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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54758772 No.54758772 [Reply] [Original]

Exactly 1 year to go until the next halving.

>> No.54758817

Is anyone here mining Bitcoin? No? Therefore we are happy about it because miners will dump less and prices will rise. But looking beyond that it's a 50% security budget cut that will ultimately mean the end of Bitcoin as we know it. Mixed feelings.

>> No.54758825

Explain the utility of Bitcoin without referencing price or the ability to be used as a medium of exchange. Why use Bitcoin for online payments when fiat is cheaper and more convenient to use?

>> No.54758828

>its a bubble

>> No.54758861

It's not about being a bubble or not. It's about the chain having enough miners to secure it.

>> No.54758918
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Perfect property

>> No.54758938

It seems it will result in further miner centralization as smaller scale miners become unprofitable.

>> No.54758942

Dev will figure something out
DBI army motherfucker

>> No.54758950

Further decentralization as the network seeks out all stranded energy on earth

>> No.54759066

Do you know what that means? Or did you hear it from some moonboy and thought it sounded cool

>> No.54759109


>> No.54759124

miner centralization is not my problem, let them get rekt every cycle downturn while my butcorn is more valuable. its their greed that powers the network

>> No.54759126

Doesn’t the bull market usually start like a year after the halving?

>> No.54759142

>Why use Bitcoin for online payments when fiat is cheaper and more convenient to use?
ACH is not more convenient. It takes days sometimes up to a week to send money to people elsewhere.

>> No.54759179

Its definitely your problem if youre actually interested in btc replacing fiat some day

>> No.54759228

where did you get this prediction? I've calculated the hash rate myself and I am now convinced it's happening December-January in literally 8 months.

>> No.54759233

Yes it's accumulation year

>> No.54759249

So I should work as much as possible for the next two years and dump every dollar I save into bitcoin?

>> No.54759282

We are already at a point where no hobbyist is mining anymore. Minimum miner orders from manufacturers are in six digits USD and give bulk order savings beyond this, buying a single miner has 100%+ markup, publicly traded Bitcoin mining companies making deals with nuclear power plants for cheap electricity etc. It's already a completely industrialized business.
>stranded energy
Maybe decentralizing between the multimillion dollar companies that have access to this energy.
>not my problem
It will be when chain security starts being a real problem in the future. This halving we're still fine though.

>> No.54759283

Yes but there is typically a few projects that go through their runs in the leading year. To seesaw values and shell game up BTC stacks in the following year. It's worth it to play with the early winners and you get to guess at the narrative. Last time it was going to be about DeFi but got hijacked by Binance and it all became about their DeFi LARP and wash trading dog coins to dump on Reddit. If it's a repeat of last time, we'll get some promising narrative in the summer of 2024 and BNB will deverop their own, shill the fuck out of it, then things get manic and they dump shitcoins on people while the new king celebrity gets in on it.

>> No.54759305

YES! Also alts that you think will survive the year. This year is absolutely critical for future wealth, those who take it advantage of it will make a lot of money.

>> No.54759458

literally not my problem. big conglomerates will sort it out and I will free ride from their work and investment.

I dont shill bitcoin.
I dont promote bitcoin.
but i have been living off bitcoin for a longass time now.

The goyim were meant to work for us, just buy, hold, and sell when needed. dont care about what they do with the tech or the network, and if they fork again i keep it just in case.

>> No.54759488


>> No.54759490

We're going to be so fucking rich

>> No.54760331

If I don't make it in this one it's fucking over
>t. been here since 2017
>$400 to $4k bull '17
>$4k to $300 bear 18-19
>top $117k in 2021
>cashed $20k, drop to $30k in '22 bear
Now I don't know what to load so I can at least be in 6 fig hell within the next couple years.

>> No.54760369

It's halvening, bros.

>> No.54760428


>> No.54760491

It's the only form of wealth that you can take with you to the afterlife.

>> No.54761391

Speed of online transfer. You try to transfer some money between banks, it can take up to 2 days. No thank you.

>> No.54761489

well what did you buy in 2021, you WERE in six figure hell but you didn't sell

>> No.54761696

You can send it to whoever you want, and you can send any amount of for any reason or no reason at all.

There are no limits
No rules
No AML frameworks

And unlike fiat currency, all the bitcoin is actually there. Not "oh we only hold 10% of our actual deposits"

>> No.54762064

I bought CAKE, LINK and other shitcoins. Won big, but fell for the staking meme.

>> No.54763157
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>> No.54763365
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>> No.54763462

Btc price keep going up
Usd price keeps going down

Btc is barely a stable coin at this point

>> No.54764357

if lightning doesn't take off, and it didn't for the 6 years it exists and the btc legal tender stays a meme, btc reached the top of its S curve. nowhere to grow

>> No.54764403
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We're going to be so fucking rich holding AVAX

>> No.54764428

as a maxi i wonder this same thing. One day it just wont be profitable for them anymore.

I keep hearing fees but unless fees massively get stacked on L2/3 solutions idk

>> No.54765569

literally GMX

>> No.54765626
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I expect my NW to rise to $4 million by 7 months after the halving and I'll finally quit working full time in 2025. God is good.

>> No.54765636

It's one of the few assets that can't be passed down when you die if you use a physical wallet and don't give anyone the key code. When I die 2.73 billion dollars worth of Bitcoin will be locked away forever and that makes me happy :)

>> No.54765696
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I'm all about stake AVAX and plan to make it by 2025.

>> No.54766621

Maybe is time to slurp some avaxxies?

>> No.54766642

Priced in

>> No.54766654

It's just hopium. The next halving will be when everyone quits this drug.

>> No.54767763

>Thinking there's gonna be a bull market when we're in giga recession for the next decade

>> No.54768074
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>as a maxi i wonder this same thing. One day it just wont be profitable for them anymore.
Then you are what's called a 'brainlet', not a 'maxi'. As it BTC becomes scarcer, blocks will ultimately produce just 0.0001 BTC, for example. But since, as maxis understand, BTC will then be $10 million per BTC, miners will still be in profit.

>> No.54768185

stop calling yourself a maxi and take the back seat. youve obviously no clue how mining profit and difficulty scales with BTC scarcity

>> No.54768350

Buying LSD on Silkroad

>> No.54768483

Hi Satoshi

>> No.54768637

I agree. Can you give me a few others? Avax, pendle , Rdx?

>> No.54768889

>Exactly 1 year
dont trust the date predictions: they fluctuate wildly
it has been seesawing from early march to early july for the last year

>> No.54769016

I would be bullish. Recall that bitcoin is supposed to be an alternative to USD. Many people will flood in wanting to keep their money safe.