766283

>communist on a business board

>> No.54766682

>cheaper to demolish and rebuild skyscraper
Yeah, no.

>> No.54766704

>imagine lefty/biz/
The horror.

>> No.54766720

As an office worker I can tell you that no one enjoys a three hour commute to sit in a shitty office that is either too hot or too cold listening to your shithead coworkers talk about sports or other faggot shit. Cities are hellscapes that are best avoided.

>> No.54766758

That's actually a good idea, a bunch of micro apartments on each floor

>> No.54767939

Leftists make their states shitty on purpose to force leftist voters to migrate to red states and turn them blue
It's like self-aware cancer

>> No.54768022

You just described 100 years of socialism/communism

>> No.54768037

don't forget jeets!