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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54761735 No.54761735 [Reply] [Original]

From being nationalized and pilfered by the left and given to mexicans.

>> No.54761746

Different question. Should I take out my roughly 60k 401k, take the hit and just buy btc and eth?

>> No.54761787

Yes. I did just that and no regrets whatsoever.

What people don't mention about 401k's:
> You need to make sure you're getting a good yearly return on your stocks
> Does your employer even offer a match, and a good match at that?
> You need to put a FUCKLOAD of money into it over many years for it to give results. Roughly 10% a year, even with compounding, isn't going to do much for you in the end.

You have to keep wageslaving with a high salary for a 401k to really work for you.

>> No.54761792

you get what you vote for

>> No.54761803
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Bitcoin solves this.

>> No.54761979

I think you’ll get a fair enough warning before this actually happens to withdraw everything but who knows. Stupid fucking leftists always show their hand through the (((media))).

>> No.54762163

You're forgetting the biggest negative of the entire stock market, which is that you're just providing exit liquidity for boomers.

>> No.54762641

I think they will posion pill retirement vehicles to make them less attractive then pass a huge tax on 401ks once they have infinite power from a spic horde voter base. The IRS is their access to our retirement accounts and with a 40% tax on all retirement funds they can pool that money and give it to hundreds of millions of poor 65 year old beaners without 401ks we will have in 2060 assuming we won't already have had a bronze age colapse by then.

>> No.54762657

From working with them, I know they spend all of their money on cars with speed holes & vents

>> No.54762944

The more I research the more I wonder if retirement is a big scam.

>> No.54763206

It is gov makes you put money away so they can spend it then they rape the next generations to be able to pay it back to you when you finally retire.